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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

Page 6

by Belle Winters

  When she couldn’t avoid us any longer, she made her way slowly over to us scanning all of the other occupants in her section, like she was hoping one of them would need her. No such luck.

  She finally made it to our table and looked over to Dante first and gave him this cheesy ass grin. “Can I get you anything?” she asked.

  Dante smiled back at her and checked her out. I scowled at the fuck. “I’m not sure, can you tell me what’s on the menu?”

  My hands clenched into fists. What the fuck? Now, I kept my mouth shut because I expected her to call him on his shit. She seems to have a habit calling people out on their come-ons.

  Imagine my surprise when her ass said, “don’t worry then honey. I’ll take care of you.” Then winked at him and turned her attention to Angelo without another word.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I said not able to keep it in.

  She turned to look at me and gave me a small frown. “Don’t worry sir, I’ll be right with you.”

  She was fucking playing with me. She was acting like she didn’t know me and she was being all cute and flirty for my fucking men. I didn’t hear a word said between her and Angelo because I was too busy fuming in my seat. Finally, she turned to me, and the smile fell from her face, and she looked at me uninterested. She looked down and began picking at her nails and fucking sassed me. “You wanted something?”

  I’m more convinced than ever that she just needed someone to punch her in the fucking forehead and knock some sense into that noggin on her shoulders. “Julie, if you want to keep your job and your life I suggest you cut the bullshit. Rick knows what I drink.”

  Her eyes sparked, and I knew I was in for it. She pushed out her bottom lip pouting. “What’s the matter with the big bad thug?”

  I groaned. “Wait a minute…” Dante said looking back and forth between us. “This is the girl?” he asked.

  I looked at him and frowned. “The fuck you mean?” I asked. I never talked about her.

  “Man, everyone been chatting about her. They were talking about some new chick that got you on your toes. I didn’t believe that shit, of course…” he trailed off then waved a hand at Julie. “But I guess they were right.”

  She liked that shit because she grinned. “You heard that? I got you on your toes, running in circles…” her smile widened. “Pissing your pants.”

  I was done with her and her big mouth. “You can leave. Get the fuck out of here and get our orders or else you’re fired.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m convinced you just like hearing yourself say that. You’ve threatened to fire me a good 50 times already, and I just started today. You’re not going to fire anybody, so stay calm. I’m going to get your drinks.” And then she was gone.

  Angelo started snickering almost immediately. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “I like her.”

  I shook my head. “That’s only because you don’t know how crazy she really is.” Then I turned my attention to Dante and gave him a hard look. “And quit your shit. You fucking look at her again I’m going to shoot you in the fucking eye. I don’t care who you are, got it?” I asked.

  I turned my attention back to the floor looking for the little firecracker while those two exchanged looks to each other like fools. They can take it how they want to, I spoke my peace.

  Julie came back a couple of minutes later holding two glasses. If you’re surprised, I’d have to worry about your sanity too. I expected her to pull some shit. What I’ve been catching on to is that her motive is to get a reaction out of me. If I don’t give her shit, maybe she’ll quit the bull while she was ahead.

  I pulled out my phone and began messing with it as she approached the table. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she wooed Angelo and Dante all the while waiting for me to acknowledge her or the fact that she didn’t have my drink. Nope, I’m not feeding into it. Eventually, she walked away and came back a minute later with my drink. She put it down on the table, hesitated then walked away. When I was sure she was gone, I slid my phone into my pocket and looked up to two angry men.

  “What?” I asked.

  Dante shook his head. “That was cold.”

  Of all the things I’ve done… he considers that cold? “Whatever.” Think what you want.

  Angelo piped in. “Forreal, that poor girl. She was looking at you waiting for you to say something. Why’d you do that to her?”

  I groaned. “Is this an intervention?” I asked. Why the hell were they going on about this for?

  Dante shrugged and arched an eyebrow. “Should it be?”

  I mimicked his movement. “Depends. Will it end with me offing you?” I asked.

  He held his hands up in surrender. That’s what I thought.

  How the hell did she get my most loyal men defending her and she spoke to them for all of two minutes? I’m not liking how things are moving, and I feel like it’s only going to get worse until I can get rid of this pain in my ass.

  Chapter 6


  The past few weeks went by smoothly. I fell into a comfortable routine that consisted of school, work, and sleep. Compared to those initial days, things have certainly died down. I’m convinced I may have become addicted to the drama that seemed to revolve around Giovanni and me.

  He’s been keeping his distance from me. I cant tell whether it was intentional or not, but I haven’t seen him. Maybe once, and that was in the club from afar. I guess it was the smart thing to do. Although our bantering gets my blood flowing, I don’t know exactly how smart or safe it was if it continued. It was kind of like playing with a loaded gun and hoping the safety was on, but knowing deep down the gun didn’t have a safety. I’ve just been chalking it up to being a blessing, I guess. There was no real need to keep playing Russian roulette. Plus, he was technically my employer, and I didn’t want to lose my job.

  Thankfully today was Monday. I just finished up my last class for the day and needed to head home. I had to work tonight, but I would have a few hours beforehand and all day tomorrow to get my paper done for my child development class and study for my French exam. I began the trek home. The whole time my mind was preoccupied with my assignment trying to determine what I wanted to focus my paper on. It wasn’t one of my favorite classes. There was a lot more material that was movie based, and I wasn’t used to that. I much preferred to read about things. I mean, I could be a visual learner, but it would have to be something that captures my attention. These flicks were some of the most boring things I ever saw in my life. How did my professor really expect someone to learn something from this crap when I could barely keep my eyes open for it? I really screwed myself over this year with my class choices.

  When I got home, it appeared to be empty. I was surprised when I found Taylor in our room fast asleep. Yea well, whatever. Ever since Giovanni was crazy enough to come into my home, my mother and sister have been trying to corner me. I’m about positive that Taylor told our mom who he was because my mom was suddenly looking at me with dollar signs in her eyes. Avoiding them has been more difficult than usual, but so far so good. Plus, I didn’t really have anything to tell them.

  I pulled out my textbook and the no doubted boring DVD I needed to watch and went over to my computer. I hit the power button… and nothing. The light didn’t come on or even flash. I frowned, what the heck. I tried again, and again, and again to no avail. I groaned and got out of my chair and got down on my hands and knees on the floor. I crawled under my sketchy desk to make sure the computer was plugged in. I was mystified when it looked perfectly fine and reached out a hand to make sure the plug was all the way in.

  I paused at the last second when a drop hit my hand. I frowned and peered up. There was a small puddle of liquid at the edge of the desk and I hopped up like my ass was on fire. I looked behind the books at the edge of my desk, and there was a cup flipped on its side with just a small pool of liquid left. I peered down behind the desk, and it looked as though the cup
was knocked over and spilled directly over the plug. My face immediately flushed with anger, this could not be happening. I crawled back from under the table and stood.

  “Taylor,” I called out.

  “TAY – LOR!” Still nothing.

  I screamed in frustration, turned around and snatched the red plastic cup off the desk that no doubt held alcohol at one point. I threw it at Taylor, and the cup bounced off her head and rolled on her bed. She still didn’t move an inch. I grabbed a sheet of paper and a black permanent marker and wrote her a note,




  I taped the note to the door, and gathered my work and left the house. I walked the ten blocks to the library to use the computer there. Naturally, school just got out, and the place was packed with grade school kids. All of the computers were in use, and the sign-up sheet was packed. There were like ten names in front of me. Thankfully they had six computers, so I shouldn’t be waiting long.

  You know it kind of pissed me off having to sit here and wait. These kids were here using the computers most likely looking at stuff that they didn’t want their parents to find in their search history at home. Meanwhile, I got real shit to do, and I’m stuck sitting here twiddling my thumbs like a moron. It took two painful hours for me to get on a computer, and all that freaking waiting to get kicked off after 30 minutes, and I got absolutely nothing accomplished.

  Completely frustrated, I walked back home. I would have to come up with something. I damn sure couldn’t afford a computer right now, not even one like the hunk of junk that I had. A computer was necessary if I was going to be able to get any homework done. I mean, whatever happened to the days that a handwritten paper was acceptable? It definitely wasn’t anymore. I groaned as I walked into the house. It was still quiet. However Taylor was now gone, and the note that I left for her had been pulled off the door and was on the floor in the doorway ripped in two. Lovely.

  I was over the top frustrated, and no matter how much I tried to get reading done I just couldn’t focus. My mind was running a mile a minute trying to come up with a solution for this huge problem. Eventually, I gave up any hope of getting something done today and started going through my routine. Find something to wear – although that wasn’t too hard anymore. I did spend some cash on a few pieces. I made some steak and potatoes which I took my time devouring, then I headed out to work.

  I decided to take the bus since I had a full bookbag, and work wasn’t exactly close. I wanted to get there a little early so I can work on my problem. Naturally, there was traffic, so I got to work with only fifteen minutes to spare. As soon as I stepped inside, I ran into Becca.

  “Hey, honey.” She greeted me.

  She was always so bubbly. “Hey, Becca,” I said returning her smile.

  I looked around and didn’t see who I was looking for. I turned back to Becca. “Say, do you know if Giovanni is here today?” I asked.

  Her entire face transformed into a scowl. “Yea…” she hesitated for a beat before continuing. “He came in a little bit ago.”

  Good. “Ok, thanks.”

  I started to walk off, and she grabbed my arm. “Why’d you ask?” She never came off as catty to me, but the way she asked sure did set off alarm bells in my head.

  “No reason really.”

  I walked around her and went to my locker where I put my stuff away. I made my way through the club to Giovanni’s office constantly checking to make sure none of the other staff was paying me any attention. The last thing I wanted was to raise questions or start false rumors. They might have the wrong idea as to why I was seeking him out, as I’m sure Becca already has.

  I lifted my hand to knock, but his voice pierced through the door first. “Yes Julie?” he called out.

  I strolled into the room and saw the two guys he’d sat with the other day in my section. “Hey, there boss man, what’s crackin’?” I asked.

  He looked up at me and arched an eyebrow. “Who talks like that?” He asked.

  I shrugged as I made my way to them and the bigger one of the two that I flirted with the other day got up and offered me his chair. I plopped down in the seat. “Everyone does.”

  Giovanni shook his head. “What do you want?” he asked.

  I grinned, and he groaned. “So, about that raise…” I said.

  He closed his eyes and muttered something under his breath before looking back to me. “Get out.”

  I pouted. “Oh, don’t be like that. I just need a small raise. You know, enough to buy a computer is all.”

  His eyebrow flew up. “I thought you had one.”

  I scoffed. “So did I. It was serving its purpose up until the moment I got home and tried to get some homework done just to see my sister spilled liquid on the damn cords and sockets. The thing won't turn on now.” I explained.

  He laughed. “And that’s my problem because…?”

  I threw my hands up exasperated. “Oh come on. It's not like it’s going to break your pockets. I’ll go back to my regular rate after.” I tried to negotiate.

  He was grinning. “No. Now, get to work before I fire you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You and this whole firing business. It’s getting old. You cant fire me without grounds. It’s illegal.”

  He looked at me like I was stupid. I slapped my forehead. “Oh right, you’re a gangster.”

  The guy standing off to the side snickered, and Giovanni glared at him. “Something funny Dante?” he asked.

  The Dante guy tried to stifle his laughter but failed. “No, sir.” He said with a big grin on his face.

  Giovanni sighed. “The answer is no, so if that’s what you came here for you can leave.” He said dismissing me.

  I stood up and stretched. “Cool. So, I’m here till closing. I’ll meet you at the doors, and we’ll head over to your place so that I can borrow yours.” I said with a nod. I was willing to compromise.

  I started for the door. “Excuse me?”

  I sighed. “You can’t really be that dense. I need a computer. I got papers to write, research to do, boring movies to watch. Since you’re not going to pay me enough to get my own, I’ll just borrow yours until I can replace mine.” I explained.

  “No.,” he said simply.

  “What do you mean no? This is where you’re supposed to bend and accept the offer since we’re trying to negotiate here.” I put my hands on my hips. “I’ll explain how that works for you. Typically when two people negotiate, they have to both compromise which means they have to give a little even if they don’t want to. I’ve already hit the bottom of the totem pole by saying I’ll use yours. There’s not any lower I can get here. You gotta work with a girl.”

  “Who the fuck said anything about a negotiation. I’m telling you flat out no. I don’t have to accept anything you basket case.” He said slowly like I was missing something.

  I wasn’t. I knew he didn’t agree to anything, but I was hoping to wear him down. That didn’t appear to be working so I was going to look for other options. I looked over to Dante and batted my lashes. “I’m kind of in a bind here… would you by chance have a computer that I can use?” I asked sweetly.

  He grinned and opened his mouth to answer me when Giovanni slammed his hand on the desk startling all of us. “Julie, enough of your shit.” He turned to Dante and glared. “Don’t even think about it.” He said. Dante held his hands up in surrender, and I frowned confused as I watched them have a silent conversation. When I guess they were done, his eyes swung to me. “I’ll be in front with the car at close. Hobble your crazy ass to me when you’re finished working.”

  I shook my head. “So sweet.”

  He growled. “Don’t push your luck, sweetheart.”

  I glared at him. “You know, that’s supposed to be a term of endearment. You don’t use it that way.” I pointed out. “Do you call all of your enemies that?” I shook my head. “That probably makes situations really
awkward for you, huh?”

  He squeezed his eyes shut, and pinched the bridge of his nose, then with his free hand pointed to the door. “Get out!”

  I held my hands up. “Okay, okay. I’m going.” I grinned at him. “Don’t shoot.”

  I saw him pick something up out of the corner of my eye as I flew out the door laughing. I heard it hit the closed door behind me and giggled the entire way out to the floor.



  The fuck.

  Julie was nuts, and apparently thing one and two in here thought she was the funniest thing walking. They keep laughing at her bullshit they won't be walking at all. My head was pounding, and I was still stumped. How the fuck had, she waltzed in here and walked out still having her way? I was holding firm on her, even though I did feel a tad bit bad for her. I didn’t know a lot about her, but I knew enough to know that although she laughed and joked about it… she really did need a computer or at least access to it.

  The problem is that I’ve been making sure to avoid her. If I needed to go out on the floor, I would check her on the cam and go any other way. When I came and left, I used the side door. I’m sure anyone else would think I was crazy for going through such extremes, but I was following my gut telling me that she was bad for my health.

  “You like her,” Angelo stated breaking me out of my musings.

  I looked at him confused. “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “You like her.” He repeated as way of explanation.

  I frowned. “Yea, that’s a no. Have you not met the same person as me? She’s a ticking time bomb. I don’t know how she survived on this earth for as long as she has.”

  He grinned. “Yea, keep telling yourself that.”

  “I’m not you. I don’t like women. I fuck them. You’re the helplessly in love mother fucker.” I said to him.

  He laughed. “Damn straight I love my woman. At least I’m not lonely like you two fucks.” His eyes cut to Dante and danced with mischief. “Well, at least if you don’t want her I’m sure Dante wouldn’t mind. They seem to like each other well enough.” He shrugged. “Hey, you’d be able to call yourself a matchmaker having found your brother his future wife.”


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