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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 24

by Audra Hart

  Morna just shakes her head, “No, it wasn’t Ewan. It was a beast! It had two heads, one had the face of a woman, and the other had the face of a panther… of sorts. We need to weave a finding spell and go help Ewan!”

  “No need. He just told me the beast got away from him.” Luca picks her up and carries her to the bathroom to clean up the scratches. They begin to heal as soon as he cleans them with the peroxide.

  Morna giggles, “See, I told you I needed another bite.”

  Luca smiles at her and says, “Well now you need some clothes. Ewan just asked to come talk to us.” He darts into the closet to get her heavy bathrobe and then slips into his jeans just in time to greet the MacGregor. His sons had let him into their rooms. They all sit in the study.

  Luca offers Ewan a drink, “I’d love a beer, if you got one.” Luca checks with Tena and says, “One’s on the way. Now do you mind telling me what just happened?”

  “I am not sure,” admits Ewan MacGregor. “It was evil as hell whatever it was, and it was after her baby. It thinks the baby is dangerous to her, yep, the beast was a female.” Ewan leans forward in the chair and tells Morna, “I forced my way into that creature’s mind, it was determined to kill your child.”

  “We better get extra protection posted with Breena. She carries a child of a Stone Cold vampire too. Whatever that was might go after her baby too.”

  Kylor gets up, goes to kneel before Morna. “Mother, are you alright?” When she assures her son that she is fine, he says; “Okay Mother, I will go see to it.” And then he teleports to the Healer’s Hall.

  Luca looks at MacGregor and says, “I thought you lost the ability to teleport in the attack?”

  “I thought I did too. I guess it’s still in there somewhere. I did it spontaneously tonight.” By now Tena has brought the beer and Ewan smiles his thanks at the lovely Asgardian. “Just like I forced my way into that creature’s thoughts, I didn’t have to think about it, I just did it.”

  Tena looks at the MacGregor and says, “I knew that some Shape Shifters can teleport, but I didn’t know you could force your way into another mind.”

  “Only in a battle situation,” Ewan says with a grin. “I am not a typical Shape Shifter though, Taranis is my grandfather.”

  Tena giggles, “These demigods sure end up in a lot of bloodlines, don’t they?”

  Ewan chuckles and looks at Morna and Luca, “That they do.” He finishes the beer and says, “Well, Morna needs to sleep. I am going back outside.”

  Luca stands up to shake his hand, “Thank you for your intervention earlier. I thought Morna was having a nightmare at first. That monster could have seriously hurt her before I realized what was going on.”

  “No problem, I acted purely on instinct. Wolf thing, you know. You wouldn‘t have allowed that beast to hurt Morna.” He looks at Luca and says; “Lucian, if you don’t mind, I was thinking I should stick around until we get Val back.”

  “What do you mean get Val back?” Morna asks. “What the hell do you know that you aren’t telling us?”

  Ewan grins, “Go sleep on it, friend. Grandfather says it will come to you when you sleep tonight.” He walks towards the door, “It’s gonna be alright, Morna.” And then he’s gone.

  Kyle looks at his folks, “What just happened?”

  “Kyle, you probably know as much as we do,” Morna says honestly. “But I am truly exhausted. I do need to get some sleep before I go perform the last healing rite on Rodrigo.” Morna yawns hugely and kisses her son goodnight before Luca walks her back to bed.

  Luca holds her in his arms until she drifts off to sleep. Her sleep is full of dreams. She keeps mentioning people he has never heard of, and talking about some dimension. He is startled when she speaks as though she is talking to Valgullveig. “I won’t let you down sister, I am coming!”

  Luca finally drifts off about 3:30 when Morna’s dreams have been quiet for a couple of hours. At 5:15 he is stirred out of his sleep by a knock on the door to their suite. He jumps up and puts his pants on as he goes to answer the door. It is his sons, Kyle and Kylor. They both look surprised. “Come one in boys,” he says groggily. “Sorry, we fell asleep. Go get comfortable in the study. I will go wake Mom.”

  “Dad? You slept?” Kyle asks incredulously.

  “Yeah, I can do that now.” Luca says with a silly grin on his face. “I can’t tell you how nice it feels. Hang tight fellas, Mom will be ready soon. We both will. I am afraid to let Mom go without more than two new warriors for protection.”

  Kylor laughs, “Thor and half a battalion of his thunder garrison is waiting in the front yard. The other half of the garrison is at the Healer’s Hall. He’s not taking any chances.”

  Luca nods and goes to check on Morna. She is coming out of the bathroom. She is already fully dressed and is brushing her teeth. She smiles at her mate and removes the tooth brush, “Poor Kyle. I hope it never occurs to him how this transformation has occurred.”

  “Morna he is a smart kid. I am sure he gets it. It didn’t take him long figure out that I changed you accidentally by performing oral sex on you,” Luca says with a laugh. On impulse he kisses her and licks the toothpaste off of her lips. He makes a face, “That’s different. I like the way it makes your mouth taste better than tasting it directly. But I guess since I am eating food now, I had better get me one of those.” He says as he indicates the toothbrush.

  Morna laughs and says, “There are extras in the drawer. Help yourself.” She goes back into the bathroom to spit and rinse and then brushes her hair quickly. She comes back out and Luca wraps his arms around her. “So when I get home, I can collect?” Morna purrs.

  “Definitely! If I am asleep, wake me up.” Luca laughs happily. “I haven’t been able to say that in nearly six hundred years. What a miracle!”

  Morna laughs and says, “I love you, Man of Light.”

  “I love you, Beloved of Luca.” He laughs and set her down gently. He helps her put on her socks and boots.

  “Thanks babe. Be back soon.” Morna walks out to meet the boys in the study.

  “You look rested, Mother,” Kylor says pleasantly. “Let’s go. I will take good care of them, Father.” He assures Luca.

  The group takes their time walking to the Healer’s Hall. Morna and her boys leisurely chat about different forms of healing magic. “Dad says your methods are very different than other Spell Weavers. How so?”

  Morna launches into a rather detailed explanation of how Spell Weavers use spells to channel the minute traces of magic in their bodies using the power of the Talismans. It’s very technical for most Spell Weavers. It’s different for me. I can’t explain in more detail right now. Later, in private, behind a buffer spell.” Kylor looks at his mother questioningly but doesn’t pursue it.

  “I use the magic in my body to affect physical changes in my patients. I also do essentially the same thing when I use magic in combat or for any my little parlor tricks, like the rainbows, the cold sodas and all that silly stuff. I use a lot of visualization, but I also have to have analyzed how something works to be able to bend it to my needs. Does any of this make sense?”

  Both of her sons nod. “Mother, that’s how I heal, too” says Kylor in surprise.

  “That’s apparently how Kyle, Aiden and Nora use magic too. Aideen is a properly trained Spell Weaver, she approaches it a little differently. Soon you will understand why you do magic like I do. But for now, know that you have a great deal of potent magic in your blood that other Spell Weavers don‘t have. It‘s from the same source as mine. It’s powerful magic. That is all we have time to discuss. We are here. I have to let Valla collect antibodies, you boys can go check on your Aunt Breena. I will be in there in a little bit.” Morna says softly before she turns her attention to Thor. “Thank you for watching out for Breena and me. Ewan said that beast was after my baby.”

  “Yes, he told me the same thing,” Thor says. He reaches out and touches Morna’s face, “Baby Girl, we will not let her
get her hands on your child. Rest easy on that count. Now go finish your business in here. My garrison is stationed inside and outside of this Hall.

  Morna is pleasantly surprised when Rinda meets them at the door. She kisses Morna as a greeting and kisses Morna’s sons and the thunder god as well. “Rindy, how come you are here?”

  “Reagan came through on the way to work at his practice in Midgard. He works late nights in Middle-world after working here at the Hall. He told me about Breena and how you healed her. I was on duty at the gate tonight. I came as soon as my shift was over. I also wanted to talk to you and Luca about Rolan.”

  “Why were you on duty tonight? I didn’t think your rotation started for a few weeks.” Morna asks.

  “I traded a few days with Sean. He wanted time off to be with his girl. She’s on spring break from college,” Rinda tells Morna with a giggle.

  Rinda has taken Morna’s arm and leads her to the procedure room where Valla is waiting. Her sons go on to see Breena and Thor goes with them. Morna chuckles when she sees the healer, “Lady, do you ever sleep?”

  Valla chuckles, “Not a lot. There will plenty of time to sleep when I am old.” Morna and Rinda laugh at that, it’s an old joke among immortals, who seem to never age. In reality, they just age so very, very slowly that it is not really noticeable.

  It is a simple matter to quickly collect the necessary antibodies. When she is finished, Valla says, “Well let me go drag Mordir out of his lab. He and Lou have been holed up in there analyzing, theorizing and debating, quite loudly at times, ever since you left earlier. I will also go wake Rodrigo. You have plenty of time to drop in and talk to Breena, she was doing great last time I checked on her. Surth has been monitoring her condition all night. That old tight-ass frowns on your type of magic and Spell Weaver magic for that matter, but he can’t help but be impressed by the results.” The three women laugh happily and Valla leaves the room.

  Morna looks at Rinda and says, “What’s up love?”

  Rinda leans in a kisses Morna hard. “I just wanted to say thank you! Even if I don’t get involved romantically with Annie, I think she may turn out to be one of my best friends ever. Thanks for giving us a nudge.”

  Morna kisses Rinda back, very gently and chastely before saying, “You are welcome. What’s this about Rolan?

  “I hypnotized him and got him to answer some questions. Morna, he believes that Valgullveig is actually acting under duress or some kind of spell. At least that is what Matilda told him and he believes her,” Rinda says in a whisper.

  “We have already begun to suspect that. I am working on some ideas about how to deal with that. I just need to get a solid handle on who is controlling her. Morna tells Rinda about the attack she experienced earlier. Once she is certain that Morna is okay, Rinda grins, and says; “I can’t wait to meet this Shape Shifter.”

  Morna laughs; “He‘s a good man, he keeps dropping all these cryptic hints about my memory coming back and then I will understand. His grandfather, Taranis knows more than he‘s told us. Hopefully I will get some answers when he comes this morning.” Morna sighs, she’s feeling frustrated about all of the unknown variables. “Well, let’s go check on Breena.”

  When they enter the room where Breena is resting they are surprised to find that she is actually sitting cross legged in her bed laughing with her nephews and Damian. She looks like her old self. They spend several minutes chatting and then Mordir comes in. “Morna! There you are! My friend Octavius is here, and we really should begin the healing rite.”

  Morna smiles and follows the healer back to the procedure room. The sight that greets her is quite surprising; her friends, the Stone Breakers are conversing intently with the ancient vampire. The conversation appears very animated, but not hostile. Rodrigo and Octavius seem to be old acquaintances, perhaps even friends. When Morna steps through the door, the ancient one sniffs the air and smiles happily. He turns to look at Morna with a look of pure delight on his face. “Wonders truly never will cease. You do exist! The prophesies are correct, you are real!”

  Morna cocks her head slightly and looks at the ancient like; ‘You have got to be kidding!’ Octavius laughs, and says; “You truly have no idea, do you?”

  “I have many ideas. Be more specific,” Morna says impatiently.

  “Lovely! You do not mince words, do you?” Octavius smiles. “To be specific; I mean you have no idea what you are meant to accomplish. You have no idea of the destiny that you are meant to fulfill.”

  “I have heard some rumblings about prophesies, new races, benefit of all mankind, and things along that ilk. But all that I know for certain is that I have duties. I will see to the duties to the best of my abilities.” Morna exhales slowly and says, “Now, I assume that you are Octavius, Mordir’s friend? I gather you also know Rodrigo?”

  Octavius laughs and says, “Yes to both Madam. Is your mate going to join us?”

  “I am sure that he will be along after the healing rite.” Morna says, noncommittally. “Speaking of which, we should get started Rodrigo.” Morna looks at the ancient one meaningfully.

  Rodrigo clears his throat and looks a little nervous when he asks, “May Octavius observe?”

  Morna looks at the ancient one again. Her overall impression of the being is favorable, and she does detect some magic in him. She looks at him pointedly and says, “Do you practice?”

  “You mean magic? Not exactly… I seem to use my small magical abilities to enhance my scientific knowledge. Much like our friend Mordir.”

  Morna nods. She has suspected as much. At that moment Kylor and Kyle enter the room. Kylor immediately goes over and shakes hands with Octavius. Morna is surprised that they act like old friends. Kyle is looking at him intently as well. Morna asks him telepathically what is wrong.

  “I have met him before Mom. He was the recruiter from that academy in Rome that came to see me a week before the crash. Do you remember me telling you about him?”

  Morna nods and looks directly at the vampire. “Octavius,” she interrupts his greeting of her oldest son. “May I ask why you have made yourself known to my sons?”

  “I have known Octavius for many, many years. I learned much of what I know about healing, from him. He is a brilliant physician,” Kylor tells his mother.

  “Research mostly, Madam. I am ever looking for a cure to my condition. I know Kyle because I did try to recruit him for my academy in Rome. But he has already told you that.”

  “You listened in to our conversation?” Morna asks stiffly.

  “Morna, it was Octavius who taught me how to control my ability to hear telepathic messages, even those not intended for me.” Rodrigo says. “Only he no longer has the ability to shut out the messages of others. Once the ability is developed, it becomes stronger and stronger. He has had the ability for over five thousand years. Over the millennia he has reached the point where he hears all telepathic messages with in a ten mile radius. He wasn‘t deliberately eavesdropping.”

  Octavius chuckles, “I am afraid it is much like listening to several radio stations at once. It takes a lot of concentration to sort through it all when I am in a magical realms such as this one.” Octavius reads the obvious distrust in Morna’s eyes. “Morna, I tried to recruit your son, not because I knew who you were, but because of his potential abilities. He like his older brother has a brilliant scientific mind. His test scores were off the chart. But when I met him I realized that he also has significant psychic and magical abilities. And according to prophesy, all of your children do and will” He says looking meaningfully at her enormous belly.

  “I have read some of those prophesies and I am not at all certain that they refer to me and my children,” Morna says doubtfully as she rubs her belly protectively.

  “That is because you are a very humble woman.” Octavius chuckles and says, “That’s in the prophesies as well.”

  Morna snorts. “It’s also because the prophesies say I have sixteen children. That is simply not possibl
e.” She turns her attention back to Rodrigo, “Are you sure you want to finish this healing rite? Perhaps the changes won’t be permanent if we stop now.”

  “Morna that would be a tragedy. I would revert back to the blood thirsty beast every full moon. I have no wish to live like that, but have yet to figure out how to end my life. If you do not wish to perform the last right then please retrieve your sword and decapitate me now. That might end my life.” Rodrigo says very quietly.

  Morna looks at Rodrigo with steely eyes and says, “If I finish the rite and it does not cure you and I can’t find another solution, I will decapitate you before I allow you to take another innocent human life.”

  “I am counting on that Morna,” Rodrigo says with a sad smile.

  Morna nods, and tells her sons and Octavius to find a place to sit that is out of the way. Morna looks then to Rodrigo and Mordir, “Are you both ready?” When they nod she walks over to stand before Rodrigo. She gently strokes his cheek and whispers, “I truly pray that this works, I am already very fond of you and your mother and son are like my family.”

  Morna looks at her ‘audience’ and says, “No talking please, once I start with the prayers and songs.

  Morna starts humming and reciting the words of the healing spell. She places her hands above his head, and slowly moves them downward as she continues to weave the healing spell. Once the entire spell has been woven and she rises slowly and unwraps the incision on the left forearm. The wound has started to bleed freely again in response to the spells that she is weaving. She utters a silent prayer and finishes with; “Rodrigo of the Gila Clan, accept my offering. May our Lord God allow this to heal your body of this curse.” She uses her right hand to stroke his face gently and says, “Drink friend, and God willing be cured.”

  After Rodrigo has drank for a minute, Mordir starts administering the antibodies. This time Rodrigo easily stops drinking her blood and offers to the clean the incision and wrap it. Morna looks down at it and says, “No need. The rite is finished and the wound has healed already.”


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