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A Lovely Lesbian Collection

Page 4

by Emily Vixen

  “Ah!” Karen suddenly moaned louder than ever when she felt something a little firmer and wetter rub up against her pussy. She hadn't realised until now just how short the double-headed dildo actually was, but it came to her attention when she realised that she wouldn't be getting it any deeper inside of her. Instead she was now rubbing her pussy up against Luula's and feeling the alien woman's soaking slit against her own. The toy had been great but actually getting to rub against the alien woman was even better. She stopped trying to pull back so much and instead began shifting on the top, rubbing herself against Luula. The alien woman seemed to be caught off-guard at first but as soon as she realised what was happening she was only too happy to return her affection.

  The two of them leaned in and embraced, pulling each other closer to bury the toy deeper in their pussies and to rub their cunts together even more firmly. Luula's smooth, warm hands were roaming over Karen's body while she held her close. Their lips met and they kissed deeply. Karen was surprised to find that Luula apparently had two tongues rather than one, something that she hadn't noticed when they were speaking, but that uniqueness just made the kiss even more enjoyable. The only problem was that it made her regret not getting Luula to try giving her oral. Oh well. Hopefully she would be able to convince her to stick around for some more 'studying' another night, or at least in a couple of hours when they had both had a chance to rest.

  The two of them moaned loudly into the kiss as their bodies shifted and shuffled back and forth, rubbing desperately together as they fucked the double-ended toy and each other. Karen had already been close to orgasm when she was masturbating. It was a wonder she had managed to last this long. Unfortunately she knew she couldn't hold back much longer. She considered pulling back to warn Luula but it felt too go. She couldn't bring herself to pry herself away. Instead she simply fucked her even harder for the final few moments until the ecstasy of her orgasm washed over her, making her entire body quiver with pleasure as her cunt clamped down tightly around her toy inside her and she came hard against Luula's pussy. The thrill of feeling Karen orgasm against her, along with the sensation of the toy inside her suddenly pushing deeper inside when Karen's pussy tightened around it, was easily enough to cause Luula to join her in orgasm. She clung tightly to the human woman and moaned loudly as she came against her. It seemed that her interest in studying human breeding habits had disappeared in favour of simply enjoying herself. Oh well. She could look back on this later as a learning experience and relieve it again...both for study and for pleasure.

  “,” Karen said breathlessly as she finally pulled her lips from Luula's. “That”

  “Indeed,” Luula said with a tired smile, slowly pulling away and removing the dildo from both herself and from Karen. “That has...taught me a great deal. Thank you for all of your help.”

  “No problem at all,” Karen said with a grin, collapsing back against the floor and trying to catch her breath.

  “...although, I think there are still some things I could do with studying, if you're interested in helping me further?” Luula asked hopefully.

  “Really?” Karen asked, lifting her head slightly to look at the alien woman. “Definitely. I mean, I'm a little tired right now, but...”

  “Oh, no, of course,” Luula chuckled, “I meant tomorrow night. If you are free, of course. I would like to try seeing the differences in our approach to oral, for example, as you only have one tongue.”

  Karen grinned. Clearly they had been thinking the same thing during their kiss. “I'd be more than happy to. I'll definitely come back again tomorrow night so you can me further,” she said. After all, she didn't have anything better to do, and spending the night with Luula definitely sounded way more interesting than wasting away watching trash television all night!

  A Lovely Lesbian Bake Sale

  Judy breathed a sigh of relief as the chocolate chip cookies she'd baked finally came out perfect. She'd been trying all morning to actually get a batch to come out right and it had finally happened. They weren't rock hard like the first or sloppy like the fourth, or like any of the other messes in between. The test cookie was soft, crumbly and actually tasted nice.

  “Stupid bake sale,” she huffed as she tipped the tray of now cool cookies into a food bag so she could transport them to venue. Her kids had long since gone off to school that morning and would be staying with her parents that night to give her a break. She loved her kids but as a single mom Judy sometimes needed time alone to cool off, after having to bake five lots of cookies in just a few hours she definitely needed a rest. Her parents knew what a bad baker she was and had correctly predicted the outcome.

  “Just got to get this all sold and then I can go home,” she grinned as she headed to her bedroom to get changed and ready for the bake sale. “At least I'm not going to be late this time.” she added as she made her way quickly up the stairs.

  Judy frowned at the frumpy outfit she'd left on the bed. She was still young and didn't want to be wearing such restricting outfits but since the bake sale was raising money for the local church she felt she didn't have much choice but to put on something frumpy.

  She sighed and eyed her wardrobe, maybe a tank top and a skirt wouldn't be too bad if the skirt wasn't too short. She'd probably sell more cookies if she looked hot too. That decided it. As soon as her cookies were sold she'd be able to leave and wouldn't have to deal with this again for another six months or so. Besides, it was hot outside so turning up in jeans and jumper would just be silly.

  Judy flung open her wardrobe and rummaged through until she found a mint green tank top that perfectly set off the light green of her eyes and a black skirt that came up to her mid thigh. It wasn't quite as long as she would have liked it but it would do with a pair of boots.

  She quickly changed and turned to admire herself in the mirror. For her age Judy looked fantastic if she did say so herself. Her creamy skin was offset perfectly by her light green eyes and long blonde hair. Since her pregnancies she'd also put on a fair few curves in all the right places. She'd always been skinny and while she didn't mind that she thought she looked much better with a few curves to show off.

  “Perfect!” she said and winked at herself in the mirror. If she was really lucky maybe some of the younger mothers would feel the heat of the day and turn up in skimpy clothing too. It never hurt to have some extra eye-candy while she desperately tried to sell mediocre cookies to old people.

  After a last check in the mirror she was ready and Judy headed down the stairs, grabbed her cookies and two plates to present them on and slipped on her killer high heeled black leather boots. It wasn't very 'bake sale for the church' but they would have to do.

  Soon enough Judy was in the car and singing along to her favourite tunes on the radio as she drove. She wondered why her favourite songs always seemed better when she caught them on the radio by accident rather than playing them on purpose. She was still singing the end of a song when she pulled up into the church parking lot and found a spot near the entrance. Parking near the entrance ensured she'd be able to make a quick getaway when she was done.

  “Hi, Judy!” one of the other moms called out as Judy slid out of her car. “You seem in a good mood today, I bet it's the weather!”

  Judy did her best to smile and make it not look like a grimace. Mrs Barker was a nice woman but Judy didn't really want to stop and chat when there were cookies to get rid of.

  “Actually I'm just happy my cookies are edible this year.” Judy laughed as she grabbed them out of the passenger seat and locked her car. “You remember my cake last year.”

  “Oh goodness yes!” Mrs Barker gasped as she strode over to Judy with two perfectly formed red velvet cakes, one balanced on each hand. “I did wonder if you were going to be sued by the customers or given a salary from the dentist.”

  Judy laughed along but felt herself die a little inside as she and Mrs Barker walked over to the little field next to the church where the ba
ke sale was going to happen. She was directed to her table and instructed to set up quickly as she was technically late.

  “They really should tell us to get here half an hour before opening time if that's what they want, we can't just guess these things now can we?” Mrs Barker huffed as she walked over to her table after being told off for being late too.

  Judy gave her a sympathetic smile as she moved on to her table which was mercifully away from Mrs Barker's. It didn't take her long to set up her donation box and the two plates of cookies she'd baked.

  A quick look at the baked goods of the women beside her soon let her know just how amateur her attempts at baking had been. The perfect meringue next to her made her feel the worst but the huge chocolate cake to her other side didn't make her feel much better. She slumped down into the chair that had been provided for her and groaned. With such meagre baked good she'd be there until the end of time.

  After an hour or two Judy managed to sell a few cookies to old women who clearly felt sorry for her and muttered something about how their grandchildren loved cookies so they wouldn't be going to waste. She still had most of them left though and was starting to despair that she'd never get away when her eyes drifted over the other stalls for what felt like the hundredth time. This time though, she caught someone's eye.

  A woman over the other side of the small field happened to look up at the same time as Judy and flashed her a happy grin, this woman had already got rid off whatever she'd been selling and was packing up. It wasn't how quickly she'd sold her baked goods that Judy noticed about this woman though, it was how incredibly attractive the woman was.

  Judy couldn't stop staring as the woman moved around her table to pack up. Long black hair, dark brown eyes and the silkiest looking dark skin Judy had ever seen, she couldn't help imagining what it would feel like to run her hands over the other woman's gorgeous bare arms before then moving on to more intimate places.

  The woman finished packing up and made her way straight over to Judy's stall. She was wearing high heeled black shoes and a gorgeous charcoal dress, matched with a bright yellow fake leather belt to give her outfit a splash of colour. She was grinning as she approached and looked down at the cookies.

  “Wow, not many people have done cookies for this thing, I'm surprised you have any left.” she remarked.

  “That's because they suck and no one wants to buy them.” Judy laughed. “Looks like you already sold out of whatever you did.”

  “I made lemon cake,” the other woman laughed apologetically. “And I suppose there is a store near here that sells nice cookies so they might be stealing your business.”

  “In that case I'd best go around with a baseball bat and put them in their place.” Judy laughed. “I'm Judy by the way,” she said, introducing herself.

  “I'm Lia,” the other woman replied. “I've seen you around town a few times.” she admitted nervously. “I don't want to sound like a stalker but I don't think I've ever seen you with a guy...”

  “I'm divorced.” Judy replied, she didn't care who knew about that mistake. “Two kids and five years in the marriage, then I realise I'm a lesbian.”

  Lia seemed to perk up at that. “Snap!” she laughed. “Well, I only have a daughter and I bailed on the marriage after three years but when you realise it there's just no point in stringing the poor guy along any more is there?”

  “Exactly!” Judy exclaimed with a grin, “you know, I've never actually met someone in the same situation as me. Well, not in person anyway.”

  “Well, now you have...” Lia mused. “So, are you seeing anybody new?”

  “No, not yet. I'm looking but it's so hard to find the time to go out without the kids.” Judy replied.

  “We're out now.” Lia pointed out. “If I buy all these cookies for my daughter she'll be thrilled and you'll be free to come grab a cup of coffee with me. If you want to that is.”

  “I'd love that!” Judy all but gasped. “Please save me from this hell.”

  “Alright.” Lia grinned. “Looks like you've made a sale!”

  Once Judy had collected the money from Lia and bundled it in the donation box for the church she packed up the cookies back in their little food bag and handed them over to her new friend. They made their way back to their cars and arranged to meet at the mall, specifically at the fancy coffee shop at the back. Since this was the first date either of them had been on in a while they wanted to do it right.

  Judy's stomach felt like it was full of butterflies as she parked her car up near the mall's entrance. She took a few deep breaths to steady herself and looked right into the rear view mirror.

  “Come on Judy! She's hot and she's obviously in to you. Don't mess this up and more importantly don't let this slip you by!”

  After her little pep talk she slipped out of her car and headed into the mall. A thousand negative thoughts were swirling through her head along with the occasional image of what she thought Lia might look like naked. Judy tried to push them all away though, she was terrible at finding people in crowds and didn't need distracting on top of everything else.

  “Judy over here!” Lia called out as she breathed an audible sigh of relief that her date had actually turned up, it had seemed too good to be true but now here they both were, ready to get back in the game.

  Judy hurried over to where Lia was stood in front of the coffee shop. “I thought you would have gone in ahead,” she panted, slightly out of breath from all but running through to mall to get there.

  “I thought about it but I didn't want to order on your behalf or be sat down way ahead of you so my coffee goes cold.” Lia replied, “Besides, it's much more fun to brave the long line together right?”

  “Yeah, it is.” Judy grinned happily as she and Lia entered the coffee shop and began to wait in line. Never in a million years did Judy think the bake sale would have ended like this. She had to admit that it hadn't been a complete waste of time after all.

  Soon enough they were sat at a table by the window and watching the shoppers go by as they sipped their hot coffee.

  “This is a bit forward of me but I'm curious, when did you realise you liked women?” Lia asked as she leaned forward to talk to Judy more intimately.

  “Well, I actually had a girlfriend a while back but it didn't work out, she moved for work and didn't even think how it would affect us. I think the worst part was that she didn't care, she just left and it didn't hurt her at all. It was just after that that I met the guy I ended up marrying and I didn't want to get hurt by a woman again, I think it hurt so bad because the day she asked me on a date was probably the first time I realised I liked women. When we broke up I took it so badly that I figured I'd never like a woman again and it would be a phase only. Before that I hadn't really thought about liking anyone at all.” Judy replied. “How about you?”

  Lia felt a little bad for bringing up such a clearly bad memory for Judy but she didn't seem too hurt by telling the story now at least.

  “It wasn't so clear cut for me.” Lia replied. “I guess for me it never came up that liking women was an option, it just never came up in my family or with my friends. By the time I saw it in the media I'd been dating guys for so long it didn't occur to me that I might like women, but I spent most of my time checking out women and convincing myself I was just into fashion and beauty. Eventually my marriage began to show cracks and me and my husband decided to go on a romantic holiday without our daughter to try and patch things up. I caught him in bed with another woman and realised I was jealous of him rather than her. We broke up on the spot and after that I tried some flings and one night stands. I definitely prefer women but I've yet to have a full relationship with one.”

  “It would have been a lot less dramatic if we'd just worked it out in high school.” Judy laughed as she took a big sip of her coffee. “The one good that came from it though is my kids.”

  “Yeah, I definitely wouldn't change anything, I don't know what I'd do without my daughter.” Lia agr
eed. “It would have been pretty cool if we could have dated in high school though.”

  “It would have, I love my kids but I wasted so many years thinking a man was the only way for me to go.” Judy replied. “But I'm sick of wasting time, I won't waste another minute of it. I mean, we're here on a date now and I hope this won't be the only date we have.”

  “It won't be. I'm going to make sure of it.” Lia laughed as she finished off her coffee. “To be honest I was hoping to get a second date but it didn't want to push it.”

  “I think the best thing we can do is be honest with each other. I really like you and I'm honestly relieved you seem to really like me too.” Judy said.

  “I do really like you too, no worries there.” Lia grinned. “And in the interests of being honest I have to tell you. I'm happy to take this at whatever pace you want to go at but I already can't help thinking what it would be like to have you in bed.”

  “Thank god it's not just me thinking it.” Judy giggled. “I've been trying to stop thinking about it since we got here but you're gorgeous and it's impossible!”

  “In the interests of our relationship progressing maybe we should go back to my place and have a good fuck, then we can focus much better on getting to know one another.” Lia suggested with a grin

  “Now that sounds like the best plan I've heard all day, but I have a little stop I need to make on the way.” Judy winked as she finished her coffee and climbed to her feet. “There's a shop not too far from here that sells sex toys and costumes and other stuff like that. How about we pop in and make sure we do this right.”


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