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(Anthology) Forever

Page 16

by Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Burke

  Jemi. Don’t be afraid. I know this body is frightening, but it’s me.

  Jemi blinked up at the cat, confused. “Me who?”

  Cody. It’s me, Jemi, Cody.

  “Cody? can this be? You’re a cat. You can’t be Cody. I’m losing my mind.”

  The big head dipped and she sucked in a frightened breath as the cat’s tongue emerged from his mouth and he slowly, deliberately licked each breast, making her nipples immediately harden, much as they’d done when Cody did the same thing during their love making.

  You still taste sweeter than any wine I ever tasted, my delicious darling. The big head moved lower and sniffed her groin area. You’ve mated. Did he please you?

  A hot wave of embarrassment covered her nude body. “Did who please me?”

  Dioni. I watched you mate with him. Volterian males…their cocks are so small.

  Okay. This was too crazy. She was naked in a place that looked like it belonged in some medieval movie with a huge cat standing over her, sniffing her crotch, and talking to her about sex. Not exactly talking, but somehow communicating with her. First, she had to get away from this cat, then she had to find out where she was and what the hell was going on.

  You’re with me, Jemi. It’s taken me a long time, but I finally found a way for us to be together again. I’ve missed you.

  The tip of the warm, wet tongue touched her clit and she had to bite hard on her bottom lip to keep from gasping with pleasure. “Please. Don’t do that again,” she begged. Or she would dissolve into a helpless mass of need as she did when her dream lover tongued her before making love to her.

  The head rose and the green gaze met hers. I’ve waited five long years to taste you again, Jemi. I’ve missed you and the hot, sweet love you surrendered so warmly. All I’ve thought about during that time was making love to you again. Loving you. Licking your big, beautiful breasts, plunging my cock into your sweet cunt. See how much I need you.

  A chill shot through her as a huge, thick shaft with a big pink head emerged from the sheath on his belly. God, almighty, she’d seen that cock many times over the last few weeks. She’d seen it in her dreams, felt it being thrust repeatedly into her body. Oh, lord, she was looking into the visage of her dream lover. Panicking, she gasped and began trying to wiggle away from him on her back. A big paw on her chest, immobilized her.

  “Oh, God, please!” She pleaded. “Let me go!”

  Jemi froze. That was a new voice, a female voice. She looked up at the cat. “Please. Who was that?”

  the female voice answered.

  “Jeroni Teyer, kindly get out of my head!”

  To Jemi’s horror, even when the big paw was removed from her chest, she had no control over her body. The huge male moved forward, bringing his cock closer. She couldn’t stop her legs from opening or her hands from reaching for the huge bronze cock hanging over her head.

  Jemi would have given anything to wake up back home. But in order to wake, she first had to be asleep. And she was very much awake. There was no way she could have dreamed all this.

  She looked up at the cat. “Cody! If somehow that’s you, please make her stop.”

  Jeroni, leave us.


  I’m here, Jeroni. Cody has not harmed me.

  Have no fear, Jeroni. We both have much to learn about my abilities as a Tern Terrian Carnivore. Cody is the body sharer from another place beyond the Mountains of the Gods that I told you about.

  There are other places. I have seen them in the misty place. Cody and Jemi are life mates from beyond the mountains. They’ve been separated for long seasons. I encountered his wandering spirit in the misty place and I have vowed to share his spirit in return for the gift of his body. Let’s leave him with his life mate.

  He has none now, but my memories of my race’s abilities are beginning to surface. Given time, I think I’ll be able to shape shift into his original body. Then, my Jeroni, you and I can finally cunt mate.

  Through our bond. Reach out to me, Jeroni. Touch my mind. Feel my thoughts. Come with me to the misty place.

  You will be safe there with me. The misty place is of Tern Terra, as am I. Trust me.

  I am older now. There are many pleasures and dangers there, but together, we will be safe. Will you come?

  Chapter Three

  Jemi felt the knot of tension that had formed at the base of her skull dissolve, then the voice was gone from her head and she and the big cat was alone. She stared up into the green slitted eyes that were so like Cody’s. The sense of well being she’d always felt with Cody swelled within her. Oh, God, could it be? Had Cody been her dream lover after all? It hadn’t felt like Cody. Could her Cody be trapped in the body of this strange, yet beautiful cat?

  The big paw was removed from her body. Not trapped, Jemi. Hunter is the only Great Carnivores from Tern Terra in all of Volter and Terra.

  “Tern who? Cody, I don’t understand. Where are we? What’s going on?”

  This time when the big head dipped, she felt no fear. The warm, moist tongue lapped lazily at her breasts, making her nipples tighten. The head drifted lower and her cunt began to pulse as the rough edge of the tongue licked slowly at the outer lips of her pussy. She sucked in a deep, aching breath as he flicked at her clit.

  The big, golden head lifted. Her gaze met his green one and she knew that no manner how improbable, she was lying naked on her back with her beloved Cody, housed in the body of the huge cat, crouching over her. However, she also instinctively knew that Cody had not been her dream lover. “Cody!”

  Yes, it’s me, Jemi.

  “Oh, Cody!” She reached out and clutched at the leg nearest her. “I don’t understand.”

  I don’t fully understand it either, but we can talk later. Right now, I need to taste you?

  “Taste me? You mean…?”

  “I need to taste you.”

  “I…oh, yes, Cody! Please.”

  Brushing his big head against her crotch, Cody swiftly stabbed his tongue into the depths of her hungry pussy. Oh, Lord, how she’d missed that sweet, hot tongue of his. She moaned, allowed her legs to fall apart, and closed her eyes. Icy heat enveloped her whole body as the tongue delved repeatedly inside her.

  Her cunt seemed to be super sensitive. Every inch of her inner flesh his tongue touched sent tiny, involuntary shivers through her pussy. She gave herself up to the quick and intense explosion that rapidly approached. Her inner muscles tightened and pulsed and then to her shock, she began...ejaculating. Cody slurped up every drop of her moisture, gave her clit one final flick with his hot tongue, and slowly backed away.

  Jemi lay gasping, stunned by the force of her orgasm, not to mention the fact that she had just ejaculated into his mouth. Not just come, but actually ejaculated. She opened her eyes and her gaze was immediately drawn to the big cock hanging down from his belly.

  Gods of the Mountains what a lovely sight. At ten inches erect, Cody’s cock had been a thing of absolute beauty. Hunter’s cock was awesome. Her pussy began to cream all over again as she contemplated parting her legs further, lifting her hips, and inviting him to drive that sleek bronze monster as deep into her pussy as he could get it.

  Okay, Jemi. Granted, you’ve accepted the fact that this is Cody, but he’s inhabiting the body of a cat with a cock that looks at least fourteen inches.

  long, thick, lovely inches.>

  Jemi shook her head, aware that the last thought had been Jeroni’s rather than hers.

  Listen up, Jeroni. Forget it, she shot the thought back at the unseen nympo sharing her body and her mind. Okay? It’s not gonna happen.

  Oh, damn, Jemi, are you sure? I’ve waited so long to feel your hot pussy around my cock again.

  She blushed at the thought of having her body invaded by Cody’s now alien cock. “But Cody, it’s not your cock and I’m not even sure thi
s is my body,” she protested weakly. This body felt tighter, firmer. Her breasts felt bigger, her nipples larger and more sensitive. Her cunt felt…different. It felt alarmingly big and if it actually could accommodate Cody’s new, even more scrumptious looking cock.

  This is my cock, Jemi and that was your sweet pussy I just tongued. But you’re not ready to accept all you need to know. Put your clothes on and walk with me in the forest and I will try to explain everything.

  As she rose onto unsteady legs, Cody’s head dipped and he flicked at her clit.

  “Stop that,” she moaned, leaning into his side.

  Your pussy tastes sweet. I want to mate with you.

  Jemi gasped and jerked away. That thought had felt different. It hadn’t been Cody speaking. “Who…who is that?”

  There were several moments of absolute silence.

  That was Hunter, Cody finally said.

  “Hunter? Who is he?” But even as she asked, she knew the answer. Hunter was her dream lover who came to her in dreams and fucked her senseless.

  This is his body. He wants to fuck you.

  “So I gathered,” she quipped, amazed that the thought didn’t entirely displease her. Why should it when she’d been lusting after him for weeks and apparently the feeling was mutual.

  After giving Cody, or was it Hunter, one final, long lick at her cunt, she stepped into her skirt.

  Outside the small hut, there was no other name for the small building, Jemi looked at Cody. “Where are we? How did we get here? Are you real, Cody? Or am I dreaming again?” She glanced down at the body she was “in.” This body had large, firm breasts, long legs, a rather shapely, padded behind, and a very flat, taunt belly. Nice body. Too bad it wasn’t hers.

  Walk with me, Jemi.

  Cody turned and slowly padded down the dirt and leaf covered path in front of the hut nestled in the clearing at the end of a forest trail. Happy, but confused, Jemi followed the big male, enjoying the smell of the forest after a spring like rain. Her Cody. Her lips twitched. How fitting that Cody should come back to her in the body of the huge bronze cat.

  You always said you liked your men tall and dark, Cody quipped.

  And Cody had been that. She glanced at the cat stalking beside her. He was that. “I like you anyway I can get you,” she told him softly.

  He responded with a soft lick to her cheek. Tell me about your life since we parted, Jemi. How have you been? Have you been happy?

  She sighed. “I was miserable for a long time after…but I tried to do as you asked, I went on with my life. I’m the executive assistant to a telecommunications multi-millionaire and I live in this really ritzy apartment complex and drive a custom outfitted BMW. I have some really good friends and life is…okay.”

  Your love life?

  She thought of Jeff with his warm smile and understanding blue eyes. “I started dating a guy in my complex about a year ago.”

  Do you love him?

  If she had, she wouldn’t have come running in search of Cody or been so fascinated with her no longer faceless dream lover. “No, but I am fond of him. He’s warm and sweet, and so kind.”

  Would you miss him if you never saw him again?

  She stared at him. Did that mean she wasn’t going back home? She was afraid to ask the question. “Yes, but not in an unbearable way as I missed you.” She looked around. “Where are we? What is this place? When is this place?”

  I have no idea whatsoever if we’re still on Earth or not. Sometimes I think this must be Earth at some point in time or space. How else could you or I haven’t gotten here? But I don’t even know when we are. From what I’ve gathered we’re in a feudal society with two dominate kingdoms, Volter and Terra, both ruled by Liege Lords. We’re in Volter, which is ruled by Liege Lord Donoun. Terra is across the valley beyond the Volter Terra River.

  “How did you get here? Cody, I know you’ve always believed in life after death and that there was life on other places beside Earth, but. . .you’re dead.”

  Not any more, he responded, sounding amused.

  She shivered and bit her lip. For all she knew, she might be dead now too. She pushed the thought away.

  As to how I got here, I don’t know. After I…left you for the last time, there was nothing but darkness and despair and a hopelessness that I’d never see you again. Then suddenly I was in a misty place where everything I wanted I could have. I just had to think about it and it was mine. I had everything I wanted, except you. My psychic path crossed with Hunter’s. He was there hoping to find information on a way back to his home. When he was ready to go, he convinced me that I needed to leave too.

  “Why, if everything you wanted was yours there?”

  There was an extended silence before he finally answered. There’s a price to pay for getting everything you want. You lose a little more of yourself each time you enter. When I pointed out that I had no body and couldn’t leave, Hunter said I could share his.

  “And that was all it took?”

  We both wanted it, so it was. At first, I felt frightened and trapped in his body because we couldn’t communicate outside the misty place. It took awhile, but Hunter and I finally learned to communicate. After that, we found a way to reach you.

  Hunter had done more than “reached her. She wondered if Cody knew Hunter had entered her dreams and become her dream lover.


  I’ve not sure. I think it has something to do with Hunter’s being one of the Carnivores from Tern Terra. They’re said to have all kinds of mystic powers. Hunter is unable to tap into his fully because Liege Lord Donoun’s hunting party captured him as a cub and his memories of his race are limited to vague impressions. But Jemi, it’s rumored that his race has the ability to shape shift. If that’s true, he might one day be able to shape shift into my body.

  The breath caught in her throat. “Do you mean there’s a possibility that you can regain your own body?”

  I’m not sure if I could actually regain it permanently because Hunter’s not sure. However, I’m fairly certain that, given time, Hunter can shape shift into it for a time. All the same, don’t get too excited. This may be as good as it gets, Jemi. Can you learn to love a big tan cat?

  She leaned into his side and kissed his shoulder. “Actually you’re more bronzed than tan and like I said, I’ll take you anyway I can get you. “ She frowned. “What about me? This body is very young and very tight. I’ve been trying to keep in shape lately, but this is not my body, Cody. I’ve never had breasts this big or nipples this sensitive.”

  No, Jemi. It’s not your body. It’s Jeroni’s.

  “I...see,” she said softly, trying to come to grips with all that had happened to her. Again, she was afraid to ask the question uppermost in her mind: where was her body?

  Her breasts are large, but incredibly firm. Her nipples are ripe and sweet to the taste. Her behind is firm and round and have you ever seen such long, beautiful legs. It’s a rather…stunning body, don’t you think?

  Judging by the admiration she heard in his voice, he clearly thought so. “Cody, my pussy...Jeroni’s pussy feels so…big.”

  Big enough to mate with me?

  Jemi felt the sheer lust behind Hunter’s question. She glanced up at Cody.

  He gave a mental shrug. Hunter and Jeroni are natives of a society that sets large store by pursuing sexual gratification. Hunter, as you know, has a huge cock and an almost insatiable lust for pussy. Jeroni’s sexual appetite is a match for his.

  Jemi licked her lips, her heart thumping. “Are you saying that she and Hunter are...lovers?”

  They’d like to be, but they’re forbidden.

  “It’s just as well. She could never take him.”

  Actually, she could. She has a unique vagina.

  “Unique how?”

  It can expand or contract to conform to her lover’s cock, regardless of the size. In its unaroused state, her vagina is huge compared to a human woman’s. It might be a tight s
queeze, but she can definitely take us.

  Us, huh? “And just how do you know so much about her pussy? Have you...Cody, have you been with her?”


  She bit her lip. There was no mistaking the regret in his voice. “No?”

  No, but I know what Hunter knows. Well, some of what he knows. There are portions of his mind shielded from me.

  Like a little fact that he’d been dream fucking her for weeks? She shook her head and concentrated on what Cody was saying.

  He and Jeroni have been together since he was a cub. From him, I know she’s sweet, kind, and giving.

  Sweet and kind? Not exactly the impression Jemi had formed of her host. A sudden, irrepressible need to suck Hunter’s cock seized her. “Cody, are you sure Hunter has never fucked her?” least not with his cock.

  “Then how?”

  With his tongue. After her first mating, he tongue mated with her. Five seasons has passed since then, but he still remembers and cherishes the experience as much as he did when it first happened. Once a season, on their bonding date, he reams her.

  Jemi had a vision of Jeroni lying naked on her back in the bow of a low standing tree. Her legs were up and her behind thrust out. Hunter approached on his hind legs, his magnificent cock out of his sheath aiming at Jeroni’s bottom. A flash of remembered pleasure battered Jemi’s senses as the first few inches of Hunter’s warm, pulsing cock tenderly pierced Jeroni’s eager bottom. Gods of the Mountains.

  Damn, this body and mind sharing was getting to be a bit much. She had “felt” his cock sliding into her behind. What’s more, it had felt damned good. She shook her head, dismissing the memory.

  She glanced at Cody, her face burning. “When does that happen?”

  Once every season.

  “Every season?”

  Did I say season? I meant year. Sometimes being with Hunter gets confusing. Our thoughts and desires sometimes intertwine.

  She nodded. “Oh, I can believe that all right. But how can she let him...?”

  I know the thought shakes you up, Jemi, but this is a different world with completely different cultures and mores. Remember your Sociology 101. Don’t try to judge Volter by Earth standards. Here humans and the Great Carnivores have been mating for many thousands of seasons. It’s the natural order of mating. That’s why the women of Volter have such large vaginas—they were intended to accommodate the cocks of the Tern Terrians. You should know that Hunter and Jeroni enjoy their rare matings.


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