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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 25

by Audra Hart

  “May I?” Asks Octavius indicating the site of the wound. Morna extends her arm to the ancient vampire he thoroughly examines it. “Amazing. Had I not seen with my own eyes how deep that it was, I would have thought it some kind of trick. Do you always heal this fast?”

  “Lately, I have been healing almost immediately. However, when I first changed I did not heal this spontaneously or quickly on my own. My mate treated me with his venom both times I fought with the Stone Cannibals.”

  “Do you mean the troll/vampire hybrids?” Octavius asks.

  “I do.” Morna says.

  “Amazing! But you are not a true vampire, you do not truly crave to feed on blood, do you?”

  “I do. I nearly attacked my own son and two of my beloved godsons when I was thirsting. Since that time I have been feeding on bagged human blood at regular intervals. And since I began these healing rites I have greatly increased my intake.” Morna reports, “I have been striving to keep my antibody production high in order the meet my needs, my baby’s needs and the collect enough for research and to perform the rites.”

  “What else have you been doing to increase the production of antibodies?” Octavius asks.

  “Various types of stimulation.” Morna says evasively.

  Kyle laughs and looks at Kylor, “Bro, we need to go talk to Aunt Breena so that Mom can speak more freely.” Kylor nods and the brothers leave the room.

  Octavius chuckles and says, “Your son is very wise for such a young man. The empathic abilities help a lot I am sure.” Morna nods her agreement. “What types of stimulation?”

  “Sexual.” Morna says plainly.

  “And you have had your mate bite you?” When Morna nods, Octavius continues; “But it proved too much for your mate? He drank as well.”

  “He drank at my urging.” Morna says with a smile.

  “Most vampires do not stop once they begin to feed from a human.” Octavius insists.

  “Morna did,” says George. “I saw it with my own eyes. She ripped the throat out of her enemy, but did not drink a drop.”

  “Impossible!” Hisses the ancient vampire.

  George walks over to Morna and offers his arm, “Show him Morna. It’s time this race learns that they can choose to control themselves.”

  Morna weaves a spell to numb George’s arm and bites. She immediately releases his arm and watches it bleed. She wipes her lips on the back of her hand and looks at Octavius. He is in full blood thirst. “In case you are wondering why you can’t move, I am using what the Spell Weavers call a binding spell. You won’t be able to move until I drop the spell.” Morna calmly gets more gauze and saline to clean George’s wound and then weaves a spell that heals it immediately. Morna looks at Octavius carefully. When she is sure the blood thirst has passed she drops the binding spell.

  “Amazing! Madam, I could feel your need to feed on his blood, it was every bit as intense as my own need, and yet you did not. That is truly astonishing!” Octavius says.

  “My mate is astonishing,” says Luca from the doorway. He walks over to Octavius and shakes his hand, “You must be Octavius. Lucian Michaels. “

  Octavius returns his attention to Morna, “Did you use magic to resist your blood thirst?”

  “No. How could I possibly do that? I can’t use my magic on myself. I choose not to be a monster. Plain and simple. My mate had made the same choice for over five hundred years.” Morna says gently. “It is not easy, but it can be done. He has fed solely on animals and rarely, bagged human blood.”

  “But you are both magic. I suspect that those who are not could not resist.” Octavius says quietly.

  “Sir, there is young vampire in the other room who is not magic, but who feeds on animals. He fed on humans, as he was taught, until he decided to listen to his conscience and started feeding on animals. He has not had a drop of human blood since.” When Octavius looks skeptical, Morna continues. “There are others as well. There are two entire covens in the Northwest part of the United States that feeds only on animals. I have not met them, but we have heard of them from a reliable source. A vampire that my mate and I have known for over two hundred years. She is not prone to exaggeration or dishonesty. She may be fond of drama and have an exaggerated sense of retribution but she is honest.” Morna shrugs and watches the ancient vampire. “I was under the impression that you do not feed on humans.”

  “It has taken me three thousand years to get to the point where I could resist the scent of human blood. You and your mate are both babies by comparison. Especially you Madam. I am humbled. I was quite impressed with my efforts until today,” Octavius says with a self-deprecating laugh.

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself, our magic may make a difference. We really are not one hundred percent sure,” Morna says gently. “Our culture as Spell Weavers certainly makes a difference. Our mission in life is to protect humanity, at all costs.”

  “How does that explain the young man you told me about?” Octavius asks.

  “He is simply an exceptional young man. I can’t explain him, other than to say, he chose the course and has stuck with it.” Morna smiles with pride in her friend and bonded protector.

  “I assume your spell protected George from your venom?” Octavius asks.

  “I am not venomous,” Morna says simply.

  “Like the female human/vampire hybrids. Interesting.” Octavius nods and looks at Luca again, “Have you eaten real food yet?”

  “Yes, I had venison steak, boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables and lemon cake last night for supper. And a mushroom omelet before I came over here this morning.”

  “Ah, I remember venison steaks and omelets. I am not able to eat like that yet. I basically eat a raw gruel of blood and meat. But I can survive on it.” Octavius says. He turns and smiles at Morna. “You madam are still very human. Your revulsion at the thought of consuming my sustenance was very strong. But your mate was also put off by it, just not to the same extent.”

  “Sorry,” Says Morna with a wry smile. “I like my food to taste like food. Have you tried milk?”

  “Yes, I tolerate it quite well and actually enjoy it, almost.” Octavius says with a chuckle. “Madam, would you consent to collecting antibodies for me to be treated. I want to be more human like. I have hated what I have become ever since I woke up after being bitten over five thousand years ago.”

  “I would agree to that.” Morna says quickly.

  “Morna…” Luca begins.

  “Luca, I will consent to antibodies only.” Morna says with a smile.

  “That’s not what I was thinking about.” Luca says with a grin, “But thank you. I was wondering if you should collect more antibodies this close to delivery of our child.”

  I will be collecting antibodies until I stop producing them at this accelerated rate. Breena will probably need more if further complications arise in this pregnancy. I must keep her healthy.” Morna says quietly. “And if we can develop a way to help other vampires resist human blood, I want to do it.”

  “Thank you Madam. I am most desirous to have a beating heart again, just as your mate does,” Octavius says with intense feeling.

  Morna nods and says, “If we really want to help your kind, you should focus on Looveig’s research on nanobots. I probably won’t be able to harvest antibodies forever.”

  “Mordir had his intern email some of Looveig’s preliminary research to me. It is indeed quite promising.” Octavius says. “Madam, you look tired.”

  “I am and I need to feed. So I will bid you good day and go home. Mordir should have enough antibodies to begin treating you. I wish you good luck. I hope you find what you are looking for. But understand we have no idea of the long term consequences. You may very well be undertaking a course that might mean your end,” Morna cautions.

  “I know that, and part of me would welcome it. I tire of the struggle,” Octavius says. “Madam, after you rest I want to speak with you again. I have information about your sister that you really
need to know before you make a move against her.”

  “Very well. We have a Paternal Bond hearing at two this afternoon. You can come to our home at eight tonight,” Morna says.

  “I would prefer to speak to you before the hearing. I would hate for you to make a decision and move against her without this knowledge. I know that you would regret it,” Octavius says darkly.

  “Perhaps you should tell me before you begin the treatment. What if the treatment is harmful to you?” Morna says softly.

  “I won’t start the treatment until I review more of the data. I am too much of a scientist to go ahead without further study.”

  Morna chuckles at that and says, “Come see me this afternoon then. Mordir, would you mind bringing him to see us?” Mordir nods and Morna smiles. “Thank you friend.” Morna walks over and does a healer’s read on Rodrigo. “Rodrigo, I think we were successful.”

  “I am certain of it,” breathes Rodrigo.

  Morna nods and asks, “You will come with them and let me get another read?”

  “I will,” Rodrigo promises before he rises quickly and hugs Morna. “Sorry, I just…”

  Luca chuckles, “I get it. Don’t worry.”

  Luca, Morna, and their two oldest sons walk home peacefully. “Are you three not running because of me?” Kylor asks. “Kyle has taught me the iron-lion. I could keep up, sort of.” He laughs at himself.

  “Nothing like that, son. We are just enjoying being with our boys. Kylor, tell us about Octavius.” Morna says quietly.

  “I started studying with him about three hundred years ago. He is a skilled healer. He is talented dealing with chronic conditions, and infectious diseases. For obvious reasons he doesn’t do any kind of surgery, wound care or emergency medicine. He teaches would be healers with magical potential. I understand that even Mordir did an internship with him. He also has a science academy. He recruits students from all over the world. He is also a very moral man. A large part of the curriculum deals with public service and using science to truly benefit mankind. Kyle could do much worse than attending the academy, if he were interested in such a thing,” Kylor says.

  Morna looks at Kyle and says, “He seemed to be interested before Aiden fell ill. Then everything went to hell in a hurry and we never thought about again until today. Honestly, I was trying to figure out a way to finance it before Aiden fell ill. I had checked the academy out, it has a wonderful reputation for producing world class scientists.”

  “I was very interested Mom. Once things calm down, I may find that I am interested again. If everything goes okay,” Kyle says quietly. “But right now, I want to make sure my family is okay first.”

  “Mother, I could move to Rome and keep an eye on him, if you would like.” Kylor offers.

  “There’s a gateway there, he could commute from Airendell for that matter. But it might be a good idea for you boys to get to spend some quality time together. Kylor you and Kyle could always commute to Airendell for your Spell Weaver training.” Morna says with a laugh. “Look boys, if it’s something Kyle wants to do, and we find it’s a good fit, we can make it happen. We will work out the logistics.”

  “Can we afford it, Mom?”

  “Kyle, your Father has been very good at investing our funds. You could attend any university in the world that you want. And even if that weren‘t the case, we would figure it out if this academy is what you really want.”

  Kyle grabs his mother and hugs her. He’s holding her tight and doesn’t seem like he will let go anytime soon. Morna’s heart is filled to overflowing with love for her son as she happily hugs him back, and kisses the top of his head.

  Finally, after a couple of minutes he releases her and steps back. He blushes a little and looks at Luca and Kylor shyly. “Sorry guys. It’s just so much has been happening, and Mom is the only constant in it all.”

  Morna feels utter shock at that statement, “Kyle, change is all I have done for the last six hundred years.”

  “No you haven’t Morna. Your body, your situation changes, but you don’t. Not really, not where it counts. You always love those you love. Your love for your family and Guild is fierce, strong, and constant. That never changes.” Luca says softly.

  CHAPTER EIGHT - Visitors from the Neophasic Dimension

  Upon arrival at home the two youngest children rush outside to meet them. “Mom, we have guests” Aiden informs her happily. Morna and Luca can tell the children are excited beyond words. “Three of the witnesses are here already. They are here to meet us. They said it is their right as witnesses to meet the children before the hearing”

  “Which ones?” Asks Morna

  “Tarvish, Taranis and Hector,” Nora says happily. She smiles hugely and says, “Taranis brought eight others with him.”

  Morna and Luca look at each other in surprise, “Who are they?” Morna wonders aloud, but her heart is racing… Excitement is building in her body and she turns eagerly to enter the house.

  “They are very, very special people Mom. Come on!” She urges pulling her mother by the hand. Morna looks at Luca who can only shrug and follow along behind. When the group walks into the main study eight young people stand eagerly to greet them. Morna looks at them and faints dead away. Luca catches her and instantly moves her to the sofa to lie down. He looks around at everyone in the room, “What the hell is going on he demands?”

  Taranis comes forward and says, “Lord Lucian, easy lad. She’s fine. She has to assimilate her knowledge from two different dimensions. She should come around in five minutes or so and be able to explain it all to you. Be patient. No one here means her any harm.”

  Luca nods, he has known Taranis since he first came to live among the Spell Weavers. Taranis is an honorable being. He is the Celtic version of the god of thunder. He is a staunch and able protector of mankind. More importantly, he is a true friend. Luca trusts him completely.

  Luca performs a healer’s reading on his mate and is satisfied that she is not in any pain or danger so he turns his attention to the new people in the room. He knows Tarvish, Taranis and Hector, but the others are strangers to him. He knows that the man who looks to be thirty five and is wearing a kilt of the MacQuahae sept is Tarvish. Tarvish steps forward to shake Luca‘s. “Good to see you Lucian.” Luca nods and takes in the changes in Tarvish.

  The Highland Jumper clan leader looks older than Luca remembers. Tarvish is relatively short compared to the others in the room. He is about 5’9” and very stocky, not fat, just very thickly made. His arms and legs are powerful. He is obviously an ancient warrior. Luca has no problems imagining the man wading his way through his enemies on the battle field wielding a broad sword or battle-axe. He has actually seen the man in battle against the English back in the times of Robert the Bruce, and knows that he is fierce during combat, but sweet and gentle in temperament when off the battle field. He has short black hair and short, but scruffy beard and mustache. But his eyes are the most astonishing thing about him, they are coal black but they shine with power and goodness.

  “Lucian, you are wondering why I have aged so much?” Tarvish asks. When Lucian nods, Tarvish says, “Our clan has been under siege for one hundred and eighty years. Morna’s enemy is trying to fortify her forces with our people. I am afraid that some of them have already come against you and yours.” When Luca nods again, Tarvish continues; “I am sorry for that brother. I have no control over them. They are renegades and truly not part of our clan.”

  “We suspected as much,” Luca says quietly.

  “Morna’s enemy held me for many, many years. Until Morna freed me fifty-nine years ago. That time in captivity aged me. I was tortured and experimented on. The Highland Jumpers began with me, so the Dark One thought I was the key to dimensional jumping. I was in hell until your mate saved me,” Tarvish says with deep feeling. Tarvish looks down at Morna and says, “She’s gonna come around in about two minutes, and she can tell you the rest.”

  Luca nods and looks back at his mate and the
n looks to the other people in the room. Aiden and Nora are standing with the eight young people in the room. There are four males, and four females. Four of them look to be in their early twenties, and then the other four appear to range in age from sixteen to six years old. They are obviously all related, probably brothers and sisters. His heart skips a beat because they look like Morna. Luca looks closely at the young people and notices the positions of his daughter and son. Aiden is standing in front of the older males, and Nora is standing in front of the older females. The older ones have their hands on the shoulders of his children. Nora is flanked by two children, twin girls who look to be the same age as her. Aiden is flanked by a young teenage boy, and an older teenaged boy. A small ember of fear for his children starts to niggle at Luca’s heart.

  Aiden smiles and says, “Don’t worry Dad, they mean us no harm.”

  Morna starts to stir and mumbles, “They are safe, Baby. Help me sit up.” Morna looks at Kylor and says, “Son, I need blood, two bags, please.” Her voice is urgent and Kylor quickly leaves the room to get the sustenance his mother needs. Luca is terrified because she is shaking almost uncontrollably. “I will be fine in a minute, Luca, don’t worry. Give me a few minutes to collect myself and then I can explain.” Morna says weakly. Luca looks back at the eight young people and it is obvious that they are very worried about Morna.

  Kylor returns with the blood in a tall glass and Morna drains it quickly. She sighs and leans back and closes her eyes for a moment. Luca is relieved to see her shaking has stopped and her color is returning. When she opens her eyes two minutes later she looks much recovered. She gets up and walks over to the young people and hugs each one individually, and then as a group. They are all surrounding her, it’s obviously a very joyful reunion for them all. They are all smiling and Morna is kissing their faces and squeezing their hands. Her delight at seeing them is obvious.

  Luca is feeling more and more confused by the second… suddenly understanding dawns, and he smiles; “More family?”


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