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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 9

by Audra Hart

  “Fine! Do what you will so that you understand.” snaps Luca. “But I must know, will donating that much blood be dangerous for Morna?”

  “Well yes, but to a very manageable degree. She is incredibly strong and heals at an amazing rate. She would most likely come through it without any lasting ill effects. I suspect that she would suffer some discomfort and some weakness from it, but I don’t think it poses any real threat to Morna,” Mordir says.

  “What of our child?” Morna asks.

  Reagan laughs and says, “Madam, if you were to die at this moment, the child would survive. He simply grows stronger the longer he stays in your womb. I am supremely confident that the child would not suffer a bit if you donated the blood needed to attempt the cure.”

  Luca snorts and calls Kylor to him. “Son, I need two things from you, right now. First, enter Rodrigo’s mind and review the visions exactly. Memorize them so that you can replay them to me, image by image, nuance by nuance. Can you do that?”

  “Certainly, if Rodrigo consents.” Kylor says quietly.

  “He will, if he wants my mate to help him.” Luca says with finality. “Second, I need you to teach me the mechanism by which you enter a mind. I don’t want to enter a mind, but I think I can modify your technique to attach my consciousness to Morna’s antibodies to see what they do in her body and in his body. I want to make sure that drinking her blood is actually the most efficient way to deliver the cure,” Luca says excitedly. He is hopeful that he can devise another way for Morna to help him without posing any significant risk to her or to their child.

  Mordir gasps and claps his hands together. “Lucian that would be amazing if you can do it. You must come and study with us and teach us when matters calm down for your family and Guild. If you can do this it would revolutionize medicine for our kind and eventually for mankind as well.”

  “Sorry Mordir, I had not thought about it that way. I am simply seeking to protect my mate and yet allow her to help Rodrigo. I know how much she wants to help, and I know that if I don’t find a safer solution, I will consent to the more dangerous method just because she really wants to do this. I am a weak man in that regard, I can deny my mate nothing that she really wants or needs. And she needs to cure this man. It is essential to her to accomplish this,” Luca admits flatly, unemotionally.

  Mordir looks at Luca with obvious admiration and says; “You are not weak, Sir. You simply love your mate and know that she is a wise and decent leader.”

  “She is indeed.” Luca says with finality. He sees Morna open her mouth to say something and then snap it shut and look at her hands. “Amazing!” he whispers in her ear, “Thank you for not dismissing my praise of you.” He kisses her quickly and walks off with Kylor to discuss the process of entering a mind.

  Morna yawns and says, “I need to sleep soon, but first I have a few questions for you Mordir.” When Mordir nods she asks, “Have you identified the specific mechanism through which the curse turns Rodrigo into this blood thirsty beast?”

  “Yes, Lady Morna, we have. Some foreign agent, presumably from the blood wolf, has attached itself to Rodrigo’s mitochondrial DNA. We assume that that is why the trait was not passed on to George. The foreign agent has actually modified that DNA that it is attached to. We theorize that your blood, especially the antibodies that are present in it right now, will attack those foreign bodies on Rodrigo’s DNA,” Mordir says excitedly as he rubs his hands together. “I am sorry, I can’t help myself, and this is ground breaking stuff that we are working on here right now. Very exciting.”

  “Yes Mordir it certainly is,” Morna says with a chuckle. “Please help Luca figure out a way to make it happen. I promised Luca that he had final say as to whether or not I would help, because he feared the risk to my life to donate that much blood. Help him figure out a way to make it happen. I can’t stand the idea of being able to help Rodrigo and not doing it.” Morna says sincerely.

  “Madam, I am honestly confident that you could safely donate two pints of blood a day for three days in a row without causing you permanent harm. But it will be very demanding for you physically, and it will be a hard sell to convince your mate,” Mordir says honestly.

  “I know. I will leave this to more brilliant brains than my own. Figure it out please, this is important.” Morna yawns again and says, “Is there someplace here that I might sleep a few hours?”

  “Of course, Madam. You may use my office. I have a bed there, it is most comfortable and quiet in there,” Mordir assures her.

  Morna laughs and takes his hand into hers, “Friend Mordir, if you are going to share your bed with me, don’t you think you should call me Morna and not Madam?”

  Mordir chuckles and says, “Very well, Friend Morna. Go and rest.” He blushes when Morna kisses his cheek before she strides off to find his office. “But Mad… Morna, I didn’t tell you where it is.”

  “I can smell a very strong concentration of your scent down this wing,” Morna says happily.

  Mordir laughs, “Yes, it is the third door on the right. Rest well.” He walks away shaking his head.

  Morna has slept about fifteen minutes when Nora crawls into bed with her. “Hey, Pumpkin, are you okay?”

  “Yes, Mama. I am just tired. I won’t crowd you if I sleep with you will I?” Nora says sleepily.

  “Not at all, Pumpkin. I am glad to have you close.” Morna snuggles into her child and is quickly drifting back off to sleep when it occurs to her to ask her daughter a question. “Nora, does this work? Can we cure Rodrigo?”

  “Yes, Mama. When Daddy got the idea to enter your blood, the vision came to me that he easily figures out how to heal Rodrigo. You get very tired, but you and Maddie both do fine. Sammy sees the same thing,” Nora says happily.

  Morna smiles and drifts back into sleep but her eyes pop open when her daughter continues to speak. “Mama, I am so glad you are doing this. I marry Rodrigo when I turn twenty-eight.” When Morna sits up quickly and starts to speak, Nora puts her fingers over her mother’s lips. “Mama, I am telling you this now so that you will have twenty-one years to get used to the idea. I see plainly how much I come to love him when I grow up. I am twenty-five before he even looks at me like anything other than a child, but when he does, it is magical for both of us.” Morna snaps her mouth shut and lies back down. “Mom, don’t tell Daddy. He will freak out.”

  “I don’t need a seer to tell me that, little girl,” Morna grumbles. “You know I can’t keep secrets from Daddy don’t you?”

  “Yes, but apparently, you never let this one slip in your sleep. Soon, you will be totally at peace with it,” Nora says confidently.

  Morna kisses the top of her daughter’s head and doubts the validity of those words, but doesn’t say anything. She snuggles into her daughter and listens to her breathing even out as she drifts off into a deep sleep. Eventually, Morna herself drifts off into a restful sleep.

  An hour later, Aideen is trying to wake Morna without waking Nora. “Mama, this is Valla. She works with Mordir. She is going to extract plasma from you. Daddy has figured out how to help Rodrigo without putting you at too much risk. But right now I need you to get up and drink some blood and eat before Valla starts to work.”

  Morna kisses Nora’s forehead and eases out of bed. She follows her oldest daughter and Valla into an adjoining room. There is a huge meal consisting of a grilled ribeye steak, crispy hash browns, steamed broccoli and wilted mustard greens with bacon bits and onions. Beside the plate is a tall glass of blood and an icy coke, as well as a glass of milk. Morna smiles at the plate and says, “I guess Kyle planned the menu? He knows so well what Mom likes.”

  “No, Mama, I did. I have not lived with you for the last fifteen years like Kyle has, but I still know what foods you like. Besides, these foods are high in nutrients you need,” Aideen says stiffly.

  Morna gasps and says, “Forgive me, Ladybug. I assumed it was Kyle because he came up with this game a few years ago, ‘What would you pick fo
r your last meal if you knew your death was eminent and you could eat anything you wanted.’ This is exactly the meal I settled on after many rounds of playing the game. You truly do know me very well, Ladybug. Thank you.”

  Aideen smiles happily and says, “Sorry Mama. I really am trying not to be so sensitive with you.”

  “Well I can certainly understand your reaction,” Morna admits as she starts eating. “So, tell me what Daddy discovered.”

  “The magic/vampire part of you seems to produce antibodies that make your body so strong. Apparently the more blood you consume, the more antibodies you make. Otherwise the antibodies are produced at a much lower rate by utilizing your own body’s blood. These antibodies are largely responsible for your rapid healing. And they can promote healing in others. Daddy says they go to work on the cellular level. That is how they will heal Rodrigo’s DNA.”

  “Daddy and Mordir plan to extract enough of the antibodies via plasma to replicate drinking the two pints a day of your blood. Daddy followed some of your blood through Rodrigo’s digestion system and decided that was too inefficient, so we came up with the idea of plasma. Daddy is assured that you will be safe enough doing it this way, and has consented to the treatment going forward,” Aideen explains quietly.

  Valla laughs and says, “Madam, the Lady Aideen is not telling you that it was her idea to extract the antibodies via plasma. She came up with a method that would trap the antibodies in the plasma. Her contribution finally tipped the scale so that Lord Lucian would consent to the treatment going forward.”

  Morna laughs and kisses Aideen’s cheek. “My daughter is just as brilliant as her father. Thank you, Ladybug.” Aideen blushes and says, “Well Mama, I am going home to my mate. I will see you at home soon.” Morna hugs her daughter and thanks her for her help, and the food.

  As soon as Aideen leaves Morna resumes eating and tells Valla, “Go ahead and start collecting the antibodies. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Morna spends the next hour and half getting to know Valla. She is very intelligent and a gifted healer who is also very interested in undergoing warrior training. But many in the Healer’s Hall at Asgard frown on a healer also being a warrior. This attitude is largely responsible for the rift between Spell Weavers and Asgardian healers. Morna feels this attitude is utter nonsense and explains the mission and history of Spell Weavers to Valla. “We use both healing and warrior skills for the benefit of mankind. Historically speaking, Asgardian thinking and philosophies have centered on what is best for Asgard.”

  Odin laughs from the doorway. “Valla, she is right you know. But, Baby Girl, that is changing. In part because of you. Your life or rather lives, have had a big impact on many Asgardians. Especially myself.” Odin walks over and kisses his great granddaughter on the forehead. “Are you about to offer a position to one of my healers?”

  “Actually, I was thinking about an exchange of interns, so to speak.” Morna says thoughtfully. “I will have to run the idea by Luca, Elias, Bronwyn and the Elders, and of course, I would have to have the support of you Odin and the ranking members of the Healer’s Hall. But yes, I would like to explore this more at some point. Valla, would you consider participating in such an arrangement?”

  “I would indeed. But I am not sure if even Mordir could get an idea like this past the ranking members of the Hall. But if he had Odin’s support…”

  Odin chuckles and says, “I would be interested in more discussions about this. If nothing else Valla, I would readily give you permission to spend a year or two with the Spell Weavers. I think it would be a good experience for you.”

  Luca laughs from the hallway, “Morna, Morna… always the ambassador for the Spell Weavers, aren’t you? I like the idea. Let’s iron it out as soon as possible.” Luca kisses his mate and looks at Valla, “Do we have enough antibodies yet?”

  “We do. I was about to come get you and someone to examine the Lady Morna before I let her stand up.” Valla says quickly. It is obvious to Luca and Morna that she is uncomfortable around Luca.

  Luca goes to get Mordir and Morna leans over and says, “Valla, I have less control over my urges to feed on humans than my mate does. And I can assure you I will not feed on you, so you can be doubly assured my mate will not.”

  Valla blushes bright red. “Lady Morna that is not the only reason that I am uncomfortable around your husband. He’s so…”

  Morna laughs, “Okay, kiddo I understand. I know exactly what you mean. Are you empathic?”

  “Yes, how did you know?” Valla asks.

  “Sorry dear girl. You are reacting to my attraction to my mate,” Morna chortles.

  “I am relieved to learn that. I have never reacted that way to a man. I usually attracted to women,” Valla says with a laugh.

  Odin chuckles, “Baby Girl, I knew your attraction to your mate was strong, but I had no idea how strong until this very moment.”

  Luca returns with Mordir and Micah in tow. Both decide Morna should be fine to walk the short distance to proceed with Rodrigo’s treatment. Morna walks into the other room to check on Nora, she is still sleeping soundly and Morna is hesitant about leaving her. “I’ll wait here for her to wake up, Lady Morna, and bring her to you as soon as she wakes.” Valla offers.

  When they get back to the main exam/procedure room Morna is pleased to see that all of her children except for Nora are there waiting. Morna kisses each of them by way of greeting. When she kisses Aideen she asks why she didn’t go home. But then she hears Agnar in the other room and understands. Rinda comes up, grabs Morna’s hands eagerly and kisses her, and says excitedly, “Morna, Rodrigo is an amazing man. I am so glad you agreed to help him.”

  Morna smiles at Rinda and says, “It’s nothing any other Spell Weaver wouldn’t do.”

  Morna quickly turns her attention to Kylor. “Son, I need a few minutes of your time.” Kylor smiles and follows Morna out into the hall where she quickly puts up a buffer spell. “Did you walk through Rodrigo’s memories of the visions?” When he nods, she says, “Okay, I need to know exactly what you saw.” Kylor calmly relates everything he saw. “Mother, in every vision, Rodrigo initially drank directly from your arm. At the end of the healing rite, you drink from him. I think that it creates a symbiosis that is a necessary part of the healing.”

  Morna nods, “I thought as much. I think that is key. Your father won’t like this.” She hugs her son, sighs and drops the spell and walks back into the procedure room.

  She meet’s Luca’s eyes and he locks her in an iron-clad stare. “Dammit Morna!”

  “You know it’s right Luca,” Morna says softly.

  “Dad, what is wrong?” Asks Kyle.

  “Your mother is stubborn and set in her ways. But this time she is probably right. One of the many things your mother taught me when she was my lore mother was that a Spell Weaver must always respect the magic. Of course, she has been proven right countless times over the centuries,” Luca says with a worried look on his face.

  “That sounds like valid advice Daddy. Breena taught me much the same thing. Why does it have you so troubled?” Aideen asks.

  “Because Mom will insist on weaving the healing spells over Rodrigo herself, and she will insist on allowing him to drink from her arm, like in the original visions, before your’s and Dad’s treatment is used,” says Aiden with a serious look on his face. He looks at his mother and tells her telepathically. “You know Dad feels a lot of pain at the thought of another man tasting your blood.”

  “I know son. I will do everything I can to make it up to him. But magic that heals often involves deep personal sacrifice on the part of the healers. If one wants to be a healer they must be willing to make these sacrifices. I am in pain that Daddy has to make a sacrifice for this, when I am the one so determined to help Rodrigo, but I don’t see another way around it,” Morna says sadly.

  “Daddy, I can see that you don’t really like this but I think Mama is right. Magic must be respected. You discovered the s
cience of how it works, but we must give magic its due and respect what the vision showed us,” Aideen says earnestly.

  “I know Aideen. When it comes to matters of magic, your Mama always has the better instincts than I do. Technically, scientifically I excel. But Morna understands magic and war in her gut. Just like she understands love in her gut.” Luca walks over to his mate and kisses her gently. “I am fine with this, my love. Do what you need to do to help your kin.” He whispers so softly that only Morna can hear.

  He straightens up and adds, “I am going to go check on Nora. I will take her home. I don’t want her to have to see this in person. I am sure she has already seen it in a vision, or soon will.” Having said that Luca walks out of the room. Morna quickly follows behind him. Aideen laughs and says, “Well cool your jets everyone. I’d bet anyone fifty bucks we don’t see Mama again for another hour or so.” There are several nervous twitters in the room.


  Morna catches up with Luca quickly and takes his hand in hers. She leads him down several halls until she finds what looks like a pretty ordinary hospital room. She drags him into it with her and puts up a buffer spell. “Morna, love, there is really nothing more to say. Do what you need to do.” Luca says quietly.

  “Like hell!” Morna says and she grasps his face between her hands and kisses him. At first he doesn’t really respond, but soon his passion for his beloved takes over and he is consumed with need to take her, right here, right now. To mark her as his.

  They quickly undress each other and come together on the bed in the room. As soon as Morna mounts his erection an orgasm rips through her body. Luca can’t help but laugh. “You go after everything you want full force don’t you?”


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