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Sage's Surrender

Page 7

by Joy Blood

  “No.” Her throaty declaration has me moving. My hands separate, one staying on her ass to pull her up the wall as her legs wrap around me, and the other finds its place between her sweet thighs. Brushing along her lace covered slit, I push it aside and find her soaked for me.

  “All for me,” I growl before pressing my middle finger inside. She grips me tighter, both with her hands and her sweet pussy. “Fuck, you are tight. Can you take two, baby?” I don’t wait for her answer before pulling back and slamming two fingers in. She calls out something, but I don’t place any of the scrambled words. I only quiet her by slamming my mouth down onto hers and shoving my tongue inside to claim her further. Mine. Such a bad fucking idea.

  “Oh. Sage. Yes, please, I’m going to come,” she pants out as I pause for a breath. I quicken my pace, adding my thumb to the mix, pressing down hard on her neglected little bundle of nerves.

  “That’s it, baby. Come all over me. I want to taste it. Lick it off while you watch. Then I’m going to drop to my knees and do it all over again.” Her mouth opens in a silent cry as she comes all over my fucking hand in a gush, making my cock painfully hard. Fuck, I would have loved to see it up close rather than just feel it. I let her come down, giving small strokes until her spasms slow. When I release her and pull my fingers away, I wait for her face to find mine, then I do as promised and suck my two fingers into my mouth, watching as her eyes grow wide and her cheeks turn bright red. It might be dark outside, but the glow from the tall lap illuminates her just enough to see her beautiful features. “Fucking delicious,” I tell her, then drop to my knees.

  “What are you doing?” she asks in a panic.

  “Already told you—”

  “We can’t. Grace—” she tries to tell me, but she gets cut off by Grace calling out her name. “Shit.” She pushes away from me and darts out from the side of the garage. I watch as she meets up with Grace, who’s standing by her car. She must have been out at Gin’s grave longer.

  “Ready?” Brook asks her stepmother. She nods her head and gets into the passenger seat of the car while Brook climbs into the diver’s. I know damn well they need an escort, so I wait for them to pull out before getting on my bike and following them to Vin and Ellie’s. The whole ride, the taste of Brook’s sweet fucking pussy lingers on my tongue.



  My clit still tingles as I drive to Vin and Ellie’s. Grace isn’t any the wiser, still in her own grief. The way Sage’s hand worked me over has my body stirring once again for his touch. A glance in the mirror tells me he hopped on his bike to follow us and make sure we got to our destination without incident.

  It doesn’t take long before we reach the house and Grace gets out, telling me goodnight before walking inside. I hang back waiting for Sage to come up the drive. The rumble of his bike pulses deep in my chest and I want nothing more than to get on with him and have him drive me away. I might be getting ahead of myself though, because when he pulls up and kills the engine, it’s a different Sage in front of me—the Sage who came and picked me up in California. “Brook,” he starts, but I hold up my hand.

  “It’s fine. No explanation needed. I tasted the alcohol on your breath. Should you be riding your bike?” I raise a brow at him and get the same narrowed eyes he shoots me whenever I mouth off to him.

  “I shouldn’t have crossed that line with you. It won’t happen again.”

  “Whatever, Sage. Just leave. I’m so over it anyway,” I snap, then turn to leave, but he reaches out, snatching my arm with a heavy calloused palm. The same one that was inside my panties just moments ago.

  “Listen, kid, I don’t start something I can’t finish, but goddamn it, I can’t finish with you. It doesn’t matter how fucking much I want to,” he states, surprising me. “You are only twenty years old, I’m fucking forty-two. Just three years younger than Gin. It’s so fucking wrong on so many goddamn levels. Not to mention, the club would have my ass for even thinking about touching you.”

  “The club?” I scoff. “Jesus Christ,” I mumble to myself and pull my arms from him. Before he can grab me again, I take off running to the house, my heart pounding right out of my chest the whole way. When I burst through the door, I hear the sound of his bike roaring to life and speeding out of the driveway. I let out a long breath and go upstairs to my guest room.



  Pounding on my door pulls me from a deep, liquor-induced sleep. “Sage, get the fuck up. Pres called church. Something happened to the store,” Ringer booms out on the other side, making me jump the fuck out of the empty bed with more haste than I’ve ever possessed.

  I’m quick to pull on my clothes, uncaring if they’re dirty or smell like motor oil. My boots are unlaced, and my cut is unbuttoned, as I hurry through the door where all my brothers are already gathered at the table. Three days have passed since we put Gin in the ground, and in those three days, the club has cleared out, leaving behind only a few of the men from the Rhino chapter.

  Quickly, I take a seat and wait for Rock to start talking. The expression on his face could choke a rattlesnake. “Some fucking asshole tried to burn down Riders Wear this morning with my and Reek’s old ladies inside,” he tells the room on a growl. That’s when I realize Reek isn’t here. “They got out of there just fine. Since Ari is knocked up, she was sent to the hospital for observation,” he explains, setting us all a little bit at ease.

  “We see who did it? Reek’s got cameras all over the fuckin’ place. They should have bought something,” Ringer says, his jaw ticking much like the rest of the brothers.

  “Nah. Whoever did this knew about the cameras. Cut all lines before throwing the first flame.”

  “Threw it?”

  “Molotov cocktail style. Threw a brick in through the big window out front, then tossed in the bottle. The clothes went up in flames, and the girls tried to get out the back, but the door wouldn’t open,” Rock explains, his knuckles running white from clenching. “It was jammed. They had to get past the flames to get out the front door.”

  “Whoever this is has a grudge. Has to be the same prick who shot Gin and Jay,” I say, getting nods of agreement all around.

  “My opinion too. Wiz is going through past dealings. Any drops that may have not gone to plan, maybe territory we could have encroached on. He’s hitting all the bases, but nothing has come up as suspicious,” Rock explains, crossing his arms now.

  “Think maybe we should get that fucker Brock down here, do a little Q&A. Where the fuck has he been this whole time?” I stand from the table, wanting blood.

  “Eagle has been keeping tabs on him. Guy is basically in Rider prison. Goes to and from work, has no privileges whatsoever,” Rock says, but still, I don’t buy it. I nod anyway. “We need to put the club on lockdown. Get our families here where we can protect them better. Eagle is sending three more brothers, and Premo offered up four of his guys to come see us through the shit.” Nods all round agree with Rock, and we start making calls to get this ready.

  In a total of four hours, all the families of Hell’s Riders Cental chapter have gathered under one roof, all in the bar, now turned daycare/family room. When the club girls got word the kids would all be here, the transformation started. Child proofing gates went up, couches got new slip covers, and the pool table was taken off into storage. The rooms were all made up, and whoever had offered to lend their room out went to the shop to set up their cot.

  It might have been cramped, but when I caught sight of long legs and white blonde hair, I knew shit was about to get really crowded.



  Vin’s reddened face when he stepped into the kitchen this morning told me everything. Something had happened. My heart raced when he said Ari was in the hospital due to smoke inhalation from a fire set to Riders Wear. I had worked there for a total of three weeks before I decided to take off to Cali. “She’ll be fine. They are just keeping her there beca
use of the pregnancy,” Vin explains as Ellie stands from the table to hug him.

  “If I hadn’t killed him myself, I would think he came back from the dead to wreak havoc on all of us again.” I try not to listen in on their conversation, but they are too close for me not to hear.

  “I know, Ells. But he’s gone. You saw for yourself. This is a whole ‘nother matter.”

  “There’s something else, isn’t there?” she asks, getting a nod in return.

  “Got to go to the club. Rock called lockdown. Go gather up the kids and whatever else you might need, baby. We’ll be there a while,” Vin tells Ellie with a kiss to her temple before glancing over at me. “Grace is still asleep. Would you mind checking on her? You can tell her what’s going on.”

  “I heard.” Grace’s voice comes from the living room entering into the kitchen. “I'll go get Tanya ready,” she informs with a soft smile. She probably isn’t too sad about having to be at the clubhouse since she’ll be closer to Gin. I inwardly shake off the knowledge of Gin being buried not too far from where I’ll have to stay for who knows how long. Maybe I can talk to Rock and see if I can go back to California. If someone is here tormenting the club, wouldn’t I be safer hundreds of miles away?

  The clubhouse is like I’ve never seen it before—not even when I was little and had to be here for lockdown. I don’t even remember the reason for the lockdown, but I do remember the clubhouse not looking like a daycare. It has been completely transformed. The pool table isn’t even out here anymore. “Listen up,” someone calls out with a high-pitched whistle, then slams their hand onto the flat surface of the bar.

  “No one leaves this club unless escorted by at least two men. No exceptions. There is someone out there who wants to hurt us, I will not lose another member of this family,” Rock declares in front of the crowd of Riders, along with their women and children. “You are all here because you are family, and we protect our family. Let us protect you and we will get through this shit.” Then he walks off, talking to Jake, who steps in stride as they head back toward the door leading to the rooms. That’s when my eyes wander. They find him instantly. Standing by the door, holding it open for Rock and Jake to go through. Sage picks up his head and his eyes lock onto mine, as if a magnetic pull forces him to. It’s only for a split second, but I catch the hurt in his eyes, the guilt of what happened between us, and maybe even a little shame. Then he’s gone, following behind the president and vice president of this club.

  I have never wanted to get out of here more.



  Three days. Three days of watching mindless TV and wanting nothing more than to go home to California. I know that’s not happening. Not when I don’t have an apartment to go home to. I need to do something. Back home, I made sure to stay in shape, my job kind of demanded it. I long to go for a run. “Is there a work out room in this place?” I ask one of the girls in the common room. Bex, I think her name is.

  “Oh yeah, hon. It’s out in the garage, so none of us girls go out there. The boys don’t keep it clean. We have a gym membership in town we share. If you want to chance it, it’s through the garage. You can’t miss the door,” she says on a laugh, and the other girls by her side giggle.

  “Okay. Thanks.” The unsure smile on my face is enough to appease them, so I quickly leave when they start gabbing about something else. Being around them feels strange, knowing Sage has more than likely screwed all of them. I tamper down the unsanctioned jealousy that tries to crawl its way up my chest.

  Quickly, I make my way outside, already dressed in my yoga pants and tank top underneath a sweatshirt. My shoes hit the gravel and crunch as I jog over to the garage. The place is quiet, and no one seems to be around, but when I crack open the door, I find cots set up all over. A couple of Riders are still asleep. One of them even has a woman passed out on top of him. I cringe for a second thinking it might be Sage, but then bat the feeling away. Glancing around the wide-open space, I spot a poster spanning almost the entire length of a lone door: a completely naked woman with boobs bigger than her head bending over a motorcycle showing off her uncovered vagina. I guess that would be the door and the reason Bex said I wouldn’t miss it. Taking in a deep breath, I head across the cement floor and slowly push the poster wrapped door aside, hoping to find it empty.

  A smile breaks out along my face when I step in and don’t see anyone. When I walk all the way in, I find the room takes a sharp corner and has a whole other space to it. My eyes fill with a strong sweaty chest flexing then releasing as he does a butterfly exercise. “Hey, Brook. Come to work out?” He stops and stands from the bench.

  “I don’t want to bother—”

  “No. No bother. What’s your poison? We got a treadmill with all the bells and whistles,” he offers, nodding to the machine parked next to a very impressive elliptical. “Just do me a favor, don’t let the girls know what’s in here,” he says, making adjustments on the weight machine.

  “Why is that?”

  “Sometimes, we just need time alone. If they know this place isn’t the pit we described it to be, they would be in here all the damn time talking hair extensions and shit. So, we get them a membership in town. Easier that way,” he explains, getting back into position.

  “I’ll be sure to keep my mouth shut. College, right?” He nods and shoots me a smile before starting up again. I pop my earbuds in and take my spot on the treadmill. It faces the wall, and someone was nice enough to put up a poster—that doesn’t contain boobs—of a road leading through a forest. I focus in on that, toss my sweatshirt to the side, then start up my music. I let my imagination take me away and pretend I’m running through that very forest. My legs burn, and I push further and further, only slowing down when I need a break, but not stopping.

  My mind drifts as sweat starts to coat my back and forehead. It bounces to Gin, to my childhood, then lands on my mom—to the night I was dropped off by cab at her house. At first, I almost didn’t go inside, but I pushed myself to walk up and knock on the door. Otherwise, I faced being homeless.

  “What are you doing here?” Mom asks me when the door flies open. Not even a hello.

  “I couldn’t stay with Gin anymore. Can I please stay here? I’ll get a job and help with the rent. I promise. You won’t even have to deal with me. I swear,” I plead, and by some miracle, she holds the door open.

  “Fine. Come in. But you have to sleep on the couch. I don’t have an extra room,” she snaps, then leaves me to walk farther inside where she sits down on a chair in front of the TV. That’s when I get a good look at her. She’s tired, bags under her eyes, her skin not as smooth as it always is with all her treatments. “I left Bill. It turned out he was already married,” she tells me, flipping the channel. It doesn’t surprise me, though. I know she didn’t leave him, he more than likely left her to stay with his wife. That’s what always happens.

  “Thank you for letting me stay.”

  “Rent is twelve hundred and due on the first. I expect half when the time comes,” she tells me, not even glancing my way. It doesn’t matter that it’s already the fifteenth and I’ll need to look for a job.

  “Okay,” is all I tell her and sit down on the couch that runs along the wall. I let my bag fall to the floor and my head hit the pillow. Sleep finds me quickly, but still, I know in the morning things are going to get hard.

  I sure as hell was right about things getting hard. The next day, I went out and found that getting a job without a high school education or a GED was going to be a pain in the ass. Which was no surprise to me. So, I did small things here and there until I saved up enough to take the GED test. Mom didn’t kick me out when the first rolled around. She only threatened to make me pay the whole rent for the next month. I made it two whole years with her, working crap waitress jobs and the occasional babysitting gig from the house next door, until she met her next fling. Then I was out on my ass. It honestly couldn’t have been better timing, though. I had just met
the girls who worked at the club when they came in one night I was working a double shift. They told me all about how much money they made and that I could definitely get a job there and start dancing as soon as I turned eighteen. I never saw my mom again.



  When I walk into the weight room, I expect to see a couple of my brothers inside. What I don’t expect to fucking see is Brook’s spandex encased ass bouncing up and down on the treadmill. My cock twitches to life, but at the same time, I see red when I catch the other three guys in the room watching the same ass I am. “Out! Now!” I bark out to the room, snapping them out of their trance. They quickly shuffle out, and College gives me a smirk as he passes, almost earning him a swift kick in the ass.

  She’s still running, and the closer I get, I see the reason she didn’t hear me is because of the earbuds in her ears. Glancing around, I find her sweatshirt on the floor, her phone inside. I grab it up to press pause so I don’t scare her, but catch myself watching her for just a second…which turns into more of a minute. I’m angled enough to see her tits bouncing despite the sports bra. The tank top crisscrosses in the back, showing off the lower part of her back before the tight ass pants start. Shit, I need to stop watching. I look down at the phone and press pause. It takes a moment for her to realize she no longer has music. She starts to slow, then comes to a stop. “You want to tell me why the hell you’re out here?” I growl.


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