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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

Page 583

by Pirateaba

  Everyone stared. They stared at the fluffy pink frosting on the white background of the cake, the huge rectangular block of icing and cake, and at the letters on top. They formed a simple word.


  The class was spelled out on top of the cake in pink, and set about with glowing candles. Erin gently put the cake in front of the bewildered Brunkr.

  “Surprise! Krshia said this was a party for you, and I’ve been dying to make a cake! So…happy class day, Brunkr! Blow out the candles and make a wish! Wait! We’ve got to sing happy birthday first!”

  Erin began teaching everyone the happy birthday song. It was surprising how many people she got to join in. Ilvriss was not one of them. Xrn and Klbkch were. So was Zel.

  Ryoka did not sing. She was trying to alternatively stab her eyes out with her fork and hide under the table at the same time. She watched as Regrika Blackpaw got up and sang happy birthday, looking as happy as could be and wondered if Az’kerash could hear that. Then she wondered if he was joining in.

  Brunkr gingerly blew out the mostly melted candles after that, and then there was cake. Cake.

  “Have a slice, Ryoka! It tastes just like home! Go on!”

  Ryoka stared down at the pink corner piece of cake she’d been given. She looked at Erin’s beaming face, took a bite, and tried not to puke. She managed to get rid of the cake, mainly by feeding it to Ivolethe and Mrsha. She could have probably just dropped it on any table and it would have been gone, though.

  The inn had gone crazy over cake.

  “This is the greatest thing I’ve ever had!”

  Relc was crying as he gobbled down his piece of cake. He licked his plate and then began demanding to know how it was made, how much it cost, and where he could get more of it from Erin. He was joined by Revi, Jelaqua, and a hyperactive Mrsha who was practically vibrating in place.

  If that were all, Ryoka would have gotten down on her knees and thanked the non-discriminate and blessed ways of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which was the only deity she was prepared to worship in this world. However, it seemed like Regrika’s fame meant that everyone wanted to speak with her, and Ryoka happened to be a fine way of introducing oneself via proxy.

  “Hey Regrika. Let me introduce you to my friends.”

  Ryoka’s smile twitched as she was forcibly prodded into place. The Named Adventurer looked up from her half-eaten piece of cake and saw the Horns of Hammerad clustering behind Ryoka, practically holding her in front of the famous Gnoll like a shield.

  “Oh? Who is this? I am always happy to meet other friends of yours, Ryoka Griffin, yes?”

  She smiled broadly at Ryoka. Ryoka gave her a return grin full of teeth.

  “Great. These are adventurers. This is Ceria. She’s an ice mage. This is Yvlon, a [Warrior], Ksmvr, an Antinium [Warrior]—”

  “I am pleased to meet you, Regrika Blackpaw. I understand you are famous. May I ask what your fame is derived from? I—why are you kicking me, Captain Ceria, Yvlon? I am only asking—”

  “And this is Pisces.”

  Ryoka ignored Ksmvr as the Antinium was dragged back. She smiled, and Ikriss raised his head.

  “Ah, a fellow mage? What is his class?”

  Everyone looked at Ryoka. She gritted her teeth. Why couldn’t he have asked Pisces that? She spoke slowly, conscious of the [Word of Death] spell prohibiting her mentioning the N word. [Necromancer]. Frankly, the other N word wasn’t really an issue at this moment.

  “Pisces? He…likes dead bodies. Animating them, commanding them. He’s got a fetish for that. Magical.”

  Everyone stared at Pisces. He turned bright red and glared at Ryoka. Erin looked blankly at Ryoka, and then laughed and leaned over the table to address Ikriss.

  “He’s a [Necromancer]. I think Ryoka’s trying to be polite.”


  Ikriss inhaled his breath and exchanged a glance with Regrika. The Gnoll stared at Ryoka and she glared in a friendly way at her. Pisces was the one to break the silence. His face was beet red.

  “Allow me to assure everyone present that my, ah, obsession with the deceased is in no way sexual, as Miss Griffin seems to have intimated. I am a [Necromancer] out of academic interest, nothing more.”

  He stared at Ryoka. She didn’t look his way. Regrika spoke slowly, staring at Pisces.

  “I take no offense. I am aware of the stigma [Necromancers] face, but I myself consider it a worthy class. All magics are equal in principle, and those who pursue the heights of power are to be commended no matter what route they take. So I believe…yes.”

  The was a pause after that last ‘yes’. Ryoka glanced sharply at Regrika. She wondered if it was Venitra who’d said that. Or her master.

  Regrika Blackpaw’s words caused a stir at the table, and made Pisces flush with pride. He introduced himself and the other Horns of Hammerad stepped forwards eagerly to talk more as well. He shook hands with both Regrika and Ikriss and paused for a second as he stared at Ikriss. Then he retreated and let the other Horns of Hammerad introduce themselves.

  “Everything okay? You like the food?”

  Erin popped by, oblivious to Regrika’s rank and fame. She looked more concerned about the two adventurer’ plates, which were mostly cleared. Regrika smiled up at her and patted her stomach.

  “It is most delightful, yes? I have seldom had finer food and I am grateful for it after many days on the road.”

  “Indeed. I’m quite impressed by your abilities, Miss Solstice.”

  Ikriss smiled as well. Erin beamed in relief. Then Regrika looked down.

  “However, I seem to have attracted a youngling around my feet. Who is this?”

  Half of the Gnolls exclaimed and Krshia leapt to her feet as Mrsha’s head popped up next to Regrika. Lyonette rushed over, chagrin clear on her face, but Regrika only laughed. She peered at Mrsha’s white fur and stroked her head.

  “Hrr. What a delightful child. Is she one of yours?”

  Regrika looked around the table. The faces of the Gnolls froze over for a second and Erin coughed.

  “Uh, that’s Mrsha, Miss Blackpaw. She’s—well, she’s part of the family at the inn, really. Her family was—uh—”

  She trailed off, and Regrika took the hint. She smiled sadly down at Mrsha who hadn’t been listening to Erin’s words. Regrika offered Mrsha a bit of her steak and the Gnoll happily accepted it and sniffed at Regrika, smiling and wagging her tail.

  Ikriss took that opportunity to slide half of the contents of his plate onto the floor while no one was looking. As the conversation started back up, the topic of chess was brought up.

  “Oh? You play the game? I was unaware that the game had spread so widely across the continent. When I learned of it I was intrigued, but there are few partners for me to play on my travels.”

  This time Ryoka was sure that it was Az’kerash speaking through Ikriss, not Ijvani. Erin grinned as she showed the Drake her magical chessboard and then her non-magical ones.

  “You like to play? That’s great! I’m pretty good at the game myself. Want to play a game?”

  “I should like that very much.”

  There was no way for Ryoka to stop the game between Erin and Ikriss, or rather, Az’kerash without upsetting the table or tossing a pot of soup over everyone. She considered that, but decided it was better to let them play. After all, what harm could it do?

  The first game was slow. Ikriss was white, Erin was black. They played a game through, attracting Olesm’s attention, Typhenous, Pisces, and Klbkch while everyone else wandered away. The audience wandered back when they heard Olesm screaming about how amazing it was.

  “What a game!”

  The Drake threw up his hands and danced about. Ryoka stared at the board. It had been…a damn good game. And it was even better because Erin had won. She grinned as she watched Ikriss sit back, a look of amazement on his face. Across the table, Regrika’s jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor.

  “Every move I
made was optimal. And yet I was defeated.”

  Az’kerash spoke quietly. Erin laughed and slapped Ikriss on the back.

  “You were great! How did you learn to play like that? It was a great match, like Olesm said. But the difference was that I had a different style.”

  “Indeed. I have not encountered anything like it. You flanked my approach most spectacularly.”

  Erin nodded and took on the lecturing tone of a hardcore fan of chess.

  “It’s called the hypermodern play style. You had a really, really good control of the center at the start, but it was all pawns. But my strategy was all about controlling the center through indirect pieces, see? I keep telling Olesm it’s a really good style of play, but he’s stuck on pawns like Belgrade…”

  Olesm turned bright red and Erin patted his shoulder. She turned and beamed at Ikriss.

  “Want to play another game?”

  “I should enjoy that very much. Please.”

  They began to play. Ryoka stood watching the game. To be honest, she didn’t watch the game so much as Regrika’s expression. The Gnoll, or rather, Venitra, was watching the game with something like horror in her eyes. Because Erin won. She played Ikriss twice more, lost one game, won one—it didn’t matter that she didn’t win everything. When she beat Az’kerash, Ryoka saw part of Venitra failing to comprehend.

  “That’s right. Your master isn’t flawless. Sucks, don’t it?”

  Ryoka muttered to Regrika after the game was over. The Gnoll turned. There was pure fury in her eyes. She gripped Ryoka’s hand and squeezed. Just for a moment.


  Erin Solstice was having a good day. It seemed like a lot of days were good days recently, but today was excellent. She’d made a cake. She had important visitors, and she got to meet Xrn, who was really cool! And best of all—she got to play chess.

  Why couldn’t all days be like this. Erin sighed as she pushed herself back from the game and shook Ikriss’ hand. The purple-scaled Drake smiled at her, his grip soft and light.

  “You are a true master of this game. I am honored to play you and intrigued. Where did you obtain this level of skill?”

  “Practice! Years of practice?”

  Erin laughed until she remembered that chess had only been invented recently. She coughed.

  “I play all the time. I’d love to play you again sometime if you’re up for it.”

  “I believe I am.”

  The Drake smiled slightly and turned away. Erin beamed, and then noticed Ryoka heading for the doors.

  “Hey Ryoka, are you going out?”

  “I—I’m going for a run.”

  Ryoka’s hands were shoved deep in her pockets. She stomped towards the doors quickly, seeming to shield her right side. Erin frowned.

  “At night? It’s dangerous—”

  “Yeah. I’ll be back in a bit. I’ll see you—later, Erin. Have a good night.”

  She left. Erin sighed, but let her moody friend go. She turned and saw Regrika was smiling and dining with all the Gnolls who loved her so much. She frowned as she saw the Gnoll bite with relish into a bit of her beef casserole. Erin stopped Lyonette as she went about the tables. She, Drassi, and Ishkr had been on their feet all night and looked beat. Erin made a note to pay them extra for tonight.

  “Hey Lyonette, Regrika and that Ikriss guy like their food, right? Have they asked for anything changed or complained about the taste?”

  Lyonette blinked at Erin and shook her head.

  “No, they said they liked it. Why? Is something wrong?”

  “It’s just a feeling. Eh, whatever.”

  Erin shook off the odd sensation in her head and grinned.

  “A Named Adventurer and a Gnoll party! We’re raking in the dough tonight!”

  “Raking? I thought you kneaded dough. Or is that some advanced form of cooking I don’t know about?”

  “No, it’s this expression see. I—you know what, forget it.”

  Erin deflated slightly. She waved the comment off and then looked around. She spotted Brunkr sitting alone at a table and wandered over.

  “Brunkr! Aren’t you going to go have fun with the others? This party’s about you, right?”

  The Gnoll grinned down at Erin, looking slightly drunk and very happy.

  “It is good of you to say, yes? But I know this is for my Aunt, and for Ryoka as much as anything. My class is wonderful, but it is not all of this party. And Regrika Blackpaw’s presence honors us far more than my class.”

  “Yeah, but your class is still cool! [Knight]! Wow! How did you get it?”

  Brunkr’s eyes flicked from Erin to something over her shoulder. He smiled.

  “I cannot say. It is not my secret to give, yes?”

  “Aw. Really? Well, maybe you could share it with Yvlon? She wants to be a [Knight] too, you know.”

  “She does? Hrm.”

  Brunkr glanced with interest over at Yvlon, who was sitting at a table and still talking about the Crelers they’d killed with the other Gold-rank adventurers. He smiled a bit.

  “Perhaps I will talk with her or…others about such a thing. But my class was a gift, truly. I am unsure of what I will do with my new class, but perhaps such a life might be worth doing after all.”

  Erin frowned.

  “Do what? Be an adventurer? I hope you’re not going down into the dungeon!”

  Brunkr shook his head instantly.

  “Of course not. I am no fool, yes? I owe too much to you, my aunt, and…and to Lyonette to risk my life so easily. But when I see adventurers like Regrika or—or your friends, I remember that I too wish to become more than I am. The Horns of Hammerad—”

  Erin’s eyes widened.

  “Do you want to…?”

  She glanced at her friends. Brunkr looked embarrassed and shook his head.

  “I am no doubt rusty. And I have just recovered. A single level in a class is—”

  “I could ask! I’m sure they’d be happy to have you!”

  “No, no. I must practice first. There are other Gnolls I can join up with. I will—no, please Erin. This is not the time to talk of such things. I did not mean to bring it up. I wished to speak with you in private, if I am honest?”

  “Me? About what?”

  Brunkr paused. He rested his butt on the table where he and Erin were talking, and looked around her lively inn. His eyes lingered on Lyonette, and then on Mrsha as she curled up into a ball by the fireplace. A large bee crawled onto her head, fanning its wings by the flames.

  “It is a strange thing, to believe you know someone and not know them at all.”

  He looked at Erin, and nodded at her.

  “You saved my arm.”

  “Aw, that was—”

  “Everything to me. I do not mistake it. You saved my arm, Erin Solstice. For that I cannot be more grateful. And I am more humbled, yes, to know how badly I misjudged you.”

  Erin fell silent. She didn’t know what to say to that. She needed to say nothing, as it turned out. Brunkr stared at her, and then out a window at the snow, reflectively. He spoke quietly.

  “I did not know you. I thought you were an enemy, a fool at first. I was consumed by an image of you that was wrong. Entirely wrong. When I realized how ignorant I was, I felt as though I had lost my legs, my balance, and was falling. The world changed for me. My arm—I am sorry for all I said when you first came to me. Yes. I am sorry, and grateful we met.”

  He smiled at Erin, looking a bit embarrassed. Brunkr turned his head away quickly and Erin grinned in delight. Gnoll faces were too furry to see, but she was sure, absolutely sure that he was blushing.

  “You’re so nice. Aw. You’re making me blush.”

  “I just wished to say thank you, Erin. Thank you. It is not often enough that we give honest thanks for what is done, yes? I want to say that. So you know what I do from now is thanks to you.”

  He reached out and offered Erin a hand. His right hand. She shook it and beamed at him.

sp; “Want more cake?”

  Brunkr paused. He glanced around the room and lowered his voice.

  “You have more?”

  She grinned and nodded. Brunkr’s tail began to wag and he followed her into the kitchen. It was just some extras, but he ate them with delight. Erin watched, happy and content.

  A good day.


  It seems this gathering has ended. Venitra, Ijvani, attend to my words.

  The two undead had never been more relieved to hear their master’s words. They quickly bade farewell and left the inn. It was dark and close to midnight as the Gnolls and other partygoers finally began to leave. The two undead walked towards Liscor in the snow, listening to their master’s words.

  Venitra, you have disappointed me. I ordered you not to harm Ryoka Griffin.

  “Master, I only—”

  Silence. You are failing me.

  There could be no worse words. Venitra hung her head in silence. Ijvani waited, terrified she might hear the same.

  And yet, it seems your failures have brought me an interesting conundrum and information about the rest of the world. For that alone, I will forgive you.

  Both undead raised their heads hesitantly. They dared to hope. Az’kerash was silent, and then he spoke authoritatively, calmly.

  Here are your instructions for now. Observe. Keep your true identities hidden. Do not harm Ryoka Griffin. That is an order, Venitra. And learn more about her relationship with the Antinium—as well as the Drakes. As for this inn, inquire about it and the magical door as well. I sensed it—it is an enchantment of peculiar power which does not belong in this place. Neither does that chessboard, but this Erin Solstice…ah. Inquire, that is all. I will contact you again tomorrow.

  Both Venitra and Ijvani nodded. They felt Az’kerash’s presence in their minds, reassuring them, filling them, and then he was gone. In the bleak world that followed, both recalled their failures.

  “He lost a game of chess. Twice.”


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