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The Elves and I

Page 2

by Catrina Calloway

“Okay, while this whole thing seems nuts, if you want me to go along with the charade, fine. I’ll play.”

  It became very quiet. All eyes were on Marni.

  “Whatever do you mean, dear?”

  Marni folded her arms beneath her breasts. “Either you all take the holiday season waaay too seriously, or someone slipped something into my drink and this is all one, big fantasy.”

  The older snapped her white brows together. Pushing her gold, horn-rimmed glasses up her nose, she replied, “You were drugged? By whom?”

  “Oh!” Marni threw her hands up in the air. “Just forget it. I already said I’d play along.”

  The older woman clapped her hands. “Splendid. Mister Claus will be so pleased.” She lowered her voice. “And we always want to please him.” She wagged her index finger at Marni. “You must always be a good girl, never naughty.” Her cheeks turned pink. “Or Mr. Claus won’t be happy.”

  “Whatever you say, honey.”

  “That’s Claus, dear. Missus Claus. But you can call me Elise—everyone does. Now let’s go into the great hall. Santa is waiting there, and so is the elf council.”

  Marni did as the older woman bade, wondering if she’d completely lost her mind.

  Chapter Two

  The great hall teemed with elves. Some lounged in groups, while others lingered by a long table bearing trays of cookies. A fire glowed in a big hearth. Torches burned bright, providing the room with additional warmth and light.

  A male elf announced their arrival.

  “Missus Claus to see you, sir.”

  Santa’s face lit with a smile. “Hello, my dear. What an assortment of goodies we have—you must have been a good girl and worked very hard.”

  Elise walked up to Santa and he patted his thighs. She crawled into his lap, nestling her head against his chest. Santa wrapped his arms around her, kissing the white curls on the top of her head.

  Envy tore at Marni’s heart. Strangely, she longed to cuddle on Santa’s lap, too.

  “Celyn and Aardel have finally returned, Santa,” Elise said. “They’ve come home with a guest.”

  Her eyes locked with Santa’s while he sat on his golden throne. Bright, white light surrounded him, his aura of love and holiday cheer a powerful presence.

  Three tall, male elves flanked him—two on his left, one on his right.

  “Ho, ho, hoooooooooooo.” He crooked a finger at Marni. “Come closer my dear, come meet Santa.”

  Next, I’m going to hear the Easter Bunny is alive and well, too.

  She refused to believe that she actually stood in the presence of the great, jolly Santa Claus.

  Marni gazed at the three tall, handsome elves.

  Her pulse raced.

  Men! They’re men, not elves, damn it! They’re wearing costumes. It’s all just pretend.

  Her eyes settled on the one with the tawny hair and lean, fit body. He folded his arms across his chest and bowed. She could see the play of muscle on his upper arms, beneath the sleeves of his tunic. He rose to his full height and grinned, his blue eyes locking with hers.

  “This is Kip.” Santa nodded in the tall elf’s direction. “He is part of my council.”

  She swallowed fear and something else...desire.

  Kip stepped forward, reaching for her hand. He turned it over, placing a soft kiss on the pad beneath her thumb. His lips lingered for a few seconds, sending shockwaves of sexual need through Marni’s body. He released her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go.

  “We’re pleased to have you as our guest, love.”

  His British accent captivated her.

  Desire flowed freely through her veins. It mixed with her blood, heating it.

  “How did you get the name ‘Kip’?”

  “I’m named for Kippering, a smoked fish delicacy enjoyed by my native Brits.” He sighed, his voice filled with longing. “I sorely miss that treat.” His eyes settled on her mouth. “But I see another standing before me.”

  Careful, Marni. He’s a man—and all men are shits.

  “This is Noel. He’s part of my council, too.” Santa’s voice rang out.

  Another tall elf stepped down from his place near Santa’s throne. Marni’s eyes flew to the large bulge between his legs, visible beneath his dark green woolen tights. She sucked in a breath when he took her hand, running his thumb across the back of it. She wondered what his hands—particularly his thumb, would feel like if he touched her between her legs.

  “A pleasure to meet you, lass.”

  Her knees turned to rubber when his brogue floated by her ears.

  Her traitorous hormones played with her body while she imagined what it would be like to take both elves to bed.

  Shame on you, Marni!

  The final elf standing on Santa’s right made her pulse kick up yet another notch. His deep chocolate brown tunic matched his dark eyes and hair. She couldn’t stop staring at the expanse of his wide chest and powerful shoulders.

  “My second in command.” Santa told Marni. “May I present Eldan?”

  He stepped forward. Kip and Noel bowed slightly, giving him a wide berth.

  Marni’s feet stayed rooted to the floor. She felt her body grow smaller with each step he took toward her.

  “Ms. Sands.” He murmured in a deep, sensual voice.

  He didn’t take her hand. He didn’t tell her it was a pleasure to meet her.

  He didn’t bow.

  Marni felt compelled to bow before him.

  She gazed at his strong jaw, at the sharp angles and planes of his chiseled face, where she noticed the shadow of a beard. The only thing that softened his countenance was the dimple set dead center in his chin.

  She tried to smile, but her trembling lips refuse to obey her command.

  Eldan reached out, running a thumb across her mouth.

  She gasped, the contact of his thumb against her lips sending a shockwave of need to the little nubbin of flesh nestled between her legs. It quivered just like her lips.

  He swept his hand out.

  “This is Santa’s kingdom. All are welcome and safe here.”

  But not from you.

  * * * *

  Eldan took Marni by the hand, leading her out of the great hall. She practically had to run to keep up with his long, powerful strides.

  She glanced at Eldan’s handsome, serious face, wondering if it would crack if he attempted even the slightest grin.

  “You seem a little…dour for an elf. I thought elves were happy little campers.”

  “I’m very content.”

  Okay, not much of a talker.

  They passed table after table of potted plants bearing bright red and pink blooms.

  “What are those flowers?”

  “They’re called amaryllis. They bloom year-round here in Christmas Town.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever since such gorgeous flowers.”

  He stopped walking and folded his arms across his chest. “Maybe it’s because you never bother to notice the beauty around you. You’re too busy worrying about petty things.”

  “Are you trying to say I’ve never stopped to smell the roses?” Her voice dripped acid. “Is this supposed to be elf psycho-babble?”

  “Just an observation.”

  “You elves observe a lot, don’t you?”

  The look he gave her could have melted chocolate. “A lot more than you think.”

  “That’s a good thing.” She ran a finger down his chest.

  He captured her hand in his.

  “I’m not like the men you’ve known in the past; don’t think you can fool me.”

  She pulled her hand away, his touch sending a little zing down her spine.

  “You use sarcasm to keep people away.”

  “You’re still here.”

  “That should tell you a lot.”

  They walked on in silence.

  “Where are we going?”


  She frowned. “Wardrob

  “You need to get into the proper clothing.”

  Marni stopped and licked her lips, sliding her tongue across them.

  “Don’t you like what I’m wearing now?”

  She lifted her skirt, revealing her thighs. Marni hated wearing underwear. This time, she was particularly glad she didn’t have a shred of lace on underneath her skirt.

  Eldan’s dark eyes lit with a spark of need, their centers glowing.

  She tossed her hair over one shoulder, raising her skirt higher to reveal her naked pussy.

  “Like what you see, Eldan?”

  “Very much.” He murmured.

  He stepped forward, accepting the invitation. Usually, men just drooled then touched her clit awkwardly, making a mess of the entire sex thing.

  Not Eldan.

  He stroked each thigh, sliding the tips of his fingers upwards, skimming the smooth-shaven skin lining her pussy.

  She could sense his desire, watching his eyes dilate with passion.

  “All you have to do is get me the hell out of here and I’m yours,” she told him.

  His jaw tightened. He dropped his hand.

  Marni felt bereft at the loss of contact.

  “Nicholas warned me about you.” Eldan folded his arms across his powerful chest. “I’m not taking any of your crap.” He dropped his arms and pointed his index finger at her pussy. “I’m not interested.”

  Her eyes flew to the bulge between his legs.

  “Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I beg to differ.” She grinned.

  “When I want a woman,” he shoved her skirt down to cover her, “I let her know in my own way. Besides, Santa’s got a list of all the naughty things you’ve done.”

  She laughed, the sound brittle. “Yeah, right.”

  “Only you know just how naughty you’ve been.”

  “Okay, then.” She lifted her chin. “Tell me one bad thing I’ve done that only I would know about.”

  He stroked his hand across his jaw. “You fired your butler and maid.”

  She slashed a hand through the air. “You could have found that out from the judge. I told him that in court.”

  “Yes, but you said in court you fired them for stealing, which we both know isn’t the case. You fired them because you couldn’t stand to see them happy. You were jealous of your butler. You had the hots for him, but he didn’t give a damn about you. When you caught him making love to your maid, you—”

  “Enough.” Her voice vibrated with anger.

  A corner of his mouth lifted.

  “Don’t look so damned satisfied.”

  She blew out a breath, wondering what else he knew.

  “Now, are you going to behave and put on elf attire?”

  “What happens if I don’t?”

  Seconds went by. He didn’t say a word. Marni bit her lower lip, wondering if she hadn’t just screwed herself royally.

  Then again, she always managed to fuck up everything she touched.

  “You have a choice,” Eldan said. “You can either get into an elf costume by yourself or…”

  She wanted to push the ‘elf’ to his limit, curious to see what he would do. Usually, men simply did as she bade.

  Not Eldan.

  “Or what?” She raised a brow, but it quivered.

  “I’ll get you into the damn clothes myself.”

  He pushed open a door. Marni peeked inside to see a room filled with racks of tunics, tights, dresses, boots and those silly three-cornered hats.

  “That might be fun.” She made her voice sound light.

  A low grow escaped his throat. He lunged, but she skipped away, sailing through the door. She shut it, locking it behind her.

  “If you’re not downstairs in the Toy Shop, dressed in proper elf attire in fifteen minutes, there will be consequences.”

  Marni didn’t answer.

  “Did you hear me? Fifteen minutes.”

  Seconds went by, then she heard his retreating footsteps.

  She leaned her back against the door, shutting her eyes, the idea of defying the commanding Eldan making her clit beat in time with the holiday music piped into the small room.

  She reached under her skirt, placing her fingers against her wet pussy. She rubbed her clit, the tip of her middle finger sliding across the little bud, her mind filled with Eldan. She imagined it was his hand between her legs.

  She came, but still felt frustrated.

  Eldan played with her head as well as her body.

  He was so damned sure of himself, so damned masterful, so...

  She glanced at the elf clothing, an idea blooming in her head like the amaryllis flowers in the hallway.

  Chapter Three

  Fifteen minutes later, Marni walked into the Toy Shop.

  Hundreds of elves sat on benches around long, wooden tables. Heads bent, intent on their tasks, they worked diligently, their nimble fingers fashioning an array of toys.

  Celyn lifted her head, spotting Marni from across the room. Her eyes widened.

  Kip walked over and took her hand. “You look wonderful, love.” Marni stepped away so he could admire her. “Green is your color.”

  Noel joined them and made a spinning motion with his index finger. “Turn around, let me see.”

  They both whistled their approval while Marni pivoted.

  Noel’s warm breath tickled her lobe. “That outfit is terrific, lass, but you’re playing with fire.”

  She followed the direction of his gaze. Eldan stood in the center of the room, his dark eyes smoldering. His eyes roamed over her body, his hand clenched at his side.

  Marni lifted her chin. She wouldn’t cower.

  Instead of donning an elf dress like the one Celyn and the other females wore, Marni had chosen a pair of lacy green tights, boots and a short tunic designed for a male elf. Most of the tunics were too large for her, but she discovered one intended for a teenager. It stretched across her breasts, outlining their rounded glory. The belt around her waist highlighted her curved hips, her bottom and her long legs.

  She refused to wear one of those ridiculous three-cornered hats the other elves wore, so she fashioned her own out of a piece of green felt she’d found in the dressing room. The small cap with its jaunty white feather hugged the crown of her head.

  The feather flopped over, covering her face, tickling her nose.

  “The darn thing won’t stay put,” she complained to Kip and Noel.

  She stuck her lower lip out, blowing hard, forcing the feather upwards.

  Kip laughed. “You are a delight.” He ran a finger down her chin.

  She shuddered pleasurably.

  “Let me adjust that.” Noel bent the feather. “There now.” He stepped back to admire her. “Kip’s right: you are a delightful holiday treat.”

  Kip leaned over and kissed her ear. “I think I’d like to take a bite of you right now, love.” He nipped her ear lightly with his teeth.

  A shiver of longing snaked down her spine.

  Her eyes strayed to Eldan. He stood at his full height, arms across his chest.

  “Time to pay the piper, lass.” Noel gave her a nudge. “Go on now. Don’t be afraid. Eldan’s bark is much worse than his bite.”

  She walked toward Eldan, feeling every eye in the room on her back.

  “I’m going to get an outfit like Marni’s!” Celyn whispered to another female elf.

  Aardel’s eyes widened. “You will not.”

  “Will, too.” She lifted her chin, aiming it at Aardel.

  Celyn flashed a beautiful smile at Kip. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head, ignoring her.

  Aardel’s face fell. He walked away from Celyn, taking a seat at another table.

  A strange feeling came over Marni—compassion. She suddenly felt very bad for Aardel.

  She continued her march to Eldan like a condemned prisoner making her way to her execution.

  One of the female elves reached out, squeezing her hand. “Way to go, Marni.”

“You look great.” Another little female elf beamed in her direction.

  Soon, all the female elves chattered.

  “I love your hat.”

  “Terrific outfit.”

  “I want to look like her.”

  The male elves all sat there, drooling.

  Except for Eldan.

  She didn’t think he had an ounce of drool in him.

  Finally, she stood before him, placed her hands at her waist and jutted her right leg to the side. The curled tip of her boot bumped his.

  “Nice hat.” He nodded.

  Her mouth curved into a smile. “Is that all you have to say?”

  “Apparently, you have trouble following directions.”

  She raised her chin. “I changed into elf attire as ordered.” She gave him a brisk salute.

  A corner of his mouth lifted. “I’ll concede the point. This time.”

  “That’s the best smile you can manage? I thought this was the land of holiday cheer?”

  He was so close she could smell him. Woodsy. Musky...


  He pointed to an empty seat at a lone table.


  She did as he bade, flopping down onto the bench.

  He bent and reached around her, placing a wooden block on the table in front of her.

  “Time to work.” He whispered next to her ear.

  “Wh-what am I supposed to do?”

  “Paint the letters on the sides of the block.”

  She shrugged. “Easy enough.”

  She reached for a clean brush, dipping it in some blue paint, brushing it across the letter ‘A.’

  Marni continued to paint, her strokes quick, the color smearing on the letters.

  He placed a hand over hers. “It isn’t a race. The block has to be made with love and care.”

  Eldan’s hands strayed down to the waistband of her tights. He slipped his fingers inside.

  “Now, be a good girl and paint the right way.”

  Marni dipped the brush in some water, but her hand shook.

  While she painted the toy, he toyed with her clit, sliding the tips of his fingers across it.

  “I-I...oh my God.”

  He chuckled next to her ear, the sound warm, rich and wicked.

  “You’ve got fifty blocks to finish by tonight.”

  He removed his hand.


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