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Hated Secret Admirer

Page 7

by Vanessa Sueroz

  Obviously I wasn't going alone and pulled Lucas with me, after all, he was the closest and best for these kind of things, I bolted.

  "Where are you going?" I hear Fernando asking.

  "I don't know!" Lucas shrugged, while I kept pulling. "We'll see you at the store."

  "Stop wasting time!" I said, pulling him harder in the direction of that wonderfulness!

  "Where are we going, Paula?" Lucas asked.

  "Stop talking and walk faster, Lucas," I asked, out of breath.

  I guess I'm not used to running like this, I'm going to pass out any moment. Do people pass out when they exercise too much?

  "Isn't it wonderful?" I asked, mesmerized.

  "What?" Lucas asked, looking around.

  As if he can't see it!

  "The snowman, Lucas," I said, rolling my eyes.


  Who says ‘Oh’ after seeing a snowman? Fine, they were still assembling the snowman – actually only the bottom part was done.

  I haven't seen someone making a snowman in I don't know how many years... I know the last time I made one I was ten and my mom took me to the Winter festival in Campos de Jordão.

  "Let's help?" I asked Lucas, pouting.

  "Do you really want to make a snowman?" He asked, unconvinced.

  "If you don't want to, we don't have to," I answered, hurt.

  Usually when someone asks if you really want to do somethings because they really don't want to.

  "Let's go!" He told me, smiling.

  I love Lucas!

  I bolted and joined the third graders. I started collecting snow to make the top part of the snowman.

  I know I looked like a crazy woman running around trying to make a big snow ball. The cool thing – besides actually making the snowman – is Lucas following me and laughing.

  Even though Lucas helped make the snowman and collect the snow, I get all the credit. My idea, my credit!

  After we finish decorating the snowman, whom I affectionately nicknamed Bob, we took a picture together, Lucas, me, and Bob. I bet the photo makes it to Victor's wall of bizarre and funny photos.

  "You're crazy," Lucas told me after I thanked the guys for letting me help.

  "Are you going to say you didn't have fun?" I asked skeptical.

  "It was fun!" He admitted, smiling.

  I smiled satisfied and we headed to the candy shop.

  When we got there, unsurprisingly, the store was full of people, we could barely get in. After all, it’s the only sweets shop near the school. I think when I have the money, I'll open a candy store here. I'd definitely would get rich, that is, if my idea about a book on how to understand Vitor didn’t pan out.

  "We're never going to find the others," I said dejectedly.

  "As tall as you are, I agree," Lucas joked, so I had to stick my tongue out at him. "Shall we?" He asked me, laughing.

  "You found them already?" I asked, amazed. I could barely see the shelves there were so many people in front of me.

  "You're talking with a tall person, Paulie," he answered, puffing his chest.

  "So says the giant!" I teased while he dragged me into the gauntlet.

  After we walked through what seemed to me the whole school in the store, we found Fernando and Vitor leaning against a shelf.

  "Took you long enough!" Fernando said.

  "We were making a snowman," I answered, showing them the photo I took.

  "I bet it was Tiny's idea," Vitor laughed.

  "Who else?" Lucas asked, laughing along with Vitor.

  I didn't see what was so funny. Lucas could've been the one to suggest Bob, besides, he could've dragged me there instead of the other way around.

  "Where's Andressa?" I asked, searching for my friend, who wasn't anywhere that I could see.

  "Guess!" Vitor laughed.

  I didn't get the joke right away, only when I saw Nando pointing to a mess a few shelves away.

  "What is that?" I asked.

  "They're launching a new candy today," Vitor shrugged.

  "And you guys aren't killing yourselves to try it?" I asked confused.

  "I don't need it. I have my ways," he said, showing the bag in his hand.

  Only then did I notice that the two of them where holding bags filled with candy.

  "And you aren't sharing with Andressa?" I asked, astonished.

  "We are, but it's fun to see her killing herself for a sweet," Fernando said, laughing.

  And here I thought Fernando was the good one of the three.

  "What? Don't you think it's funny?" Vitor laughed.

  I won't deny it's pretty funny, but I can't admit that, since they're talking about my friend, so I chose to keep my mouth shut and just shrug.

  "Vitor, my sweet friend...are you sharing your candy with me?" I pouted.

  "No chance, Red. They have to last a long time, I'm going to be broke because of my grades."

  "Fê, gorgeous..." I started, ignoring Vitor.

  "I'm sorry, Paulie. I didn't have that much money and didn't buy many... And Andressa eats a lot of candy," he said.

  I can't believe no one is going to give me candy!

  "But I'll pay for it!" I offered.

  "If I were you, I'd run before it's over," Vitor said, pointing to some people giving up.

  "Lucas, use your irresistible charm and get candy for us. I'll give you money," I insisted.

  "I don't know, Paulie. I don't know who the boys had to seduce to get candy," he said, looking doubtful.

  "Come on, Lucas! Of course it was the store's owner or the sales girl. They have to have it stocked. Just go there and ask nicely," I asked again.

  "I don't know if that will work!"

  Lucas was definitely playing coy! Was he, with that enormous ego if his, really saying that he couldn't get candy? As if!

  "Lucas, you're handsome. Do you really think you can't seduce an innocent salesgirl?"

  "I am handsome!!" He said, rubbing his neck.

  That's the Lucas I know!

  "Then go there, gorgeous, and get us some candy," I asked, pushing him closer to the salesgirl and placing money on his hand.

  He gave me a crooked smile and walked away.

  "He's going to get the candy?" Vitor asked me.

  "Of course!" I said, smiling.

  I love it when Lucas does stuff like this and I don't have to get in line. He always does this when we go to the corner bar to get drinks.

  "We better get Andressa from there. It's getting violent," Fernando said when he saw a short girl pulling a blonde girl's hair.

  "Paula is going to make that sacrifice, right, Red?" Vitor asked.

  "No way. I'm short and small. I'll be dead when I get in there," I said, defending myself.

  Of course it's horrible to be short and small, but there have to be advantages to it, right? Like not getting into a mosh pit with people you don't know just to get your candy-crazy friend from there.

  "But she's your friend!" Vitor complained.

  "She's your friend too. Be a man and go get the poor thing."

  Now I'd thrown down the gauntlet. Defying a man's masculinity, specially a man like Vitor, is winning the fight.

  Fine...don't be mad at me...I know it was a dirty trick, but I didn't want to go into that mess. At least Vitor is tall and strong...very tall.

  "Fernando will come with me. I don't want to be harassed," Vitor said conceitedly.

  Like someone was going to harass him with so much candy around.

  "If I get killed by those people, I'm coming back to haunt you, Red," Vitor said dramatically.

  The courage of a man. Afraid of facing lunatics for candy.

  "Let's just do it, Vitor," Fernando rolled his eyes.

  "Leave the candy here or you'll get robbed," I asked, smiling gently.

  Imagine all of us losing the candy? I can't take that risk!

  "If you eat even one sweet, I'll know," crazy Vitor threatened me.

  "Maybe we should wait until Lucas
comes back to he can safeguard the candy," Fernando said.

  "I'll keep my eyes on it," I said once again.

  What part of 'leave the candy so nobody robs you' don't they understand?

  "And who will keep an eye on you?" Fernando laughed.

  "Hey! I can take care of myself! I don't need Lucas around!"

  "If someone sees the candy in your hand, you run," Vitor said, handing me the candy bag.

  "Run and call for help," Fernando finished while handing me his own bag.

  As if!

  While the boys gently pushed people to try and get to where Andressa was, I stood there with two little bags of candy. I started wanting to eat the candy! I wonder why?

  I couldn't resist: I opened one of the bags, the one I thought was Fernando's since he's the nicer of the two, and grabbed a sweet. He won't miss one. wouldn't be missed. Fernando wouldn't even know I ate it, unless, of course, he bought a specific number of sweets and now would count it to make sure none is missing, but I doubt he'd do it. The problem is some poor sap saw me taking the candy from the bag and came talk with me.

  "How did you do it? Give me one!" The boy didn't seem to be older than a fourth-grader.

  "It's my friend's. I can't. Sorry!" I said.

  I can't just go around giving out candy, right? Vitor and Fernando would eat me alive if I did that, and also, I don't want to give away my candy!

  I know that's kind of selfish but I don't care! Since we're already dividing it between the five of us, I can't just give it away!

  "Relax, girl. It's just one!" He asked again.

  "I'm really sorry, but they're not mine," I insisted.

  I wasn't lying! The candy wasn't mine...Lucas is getting mine.

  "How selfish. I just want one!" The boy complained.

  This boy is getting on my nerves!

  "I told you I can't," I answered, starting to get annoyed.

  "You're going to pay for that, girl," he told me angrily.

  These children nowadays...the think they're all grown up...a fourth-grader!

  "Hey, guys...hey! This girl is giving out free candy!" The boy yelled, getting the attention of a few people.

  Of course no one wasn't going to buy it. Do I look like I give candy away for free?

  "I want some!" I heard a girl saying while coming near.

  "Free?" Another asked with a huge smile.

  "I want a menthol one," another one asked.

  I suddenly realized they had me surrounded. I think Vitor and Fernando were obviously, I took off running.

  "Lucas!" I yelled running after my friend. "Lucas, help!"

  I thought that would make the guys leave me alone, but some clueless people, that have no idea how big Lucas is, were still after me. after the small girl, it's easier to steal from the little people than to do the right thing and take it from the shelf.

  "Lucas!" I yelled again, seeing my savior at the back of the store. "Lu!"

  After screaming repeatedly and bumping into several people, Lucas saw me and started heading my way.

  "Finally! Didn't you hear me?" I asked when I reached him.

  "I heard, but I didn't see you," he said, shrugging and smiling.

  "I'll ignore that if you save me," I said.

  "Save you from what?" He asked, looking confused.

  "From that!" I said, pointing to some people who were pushing other students in order to get where we were.

  "Now, my candy," said the first boy who'd talked with me.

  "What's going on?" Lucas asked, getting in front of me.

  My hero!

  "They want to steal Vitor and Fernando's candy," I answered.

  "She was giving candy away," one girl said.

  "No, I wasn't. The little liar over there was the one that said I was," I said angrily, pointing the finger at the annoying boy.

  "OK! The fun is over. Paula isn't giving candy away to anyone. You can get your candy at the counter," Lucas said, looking bad ass.

  And wouldn't you know? Everyone went back to the shelves. Amazing! When I grow up, I want to be like that.

  "I can't leave you alone for five minutes?" He laughed.

  "Vitor and Fernando cursed me," I defended self.

  This was not my fault!

  "I don't doubt it," he grinned.

  "Did you get the candy?" I asked, changing the subject.

  "I'm irresistible!" He smiled, rubbing his neck. "Let's find the others," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me across the store.

  It didn't take long for us to find the rest of the guys and leave the store.

  "I can't believe you left me there after you'd gotten candy already," Andressa complained for the nth time while we walked to the joke shop.

  "Are you telling me it wasn't fun?" Vitor asked again.

  I think he swallowed a recorder. He's asked me this already today.

  "It was in no way fun!" Andressa complained.

  "Stop complaining... I thought it was fun," Vitor laughed.

  I'm going to ignore Vitor!

  It didn't take us long to reach the joke shop, but the walk there was anything but pleasant, since Andressa wouldn't change the subject, complaining that we left her there trying to get candy.

  At the joke shop, Andressa and I went to have a look while the boys restocked.

  I honestly never thought there were so many way of playing someone for a fool.

  It wasn't a surprise when a rose showed up at the shop's door when I was leaving, a red rose on the floor.

  After the joke shop, for some weird and strange reason I'm still unfamiliar with, the boys wanted to see an abandoned house. That fugly and strange house! I didn't see what was so fun about looking at it. When I was almost fainting from boredom I remembered Fernando watching Andressa sleep this morning. I think the boys believe in ghosts.

  "Andressa! Friend, I need to tell you something!" I yelled, making her jump out of the rock she was sitting on.

  "You don't need to scare me like that!" She said, sitting back down next to Fernando.

  "Leave the boys there, come here so we can talk," I asked.

  "Now you're keeping secrets?" Vitor asked.

  I didn't answer, simply pulling Andressa across the way so the boys wouldn't listen to our conversation.

  "Spill it out, I'm getting curious," Andressa said.

  "Today I woke up early and saw something you'll like," I said, pointing to Andressa.

  "What?" She asked me, curious.

  I love making people curious! It must be because I'm a curious person!

  "Stop beating around the bushes and spill it, Paulie," Andressa asked.

  "When I woke up today, Fernando was watching you sleep," I said excitedly. "He looked really sweet watching you sleep," I informed her, in case she thought it was dumb.

  "Do you think I look ugly when I sleep? Oh, my God! Now he really won't want something with me," Andressa said, panicking.

  Was she really having a panic attack because of this? What part of 'he looked really sweet', didn't she get?

  "He was watching you sleep! That has to mean something," I said.

  "It means he saw your messy hair when he woke up," Vitor joked, coming closer and laughing.

  "You're not helping, Vitor!" I complained.

  "Do you really think he likes me?" Andressa asked hopefully.

  "You still have doubts?" I rolled my eyes.

  "Hey, girls. We're hungry. Shall we eat?" Fernando asked, coming closer.

  I just hope he didn't eavesdrop in our conversation.

  We went to a restaurant nearby so we didn't have to go back to school. The problem was, because of the bad weather, a lot of people had the same idea.

  If the restaurant was full, can you imagine how the corner bar is going to be? I thinking I'll be drinking juice standing up today!

  We had a quiet lunch and soon we were making our way to the corner bar. I was craving a strawberry and
milk blend.

  What? I can drink juice with my friends and then with André. I don't see a problem with that.

  "I think you should cancel with André," Vitor said.

  "And may I ask why?" I asked, suspicious.

  "You're only drinking juice, right? Then why go out with him if Lucas buys you all the juice you can want?" Vitor asked.

  I looked from him to Lucas, but I thought it best not to say the ugly thing that I thought.

  "André probably asked me out to tell me he's been sending the roses. I can't just not go," I answered, shrugging.

  I saw both of their smiles fade, but at least they didn't say anything.

  "I don't think it's André sending the roses," Fernando said, thoughtful.

  "Then who would it be?" I asked, suspicious.

  For him to say that, he must know something.

  "When I find out, I'll tell you," he shrugged.

  I hate it when Fernando hides things from me. I bet he knows something.

  "Speaking of André, look who's there," Andressa said, nodding to the door of the bar.

  I didn't need to look to know André was there with his friends. He was one hour early, so he was probably just hanging out with his friends before we have our conversation.

  "He's early!" Lucas complained.

  "He's just hanging with his friends, like us," I shrugged.

  They've been picking on the poor guy a lot lately. I don't remember them doing this before.

  "I think he came to get a table for you two," Andressa said when she saw André talking with a waitress.

  We stopped talking about André for a while and his friends and the boys relaxed a little, but if they think I didn't see the looks they were giving a point beyond me – which was probably were André was – they were wrong.

  "His friends are leaving," Andressa said some time later.

  "But there’s still half an hour before the date," Lucas said, looking at the clock.

  "I think he wants to start the date early," Andressa said, double meaning all over her voice.

  "It's not a date!" I answered one more time.

  I think I'll have to keep repeating this until they are convinced.

  "I think you're going to have to repeat that until you understand you're wrong, Paulie," Andressa teased.

  Did I think out loud?

  "And didn't say anything out loud. It's kind of obvious by the look of boredom on your face," she laughed, and it didn't take long for everyone else to join in. I think the look of surprise on my face for the fact that she got it right didn't help.


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