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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

Page 22

by Combs, Sasha

  The timing had to be perfect and she also had to decide which weapon to grab, before reaching the wall. Linda bent low, stepping out of her stiletto shoes. The dagger heel was dangerous enough to be used as a weapon. And she did. Holding the shoe at the toe, she drew back and threw it, with all her might. Her aim was perfect and the tip smacked along the side of Manny’s head. Just enough to daze him, while she made a mad dash for the wall. Now, with only a slip on, being freed from her skirt; the four steps she’d made earlier. Linda cut that figure in half. With two quick strides she was at the wall. Her hand grabbed the hunting knife; balancing its weight in the palm of her hand. An expert dart player, and now grateful for the mindless diversion hung in the corner of her office. Linda’s legs widened taking a stance that would aid her in her aim. She zeroed in on her target. Lining up her wrist, and the power coming from her upper body. The knife shot through the air like a bullet. There had been no time to warn Hayford to duck. She could only hope for the best because she’d been in a life or death situation once in her past. But this time, she was on her own. There would be no hail Mary passes. No surveillance teams, waiting to burst in. It was do-or-die and the latter was not an option. She held her breath, waiting for the knife to meet its target.


  Standing at the terminals arrival gate, a steady stream of first class passengers walked down a long hallway dumping them in the customs area. So as not to spook their prey, the federal agents suggested notifying the air marshal on board the aircraft. After finally receiving a judges warrant; this legal document eased their task by doing away with then panning out, taking up positions at every inbound flights gate coming in from Europe. Once they knew which flight Trey Wellington was coming in on, it was then that they learned a Federal Air Marshall was flying on the same aircraft and it would be his job to keep a close eye on him. Apprehending suspects in the air came with too many risk. They didn’t know if Trey carried a weapon, even though he’d been searched before getting on the plane. As a museum dealer, some items might be view as priceless treasures, yet these same trinkets could be used as weapons. This was highly doubtful, but none of the officers were willing to take the risk. So, to safeguard all involved, it was decided to apprehend him, after the plane had landed, and Trey was heading to be cleared by customs.

  Stone stood back, allowing the airport security and the federal agents to take the lead. After all, this was their domain. Back at the precinct, there was a group of detectives forming a list of charges, contingent on the outcome of the questioning. The District attorneys office was busy fielding queries from a federal attorney, asking if any of the murders occurred over state lines. Nearly a month had passed, and with this being the first true promising lead that would bring an end to the killings. Now, everyone was throwing their hats in the ring, mainly due to interference from the murdered victims families.

  Stone lowered his eyes to his iPhone. He’d snapped a picture of Trey Wellington from one of the framed photographs tastefully displayed in Constance Wellington’s home. He felt his fingers itch, because he wanted to be where the federal agents currently were. Honestly, he wanted Trey to resist, causing the officers to be forced to respond. After walking through trails of blood, stepping over dead bodies, and witnessing the carnage. Stone wanted Trey Wellington to suffer, if only for a short moment. He knew that the man would be considered innocent until proven guilty, but down to his bones, there was something about the facts in this case; all indicators were telling Stone that Trey Wellington was their man.

  To the rear of him, Stone noticed that the customs area didn’t appear as crowded. The people had been hurried through, or asked to move to a room, separated by walls and doors. When his eyes turned back, he could see Trey, and the federal agent walking alongside him. They appeared to be having a conversation and from where he stood, had he not known the topic. Stone would have sworn the two men were suggesting the idea of possibly sharing a cab. Trey didn’t appear at all putout by this. No one drew their guns. There were no handcuffs and he’d offered up his personal belongings without so much as a fuss. Once they reached Stone, Federal Agent Feldman said...

  “We’ll clear him first, then I have a few questions I’d like to ask, if you don’t mind detective.”

  “Of course you do.” Stone said, with a hint of sarcasm. He’d received more than a few texts messages warning him that the feds were biting at the bit, to take the credit for solving this case. But Stone was ready to put up a fight, if need be.

  “Do you mind if I listen in, Agent Feldman? Just as an observer of course...”

  “Sure detective, you can tag along. The room is large enough to accommodate one more person.”

  Stone had been studying Trey while talking to Feldman, and he noticed a sly smile lift across his face. Trey either didn’t believe anything would come of this, or in his heart, he didn’t give a damn.

  Feldman pointed, showing Stone where they were going. The federal agent allowed his partner and the customs agent to lead Trey into a room. They would begin first by thoroughly searching his belongings before the interview began. This would take a few minutes but it was long enough for words to be share. Feldman stepped away from the rooms entrance, motioning for Stone to join him. He regarded the detective, saying...

  “You’re an observer Detective. I’ll need your word that you will remain silent while we question the suspect.”

  “Not a problem... You’ve got my word...” was all Stone had to say. He watched as Feldman entered the room but he stood back for a moment before going in. An easy smile tugged at his lips, then he lifted his phone to send a quick text message to Linda and Commander Bunts. His message was short and sweet. In his words, his message read...

  “Got him!”

  Stone lowered his hand, then his smile widened. This was a good catch and he wished Linda was here with him savoring every moment.


  Chapter 12

  José Manuel Cortés lay on the floor, his left hand clinging to the knife wedged in his ribcage. Linda didn’t know if her precision was due to pure luck or the countless games of darts she’d played. Whatever it was, somehow her aim had been more than perfect. Most would call it, dead aim, with dead being the operative word. This was a kill throw if there’d ever been one. Somehow, the knife had entered his chest, slicing through flesh, then cracking two ribs, landing inches beneath Manny’s heart. The hilt protruded at a slight angle, not quite touching the skin. The piercing blade tore through his lungs causing seepage of air. It would appear that Manny realized what was happening because his actions were focused on preserving his life. Linda’s death throw was one of the sort; if Manny attempted removing the knife, there would be nothing to slow the deflation of his lung. If he pulled it free, the pain would have been beyond bearable, but not impossible. But removing the knife would ultimately spell doom for him. Linda’s flawless precision had been dead center. In the right place and meant to inflict harm or death.

  Manny was curled on his left side moaning. When he’d dropped the gun, Hayford hurriedly kicked it out of Manny’s reach. When he noticed the man’s injuries and that he wouldn’t be moving any time soon, it was then that Hayford retrieved the gun, taking position, standing over Manny’s head. Hayford reached in his coat pocket to retrieve his mobile. He tossed the phone to Linda because after witnessing her prowess handling a blade, he was certain catching his mobile wouldn’t be a problem for her.

  Linda was still shaken by this experience but her hands grasp the phone midair, turning it up in the palm of her hand. She looked at the screen, wondering who first to call. She pressed Hayford’s contact list while saying...

  “Clive... What’s Clive’s last name? I can’t remember.”

  “Linda...” Hayford noticed her befuddlement, but he also understood her reason for asking about his driver, instead of calling for help.

  “Honey... Don’t worry about Clive. We can call him later. Sweetie... You need t
o call the police. You need to get someone here to search this place... Top and bottom.”

  Her eyes lowered to the floor, looking at Manny. He was bleeding and his breathing was beginning to sound ragged.

  “Yes...” She said. Her focus resumed. “But first... We need to get him medical attention. I don’t want him dying on me.”

  One by one, Linda made her calls. She phoned the precinct, informing them to send an ambulance immediately to their address. Then she asked for her entire team, as well as the crime scene investigators to join her at the address she repeated. Within five minutes, Linda heard the sound of sirens getting louder, heading in their direction. She crossed the room, looking at Hayford while raising her hand to relieve him of the gun.

  “Go...” She said. “You’ll need to open the door, then lead them here to this apartment.”

  “Linda... I don’t want to leave you here with him.”

  She smiled, letting her confidence shine, and showing him that containing the suspect was her job to do.

  “I’ll be fine Hayford. He isn’t going anywhere. But you’ll need to hurry because his color is beginning to fade.”

  Hayford lowered his eyes and he had to agree. He moved with purpose because he understood the importance of keeping Manny alive. He was sure this man held a treasure trove of damaging information about Trey Wellington. Details that could clear up misunderstandings that most times go unsolved.

  Hayford ran to let the officers and medical technicians into the building. Linda had only batted her eyes a few times before the entire place was filled with cops. Most she knew, but her uneasiness quieted the moment she spotted the members assigned to her team. These were the people Stone had wanted to comprise their task force. Every person had a role and the scene was being efficiently searched. Bunts was there and he filled her in on Stones progress, telling her that Trey was safely in custody. This was the first she’d learned of this because her phone and purse was laying on the backseat of Hayford’s limo where she’d left it.

  While Linda joined in, looking around the apartment, the emergency medical team secured Manny on a stretcher, then prepared him for transport to the hospital. She’d heard slivers of a conversation between a tech and an emergency room doctor. Words like... “Vital’s are stable but he’s lost a lot of blood. Infusing fluids... ...started oxygen and we’ve taped a pressure dressing around the knife and the entry wound. ETA...about five to ten minutes...”

  Standing near the wall of weapons, one of the detectives whistled, while another said...

  “Some kinda collection...”

  “If that’s what you wanna call it.”

  Bunts came up from behind. He scanned the room before saying...

  “If I haven’t said it yet.... Good job detective.”

  Linda turned to look at him...

  “Thank you sir. But... What is Trey saying? Has he confessed yet?”

  “Detective Stone is waiting for the Fed’s to hand him over.”

  “Will that be a problem? I mean... Is there going to be a jurisdiction debate? Because if it is...” As a law student, Linda had clocked countless hours reading and memorizing appeals and statutes. Most of her searches dealt with state and federal scrimmages. She’d read cases where the FBI had swooped in, crying foul, then leaving the locals with no legal room to maneuver or command due justice.

  Bunt’s held up his hand, while saying...

  “Slow down detective. Nothing like that has happened yet and I’m sure we’ve got the right man on the job. Stone will give them hell, if they start pulling jurisdiction crap.”

  She exhaled, because some part of her was beginning to feel a sense of loss. She wanted to be the person seated across from Trey Wellington, questioning him; then persuading him to confess his crimes. Linda asked...

  “Sir... I’d like to return to the station. I’m sure once we secure a warrant to conduct a proper will take hours to examine the buildings contents. If Trey isn’t carrying the weapon that killed those women... If that’s the case, then that weapon has to be here.

  And finding that weapon isn’t my job. That task belongs to the crime scene investigators and the medial examiner. As for me... I’m needed at the station now. I should be in the room when Trey Wellington is being questioned.”

  Bunts nodded; his eyes drifted to the corner of the room. When Hayford was sure that Linda was out of harms way, he stepped aside. Positioning himself in a neutral part of the room. He was quiet, yet the reporter in him couldn’t stop the byline that scrolled across his brain. In spite of that, he silenced his creative Mojo. This was Linda’s day and he wouldn’t ruin it for her by printing information that the police wasn’t ready to release.

  Bunts lowered his eyes while collecting his thoughts. When he lifted his gaze, he stared at Linda then said...

  “Your fella over there... Can we trust him to be quiet? At least until we’ve had time to talk to Wellington?”

  Without looking in Hayford’s direction, she confidently said...

  “Absolutely sir. There won’t be any problem there.”

  “Good... Well, I guess there isn’t much more to do until we get that warrant. When that’s done, we’ll comb this place....from the top to the bottom. By the way... Did that Manny guy say that he lives here?”

  She didn’t know, so she shrugged...

  “I don’t know... But I get the impression that he does.”

  “We’d better have his place added to that search warrant. If he was Wellington’s second hand man then, I’m sure we’ll find some interesting things that just might implicate him in these murders as well.”

  She nodded, and now Linda’s eyes drifted to Hayford. He was staring at her, and in his eyes she detected a safe place that he reserved only for her.

  “All right then...” Bunts said loudly. “You’d better get back to the precinct. You’ll need to prepare yourself for the interrogation.”

  “I only hope Trey will be in the mood to talk, after being detained at the airport.”

  “With what we find here... And whatever that Manny fella has already told us...” Again, Bunts scanned the large apartment. “The man wasn’t expecting us to search his place. I’m sure he has to know that we’ve got the goods on him.”

  “I hope you’re right sir but in the end, it really won’t matter because I’m sure we’ll find the weapon he used. Then we’ll be able to tie him to each of these murders.”

  “Yes... I think you’re right.” Bunts furrowed his brows, then walked across the room to talk to one of the detectives standing near the weapons display on the wall.

  Linda joined Hayford where he stood. She sighed heavily, then said...

  “Mind giving me a ride to the precinct? Stone should be leaving the airport soon with Wellington in his custody.”

  “Are you going to take part in the questioning?”

  “Yes... I think I should.” Linda’s eyes grew serious when she asked... “Now that you know the killer is Trey Wellington... Is there anything you need to add?”

  He pinched his lips, then said...

  “Linda... I really think I should call his mother. She doesn’t know about any of this.”

  She guided him back into a corner, attempting to ensure their private conversation. In a hushed tone she said...

  “Hayford... You can’t do that. I just gave my word that you won’t say anything about what has occurred here.”

  “And I won’t... That is to say... I won’t print this story, using an inside angle. But, Linda....” He paused, gathering his restraint.

  “Constance is a friend to my mother. I’ve known her most of my life. I was just in her home this morning. You can’t expect me to allow her to learn about her son on the news.”

  “Yes I can Hayford. You have to remain quiet on this.”

  She looked over her shoulder and saw no signs hinting that curious eyes were on them. Linda turned back to him, and noticed the scowl on Hayford’s face. She amended her statement fo
r his sake.

  “Honey... Just give me one day. Hayford... One day can’t hurt.”

  Hayford lowered his head, then he pinched the bridge of his nose. He exhaled saying...

  “I’ve stood by you Linda. I’ve accepted your choices and I’ve even learned to live with awfulness tied to your job. But on this one thing... We’ll just have to agree too disagree.” She was ready to protest, but he placed one finger to her lips, in a manner that couldn’t be seen by the others in the room.

  “Not now... We can talk about this later. In the limo, while I drive you to the precinct.”

  They would talk all right, she thought to herself, while turning on her heels. As they walked quietly out of the apartment, passing a coned off section where a pool of Manny’s blood had become a part of evidence. It was then that clarity struck her. She was reminded of all the things she held dear and all that was important to her. If yielding on this one thing would translate to peace in her relationship, Linda was willing to concede. Because as the facts stood, when she spoke to her commander, Linda had not been lying. Hayford would not print or talk about this days events on a grand scale. However, too tell a mother what had occurred that day. To talk to one person, who by all rights deserved answers. In Linda’s mind, this was one concession that she could live with. When they neared the buildings exit, she slowed allowing him to walk beside her. She felt the warm grasp of his hand, when he caught her wrist mid-swing, interlocking their fingers. Feeling his touch comforted her. Knowing that; come what may. Hayford would always be there, standing resolute and unwavering at her side.

  The smell of coffee and sweet danishes filled the break room, like perfume at a cosmetics counter. A fresh pot of dark roast had just been brewed and three detectives ambled out while Linda and Stone took their places, each holding an empty mug.


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