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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 10

by Audra Hart

  “I try, Baby,” Morna says with a wanton little smile on her lips. “I couldn’t go forth with this healing without coming together with you first.” Morna kisses him deeply and starts moving eagerly on his shaft. She is watching eyes and is delighted to see that he is just as wildly aroused as she is. “Luca, you are first for me in all things. You know that right?”

  He raises up to kiss his beloved mate and assures her that he knows she loves him. “I meant it, I am truly fine with you doing this to heal Rodrigo. It’s a far better option than killing him to protect defenseless humans from him.”

  Morna smiles happily at him. “I know that Lucian Michaels. You are the most decent, giving, generous man I know. But I need something first, before I can do this. I cannot offer my blood to anyone else before you have tasted it yourself.”

  Luca stills her hips and looks at her like she has lost her mind. “Baby, I have tasted your blood.”

  “I don’t mean some little lick here and there. I need for you to bite me and drink before I do this. I can’t stand the thought of someone else feeding from my body when even you have not truly done it.” Morna says in total honesty.

  “Morna, if I truly started to feed from you, I might not be able to stop.” Luca says, fear choking his voice. He is scared because her words are affecting him deeply. He desperately wants to feed from her before Rodrigo does, yet he is terrified he will drink too much. He won’t risk hurting her like that. “I can’t do this Morna! I can’t take that risk with you.”

  Morna kisses him again and starts moving again on his erection. She read his desire to feed on her blood and she knows she can persuade him to do it. The thought of it engulfs her in intense flames of desire. She feels intoxicated by the heady conflagration of yearning and is becoming more and more eager for him to do it, and do it quickly. She brings his hands up to her breasts and encourages him to knead them roughly. “Luca, I want you to do this. We both know that when I ask you to stop, you will.”

  Luca sits up and kisses his mate. He leans down and sucks a nipple into his mouth and nibbles on it none too gently, his razor sharp and venomous teeth nipping her tender flesh, sending electrifying burning and tingling sensations throughout her body. He finally raises his face and meets her eyes. He groans like a man being tortured. “God help me woman, but I am putty in your hands.” He kisses her again and then asks, “Beloved, you are absolutely certain that you want me to do this to you?”

  “I have never wanted anything more,” Morna assures him. Luca kisses her again and trails his mouth down her neck. Morna’s excitement drives her even faster and harder on his shaft. “Hurry love, I am going to come very, very soon!” Morna urges him. He bites at the base of her neck, just avoiding the jugular and drinks deeply. Morna gasps loudly and clutches at him wildly. “Yes! Yes! Luca, Yes!” Suddenly both of them are climaxing together. Luca releases his hold on her neck and starts to kiss her deeply, passionately. “Oh my God, my blood tastes wonderful in his mouth!” Morna thinks to herself as she moans happily.

  Morna continues to ride her beloved until the waves of their mutual orgasm finally pass. “Thank you love,” she whispers as she collapses onto his hard body, feeling totally satiated and spent. “I know you didn’t think that you should do that, but it was exquisite!”

  Luca kisses her again and then looks deeply into her eyes. “I should not have done it, but I am so glad that I did. I think that was the most delicious, exquisite, perfect moment I have ever experienced in my life. God woman, I need a thesaurus to express how wonderful that was.”

  Morna laughs and says, “I know what you mean.” She kisses him again. She wonders at the giddy sensation that seems to be taking over her mind. The euphoria is all encompassing, and she desperately wants to love him again.

  Luca recognizes that look on her face. “Love, we will have time to make love again later. You need to get this healing rite over with and come home to me.” Luca whispers into her ear. Morna is disappointed, but she knows that he is right. She reluctantly dismounts from his beautiful body. She strokes his perfect form, reluctant to walk away. Luca laughs and says, “Let me help you get dressed. He lifts her and sets her on her feet beside the bed. He quickly has to catch her though because her giddy, euphoric state was partially induced by blood loss.

  He picks her up and lies her on the bed. “Dammit woman, I knew better. I drank too much.” He covers her with a blanket, gets dressed and goes to find Mordir. He comes across Valla first and drags her back to Morna, quickly and efficiently explaining what happened as he goes.

  Valla takes one look at Morna and tells him where the human blood is stored on this hallway. “Go get me four units. She probably won’t need that much, but I would rather over feed her than underfeed her. Then go get Mordir. He is still in the same treatment room, waiting for the Lady Morna to return.”

  When Luca is hopefully out of earshot Morna chuckles and says “Go ahead and say what’s on your mind.”

  Valla looks at Morna with a conspiratorial smile on her face and says, “Was it hot?” Valla chuckles as she starts the IV.

  “Hell yeah.” Morna says with a small laugh, but then she looks at her hands a little uncertainly. “I know you must think I am an idiot, but I couldn’t feed another man my blood before my husband, the vampire, had had an opportunity to feed on my blood. It just made me feel like I was… “

  “Unfaithful?” Valla asks gently.

  “Yes, I guess that was it. But not exactly.” Silence fills the exam room making Morna feel uncomfortable until she thinks of something to speak to young healer about.

  Morna says quietly. “It feels like the baby is still strong, what do you think?” Valla holds her hands over her swollen belly and smiles big. Morna is assured by the second opinion that her unborn child is fine, but asks after her other baby, “Where is Nora?”

  “She wanted to go back to your home with Tena. A couple of warriors went with them.” Valla reassures Morna. Morna smiles and then contacts her daughter telepathically and assures herself that her baby girl is fine.

  Morna sighs and says, “You probably think I am one weird woman, don’t you?” Morna asks with a self-deprecating chuckle.

  “No, I don’t. I think in your place I would have felt the same way. I am just not sure I would have been brave enough to convince a vampire to feed on me.” Valla says honestly. “But I can completely understand why you did it. I may not be attracted to men, and I am not mated to a vampire, but I sure as hell understand love, and loyalty, faithfulness, constancy, trust… yeah, Morna I get it.” Morna smiles gratefully and squeezes the healer’s hand.

  By now Luca has come back with the blood and then left to go get Mordir. He had heard the exchange between the young healer and his wife. He understands completely what had motivated Morna and himself, if he is honest. He feels much less guilty about the whole incident, but won’t truly feel okay about it until she is fully restored.

  Morna drinks one unit quickly and immediately starts feeling stronger. Valla prepares two more units for her and she drinks those at a more leisurely pace. By the time Mordir arrives with Luca, Morna is much improved. Mordir examines her thoroughly and Valla quickly tests her blood to make sure she is not anemic. Mordir pats Morna’s cheek and says, “You know this, but I think you are going to be fine.”

  “I wasn’t worried,” Morna says, I just figured I needed to drink some blood and other fluid before the healing rite. But I couldn’t ask my mate to ignore his worries when he has already sacrificed so much on my account. But I must admit to being a little embarrassed that everyone knows Luca had to fetch you for me.”

  “No they don’t. I had walked down to my office. Luca found me in the hallway before I returned to the procedure room. The four of us are the only ones that know. Rest easy. My lady.”

  Morna reaches out for Luca and he leans down and kisses her. “I love you, you hard headed woman,” Luca whispers so quietly that neither of the healers can hear.

a laughs and looks at Mordir, “I told you that I am a weak man when it comes to denying this woman something she wants.”

  “And I believe that she is just as unable to not give you what you need, even when you resist.” Mordir says with a chuckle. “I see no reason why she can’t go through with the healing rite.”

  “Good!” says Morna enthusiastically as she sits up. She barely catches the blanket in time before it falls down and exposes her bare breasts. Mordir and Valla don’t seem to notice. Valla yawns and says, well I want to rest for a little while. I will see you tomorrow, Lady Morna.” And she walks quietly out of the room.

  Mordir says, “Yes, I should get back too. Morna, join us when you are ready.” And then he too leaves.

  Morna and Luca spend a few seconds looking at each other when suddenly they both burst out laughing. Morna flips the cover back and sits up. Luca abruptly starts laughing and growls, “Damn, Woman I could gladly take you again, right now.” He leans down and kisses her deeply. “In fact, I may do just that.”

  “Soon, baby. Let me get this healing rite over with. And then I am all yours.” Morna says lightly.

  “Morna, we both know that you are always all mine. This wasn’t necessary.”

  “Yes, it was.” Morna disagrees. “If not for you then for me. I couldn’t have gone through with it if we had not done this. I really can’t explain it.”

  Luca nods and kisses her gently, “I think that I understand.” He helps her put her bra on and gently cups her breasts after he hooks the fasteners in the back. Morna growls and he chuckles. “You know I couldn’t resist.” He helps her put her panties on and then leisurely strokes her between her legs. He is better behaved when he helps her put on the rest of her clothes. And suddenly, he takes her into his arms and kisses her fiercely. “Morna, you are amazing, thank you.”

  “You are welcome. And thank you for not refusing me. I was truly afraid you would refuse. You are always so… protective,” Morna says sincerely.

  He smiles and walks her back toward the main procedure room. He stops and grabs a coke out a refrigerator on the way back. He chuckles because he had found this stash of cokes when he was looking for blood earlier. “Here, drink this. Maybe they will think you grabbed a bite to eat.”

  Morna laughs happily, “No, they won’t, but thanks.” About twenty five feet from the hallway that leads to the procedure room, Luca stops and holds her gently and then kisses her again. “I will be home as soon as I can.” Luca nods and silently walks away. Morna watches until he is almost out of sight and then turns and makes her way toward the procedure room. When she enters the room, Aideen giggles, points to her watch, and holds her hand out to Reagan, who slaps a wad of bills in her hand.

  Morna sighs and says, “Stealing from the good doctor with one of your sucker bets, Ladybug?”

  “I guess I was,” Aideen giggles.

  Morna smiles too and looks at her new found Uncle. “Rodrigo, let’s get started.” I need everyone but Breena, Rinda and Mordir to leave. I am not much of a healer and I need to be able to concentrate. Mordir prepares the plasma for administration. And then checks Morna’s vitals. Rinda is working with Morna to relax and focus. The two of them are also reviewing the basic weaver healing spells. After a bit, Morna asks Mordir to describe the structure of the affected DNA.

  Rodrigo has been watching Morna closely during all of this, the emotions in the room had been very strong before she cleared the room. Rodrigo had to concentrate to keep up with who was experiencing what emotion. But it is clear to him that Morna is doing this despite the pain it will cause her, and more importantly despite the pain it will cause her mate. She feels a deep sense of guilt over it towards her mate, and a deep sense of regret. But her resolve to do it is unshakable. But he feels that he must try to talk her out of it, even though he is desperate to be cured. He opens his mouth to speak when Breena says, “Don’t bother Rodrigo. It won’t change her mind.”

  “What? I don’t understand.” Rodrigo says in confusion.

  “Rodrigo, I am empathic, like you. And over the years I have also learned to read people pretty well. Not as well as Morna, but I am pretty good just the same. You won’t talk her out of it. Besides, you really don’t want to. You want to be cured. You want to stop transforming into a murderous monster. Morna needs to do this. In a way, it will heal something in her too,” Breena says quietly.

  “You mean her belief that she is only good at killing, and has no real power as a healer?” Rodrigo asks sincerely.

  Morna chuckles, “Yeah, I think that is what she was talking about. Man, you empathics sure put a lot of stock in feelings.”

  Breena rolls her eyes at Rodrigo and he smiles. He understands that Morna is making light of their abilities to ignore the truth of what was said. Soon Morna and Breena are discussing the information that Mordir provided. He is intrigued as they talk about ways to modify the spells. Even though he is a powerful magical being, what they are discussing is all Greek to him. Rinda and Mordir come to stand by Rodrigo. “Do either one of you understand what they are talking about?”

  Mordir shakes his head and says, “I don’t have a clue. I know a little of Spell Weaver magic, but this is… well, it’s different.”

  Rinda smiles and says, “I understand bits and pieces of it. But they are sisters and have their own shorthand that no one but the two of them truly understands. They have a long history of working together to modify spells and expand Spell Weaver magic. They are my best friends, and even I can’t keep up.” Rinda chuckles and then smiles hugely because she doesn’t feel left out by this. She finally recognizes that no two people can be everything, in all situations to one another. She realizes that she and Morna share something very, very special and she is finally able to truly appreciate it and still be glad that others give Morna what she cannot.

  Rodrigo pats Rinda’s hand and speaks to her telepathically, “I think three of us will walk away from this hall healed. Good for you my dear.”

  Rinda smiles and hugs him. “Yep,” is all she says.

  Morna looks up when she hears Rinda speak. She smiles openly at her beloved friend and quickly returns her attention to Breena and their plans. Finally she says, “Well, I think I have procrastinated enough.” She walks over to Rodrigo and gently strokes his cheek. “Ready Uncle?”

  “Please stop calling me that Morna. It makes me feel ancient. George said that you call Thor brother. Why not me?” Rodrigo says with a smile.

  “I am not sure. Maybe because I feel like your son is my brother. I honestly feel like I should call you friend.” Morna shrugs.

  “Friend suits me fine,” Rodrigo says as he offers his hand to shake.

  Morna shakes his hand, but captures his left hand in both of her hands, and meets his eyes. “Have you tasted blood when you are not deep in the blood thirst of the beast?”

  “No,” he says quietly, unable to look away from Morna’s captivating, piercing green eyes.

  “I thought not. Rinda and Breena will hold you in a binding spell if you think you will lose control.” Morna says softly.

  “I don’t think it is necessary, but I will submit to it if you wish,” Rodrigo says quietly.

  “No, no. I don’t think we need to do it. In the vision we were standing face to face, correct?”

  “Yes,” Rodrigo agrees.

  “Fine. Relax. It’s not that unpleasant, and truly you won’t have to drink much of it. Mordir will administer the plasma after you have drank from my arm for a minute.” Morna takes a deep breath and looks Rodrigo in the eyes, “Are you ready?” When he nods Morna starts humming and reciting the words of the healing spell. She places her hands above his head, and slowly moves them downward as she continues to weave the healing spell. She spends a little extra time on his right shoulder. It obviously received a very serious injury that never healed properly. She continues down the entire length of his body. She is surprised at the raw strength and magic she senses in his being. Finally, the entire spell
has been woven and she rises slowly and takes a small dagger from the tray beside the exam table. She utters a prayer and neatly incises the fleshy part of her left forearm. “Rodrigo of the Gila Clan, accept my offering. May this offering heal your body of this curse.” She uses the right hand to stroke his face gently and says, “Drink friend.”

  He meets her eyes and nods to acknowledge the gift that she is offering and places his mouth over the open wound and drinks the blood that is oozing from the incision. He is amazed at how pleasant the blood tastes. It’s nothing like he feared it would be. He feels warmth spread through his body, followed by a slight tingling, almost burning sensation. He relaxes and begins to truly savor the taste of her life’s blood. Suddenly he is fearful when he realizes that he never wants to stop drinking from her.

  Morna senses his fear and utters another spell to calm his fears. Morna says, “Relax Rodrigo, it’s almost over. This is the hardest part.” Morna leans down and weaves a spell to numb his arm and bite and drinks lightly of his blood. When she finishes she wipes her mouth and smiles. “We are connected, now and forever, friend.” She weaves a spell to heal where she bit him. She judges that he has drank enough directly from the vein and signals to Mordir to start administering the antibody infused plasma. She gently strokes his face again and says, “That’s enough Rodrigo.”

  He meets her eyes and reluctantly removes his mouth from the incision. He smiles his gratitude at this gentle, giving woman and lies back on the exam table as the more intense tingling sensation from the plasma works its way through his body. He watches as Rinda wraps Morna’s arm with clean gauze after cleansing the wound with saline solution. Morna moves to his side and smiles reassuringly at him as she holds her hands above his head and slowly works her way down the entire length of his body. She smiles happily when she reaches his feet and folds her arms in front of her, resting them above her huge belly.

  “Rodrigo, it is working. I can feel it.” Morna smiles happily, satisfied by what she found during her healer‘s reading.


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