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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 582

by Pirateaba

  “I believe that would be most entertaining, Klbkch. Wave at Shivertail. Or better yet, buy him a drink.”


  The first group to go over to Ryoka was Zel and Ilvriss. The Wall Lord got up at last, too furious to be restrained by Zel any longer. He marched over to Ryoka and took a seat at her table, uninvited. Ryoka blinked at him.

  Az’kerash and his creations watched. The Necromancer mused quietly, his words heard by them and no one else.

  Zel Shivertail and Wall Lord Ilvriss. They were the two who fought outside my castle a month ago. They clashed with my disciple and now end up here? Why? This is curious.

  They heard the entirety of the conversation between them. It started out with threats, and insults. Ilvriss leaned over the table, making Ryoka lean back.

  “You will tell me what I need to know. No more excuses! I demand—”

  Zel pulled the Wall Lord back and smiled at Ryoka.

  “You have to understand our position, Ryoka. When a group of soldiers goes missing, especially elites—”

  “Did you kill them or not? How did they die? How did Periss—”

  Ilvriss pounded the table. Venitra could make no sense of it, but Az’kerash put the pieces together quickly.

  Ah. The Drake and Gnolls that Kerash and Bea disposed of. It has attracted the Wall Lord’s attention. This is…unfortunate. Yet it seems that Ryoka has refused to tell either Drake anything, despite their pressuring her.

  Indeed, the next image all three watchers saw was Ryoka offering a single finger in reply to Ilvriss.

  “Runner’s code, asshole. I can’t tell you a thing, even if I wanted to! I’m sorry, but that’s how it is.”

  Ilvriss nearly strangled her, but Zel held him back. He was trying to argue with Ryoka, but his words weren’t that effective while Ilvriss uttered threats and tried to grab Ryoka over the table. However, the City Runner clearly had more on her mind. She glanced over at Ijvani and Venitra.

  “Look, I’m really, really not looking to discuss anything tonight. Maybe later. In fact, why don’t you uh, turn around and piss off? That’d be helpful. Thanks.”

  The two undead watched Zel forcibly pull Ilvriss away. Az’kerash’s tone was exasperated.

  And you decided that the best course of action was simply to kill her? Why?

  Ijvani and Venitra shuffled in their seats without saying anything. They heard a sigh in their heads.

  You fools. This is why I ordered you to assess the situation before making any decisions! If this Ryoka Griffin disappears, this Wall Lord is sure to take interest. As for Shivertail—you are fortunate that your incompetence prevented you from taking her life earlier.

  “Yes master.”

  “Yes master.”

  We shall speak with Ryoka Griffin now. I wish to know why the Antinium are here. They concern me—greatly. I was under the impression that Liscor’s Hive had produced nothing of value save for its strategic placement. I want to know what the Small Queen intends. She is dangerous.


  When Regrika Blackpaw walked over, Ryoka was prepared for the end. She was prepared for a fight, for threats, for anything and everything.

  But she was not prepared for a smile. As Regrika sat down in front of Ryoka, she was smiling. She smiled and Ryoka stared. Perhaps it was just the illusion spell. But it was mimicking Venitra’s true expression, and for an instant, Ryoka saw nothing but simplicity in her smile. It was happy, guileless, and…innocent.

  A child’s smile.

  Ryoka had no idea why, until Regrika, or rather, Venitra, spoke.

  “My master is here. He wishes to speak with you, Ryoka Griffin.”

  Ryoka stared. She looked around and caught herself. She stared at Regrika.

  “Here? In you?”

  “I am watching and listening through my servant’s eyes, Ryoka Griffin. I am present. We have met before.”

  The voice came from Regrika’s mouth, but it was neither the Gnoll’s voice, nor Venitra’s voice. It was male, educated, precise, and old. It was horrifically disturbing to see it come from the female Gnoll’s face. But it was Az’kerash’s voice.

  The Necromancer’s.

  Ryoka felt the floor open up. She saw Ivolethe flying towards her and tried to shoo her away. But the Frost Faerie alighted on Ryoka’s shoulder. She hissed and glared at Regrika. Ryoka saw the Gnoll’s eyes flick to her shoulder and frown, but oddly, the Necromancer didn’t seem to notice Ivolethe at all.

  “Look straight at Ryoka Griffin, Venitra. Thank you. Now, Ryoka Griffin, I believe you know why my creations are here.”

  “To kill me?”

  “Perhaps. But not necessarily. They were sent with instructions to ascertain whether you had spoken of my existence to anyone else. They were not commanded to kill you outright. They have failed me and for that they will be…reprimanded.”

  Something about the way he said it made Ryoka feel that Az’kerash wasn’t a very forgiving and nice master. Venitra certainly seemed frightened. The ears of the Gnoll sitting in front of Ryoka flattened, and her tail drooped.

  “So I’m not going to die?”

  That was all Ryoka could think to ask. She’d been prepared for death the instant she met Venitra. To suddenly hear that it was off the table was…disturbing. And relieving. She dared to hope, and because she was an idiot, she tried to take a gulp from her full mug for the first time that night.

  With her left hand. The instant Ryoka tried to move it, she agitated the broken finger. Ryoka bent over the table, swearing, holding her left hand with the three fingers of her right hand. Why was her hand always getting injured? Oh, right. She’d shattered both her legs before too.

  Her finger was swelling up horribly now. It was badly broken, and Ryoka was afraid to show it to anyone. Somehow, Az’kerash noticed it as Venitra stared at her. Maybe she’d told him, although Ryoka doubted it.

  “What is the matter? Ah. Your finger. My servants are careless. Allow me to rectify the issue.”

  Regrika raised her paw and pointed at Ryoka’s left hand through the table. Ryoka felt something shift in her hand and jerked. She stared as the bones in her pinkie rearranged themselves and snapped back into place.

  It hurt like hell in those moments, but the sensations of her bones changing on her were more terrifying than the pain. And then it was all gone. Ryoka stared at her pinkie. It was still puffy and swollen, but it barely hurt now compared to before.

  “A healing potion will correct the rest of the damage.”

  Az’kerash’s voice was dismissive. Ryoka stared at him. She’d heard from Pisces himself that [Necromancers] couldn’t change around people’s bones unless they had direct physical contact. Apparently that didn’t apply to Az’kerash.

  “I should say thanks. But your minion broke my finger to begin with. Does this mean you’ll leave me alone now?”

  The look Venitra, or rather, Regrika gave Ryoka could have killed. Her big paws tightened on the table, but Az’kerash’s voice was cool.

  “I am still determining the risk you pose. You claim to have kept my secret—”

  “And I will. Totally. Runner’s Code and all that. I know what happens if I let anything slip.”

  Ryoka raised her hands. Venitra growled at her.

  “Do not interrupt my master!”

  “Calm yourself, Venitra.”

  Two voices, one body. Ryoka held still. Az’kerash’s next words were musing.

  “Tell me, why did the Dragon choose you of all people? It seems odd that he would assign such a delivery to a mere City Runner.”

  Ryoka gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

  “He didn’t. He put up an open request and I took it because it paid well. Believe me, if I’d known it would have resulted in this, I wouldn’t have done it for all the gold in the world.”

  “Hah. That is amusing. So much trouble over a Dragon’s whim.”

  Regrika’s face didn’t change, but Az’kerash sounded like he was enjoying som
e dry humor. He paused.

  “I understand both Wall Lord Ilvriss and Zel Shivertail are interested in you because of your delivery to me.”

  “You killed Periss, his lieutenant. Or didn’t you notice?”

  “They were disposed of by my creations. I had paid little attention until now. If the Wall Lord received the remains of his soldiers, would he be appeased?”

  “Nope. Well, maybe. He wants to know why they died.”

  “Ah. Inconvenient. However, it is a rectifiable situation. Hm. I have one more question for you, Ryoka Griffin. Why are there two of the Antinium in this inn?”

  Ryoka hesitated.

  “I’m good friends with Klbkch.”

  “You are concealing the truth.”

  “Get that from a truth spell? I’m not plotting against you, if that’s what you want to know.”

  “That is part of what I wish to know, but it is…enough for now. For now, know this Ryoka Griffin. I do not desire my presence to be known. For that reason, I will guarantee your safety for now. My creations will not harm you.”

  “And if you change your mind?”

  Az’kerash paused. His voice was very cold.

  “Give me no reason to. Understand, you have little say in this, Ryoka Griffin.”

  No say. No choice. She was helpless. Perhaps that was true, but Ryoka’s temper flared. She leaned over the table, glaring at Regrika and not caring about how it looked.

  “Oh yeah? What if I tell Zel Shivertail about you? You’re not here right now—this Venitra person and Ijvani are. If Zel kills them, what can you do about it?”

  The voice that replied through Regrika’s mouth was icily unconcerned.

  “What gives you the impression that would be an intelligent decision, girl?”

  “He kicked your ass once in the Second Antinium War. He killed you, although I guess that part was wrong. What’s to stop him from doing it to your precious servants?”

  Ryoka grinned at Regrika, and the Gnoll glared back. But it was Az’kerash who spoke again. His voice was impassive, and for that reason, terribly scary.

  “If you wish to try, by all means speak. You and everyone in this inn with surely die. But if you think it is worth the cost, then allow me to give you this.”

  A paw rose, reached out, and touched Ryoka on the lips. She jerked back, but it was too late. Something heavy gripped her tongue for a moment, and then was gone. Ivolethe cried out into Ryoka’s ear.

  “Death magic! The executioner’s axe hangs over your head, Ryoka! Do not speak!”

  Az’kerash spoke as Ryoka held very still, afraid to open her mouth.

  “[Word of Death]. Speak any part of my name, Az’kerash, or mention necromancy and you will die in that instant.”

  She stared at him, all her confidence lost again. The second intelligence hiding behind Regrika’s eyes flickered, and then vanished. Regrika got up. Without a word, she left the table. Ryoka sat there, ready to puke. She wanted to run and realized suddenly that there was nowhere far enough she could go.

  And then Ryoka realized that Regrika and Ikriss were sitting at their tables, joking, talking about sending Ryoka to scout the Goblin Lord’s army, acting like nothing was normal. But underneath the illusion the undead were still there. And so was Az’kerash. They were still watching her. And as Ryoka sat up and realized Klbkch and Xrn were still waiting to speak with her, she got really nervous.


  “Ryoka Griffin. May we sit with you?”

  There had to be a way to tell people to go away without saying or doing anything to indicate that. However, Ryoka’s best ‘leave me alone’ posture and the glare in her eyes did nothing to dissuade Klbkch. He took a seat and the strange blue Antinium sat next to him.

  Ryoka recognized her at once. She was Xrn, the Small Queen, a legend and one of the big players in the Second Antinium War. Normally Ryoka would have been freaking out about meeting her, but after speaking with Az’kerash, this seemed frighteningly normal.

  “I believe we have not met, Miss Ryoka Griffin. I am Xrn.”

  “Hi, Xrn.”

  Ryoka stared at Xrn. Maybe if she acted weird or rude enough they’d leave. She really did not want to talk about dead gods here, or anything—anything, really. Az’kerash was listening.

  “I have wished to speak with you for a good deal of time. However, issues in the Hive have necessitated me remaining below ground. Pawn may have informed you that our Hive experienced an attack by many monsters from Liscor’s Dungeon. They have been repelled—at cost.”


  Ryoka wished there was a way to tell Klbkch not to be so helpful at explaining things. But Klbkch only took that as a sign to keep going.

  “Indeed. However, the development of the unique group of Antinium Soldiers under Pawn has led to—”

  “Hey Klbkch, let’s not talk business right now. I think we should all just relax and—not discuss anything important.”

  Klbkch paused. He looked at Xrn. The other Antinium stared at Ryoka.

  “You told me that she was aware of everything, Klbkch.”

  “She is.”

  The Antinium cocked his head at Ryoka.

  “I know you are busy, Ryoka, especially given Regrika Blackpaw’s offer to you. That is why I wish to converse with you and Xrn now. We may not receive another chance for a while. You see, Xrn is preparing to l—”

  Ryoka gave up on subtlety and kicked him as hard as she could under the table. She heard one her toes crack and felt blinding pain. The Antinium paused and looked down at his undamaged shin as Ryoka leaned over the table, making incoherent sounds of pain.


  He wasn’t an idiot. He and Xrn exchanged looks, and then turned to stare at the two Drakes who were watching them. And Typhenous, who was also watching. And Pisces who was eying her warily and glancing at Regrika and Ikriss for some reason. And most of the other guests in the inn, who turned away and pretended to be doing something else.

  “Ah, I believe I see Miss Ryoka’s objection, Klbkchhezeim.”

  Klbkch shrugged.

  “We are under a spell of silence, Xrn. They can’t tell what we are saying.”

  Ryoka glanced quickly over to her left. Ivolethe shook her head definitively. Az’kerash’s spell was still in effect, silence spell or not. The young women thought quickly.

  “This is not a good time, you two. I have that Wall Lord guy breathing down my neck. Let’s agree to not do or say anything with each other at all. Deal?”

  This time both of the Antinium stared at Ryoka. Suspiciously.

  “Have you been threatened, Ryoka Griffin? If you have, my duty as a Senior Guardsman and ally to you and Erin permits me to directly offer you the assistance of my Hive.”

  “If she is being threatened, Klbkch, she wouldn’t say.”

  Xrn reached over and prodded Klbkch in the head with one finger. She peered at Ryoka and the hearts of one Human and one Frost Faerie at the table stopped for a second. Xrn shook her head.

  “I detect no magical enchantments on her. However, I agree with her desire for caution. I believe I have seen enough in any case. She knows what we plan to do. If she is an ally, she will prove herself as one. If not—”

  The blue Antinium’s eyes swirled blackly for a moment. A wisp of yellow was extinguished by a shade of black that color had no words for.

  “—If not, we shall see. Now, I wish to eat more of this innkeeper’s cooking before I leave. Tersk was telling me about it. Klbkch, let us eat. I have a spell I wish to try—[Stomach of the Cow]. [Powerful Digestion]!”

  She cast the two spells as she walked away from the table. Ryoka watched her go.

  “[Stomach of the Cow]? The hell’s that? Is that a real spell?”

  Klbkch hesitated before nodding. He stood up.

  “Xrn is a prodigy among spellcasters, Ryoka Griffin. I am unsure of her mechanisms, but she is able to create new spells based on ones she already knows. It is part of her class. She may hav
e learned this spell before, or created it. I will now aid her in consuming Erin’s food supply and pay for her meals with my limited income as a [Guardsman]. Good night, Ryoka. We shall speak at some other time.”

  He nodded to Ryoka and turned away. Ryoka watched him go and then collapsed onto her table. Ivolethe flew down beside her and shook her head.

  “Hah! That one can’t spot magic to save her life! Although the spell cast is subtle. Yet she can see me, I think, and my sisters! When did mages become so useless?”

  Ryoka put her head down and didn’t respond. The table was cool—until Ryoka found a sticky spot with her cheek. She sagged in her chair and desperately wished the night was over. Unfortunately, it was just getting started.


  Everyone had spoken to Ryoka, and gotten less than satisfactory answers out of her. That was true. But it didn’t mean they were about to leave. Indeed, all three groups were sitting in place. And unfortunately, Erin’s renovations to her inn hadn’t been completed yet, so there was a limited amount of space to put between all three parties.

  Zel Shivertail glared at Klbkch across three tables, hand tight on his mug. Xrn and Ilvriss locked stares over Xrn’s raised fork filled with spaghetti. Venitra and Ijvani studied the two, as Az’kerash stared through their eyes, pondering, assessing.

  The other diners in the room had certainly noticed the power plays and interactions. That was why they had cleared a space. No one wanted to be caught between the Antinium and Drakes. Indeed, the atmosphere was getting tenser by the minute. No one dared break it, not even the Gold-rank adventurers.

  Silence fell over the inn as Xrn chewed at some spaghetti with her mandibles. Zel’s hand cracked on his mug. Ilvriss’s grinding teeth could be heard in the quiet. Regrika Blackpaw sat and watched.

  And then there was Erin. She edged right through the staring contest, holding a big pan and shouting.

  “Make way! Cake! Make way for the cake! Oh, hey Mister Zel and you. Do I know you? And hi Klbkch! You and your friend will want to eat this. Wait, do I know you?”


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