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(Anthology) Forever

Page 17

by Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Burke

  “Yeah, I’ll bet he enjoys it, but how can she? Cody, do you know how big and thick that...thing he calls a cock is?”

  Actually, I do. It’s my cock now too. The only one I have, he reminded her.

  “Oh, don’t misunderstand. I’m not judging them or their culture. I’m just having a problem understanding how she can she possibly take him in her behind.”

  Easier than you think. Her behind, like her pussy, is expandable.


  Volter is like one of those pleasure planets from sci-fi movies with a healthy dose of wars and raiding parties thrown in.

  She shook her head. “What a place. So, she let him tongue her?”

  Yes and they both thoroughly enjoyed it. Although they don’t call it love, they are in love with each other. They want to fuck…just as I love you and want to fuck you again, Jemi.

  She frowned. Although Cody said all the right words, he didn’t say them with any real feeling; at least not with her. When he talked of how sweet and stunning Jeroni was, there had been a wealth of passion in him. When he talked of wanting to fuck her, his tone was clinical, as if any cunt would do. On the other hand, when Hunter spoke of fucking her, she felt the heat and passion of his desire striking an answering chord in her.

  She bit her lip. She was probably being too sensitive. Of course, Cody still loved and wanted her, as she did him. “You cannot begin to imagine how much I want you, but Cody, I…you’re in the body of a cat.” Even as she protested, she couldn’t deny a lecherous thrill at the thought of the big bronze cock torpedoing into her pussy. If Jeroni could handle Hunter in her behind, she could certainly take Cody in her cunt. That is, if she could she get past the thought that Cody was now a cat. Granted, he was a big, sleek, handsome cat, but he was still a cat.

  You have to get past it because it’s me, Jemi. I need you and your beguiling pussy.

  Again, his declaration lacked the passion and fervor Hunter would have put into the same words. Still, she had gone to that small mining town to be with him. Of course, she hadn’t counted on his being a cat.

  He bent his big head and she instinctively turned and brushed her lips against his face. This was her Cody and she would take him any way she could. Sighing, she pressed her lips against his mouth. His whiskers tickled her nose as his tongue snaked out. Gulping, she parted her lips and closed her eyes. His tongue touched hers and a shock of pure lust shot through her whole body. She moaned and linked her arms around his neck. “Oh, God, Cody, I’ve never had such a…delicious kiss.”

  There’s more where that came from. I’m sharing this body with Hunter, but it’s been so long and I need you, Jemi. Soon.

  She pressed her cheek against his head. “Bear with me, Cody.” Still, even as she spoke, she knew it was only going to be a manner of time before she found it impossible to hold out against her need for him, even if his need for her wasn’t as strong. But how could she possibly allow him to put that huge alien dick in her?

  I’ll be gentle, he promised.

  “With a weapon like that, you’d better,” she warned and released her hold on his neck.

  As they started along the path again, he suddenly stopped, rose on his hind legs, and reached up to the branches of a tree above his head. He settled back on all fours and extended his head. Between his teeth was the same rose like flower with the red and green center that had accompanied his Valentine’s Day letter.

  Be my Valentine?

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Oh, Cody! Of course I will.”

  Happy Valentine’s Day, Jemi.

  Smiling, she accepted the flower with one hand while linking the other arm around his neck. He turned his big head and they shared a long, sweet kiss. Oh, God, help her, but she had missed him. “Oh, Cody! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my, love.”

  Your pussy smells sweeter than a forest cat’s. Don’t make us wait too long.

  Placing the flower in her hair, Jemi turned a mock frown on the cat. “Hey, buster, get something straight, if it ever happens, and with a cock the size of yours that’s a big if, it will be me and Cody, not me and you. So you save your lecherous lust for your Jeroni.”

  Cody and I share a cock, Hunter pointed out. If he gets to mate with you, it will be my cock filling your pussy, Jemi, darling—this time for real.

  She gasped.

  That’s right. Those sweet dreams have given me quite an appetite for you…I will feel and enjoy every movement of your sweet pussy closing around our cock. When you come, I will feel your hot juice raining over my cock. Then I will come in you like I’ve never come before and fill your cunt with my seed. You’ll like that. And trust me, my darling Jemi, I will get some of what Cody calls your sweet ass too. I’m going to love filling all your openings with my seed. You’ll love it—just as you did in your dreams.

  The image created by his lustful words sent a wave of heat and hunger through Jemi. She had loved it in her dreams and she wanted it now. The need to lift her skirt and exposed herself to him was hard to resist. Worst yet, she knew he could sense her thoughts and desires. “That’s just plain Jemi to you,” she told him coolly. “Now do you mind? Cody and I were talking.”

  You mustn’t mind Hunter, Cody told her. Mating is very important here and Hunter spends a large amount of time satisfying his huge sexual appetite. Three nights ago, he ravished three mountain felines, one after the other. Earlier today he had two forest cats. The last one had the best forest pussy he’s ever had. Still, no matter how good the sex, he wants to mate with Jeroni.

  And me, she thought with a secret thrill. “Yeah? Well, maybe she’ll let him one day.”

  Chapter Four

  “My Lady Liege.”

  At the sound of the male voice, Jemi turned and found a tall, well built man with a deep tan, naked accept for a Tarzan type loincloth, trotting towards them. Noting the sword scabbard hung across his nicely muscled chest, she drew back against the comfort of Cody’s body.

  It’s all right, Jemi. It’s Dioni, Jeroni’s personal guard and favorite lover.

  Lover? Was there anything or any male her horny host didn’t do or want to do?

  The man halted in front of her and went down on one knee, his head bowled. “My Lady Liege.”

  “What is it?” she asked wearily, not sure how to address him. Where was Jeroni when she was wanted?

  He rose to his feet and lifted his head.

  A sudden delicious memory of this stranger lying between her parted thighs assailed her. As he’d greedily sucked at her breasts, he’d clutched her behind in his hands and pumped her clinging cunt full of hot, creamy seed. God, Almighty. Her pussy moistened recalling just how good cunt mating with this man was. It was all she could do not to reach out, brush his scanty covering aside and fondled the semi-hard dick she knew was hers, or rather Jeroni’s, for the taking.

  “Yes?” she said weakly.

  “Tioni, The Seer is at the hut stop. She says you and Hunter must return there immediately, My Lady Liege.”

  “Tioni?” She turned towards Cody, seeking guidance.

  Hunter replied. Tioni is the seer, he informed her cryptically, in an amused voice.

  She cast a surprised look at the big cat beside her. In addition to a raging lust, the damn thing had a sense of humor. “Thanks, Hunter, that was very...helpful.”

  My pleasure, Jemi, darling, he shot back.

  “Will you go ahead and tell her we’re on our way?” she asked, turning to Dioni.

  “Will that be all, My Lady Liege?”

  “Yes. No.”

  He’d bowled his head and started to turn away. He stopped and turned back. “My Lady Liege?”

  Unable to stop herself, Jemi put her hand between the folds of his loincloth and tenderly fondled him. She hefted his warm, pulsing flesh in her hand. His cock and balls had a nice feel and weight. Oh, damn. Nice. Very nice, indeed. No wonder she’d awakened feeling sated after having been with this handsome hunk. She tightened her fingers around his cock
and felt it harden against her fingers. Several drops of moisture fell from the tip. She removed her hand and smiling at him, she slowly licked her fingers. Hmm. Nice.

  “Would My Lady Liege like me to…attend her?”

  She recognized the eagerness in his voice; it mirrored her own. What had she started? Now he was going to want sex—and rightly so. Hell, she wanted sex. Or should she say some more sex?

  Hey, Jemi. What are you doing? You are not sleeping with this guy. Stop thinking with your pussy. She jerked her hand away from her mouth and stepped back. “Not right now,” she muttered, not quite meeting his gaze. “Later.”

  “As you wish, My Lady Liege.” He bowed again and trotted off.

  You should have fucked him, Cody said, surprising her.

  “What? Cody, he’s a stranger!”

  “He’s not a stranger to Jeroni. He’s totally devoted to her and she finds him satisfying and skillful in bed.”

  “What? I can not believe you asked me to come here and now you’re encouraging me to sleep with a strange man.”

  “Jemi, you have to quickly come to the realization that this is a different place and time. The rules we lived by don’t apply here. They can’t. Here you and I will do and enjoy things neither of us would even have considered doing back home.”

  She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that. Was that his way of telling her he planned to lay other women? She wasn’t ready to think about that. She gave a little shake of her head.

  “Ah, just who is Tioni, The Seer?” she asked quickly, afraid Hunter or Cody or even Jeroni would comment on her engaging in what would have amounted to a sexual assault back home. Lord, what was happening to her?

  “If it’s all the same to you, Hunter, I’d prefer it if Cody responded,” she said.

  Tioni is Liege Lord Donoun’s medium, but after Jeroni’s mother was taken in a raid several seasons pass, Tioni was assigned to help prepare Jeroni for the mating.

  “What mating? And what do you mean by raid?” She glanced around, suddenly uneasy. So far the countryside seemed particularly barren of both people and dwellings. The forest trail they moved along could be harboring all manner of hostiles for all she knew.

  Don’t worry, Jemi. This section of Volterian Forest is set aside for Jeroni’s exclusive use and is well guarded by order of Liege Lord Donoun. Any Terrian attempting to reach this enclave would have been swiftly captured long before they’d penetrated this deep, Cody assured her.

  “But you said Jeroni’s mother had been captured in a raid.”

  That was before Liege Lord Donoun set up warrior parties around the boundaries of Volter. There hasn’t been a successful raid here since Jeroni’s mother, Lady Teyer, was taken.

  “Was Jeroni’s mother returned?”

  No and Liege Lord Donoun has never been the same.

  “I don’t understand. Didn’t he send warriors to rescue her?”

  He wanted to, but both Volterian and Terrian raiding laws forbade it.

  “Raiding laws? They have laws that govern raids?”

  There are laws that govern nearly everything here. It was the only way to stop the Blood Wars. Of course, if Jeroni doesn’t life mate with Liege Lord Siano’s son, Tuteri, they may very well start again.

  “Life mates? As in forever?”


  “But you said she’s in love with Hunter. Yet, she has to mate with this Tuteri? I hope she at least likes him,” she said, as the hut came into view.

  They’ve never met, Cody told her.

  “What? She’s expected to marry a man she’s never met and might not even like, forget about loving? Volter is definitely in the dark ages. No wonder she has such a huge chip on her shoulder.”

  You think she has a chip on her lovely shoulders?

  Lovely shoulders? She tightened her lips. Why didn’t she hear that same passion in his tones when he thought of her? “You think she doesn’t?”

  I know she doesn’t.

  He didn’t seem to notice her coolness. She shook her head. Men could be so easily blinded by passion. She no longer doubted that Cody had a real passion for Jeroni. “Trust me, Cody. She’s carrying around a chip the size of the Rock of you know what on those lovely shoulders of hers.”

  You haven’t been here long enough to see the real Jeroni. She’s young, tender, trusting and very, very sweet.

  Yeah. Right. “How young?”

  She’s seventeen seasons.

  “Seventeen? She’s just seventeen?”

  Seventeen is not the same here, Jemi. She’s packed a lot of living in those years. She first tongue mated when she was eleven and then she cunt mated when she was twelve.

  She stared at him, her eyes wide. “Cody! Twelve?”

  Everything is different here, Jemi. You must remember that. Some Volterian females mate as early as nine. She was ready.

  Sensing the unhappiness behind the haughty retort, Jemi softened. “I’m sure you don’t,” she said.

  I should warn you, Jemi, that Tioni is like no one you’ve ever met. It’s rumored that, like Hunter, she is from Tern Terra.

  “Like Hunter, huh? You mean she’s a huge, lustful cat with a smart mouth?” she asked, sending an amused thought Hunter’s way.

  I’ll show you lust, Jemi, darling, Hunter zinged back. When you let what Cody calls fucking...when you let me fuck you. He tells me it’s the best pussy in the world. I’m going to get some of that good pussy for myself, Jemi, darling. You are going to give me some. Soon. Aren’t you?

  She stopped in front of the hut, breathing deeply. The sheer magnitude of his undisguised desire for her made her so hot. Gods of the Mountains she needed release. Now.

  Then let me give you some release, my sweet Jemi, darling, Hunter urged. My cock is big, thick, and hard, just like you like cock. My tongue ain’t bad either.

  Jemi sucked in a breath. Damn if he didn’t make the thought of surrendering to him overwhelmingly irresistible. Unable to suppress her growing hunger, she lifted her skirt and parted her legs. Hunter’s tongue snaked out. He lapped eagerly at her cunt several times before sinking his long, pink wondrous tongue deep within her. She moaned, shivered, and backed against the wall of the hut. Hunter moved closer and began jabbing his tongue into her. She grabbed his mane and pushed her cunt against his face. Gods of the Mountains, but that felt so good.

  Does my darling Jemi like this? Hunter asked softly. Is it as good as it was in your dreams?

  Lord, yes! Yes! Oh, God, Hunter, your tongue is wonderful. Oh, please don’t stop.

  Not until you come, my Jemi, darling. Come for me, Jemi. Come in my mouth. Let me taste the real thing. Come for me.

  With his tongue thrust deep within the confines of her cunt, he gently nipped at her clit with his upper teeth. She let out a silent, helpless scream of sheer ecstasy and began ejaculating into his mouth. While she whimpered and tried to calm herself, he leisurely licked her pussy clean of her juices.

  Hmm. Good juice. Good pussy, Hunter told her and slowly withdrew his tongue from her.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned softly. She linked her arms around his neck and they shared a quick, sweet kiss. Oh, Lord, that had been wonderful. Even sweeter than in her dreams. No doubt about it. This male was definitely going to become her real time lover—soon.

  I can hardly wait, he told her.

  Jeroni snapped suddenly.

  Blushing, Jemi dropped her skirt. “It’s your pussy he tongued,” she said guiltily.


  She couldn’t deny that what had just happened had been solely between her and Hunter. No Cody, no Jeroni. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  Jeroni snarled, then Jemi felt her softening.

  “Lord, yes!” Jemi moaned.

  She sensed Jeroni’s amusement and Hunter’s male pride. Males. They were alike the universe over, she thought.

  Jeroni informed her casually.

  She bit back a jealous snarl and remained silent. How could she complain after what she’d just let happen?

  Jeroni said. kept waiting any longer.>

  Jemi nodded and stepped through the open door and into the first of the two rooms of the small dwelling Dioni had called a hut stop.

  Dioni, standing on the other side of the fire alcove, went down on one knee. “My Lady Liege.”

  Jemi blushed and cast him a quick, embarrassed smile. “Dioni.”

  The woman who stood by the small alcove in one wall that seemed to serve as both a source of heat and fire for cooking, turned to face her. Jemi blinked. Perhaps woman was the wrong word. Granted the being in front of her was definitely female and stood on two legs, had two arms, and a head. Instead of clothes, a dark brown pelt covered her body, including her small breasts, which had tiny pink nipples. A brown throng covering her crotch area was her only confession to clothing. Her face had a light covering of hair. Her mouth was wide, her eyes green and silted, like Hunter’s. She was one of the most stunning creatures Jemi had ever seen.

  There was an air of authority intermingled with a tenderness in her voice and manner when she spoke. “Jeroni Teyer, the time has come.”

  Jemi, still shaking from the realization that she fully intended to mate with Hunter, tried to withdraw. She was blocked by the fact that Jeroni had beat her to it. she sent the word toward Jeroni’s fleeting consciousness before turning to face Tioni. “I don’t quite know how to tell you this, but—”

  Tioni frowned, locking her gaze with Jemi’s. “Who are you? Where is Jeroni?”

  Jemi nodded her head towards the door. “Last I felt of her, she was heading for the hills.” Or maybe the misty place.


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