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The Elves and I

Page 3

by Catrina Calloway

  Her clit throbbed, her thighs quivered. Eldan had brought her to the brink of satisfaction, and left her dangling.

  “Bastard,” she hissed.

  She picked up the brush, chipping a nail in the process. Her temper flared.

  “Now look what you made me do!” she wailed. “My nails are ruined.”

  The other elves laughed.

  Marni rose from the bench. With a glower, she reached over, grabbed the container filled with dirty water, and tossed it at Eldan, soaking his tunic.

  He looked down at the front of his shirt. The he lifted his eyes. They flashed with anger. A muscle quivered in his jaw.

  “Apologize.” He commanded.

  “Go to hell! This is stupid!”

  She tossed the block across the room. Several elves ducked.

  “Children don’t play with blocks.” Marni looked over at another elf as he finished painting a wooden locomotive. “And they don’t play with wooden trains, either.” She swept the blocks from the table. “This is bullshit. I’m getting out of here.”

  She was angry for allowing Eldan to take control. Furious at him for playing with her body. Enraged that he had left her panting for more.

  No one did that to Marni Sands.

  He was just like her ex-husbands. They never knew how to satisfy her—physically or mentally.

  She wouldn’t take it anymore.

  She looked over at Kip and Noel for support.

  They stood with their arms folded across their chests, their jaws set in firm lines.

  In the next instant, Marni’s feet left the ground. Eldan tucked her against his side, carrying her to a vacant chair. She kicked her feet and screamed.

  “Put me down!”

  “Oh, I will.” He growled. “I most certainly will.”

  He sat in the chair, tossing her facedown across his lap.

  Her thin tights were no barrier for Eldan’s wide palm. He smacked her bottom, his hand raining fire on Marni’s flesh. The more she kicked and struggled, the more he spanked her.

  The elves cheered.

  Her bottom stung, but her pride hurt more when she heard Kip and Noel urge Eldan on.

  She sunk her teeth into his muscled thigh. He didn’t flinch; he just continued to spank her.


  Marni beat on his leg, her fists connecting with hard muscle and bone.


  “I’m in charge of you, Marni.”

  “Go to hell!”


  “I won’t let you ruin the good work that goes on in Santa’s Toy Shop.”

  “Go fuck yourself!”


  “Such a beautiful body, one I can’t resist, but you have a filthy mouth and a terrible disposition. You push people away with your bad attitude.”


  Tears filled her eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was because her ass hurt like hell or because he was right.

  He stopped spanking her, lifting her from his lap.

  She stood on shaky legs.

  He didn’t bother to help steady her.

  Marni ran from the Toy Shop, shame washing over her.

  She hadn’t cried since she was a child.

  Not since the fateful day life played on her the dirtiest trick of all: stealing the love of her life.

  * * * *

  That evening, she sulked in her room, smoking cigarette after cigarette. She reached for the flask she kept hidden in a secret part of her handbag, carefully sipping the few precious drops of vodka that remained.

  “Fucking elves.” She spoke aloud, her words slurred.

  She lifted the flask and took another drink.

  She paced back and forth, not even attempting to sit down.

  A knock at the door interrupted her sulk a few moments later.

  Marni squashed the cigarette butt in an ashtray, slipping it under the bed, wincing when her backside brushed the heels of her boots.

  Anger returned.

  No one ever spanked her—and in public! Oh, if she got her hands on Eldan, she’d...

  Probably beg him to do it again. He wasn’t so immune to her after all.

  She had a body he couldn’t resist.

  She rose to her feet and stashed the flask in a drawer in the bedside table.

  “Who is it?” She waved at the lingering smoke in the air.

  “It’s Celyn. Can I come in?”

  “J-just a second.”

  She blew at the offending smoke. When she was satisfied the air had cleared, she opened the door.

  Celyn walked in.

  “I just wanted to see how you are.”

  Marni folded her arms beneath her breasts and leaned against the doorjamb, her sore backside connecting with the wood.

  “Ow!” She screwed up her face, dropping her hands.

  She used one to soothe her stinging bottom.

  “I brought you this.” Celyn held up an ice pack. “And this.” She thrust a pillow into Marni’s hands.

  Marni felt touched by Celyn’s concern.


  Celyn snapped her brows together, glancing around the room. Marni followed the direction of her gaze—right to the ashtray peeking out from underneath the bed skirt.

  Celyn’s eyes widened. “You’re smoking? That’s not allowed in Christmas Town.”

  She wanted to reply, ‘Fuck Christmas Town’, but thought better of it, remembering how Aardel covered Celyn’s ears when she used bad language.

  These elves were a sensitive bunch.

  Celyn walked over to the bed and got on her knees, retrieving the ashtray from its hiding spot.

  Marni scowled. “I suppose you’re going to rat me out.”

  “Nope.” Celyn grinned. “We female elves had a meeting—we decided you’re tops.”

  “Y-you did?”

  Celyn nodded. “It took guts to do what you did this afternoon, to dress the way you did.”

  Marni noticed Celyn’s hat. “I see you’ve made your own with the green felt.”

  “We also decided we want you to design new elf wardrobes for all of us.”



  Marni plopped down on the bed. “Ow! Shit.” She hopped off the bed, rubbing her bottom. She looked at Celyn. “Cursing is another one of my bad habits.”

  Celyn bit down on her lower lip. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Can I try one of your cigarettes?”

  “No way. It’s a dirty, nasty habit.”

  Celyn angled her chin. “But you do it.”

  “That doesn’t make it right, Celyn. I know you’re young, and sometimes, youth makes us—”

  “I’m not a baby.” Celyn lifted her nose in the air. “Even if Aardel thinks I am.”

  Marni’s lips curved into her first smile in hours. “I think Aardel likes you.”

  “He’s such a geek. Besides, I like Kip.”

  “Kip?” Marni frowned. “Isn’t he a little old for you?”

  Celyn clapped her hands together. “He’s so dreamy. I love his accent.” She flopped down on Marni’s bed, drawing her legs up. She hugged her knees. “Kip isn’t nerdy like Aardel.”

  “If I were you, I’d watch who you call a ‘nerd.’ It’s the quiet ones that get you.”

  Celyn glanced at the half-opened drawer in Marni’s nightstand.

  “What’s in there?”

  She got up off the bed and opened the drawer, reaching for the flask.

  “It’s uh...” Crap! “…medicine.”

  Celyn’s eyes filled with tears. “You’re ill? That’s terrible! I’m going to go and tell the Claus’ right now.” She started to walk away.

  Marni grabbed her arm. “That was a lie, Celyn, please don’t tell them anything. I’ve got Vodka in that flask and—”

  “Can I have some?”


  Celyn angled her head. “I just may have to tell ev
eryone you’re smoking and how that’s going against the rules here in Christmas Town.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to rat me out.”

  “Maybe I changed my mind.”

  If word got out that she was smoking, Eldan would tell Judge Saint and he’d surely throw her in jail.

  “You can have one sip, but that’s it.”

  Marni passed her the flask. Celyn took a deep drink of the vodka, licking her lips.

  “It has no taste.”

  “Or smell.” Marni replied.

  “Then no one knows you’ve been drinking! That’s wonderful.”

  “It sucks, to be quite honest. You can’t hide your bad, nasty habits from anyone for very long, particularly booze.”

  Celyn passed her the flask. “It’s no big deal. I don’t really like it.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Marni lowered her voice. “Tell me something.”


  “Mr. and Mrs. Claus, they don’t seem, well...old. I mean, they don’t seem like what I imagined them to be.”


  “I saw how she sits on his lap, and how he looks at her. And I swear she was wearing fishnet stockings under her dress.”

  Celyn giggled. “I’ll tell you about them, in fact, I’ll show you.”

  “Show me?”

  “Come on.” Celyn whispered. “I think this is the room with the little peephole. She walked around, running her hands over the walls. Her face lit with a smile. “Bingo. I found it.”

  Just then, a low moan came from the room next door.

  Celyn glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “It’s time.”

  “For what?”

  “You wanted to know about Elise and uh… Pappa Claus, as she calls him. I’m going to show you.”

  Marni held up both hands. “No, oh no...I’m not into that kinky voyeur stuff. I’m...oh hell.” She grinned. “Go ahead, show me.”

  “Just look through that little peephole. You’ll see everything.”

  “You’re positive they won’t know I’m watching?”

  Celyn grinned. “They enjoy it more when someone does.”

  Chapter Four

  That same evening, Eldan paced the confines of his room, his mind filled with Marni.

  She had the female elves rioting and demanding that Mrs. Claus fashion new outfits—clothes they wanted only Marni to design. All the male elves were half in love with her.

  Well, who wouldn’t be? With a beautiful body like that? And the face of an was just too bad she was ugly inside.

  He couldn’t change that with a spanking. Only one thing could turn a rotten human being into a wonderful elf.

  He refused to think about it, knowing the effect it would have on his dick.

  A loud knock on his door shattered his lustful thoughts.


  Kip and Noel strode in.

  “It’s not like you to miss dinner, Eldan.” Kip held out a plate filled with cookies.

  “I wasn’t hungry.”

  Kip flopped down into a chair. He swung one long leg over the arm. “When you don’t eat, I know you’re upset.”

  “I am upset!” Eldan sighed. “And it’s all because of Marni. Santa and Elise think Marni is here in Christmas Town because she wants to be here.” “Elise can’t stop talking about the new outfits she is going to sew for the female elves, based on Marni’s designs, and now I’ve heard through our little elf ‘grapevine’ that Marni’s got some new fangled ideas on how to make toys—she spoke to Santa about it at dinner.”

  Kip raised a brow. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Kip, she’s here because Judge Saint decreed it—she was arrested for speeding and drunk driving.”

  Kip whistled. “I had no idea.”

  “She’s one messed-up human being.” Eldan replied. “I won’t burst Santa or Elise’s cheery little bubble by telling them that.”

  “They’re such optimists.” Noel replied. “They believe in goodness, in holiday spirit.”

  “Well, I won’t allow them to be hurt, and I won’t let a spoiled, selfish human ruin the year-round holiday spirit of Christmas Town, either.”

  Kip munched a cookie. “Then what do you propose we do? Turn Marni into a happy little elf?”

  “I think the lass wants to be good little elf,” Noel chimed in. “She just doesn’t want to admit it.”

  Eldan slashed a hand through the air. “She’s a spoiled, childish woman—a bold, brazen little troublemaker. She thinks everyone’s going to kow-tow to her.”

  Kip piped in. “Except for you.”

  “Yeah, except for me.”

  Eldan wished someone would tell that to his swelling cock. He’d had a hard-on for Marni since she arrived. He’d read about her antics, her sexual escapades. She was the darling of the paparazzi—a wealthy, media sensation who’s money allowed her to do whatever she desired, but her list of naughty deeds didn’t stop his attraction for her.

  In fact, it challenged him.

  Noel spoke, cutting through his musings. “Look man, she deserved that spanking. If you weren’t here to do it, one of us would have. We’re behind you all the way.” He grinned. “Pun intended.”

  Kip popped another cookie into his mouth.

  Eldan frowned. “Where’d you get those? I thought we were all out of cookies.”

  “Mrs. Claus has been on a cookie-baking binge. I can’t seem to get enough of these.” Kip licked his fingers. “Marni is going to need a lot of loving to turn her into an elf.”

  “She’s got to truly want to become an elf.” Eldan replied. “She doesn’t have one shred of kindness in her, not one elf-like quality.”

  Noel grabbed a cookie. He chewed it thoughtfully.

  “She’s got a lot of demons riding her back. All her ‘swagger’ is just for show.” He grinned. “Donning that sexy little elf costume was just to get our attention.”

  “She got mine.” Kip leaped into the air, clicking the curled toes of his boots together. He landed on the ground. “I don’t mind taking charge of Marni. I think it’ll be fun.”

  “You think everything’s fun.” Eldan growled.

  His right hand tingled. If Marni were here now he’d paddle her again. She was one human female who probably needed a paddling every day of her miserable life. He showed her who was in charge: him. He’d spanked the arrogance from her—at least temporarily. That was evident by the shocked look on her face earlier, and the wash of tears lining her beautiful, high cheekbones.

  “Eldan, you’re at odds with yourself.”

  He glanced at Kip. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’d much rather make love to her than spank her.”

  Elf psychobabble...

  He tried to shove thoughts of Marni aside, but his stiff dick wouldn’t allow it.

  Kip winked at Noel.

  “Poor girl must be hurting. I think Noel and I will have to tend to her luscious little bum. Just think: we’ll have to remove her lacy tights—slowly.”

  Eldan shifted his stance.

  “We’ll have to soothe the sting from her tender skin.” Noel sighed. “Sliding our hands over her tight, firm backside.”

  Eldan swallowed—hard.

  “That beautiful, tear-stained face. I’ll have to kiss it, and every other part of her.”

  “I imagine her breasts will need kissing.”

  “Her belly button, too.”

  Noel drew his brows together, a thoughtful look on his face. “I wonder if it is an ‘inny’ or an ‘outy.’”

  “But the job of soothing Marni would be easier if there were three of us.” Kip grinned.


  They both looked at Eldan.

  “Something wrong?” Kip asked.

  Eldan swore it was the most innocent look Kip had ever mastered.

  Noel angled his head. “Eldan, you look positively...pained.”

  The only pain Eldan felt was in his cock. It g
ot so hard, he swore it would bust through the woolen tights covering it.

  “No more talk of making love to Marni.” He growled.

  Kip laid a hand over his heart. “We didn’t mention one word about making love to beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, Marni, we only—”

  “Shut up.

  Kip tipped his head back and laughed. Then his eyes met Eldan’s.

  “Sooooooooooo, you would rather make love to her than spank her.”

  “I never said I didn’t want to make love to her.”

  “Eldan, it is the only thing that will turn a human into an elf.”

  The room got very quiet.

  “She’s our charge, Eldan. It’s up to us to help her reform, especially if we don’t want to let on to Santa and Missus Claus about the real reason Marni is here.”

  Eldan sighed. “We owe them too much to burst their bubble of happiness.”

  “Remember, a human must be turned into an elf by Christmas in order for Santa to make it official.”

  “That doesn’t leave us much time.” Kip stroked his chin.

  “Humility, forgiveness—those are two elf traits Marni must demonstrate before we can make love to her.”

  “She must desire us as much as we desire her.” Kip grinned. “I personally volunteer for that job.”

  Eldan shook his head. “Are you ever serious?”

  “Only on Thursdays.”

  Eldan rolled his eyes.

  “She must become humble and forgiving.” Noel added. “Eldan’s right about that.”

  “That’s not happening in our elf lifetime.” Eldan grumbled.

  Noel smiled. “Miracles do happen, my friend. Especially during the holidays.”

  Chapter Five

  The next morning, Marni went in search of a cup of coffee. She needed a shot of caffeine—badly. And sweets—she was dying for a taste of something sugary.

  After what she’d seen last night, maybe she needed a shot of booze, too. The thing was, lately, booze made her see the strangest things... like what she saw through that peephole in her room last night...

  Yeah, it was definitely time to give up drinking.

  The odor of cinnamon and fresh-baked cookies wafted by her nose, making her mouth water. She stopped at the entrance to a large kitchen. Mrs. Claus worked inside, removing some cookies from a pan. Santa stood behind her, his arms around her waist. He kissed the back of her neck, raising her skirt to run his hands across her bottom.


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