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A Lovely Lesbian Collection

Page 3

by Emily Vixen

  Karen retreated to her room and got changed out of her pyjamas, throwing on some underwear, a loose pair of a pants, a sports bra, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. She didn't have to stay inside to exercise. There was a big wide world outside to explore. She imagined most people didn't decide to go jogging at night but that was fine. She liked the idea of a bit of privacy while she was exercising, and better still, there was a decent place to do it nearby. Her small town had plenty of open woodland nearby and she lived on the edge of town as it was. She could easily get away from the main roads and enjoy the fresh night air and a bit of exercise. She slipped into a pair of sneakers and made sure to grab her keys and phone before slipping out the door for a little night jogging. It briefly crossed her mind that it could be dangerous to be out alone at such an hour but she dismissed the thought. Nothing ever happened in her town. She was sure it would be fine, and if anything seemed odd she could simply run away. After all, she was certainly dressed for it! Having finally made up her mind as to what to do, Karen started a gentle jog away from her home and towards the edge of town. After a quick run around the nearby woodland she could turn around and head home and bask in the glory of finally making an effort to improve herself.

  The brisk night air was already perking her up. She started slowly, breaking into a gentle jog after she left her home and began making her way towards the edge of town. At this time of night there was pretty much nobody about, especially with the lack of night-life and night-time entertainment in the town, so she didn't even have to worry about anyone thinking she was silly for jogging at such an unsociable hour. Night-jogging was probably already a thing anyway, she assured herself. Pretty much everything else was already a thing in some fashion or another by now so she doubted she was the first to start doing it.

  Five minutes into her jog she realised she had forgotten something. It wasn't vital but it would definitely have made things easier. Headphones. Listening to music was such a core part of exercising for most people now that she was surprised it hadn't occurred to her. She had plenty of music stored on her phone but listening to it out loud didn't seem right, especially when it was so quiet. She would simply have to make do without the music to keep her company. Instead she could take a break from technology entertaining her and simply enjoy the quiet evening and the sound of the wind rushing through the trees. There was still the odd car now and then but they were infrequent so the sound of the engines didn't interfere too much with her relaxing jog.

  After getting out of town, Karen made her way up to some of the nearby woodland. She briefly worried about what could be hiding out there but dismissed the thought. She was being silly. There were no dangerous animals roaming around in the area and she doubted anyone dangerous would be hiding out in the middle of nowhere like that either. The only other potential problem was something supernatural, and though a dark forest naturally called to mind such things she knew she was being silly. There was no way these bizarre creatures or even aliens existed, and even if they did, she highly doubted they were going to suddenly show up just outside her home-town.

  Despite convincing herself that there was nothing to be afraid of she still tried to avoid going too deep into the woodland, instead sticking to the well-trodden paths that skirted around it and only dipped in between the trees for short bursts. It was during one of these brief forays into the forest, where she was hidden away from the world, that she discovered her assumption that aliens wouldn't be discovered near her home-town was wrong. Apparently they were going to show up near her home because that was exactly what happened. She had been happily jogging along when something strange appeared between the trees. She only glanced out of curiosity at first, assuming it was an unfamiliar animal, but when she got a better look at the creature she came to a stop and stared at it openly.

  The creature definitely wasn't of this world. It was humanoid but certainly not human either. It had the body of a woman though the skin was a pale blue. She made no effort to cover herself whatsoever, walking brazenly through the trees towards Karen with her large breasts and tight pussy fully exposed. Her pussy, also fully exposed, seemed bald rather than having been shaven. It was clean and smooth and looked incredibly soft to the touch. The alien woman's slender body seemed designed to attract humans considering her large chest and smooth crotch but she didn't make any attempt to hide her alien nature at all. Two antennae stuck out from the top of her head and short white hair fell to the back of her neck. Her eyes were a bright, piercing green that seemed too bright to be natural, though Karen supposed it might very well have been natural for an alien.

  She always thought that, if she did happen to meet an alien, her first instinct would be to turn tail and run as fast as she could. She was surprised to find that her reaction was completely different. Instead she stood still, staring openly at the alien woman approaching her. Her curiosity was too great for her to simply run away, and part of her couldn't resist the opportunity to get a good look at the alien woman's naked body when she finally stepped out of the woods and was completely revealed. She had taken an interest in other women from time to time before but something about this alien woman was particularly appealing. Perhaps it was the fact she looked so different. Perhaps it was the excitement of meeting a new species for the first time. Perhaps it just because she got to see her naked without having to put any effort in.

  “Um, hello...can you see me?” the alien called out, her voice gentle and uncertain. Her antennae twitched nervously as she stood in front of Karen. “I'm surprised you're not running away.”

  “Uh, yeah, I see you,” Karen said, too awestruck to even think about running off. “'re an alien.”

  “Well, I suppose I am to you, yes,” she said with a soft little laugh. “Please, call me Luula,” she said, introducing herself.

  “Okay, well...I'm Karen,” Karen responded. It was strange to meet an alien in the first place but it was even stranger to exchange such a simple, friendly greeting with her. In fact, now that she thought about it, she realised just how strange it was to be successfully greeting the alien. Shouldn't she have had her own language? “ are you speaking English?” Karen asked after a moment of silence.

  “Oh, that. Well, I thought it better to learn the language if I was going to interact with humans for my research,” Luula explained.

  “Research?” Karen couldn't help but worry. Didn't alien research usually involve anal probes and dissection?

  “Oh, no, please don't panic!” Luula said quickly. “I know it sounds bad, but it's nothing like what you're probably expecting! I'm actually trying to research human breeding,” she explained.

  “...research how?” Karen asked suspiciously. If she heard anything about being opened up or subjected to some strange alien tests then she was going to have to seriously consider running for her life. Perhaps too many alien movies over the years had given her the wrong idea about aliens but it was still better to be safe than sorry.

  “Well, usually the best way to learn is to experience it for yourself in my opinion,” Luula said gently, “so I'm looking for a human to try breeding with.”

  “Oh, so you're looking for a man?” Karen asked, relaxing a little.

  “No, not this time. I've already experienced it with a man. I'm looking to experience it with a human female this time. Obviously I can't really go into town and look for people though. I thought that perhaps you might be willing to help me out,” she said hopefully. “I'll happily reimburse you for your time and your contribution to helping me out, of course!”

  “I see...” Karen looked Luula over and considered the offer. “So it would just be sex?” she checked. “No dissections? No weird alien tests or stuffing me in a tube or anything?”

  “” The accusation seemed to genuinely baffle Luula, which was a relief. “If you don't want to then I can always find someone else,” Luula assured her, “I don't want to force anyone, after all.”

  “No, no, it's fine,” Karen said quickly
. “I'll help you out. Do we it here?” she asked, looking around. It wasn't as if anyone would catch them in the act at this time of day, after all.

  “Oh, no, I don't want to risk being found out. Please, follow me and I'll show you to my ship. We'll conduct my study in there.” Luula turned around and started walking back into the forest, gesturing for Karen to follow her. She did so and enjoy getting a good look at Luula's tight, well-rounded bare ass as she followed after her.

  The journey was only brief, or at least it seemed that way to Karen. Then again she didn't really have any way to keep track of the time, and for most of the walk she had simply been enjoying the view of Luula's wonderful figure from behind. It had actually resulted in her stumbling once or twice but fortunately she'd managed to avoid actually going over and making a mess of herself. When the two of them came to a stop she had been expecting to see a ship similar to the ones in the movies, or at least something vaguely resembling a spaceship. Instead she was greeting by a huge, empty area in the middle of the trees that had nothing interest in it whatsoever.

  “Uh...why have we stopped?” Karen asked uncertainly.

  “Sorry, you'll have to give me a moment to find it,” Luula explained, cautiously walking forward towards the centre of the circle of trees. She started reaching out in front of her, her hands touching and caressing the air uncertainly as she began to move around some sort of invisible object. It took Karen a moment to work out what was happening, and by the time she realised what was going on, Luula had already found what she was looking for. She pressed something, invisible to the naked eye, and door opened out of nowhere that led into a room of steel.

  “Oh, so the ship's hidden,” Karen said, slowly approaching and following Luula in through the door. It closed behind her the moment she stepped inside, again hiding them from view, though now that she was inside the ship the stealth no longer made any difference. It could disguise itself from onlooker on the outside but there was no point in doing the same from inside the ship.

  “Well, of course,” Luula said, “I can't have every human that walks past spot my ship. I wouldn't be able to complete my studies into human breeding if I was accosted by the wrong sort of people. That's why I've always been careful only to approach individual people at any given time, because I'm much more likely to be safe that way.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” Karen said faintly, her attention moving from the conversation to the room around her. The huge corridor they were walking down seemed far too long for the tiny space that had contained the ship. Then again, perhaps it was simply bigger on the inside. It seemed like a physical impossibility but then again she had just boarded an alien spaceship. Perhaps her knowledge of the physical world wasn't nearly as correct as she had once thought it was.

  “Now,” said Luula, getting Karen's attention again, “I do have a room already set up similar to a human place of dwelling. That will be fine, right?” she checked.

  “Er, sure, I guess so.” Karen was still a little overwhelmed by discovering that aliens were real but she tried to ignore her shock. She didn't want it to get in the way of scoring with the beautiful alien woman that apparently wanted her help in order to study human breeding habits.

  “Excellent. Just through here, then.” Luula turned suddenly and the wall moved to allow her entry. It was clearly an automatic door, though from the hallway it had looked just like the rest of the wall. No wonder she hadn't seen any doors during their walk. They were probably all disguises in the same fashion.

  Inside the room it was exactly as Luula had described...only a few decades out of fashion. It was hard to put her finger on any one thing in particular but the decoration had a very 60's feel to it. Still, it didn't really matter. It was kind of a nice change of pace if nothing else, and Karen didn't intend to spend much of her time looking at the room's decoration anyway. She was more interested in looking at Luula. She watched as Luula sat down on the couch inside before taking a seat beside her.

  “ do we start?” Karen asked.

  “Well, if you don't mind I'd like to see an example of human self-pleasure to begin with. I believe it's very similar to our species, based on my previous findings, but I'd like to see you perform it to confirm this.”

  “ want me to masturbate for you?” Karen asked, making sure she'd understood correctly.

  “If you would rather not...”

  “N-no! No, it's fine, I just...just checking, that's all,” Karen said quickly. If the sexy alien woman wanted to watch her masturbate then she was more than happy to put on a show. Being watched was hot anyway but being watched by an alien was even sexier. Karen got to her feet and quickly began stripping off, getting down to her underwear within moments. If her words hadn't made it clear enough then her actions would surely get across just how eager she was.

  “Ah, I see, so humans tend to strip quickly for this,” Luula said thoughtfully as she watched.

  “Well, not all of us, it differs person to person,” Karen explained, slipping off her bra and sighing with relief as her tits fell into the open. Her nipples were already hard with excitement and when she peeled down her panties she found they were already getting a little damp with arousal.

  “Oh, okay. Well thank you, that's still good to know.” Luula stared at Karen expectantly. “Well then, please proceed to masturbate for me.”

  “Okay, er...” Karen looked around for a moment before giving up and just sitting on the floor. She didn't want to make a mess of the couch and this way she could be opposite Luula while she got off. She leaned back and spread her legs, moving one hand down and using two fingers to spread open her pussy. Even that was enough to make her shudder with anticipation as she exposed herself to Luula. Already worked up enough to begin, she nonetheless tried to take her time and follow her usual routine. She pressed two fingers gently against her swollen clit and began to move them in small, gentle circles, rubbing softly against her sensitive spot as she gasped and moaned quietly. This felt good anyway but it was even better when Luula was watching her.

  It wasn't long until Karen realised that simply rubbing her clit wasn't going to be enough. She was getting more and more worked up with every passing moment but such minor stimulation simply wasn't doing it for her. She wanted more. She needed more. Eager to increase her pleasure she slipped her hand further down between her legs, using two fingers to spread her pussy wide open and give Luula a good look. Watching the beautiful alien woman peer down and stare at her pussy was enough to make her shudder with pleasure. Revealing herself really was exciting. Spurred on by that excitement, she stopped holding herself open and instead moved to push a finger into her pussy. No, that wasn't going to be enough, she realised. She was already too wet for a single finger to do the job. She needed to use two fingers she decided. She made sure that Luula got a good look as she gently pushed her index and middle fingers into her pussy, listening to it make a filthy squelch as they entered her. Karen let out a little gasp and whine of pleasure as her pussy eagerly accepting the offering. After taking a moment to adjust to the sensation of the fingers inside of her she began to move her hand, taking her time to begin with and gently sliding her fingers in and out of her cunt.

  “Oh, I see, it really is very similar to how we do it,” Luula said as she watched closely. Deciding that simply watching wouldn't be much fun she decided to return Karen's generosity. “Perhaps you would like me to show you how we do it, as well?” she offered.

  “Y-yes, please!” Karen gasped. It was impossible to hide how eager and excited she was but she didn't care. She was already sitting back and fingering herself in front of the alien. At this point it seemed only right to be upfront and honest about how horny she was.

  “Wonderful!” Luula moved to the edge of the couch and spread her legs, reaching down to spread her pussy in the same way that Karen had. Karen took a good look at the wonderful view and started fingering herself faster and harder in response. Luula seemed to be pleased by th
e compliment that Karen's actions were offering her, judging by how eagerly she slipped her fingers into her own pussy. She slipped three fingers straight inside, clearly either looser than Karen or much better. Judging by the growing stain on the couch, Karen assumed it was the latter. Perhaps there was more to watching Karen masturbate than just studying.

  The two of them continued for a few minutes, gasping and moaning quietly together as they fingered themselves in front of each other, both unable to tear their eyes away from the view before them. It was kinky enough masturbating while watching someone else masturbate but Karen didn't remember the last time she'd been so horny as when she was masturbating with an alien. It seemed that Luula felt the same as her hand was going faster and faster, her hips shifting back and forth and her huge breasts bouncing and jiggling with every thrust.

  “I...I don't think I can...c-carry on much longer...!” Karen gasped, her body shuddering and shifting as she tried desperately to hold back her impending orgasm.

  “Oh! T-then, please, hold on a moment!” Luula said, suddenly leaping to her feet and rushing over to one of the nearby drawers. It was a strange thing to suddenly do and confusing enough that it stopped Karen immediately. She sat there on the floor, looking at Luula and wondering what she could possibly have needed to do so urgently. The answer came a moment later in the form of a huge double-headed dildo that Luula pulled out of the draw. “Here we go!” Luula said happily. “Let's try using this together before you finish!”

  “You want to use a toy together?” Karen asked with a smirk.

  “ that problem?” Luula asked uncertainly. “If I am overstepping my boundaries, then...”

  “No, it's fine. I think it sounds like a great idea,” Karen assured her. “Come on, I'm more than ready.”

  “Wonderful!” Luula rushed over and sat down on the floor opposite Karen, spreading her legs and resting them on top of the human woman's. It took her a couple of seconds to get the positioning right but Karen was only too happy to help, grabbing the other end of the dildo and working it into herself with a groan. With one side already dealt with it became much easier for Luula to get the other end into her own pussy. She gave a little yelp of pleasure when it popped into her but within moments she had recovered enough to start moving. She began shifting her hips back and forth, fucking the toy and as a result moving it in and out of Karen as well. That encouraged the human woman to follow her lead. Before long the two of them were moving faster and faster, sheathing the toy deeper and deeper into their pussies every time they thrust forward.


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