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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

Page 21

by Cameo Renae

When I got to her door, she opened it and gasped. “What happened?”

  “Can you help her?” I begged. “She’s been drugged, and I’m not sure by what.”

  Alaine pressed her fingers to Eden’s neck. “I can barely feel a pulse. Put her on the table and fetch Kade in the cottage. Tell him we need his blue vial. Hurry.”

  As much as I didn’t want to leave her side, I laid Eden on Alaine’s desk, and rushed out to the cottage, knocking and calling his name.

  Emma opened the door, her brow furrowed. “Alex? What’s wrong?”

  “I need Kade and his blue vial. Immediately.”

  “Kade!” she shouted. He came from the back room. “Alex needs you and the vial. Hurry!”

  Being a Guardian, we knew not to question anything until afterward. He grabbed his vial and we sprinted back to the main house, with Emma following.

  When we entered, Samuel was with Alaine. He was doing chest compressions, while she was giving Eden mouth to mouth.

  I stood still, completely devastated, watching them try to save her life.

  I’d gone to Midway to try and protect her, yet when I left, she needed my protection most.

  Horror and despair overcame me, shattering my world.

  I was helpless. Helpless to save her. I was her Guardian, and I’d failed her.

  I stood and watched as Kade and Emma jumped in to help. Alaine blurted out orders, but everything seemed muddled and muted. I focused on Eden’s face, hoping for some sign she was still alive.

  She didn’t move.

  “We’re losing her,” Samuel said, his fingers around Eden’s wrist.

  Alaine grabbed a needle and syringe and sucked the liquid out from Kade’s vial.

  “What are you doing?” Emma asked.

  “She’s not able to ingest this, but right now, it’s the best shot we have at saving her.”

  The vial contained a magic that healed mortals. I’d watched it work miracles on Emma before her transformation. It was a gift, given to Kade from his father—the Archangel Raphael, a healer.

  Alaine looked at Samuel and he nodded, confirming he agreed with whatever she was doing. He trusted her, and so did I.

  I watched as Alaine pierced the needle into Eden’s chest, pushing the magic potion into her heart. After extracting the needle, we waited.

  I walked over to her and took hold of her limp hand. It was ice cold. Leaning down, I whispered into her ear. “Fight, Eden. You’re strong. Please fight.”

  Ten seconds passed, and they were the longest I’d ever experienced. Then, I felt a slight pressure on my fingers.

  “She squeezed my fingers,” I exhaled.

  Alaine pressed her fingers back to Eden’s neck and placed her ear to her chest. “She’s breathing, and her pulse is getting stronger. The potion is working.”

  I exhaled, relief washing over me.

  “Emma, grab some blankets,” Alaine urged.

  Emma nodded and stepped out of the room. Returning less than a minute later, her arms were filled with blankets. They laid them over her.

  Eden groaned and her eyelids started to flutter.

  “Eden,” I whispered.

  Her tired eyes slowly opened. “Alex?”

  I pressed my palm against her cold cheek. “I’m here.”

  “What happened?”

  “You were drugged. You…” the words caught in my throat. “You almost died.”

  “But you saved me.”

  I shook my head, my eyes glancing at the others in the room. “They did.”

  “We all did,” Alaine said, stepping behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder. She started to take Eden’s vitals and nodded.

  “Eden, can you sit up?”

  “Yes, I think I can,” she said.

  Sliding my hand behind her back, I assisted her to a sitting position.

  Alaine held up the vial. “I need you to drink some of this.”

  Eden nodded. Taking the vial in her hands, she placed it to her lips. As she sipped, her eyes closed.

  After a moment, her eyes popped open. “Wow, what is this? It’s making me tingly all over.” The color in her skin started to return, her lips turned from light blue to a pale pink.

  “It’s magic,” Emma said, smiling. “It has healing qualities for mortals.”

  “I feel so much better.” Eden inhaled deeply and exhaled, then turned to me. “How did you find me?”

  I shook my head. “The Watcher told me you never left the school. I followed your scent, and it was a quick search after that.” I took hold of both of her hands. “I’m so sorry, Eden. I shouldn’t have left you. I should have been there.”

  “No. You couldn’t have known.” Her eyes went distant. “He must have spiked my drink. I tried to get away from him, but I passed out.” Her eyes went wide and she looked down at her body. “Did he do something to me while I was out? Was it a roofie?”

  I pulled her into my chest, wrapping her in my arms, and she hugged me back. “I don’t know. You had all your clothes on though. I don’t think he had a chance to finish his plans.”

  “I thought I was going to die, when he dragged me into that bathroom. There was nothing I could do.”

  “I know,” I said, my heart ached, thinking of how afraid she must have been.

  “Whatever was given to you wasn’t a date rape drug,” Alaine said. “This was much stronger. It was meant to kill you.”

  Eden’s eyes narrowed. She shook her head, startled by Alaine’s remark. “I know Billy has issues, but wanting to kill me?”

  Even I was shocked he’d go that far. But no one knew his motives.

  “Eden, are you able to stand?” Alaine asked. “I’d like to check your stability.”

  I stepped back from her and held out my hand. She took hold of it and slid off the table. “My dress is ruined,” she noted, taking in the vomit and dirt that had stained her front. “But, I’m not dizzy anymore. I don’t feel any effects of the drugs. Actually, I feel better than ever.” She looked up to me. “I don’t feel anxious or afraid either. After what just happened, you would think I would be a mess. But, I feel fine.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Alaine said. “The potion works wonders. Its healing power goes beyond the physical.”

  Eden’s cell rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and handed it to her. It was Trissa.

  She looked down and scrunched her nose. “Hello?” she answered.

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t feeling well. I had to leave. But Alex found me in the bathroom, and I’m feeling much better.” There was a pause. “The party? Yeah—about the party.” Eden grimaced and glanced at me. I shrugged. “Yes, we’ll meet you there.” She paused again. “Yes, yes. I promise.” She pressed the end button and sighed. “I guess the party’s still on.”

  “I don’t know if you should be going, especially after what happened,” I sighed.

  “You’ll be there, right?” she asked.

  “I’m not leaving your side again.” I grinned.

  “Then, I’ll be fine. It’s the last weekend I’ll have with my friends. My last weekend being . . . human.”

  I gave in. “All right,” I exhaled, wishing I could take her back to the school and lock her in her room until graduation.

  “Alexander, will you need our help?” Samuel asked.

  “No, I think we’ll be fine. Midway is sending Thomas and Mason. They’ll also be putting up a protective barrier around the cabins.”

  “If you need more backup, Emma and I can also come,” Kade offered. “I think we could blend in.”

  “You would most definitely blend in.” Eden giggled. She took in a deep breath then shook her head, placing her hands on her temples.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” she replied. “That’s the thing. Not too long ago, I was poisoned and dying . . . and now, I feel nothing negative. It’s so strange.”

  “Then you go and have fun,” Alaine said. “But don’t leave the area. There are worse things than mortal boys out there.”

  “Where is Billy?” she asked, looking at me.

  “He won’t bother you again. I promise,” I said.

  She inhaled, her eyes went wide. “Did you kill him?”

  “No, but he’ll pay for what he did.”

  “I just can’t believe he wanted me dead.” She shook her head. “Anyway, I need to go back to the dorm so I can change.”

  “I have lots of clothes that would fit you,” Emma replied.

  “Yes, you two could be the same size,” Alaine added. “Alexander, why don’t you take her up to the third floor, to Emma’s old room, and let her shower and change.”

  Tears welled in Eden’s eyes. “I cannot thank you enough.”

  “You’re part of the family now, Eden. We’ll always be here for you,” Samuel replied.

  “Thank you,” she replied.

  “Now, go get ready for your party,” Alaine said.

  “I’ll bring up some clothes and you can choose what you want,” Emma said. She took Kade’s hand and turned for the door. “See you soon.”

  Eden thanked Alaine and Samuel again before we left, and I led her upstairs to Emma’s old bedroom. When she opened the door, she paused. “Wow.”

  “The bathroom is there,” I said pointing. “It should have everything you need inside. If you need me, I’ll be right here,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “So, you weren’t kidding about leaving me.”

  “You’re safe here, but once you get out, you will not leave my side.”

  “Deal.” She strode over to me, stepping between my legs. Her fingers, now warm, caressed the sides of my face, her lips pressed against my cheek. “I’ll see you soon,” she said, stepping back and walking toward the bathroom. Before she closed the door, she gave me a smile and a wink.

  God, she melted me.

  I walked over to the window, made sure it was locked, then headed downstairs. I let Alaine and Samuel know where I was going, and headed for the portal. I had to move quickly. I knew she was safe here, but I had some unfinished business to take care of first.

  Chapter 33


  I stood in the shower, letting hot water stream over my head. I should have collapsed and fallen into a sobbing heap. But those feelings weren’t present, even as I thought back to what’d happened.

  I was just super thankful Alex had found me in time, and that Kade’s potion saved my life. God. To even think that not too long ago, I was fighting for my life. It was mind blowing. Yet, here I was, showering and getting ready for a party.

  If the last week was any indication of what my future was going to be like, I was in for some big surprises.

  After my shower, I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door. Emma was there, laying clothes on the bed. Alex was gone, so I assumed he’d left when she came in.

  There were at least a dozen outfits—all brand new with tags. There was also a pair of white Converse, and no-show socks.

  “I hope you’re a size nine.” Emma crossed her fingers. “I figured they would go with any of these outfits.

  “Yes, they will. And…yes, I do wear a size nine!”

  “You just might be my long-lost sister,” she chimed. “Take whatever you want. Actually, you can have it all.”

  “No, I couldn’t.” I wanted to, but the clothes were expensive.

  “I insist. I have more than I need, and would probably donate these anyway.”



  I walked around the bed, choosing an outfit she’d paired together…cute jean shorts and an aqua colored T-shirt.

  There was a knock on the door, and when it opened, a blonde girl stepped in.

  She gasped, shutting the door behind her. “You must be Eden. Everyone’s been talking about you.” She stepped toward me. “My name is Courtney. I’m Emma’s sister. Adopted sister. But around here, none of that matters.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Courtney,” I said, holding out my hand. Instead of shaking it, she walked up and gave me a hug. “Oh,” I exhaled, hugging her back.

  “Courtney, Eden’s getting ready for a party tonight,” Emma noted. “Eden, Courtney is a master with hair and makeup.”

  Courtney stepped back and smiled widely. “Would you like me to help you? I can go get my things.”

  I smiled, taken aback by their kindness and generosity. “I’d love any help I can get.”

  “You got it. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay. I’m going to change,” I said, quickly slipping back into the bathroom. When I stepped out, Emma had put all the clothes into a duffle bag.

  “Here you go,” she said. “All yours.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” I said.

  She laughed. “It’s my gift to you. For your last week as a mortal.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “It’s all so mind blowing.”

  “Believe me, the mind-blowing part has just begun. There will be more, but hopefully in a good way.”

  My mind started whirling. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, anything,” she replied.

  “The transformation. Does it hurt?”

  She sighed. From that and the long pause, I already knew what her answer was going to be.

  “I’m not going to lie. The transformation feels like your insides are being torched. It burns like hell and it will feel like it might never stop. From the top of your head, until it exits your toes, it will burn. It’s almost like the immortal part of you is killing off mortal parts. The parts that make you weak and vulnerable to human sickness and disease. But once it’s over, you will feel reborn. You’ll also want to sleep for the following twenty-four hours.” Her laughter filled the room. “If I can get through it, you can too. And you’re not alone. I can’t imagine not being prepared for it. There have been countless Nephilim, many who didn’t know what they were, going into the transformation clueless.“

  “It sounds terrifying,” I replied. “I’m so glad I have you all. I’m not looking forward to the pain, but I can’t wait for it to be over.”

  “It will be, and there will be an entirely new life for you.”

  “I’m scared and excited,” I said, exhaling loudly.

  “I still feel that way. I don’t think that ever leaves. Every day is an adventure in the immortal world.”

  I sighed, still unsure if I was cut out for this. “Have you seen Alex?”

  “He’s probably downstairs getting something to eat. Miss Lily is the best cook in the world. And yes, we are a bit biased.” She winked. “You got lucky, Eden. Alex is one of the best Guardians I know. I’m alive because of the team around me, and he was one of them.”

  My mind tried to wrap around her words. I was thankful to have her, someone I could relate to. Someone who could help me, maybe guide me through the future. I could see her becoming a close friend.

  “So, is Courtney a Nephilim too?” It seemed like everyone in this house was connected somehow.

  “No. Courtney is one hundred percent human. Her mom was Alaine’s best friend. Years back, her mother found out she had cancer, and her dying wish was for Alaine to take care of Courtney and her brother, Caleb.”

  My heart ached as she spoke the words. “That’s quite a wish.”

  “It was. And of course, Alaine took them in and is raising them as her own. Caleb’s around here somewhere. They’ve been through a lot, but turned out pretty great.”

  A fe
w minutes later, Courtney came in with a large makeup case. “Don’t worry. We’ll go light since it’s just an after party,” she said.

  I sat as she worked her magic, keeping it simple. She reminded me of Sebastian, only she didn’t stop talking or asking questions the entire time. But, I enjoyed her company. Her stories made me laugh and kept my mind busy until Alex came knocking on the door.

  “Voilà! You’re done,” Courtney said, with a gleaming smile on her pretty face.

  I glanced into the mirror and was shocked at the girl looking back at me.

  “You’re beautiful,” Alex said, his eyes sweeping over me.

  “She is, isn’t she?” Courtney agreed. “Take care of her, Alex. I really like her.”

  “I will,” he said, a broad smile adorning his handsome face. He’d changed too. He was in blue jeans and a black fitted T-shirt.

  “Where’d you go?” I asked.

  “I had to change and take care of some business,” he replied. “You ready to go?”

  Nodding, I headed toward Courtney and gave her a quick hug. “Where’s Emma?”

  “Kade called her,” Courtney replied. “They’re probably making out in the room next door.” Her exaggerated roll of the eyes made me laugh. “She said she’d be right back though. She wants to say goodbye.”

  Before we left, everyone stopped by to wish us well. Kade even handed Alex his blue vial filled with the magical potion. He then slapped Alex on the shoulder and looked at me. “Keep him safe, Eden. It’s obvious this guy needs some help.”

  “I will,” I laughed. It felt good to be accepted by them. To know I was a part of their world.

  With my new clothes in a duffle and Alex’s hand in mine, we took off toward the portal.


  The party was raging when we arrived. At least fifty students were sitting around a bonfire, just outside the cabins. Music was blasting, and there was a lot of laughter and dancing.

  Trissa ran up to us. “Oh my God,” she shouted. “You guys missed it!”


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