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Hated Secret Admirer

Page 6

by Vanessa Sueroz

  How did someone put a rose there and no one noticed? I still wonder how someone passed by us, threw a rose in my cup and none of my brilliant friends saw anything. Because I have my back to it, after all, the juice was mine. There was no way for me to see anything.

  "Who was the idiot..." I started to complain when I stopped coughing.

  "Someone help Tiny!" Vitor yelled, giving me light taps on my back.

  "I'm tired of these ridiculous flowers" I complained making a face.

  "You were distracted and you didn't see! It was beautiful of him to put a rose in you juice," Andressa said dreamily.

  "Since when a rose in juice is beautiful?" Fernando asked.

  "I think she's still asleep," Vitor said to me and Lucas.

  "She's just in love," I shrugged.

  "Putting a rose in juice is not very nice," Lucas said.

  "You can't appreciate real romance. The boy is in love and he wanted that when Paula touched the rose with her lips, it would be like touching his lips, sealing a kiss between them both," she said then gave a long sigh.

  "I don't think it's romantic at all," Lucas said.

  "I think it's gross," Vitor said.

  "Totally insane. I don't know who're the craziest in this whole thing: Paula, who doesn't like having an admirer, Andressa, with that vivid imagination, or the admirer himself," Vitor said.

  "What does he want with all this?" Fernando asked more to himself than the rest of us.

  "Paula's heart. What else?" Andressa said, rolling her eyes.

  I think Vitor spiked Andressa's juice. It's not possible that she's speaking so much nonsense without being drunk.

  "Then someone has to warn this boy that he's far from getting it," Vitor told Fernando.

  "And warn Andressa too," Fernando shot back.

  "Don't talk about me like I'm not here," Andressa scolded.

  I just don't understand how Fernando can't see all the hints Andressa throws his way. Isn't it obvious she's in love with him?

  She talks about romance and how much she likes romantic gestures all the time. I think she was throwing him one more hint than anything more.

  "Excuse me," I heard a velvety voice. "Can I talk with you a minute, Paula?"

  Only when I heard my name did I turn around to see the gorgeous senior goalkeeper in the boys' soccer team.

  André was dressed with dark jeans and a blue polo shirt. Wonderful!

  "Of course, André," I said, following him away from the group.

  What did he want with me? I'm not going to say we never talked, of course we talked in the halls and even in the soccer field when I'm waiting for the group, but he never pulled me out of breakfast to speak with me, so it must be something important.

  Is he in trouble? But how could I help him? He's the school's goalkeeper, weird...

  It couldn't have anything to do with school. He's one year ahead of me, so there's no way I can help him with a paper or something.

  Is he into Andressa? Poor thing! I think he's very nice and handsome, but unfortunately I won't be able to help him win over my friend when I know there's someone in her heart already, and I also know Fernando wouldn't like it if I took the woman of his life from him, right? What kind of friend would I be if I did that?

  "Paula?" André called.

  "Sorry," I said when I noticed we were just standing in the hallway while I thought about what he wanted with me.

  "What were you thinking about?" He asked, smiling.

  "About what you wanted to talk to me about that was so important that you'd pull me out of breakfast," I said, thoughtful. "Not that I mind, but it's weird," I said quickly when I realized he could interpret me wrong.

  "It's just that with this cold I wasn't sure how long you'll be out of bed, so I thought it best to talk with you fast before I couldn't find you," he said anxiously..

  Did something bad happen?

  "What is it, André?" I asked worriedly.

  "Nothing bad," he smiled.

  I must look really worried. But who wouldn't be when a friend, or better, a schoolmate, comes, pulls you out of breakfast and was scared of not finding you later? Weird!

  "You're not dating Lucas, right?" He asked after a while.

  "No way! I think the day that happens, the whole school will know," I joked.

  Me, dating Lucas? I really don't know how those crazy rumors get started! Lucas is a sweetheart, and I admit I have a crush on him, but after we became friends I don't think there's any possibility of anything happening between us. Not to mention, he never hinted at anything, at least not that I've noticed.

  Just because I like hugging him often, and love staying by his side it doesn’t mean we have any romantic involvement. We're just best friends and best friends have the right to cling to each other whenever they want – as long, of course, as none of them are in a relationship, because I'm totally against people that have a boyfriend and go around clinging to everyone.

  "Lucas and I are very good friends. That's all," I said, laughing lightly.

  Why does he want to know? He never asked that before. It's true everyone asks that question, but I thought André was the exception.

  Fine... Just because he's gorgeous doesn't mean he has to be different from all the other boys at school, but it doesn't hurt to dream, right?

  "That's good! I called you over to ask if you wanted to go to Campos do Jordão with me today. I understand if you have plans with someone, but it would make me happy if we could hang just us for a while."

  Wait. Stop and rewind! Is he asking me out? Is he really asking me out? Poor thing! He's going to have to face the boys annoying him for the rest of his life if he wants something with me – after all, without my mom around to question my supposedly future boyfriend, guess who's picking up the slack!

  "I have plans with the girls," I said, still trying to process everything.

  How come he was asking me out? André never gave the slightest hint that he wanted something with me, let alone something like a date. Or did he and I, dim-witted person that I am, didn't get the hint?

  Am I turning into Fernando? I can't turn into a boy in regards to hints. Women are sarcastic all the time, and, besides, how would I understand Andressa's jokes without my sense of hints? Is there a sense of hints?

  "We can't even take a walk while the girls go buy candy? Grab a beer?" He asked apprehensive. "Sorry, you don't drink beer, but you wouldn't say no to juice, right?"

  Don't ask me why the bars here serve beer to the school’s students – even if it's non-alcoholic beer—, it must be because if they don't they'd always be empty, since most of the people who go to the bars are the students.

  Okay! I'm unsure. Say no to the sexy boy and spend a fun day with the group, or say yes and see where it goes?

  Why am I unsure? I don't even like him. Just because he's pretty it doesn't mean that I want him. Not that he said anything about hooking up. It's just juice, right? André the roses guy and he's trying to tell me? My God! André could be in love with me to the point of sending me all those roses! I can't dismiss him just like that!

  "Of course. We can grab a drink. I'll leave with the guys and meet you there later," I suggested.

  "Perfect! It's four good for you?" He asked, biting his lower lip.

  "I'll meet you at the bar at four, then," I smiled.

  "See you there, Paula," he smiled and kissed me in the cheek before walking away.

  Did that really happen?

  Chapter 4: I Found Out!

  I quickly rejoined my friends. I still can't believe André asked me on a date tomorrow. Maybe, just maybe, he's the rose maniac.

  "What did the hot guy want?" Andressa asked, curious.

  "He wants to take me out for juice," I shrugged.

  Better to pretend this isn't something new and weird.

  "As a date?" Andressa asked excitedly.

  "No one said anything about a date," I answered.

  "But y
ou don't like him," Vitor said, outraged.

  "Of course I do. He's very nice," I answered, ignoring him.

  "But you're not going to hook up with him, right?" Vitor asked again. He's being very insistent.

  "I'm not planning on it, Vitor. And stop putting your nose in my business," I answered, showing him my tongue.

  "You shouldn't kiss someone you don't like," he said wisely.

  "Don't even'll kiss any girl you come across."

  "Any girl he thinks is pretty," Lucas laughed.

  "In conclusion, he thinks we're ugly," Andressa added, also laughing.

  "You don't count. I can kiss whoever I want, but you're a family girl, Paulie," he answered me.

  "So are you!" I complained.

  "Only if it's a crazy family," Fernando joked, laughing.

  "My family doesn't care about things like that," he answered, smiling, arrogant.

  "I'm telling your mom you said so, or maybe I'll tell Auntie," Andressa said, laughing, referring to Lucas's mom.

  "If his mom hears about this, Vitor will be grounded for the rest of his life," Lucas said, laughing.

  "And I'll pull you down with me. I'll tell all for amnesty," Vitor said viciously.

  Poor Lucas. He wasn't even in the conversation and now he's getting life alongside Vitor.

  "What time are you meeting André?" Andressa asked, getting back to the subject.

  "At four, in the corner café," I answered excitedly.

  Is André my admirer? That wouldn't be too bad, ignoring his bad taste with these roses.

  Not that I want it to be him, like Vitor said. I don't like André like that, but at least he's handsome, right? There's got to be some advantage in having a maniac sending you roses!

  "Are you at least hanging with us until then?" Lucas asked, seeming upset by the conversation.

  "Of course!" I answered excitedly.

  Going to Campos de Jordão with the guys is the most fun thing I've been doing lately. Besides the senseless jokes, their clowning around, there's still the mischief in the shops, the free candy...

  I specially like the free candy! Lucas loves getting candy for us – true that he has the money for it and he doesn't miss it, but that doesn't change the fact that he's super cute for doing this for us.

  "Then let's get ready because today I want to walk through the whole town center," Andressa said excitedly.

  "I'd rather just have beers near the fireplace at the bar," Fernando said, thoughtful.

  "That's so boring. We do that every day. What I really want is to buy some smoke bombs to throw at the innocent new students," Vitor said excitedly.

  "I really like walking... Campos do Jordão is so pretty this time of year..." I said dreamily.

  The delicious cold, the frost in colder days, people in beautiful coats, the landscape wonderful..

  "It seems like every one wants to do something different!" Fernando said, thoughtful.

  "No problem, it's still early!" I said, relaxed.

  We went back our rooms to change, excited. I'm always excited when we're going to Campos!

  "Is this okay?" Andressa asked turning to us after some time looking in the mirror.

  "Why are you getting so dressed up? We're only going to Campos with our friends," I said.

  "Actually, you have a date," Andressa said, smiling.

  "It's not really a date!" I answered, feeling my face getting hot. Something tells me I'm red.

  "If it's not a date, what would you call it?" Andressa asked.

  "You have such a dirty mind. We're friends and we can go for juice. I do that all the time with Vitor, for example," I shrugged.

  Why do they insist in calling it a date when it isn't?

  "Vitor doesn't want to stick his tongue down your throat," Andressa shrugged.

  "That's good, or we'd have a big problem. I don't want one of my best friend sticking his tongue down my throat."

  "I do!" Andressa joked, blushing a little.

  I think the problem is in having a friend who's in love, let's be's complicated! In situations like this we roll our eyes and try to understand how she can be so corny.

  "I think we're late again!" Andressa said, looking out the window, where a black letter appeared. I think I only know one person who still has that black paper that's been out of fashion for years.

  I just don't really want to know how Vitor got a letter there.

  Has anyone noticed that when you're badmouthing someone that person always shows up? True that in this case Vitor didn't show in front of us asking what we were saying about him, but he sent the letter in his place, and I must say, his handwriting was horrible.

  "We're definitely late!" Andressa said.

  "I don't want to get murdered by Vitor, so I'll wait for you downstairs," I said, leaving the room as quickly as possible.

  I left the room running and got to the lounge as fast as possible, where the boys were scattered around the couch, looking bored.

  "You're late, blondie!" Was the first thing I heard when I stepped into the lounge.

  "I noticed. Your evil letter showed up," I shrugged.

  "And Andressa?" Vitor asked.

  "She's bravely fighting against the fear of opening your letter and finding a bomb inside," I answered.

  "And you didn't stay to fight?" Fernando asked.

  "I'd rather run and stay in one piece than stay behind and get defeated by a letter-bomb."

  "That's such a cowardly thing to say, Paulie," Lucas said, trying not to laugh.

  "What can you do! Andressa stayed trying to destroy the letter while I ran for help. It was for a greater good!" I answered, defending myself.

  As if I'd stay there and run the risk of Vitor messing my hair, which took me ten long minutes to get right.

  "Are we waiting long?" Fernando asked when I sat down.

  "Not long. Andressa was putting on make-up and choosing earrings."

  "Earrings? What difference does that make?" Vitor asked.

  "All the difference if you don't notice it," Lucas answered, making Fernando laugh.

  I don't know what they find so funny! Of course we'll be furious if they don't notice... We take hours getting ready and they, or actually, Vitor, don't even think if makes a difference. Men!

  "I'm here!" Andressa said, finally showing up at the stairs.

  "Beautiful!" Vitor said smiling.

  "I get a 'you're late, blondie' and she gets a 'beautiful'?" That's definitely not fair," I complained.

  "You look perfect, angel," Lucas said, smiling.

  You see why I love Lucas? He's always so cute and understanding.

  "Thanks, Lu," I answered, lightly red.

  Obviously, even after a contrived compliment, I blush. Who told me to be too shy or too white that I get red with the slightest provocation.

  "Can we go?" Vitor asked, bored already.

  "Let's go get candy!" Andressa celebrated excitedly, grabbing Fernando's arm and pulling him from the room.

  "I love the earrings!" We heard Vitor said while watching the couple move away.

  Of course Lucas and I started laughing like crazy.

  "Your friend is insane," I said while Lucas and I followed the rest of the guys.

  "I think he got the message about the earrings," Lucas said. "I love your new lipstick, Paula," he said with the sweetest face I've ever seen.

  "Nice try, Don Juan, but it doesn't work now," I said, trying not to laugh when his smile fell.

  "Where are we going first?" Fernando asked, walking a little further from the group with Andressa.

  "Candy!" Andressa yelled, excited.

  "I think we've decided where we're going!" I laughed.

  We ambled towards the candy shop. I don't know what the others were doing while we walked but I was enjoying the scenery.

  Here is Santo Antônio and in Campos do Jordão when it’s the cold season, they have a Winter festival, and guess what? There's always snow! Artificial snow, b
ut still...all around the main square.

  For those who've never seen snow, it's beautiful! I remember like it was yesterday when my mom told me about how each flake of snow is unique. After that I wanted to find a way to keep all the snowflakes to compare them, but unfortunately it never worked out.

  My dad says I call attention to myself in snow days because of my red face and nose, but this is one of the few times when I simply don't care if they're looking or not!

  "I forgot you love snow!" Lucas smiled, fascinated.

  He wasn't fascinated in the same way that I was, I was mesmerized by the snow, like I always am every time I look at it, but Lucas was...well...I have no idea why he was looking at me like that, but I'm sure it wasn't about the snow. Maybe it was my red nose, but at least I'm living up to my nickname: Red.

  "I love snow!" I said excitedly.

  "You look redder than ever, Red!" Vitor laughed.

  "I don't care!" I answered.

  "All that's missing are green clothes and she'd be a Christmas tree," Andressa mocked.

  Why did I have to be friends with someone who's in love and mean? I wouldn't mind her being mean, if I wasn't the butt of her jokes!

  "If I was a Christmas tree than you'd be a bauble!" I shot back, mocking her.

  I called Andressa fat! How you like that, Andressa! You bauble!

  "But without ornaments the tree is boring," Vitor said, defending Andressa.

  "Don't butt in, duck-face!" I said, showing my tongue.

  "Vitinho, leave Paula alone!" Lucas asked.

  Has anyone understood the reason behind the lame nickname? I honestly never did, not that I didn't understand his nickname, what I didn’t get was the reason why Vitor hated it so much.

  "Sweets!" Andressa said trying to lighten the mood and giving each of us a candy.

  "Switch with me?" I asked Lucas.

  "But I like mine," he complained.

  "But I also like yours," I pouted. Who knows giving him the biggest puppy eyes will move him and he'll give me the candy.

  "No chance, Tiny!" He laughed.

  Was it just me or did I see a brief evil smile on his lips? Must have been my imagination!

  We continued walking slowly to the sweets shop when I saw it! I hadn't seen one of those in so long I simply couldn't resist, I had to go there!


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