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Guarding Eden: A Midway Novel Book One (Hidden Wings)

Page 22

by Cameo Renae

“Missed what?” I asked.

  “Billy Jones! When we got here, he was laying on the grass over there.” She pointed to a spot right in front of the cabins. “He was passed out next to his truck, with an empty bottle of alcohol in his hand, butt naked! Everyone was taking photos. Then a few football guys dumped a bucket of ice water on him. Everyone was laughing and pointing when he came to. I’ve never seen Billy turn red; his entire body was crimson with embarrassment. He jumped in his truck and took off. I doubt he’ll be back tonight.”

  “I have pictures!” Trevor said, coming up behind her.

  I held out my hand in protest. “No thanks!”

  “There’s nothing to see anyway,” Sebastian said, walking up behind them. “Billy’s big ego compensates for his small—“

  “Sebastian!” Trissa gasped.

  “I’ve seen enough of Billy’s turtle,” Sebastian said, pushing Trevor’s phone away, then he stepped in front of me with his hands on his hips. “Damn you, Eden.”

  “Time to pay the piper,” Trissa laughed, holding out her hand to him. Kimi joined the group, thrusting her hand toward Sebastian too.

  “Am I missing something?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Sebastian sighed. “You showed up, which means I have to pay these bitches twenty bucks each.” A low growl exited his lips as he extracted his wallet from his jeans.

  “I’m sorry if my presence disappoints you. Besides, you should already know to never bet against me.” I laughed, and he dramatically rolled his eyes.

  “Eden, I’ll be right back,” Alex said. I looked to my left and saw Thomas and Mason walk by.

  “Oh, please tell me those fine specimens are coming to the party,” Sebastian whispered in my ear, fanning himself.

  “Sorry, babe. They’re straight friends of Alex’s, and just passing by, enjoying the beach,” I replied.

  “Just my luck,” he exhaled.

  “Sorry, Sebastian,” Trissa said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “It sucks to be you tonight.” She kissed his neck.

  “Eww… Get your dirty lips off me. I don’t know where they’ve been.”

  “These lips are the best thing you’ve had this entire year,” she teased.

  “Don’t remind me.” He slid away from her, heading toward the cooler. “Drinks anyone?”

  Kimi and Trissa each said they’d take one, then walked up to me, latching their arms around mine. “Graduation is less than a week away,” Trissa shouted, thrusting her free arm in the air. “Let’s get this party started!”

  Chapter 34


  I left Eden and headed over to Thomas and Mason, knowing she was safe within the barrier. “Hey, guys. Thanks for helping me with the asshole.”

  “It was our pleasure.”

  Billy was all about pride, so I’d hit him where it hurt most. With social media, he’d be shamed for a long time.”

  Mason laughed. “Scum of the Earth.”

  “The skies are clear of Fallen for now, and there is no sign of Darkling in the area,” Thomas said. “Go be with her. We’ve got this.”

  “Thanks, man. Let me know if anything goes down.”

  “Oh, if we find anything, you won’t even know. This guy here is a natural warrior,” Thomas said, patting Mason on the back. “He’s a Darkling exterminator. Ephraim says he should be able to have his own assignment soon.”

  “That’s awesome, man.” I held my fist out to Mason, and he slammed it.

  “Go. Have fun. Be a teenager again. For the hundredth time. That baby face won’t last forever,” Thomas laughed.

  Shaking my head, I walked away. “Yeah. Whatever.”

  I found Eden and her friends sitting next to the fire. They were laughing and chattering away. I stood to the side and admired her. Her smile was brighter than the sun and it warmed every part of me. And when her eyes finally found mine, I felt complete. She didn’t have to say a word, her eyes and smile told me she was glad I was there. Tonight would be all about her.


  The night had been quiet and free from terror. At least, not any I knew of. With the sun rising high in the sky, I knew there was no threat of Darkling, and my friends had returned to Midway.

  One week remained of my assignment to guard Eden. It would be hard to leave her. With each passing day, she’d become more and more embedded in my heart.

  She’d fallen asleep with her head on my lap, and I’d sat like that until the sun rose, watching her chest rise and fall, listening to her breath, and memorizing every line of her face.

  Sebastian yawned loudly, a few feet away, causing Eden to stir. Her eyes fluttered open, and as soon as she saw me, she smiled.

  “Hey, you,” she breathed.

  “Hey,” I replied.

  “Did you get any sleep?”

  I grinned at her. “Maybe.”

  “Well, I did. You kept me warm and provided a pillow.” She rolled into me until her face was in my stomach, and she wrapped her arms around my waist. “Thank you.” Her voice was muffled from my clothing, and I could feel her hot breath against my skin. It was a good thing other people were here, or I’d probably lose my job.

  “My pleasure,” I said low, cradling her head.

  “So jealous,” Sebastian moaned. “I could have used a body pillow. I’m pretty sure something was freaking crawling on my face during the night.”

  Eden laughed and pushed herself up into a sitting position. “One of these days you’ll find him.”

  Sebastian stood and brushed himself off. “Until then, I need to shower. And to brush my teeth. Seriously, guys, we need to leave before people see my bedhead.” He dug through his bag and threw on a baseball cap.

  Eden woke Trissa and Kimi, and they sat like zombies for a few minutes.

  Bodies of sleeping students littered the grass and sand around the cabins. As they began to wake, the few students who stayed inside the old—supposedly haunted—cabins began sharing their experiences.

  One cabin had the TV turn on and off. Another guy said he heard someone knocking on the closet door and heard whispers in his ear. While others were still talking about Billy Jones and his naked, drunken stupor.

  Sebastian pushed the girls up and away from the mass of students, so he could drive us back to Brindle Hall. Once we were back and inside the dorm wing, he stopped on the boys’ floor and gave us a small wave.

  “I don’t know what y’all are doing, but I’m going to shower and sleep. So, don’t call me until tomorrow. I need my beauty rest. Love you all.” He shuffled to the door.

  Kimi and Trissa agreed, and without many words, headed off toward their rooms.

  I watched Eden yawn.

  “Get some sleep. You’re safe here.”

  She nodded. “See you tonight?”

  I nodded. “See you tonight.”

  Her eyes glimmered as I left.

  As I entered the boys’ wing, my phone buzzed.

  Isaac: Meet me in the tower.

  His request made me question what the hell was going on. It must have been serious, especially if he wanted to see me now, during the day.

  I changed directions and headed outside, toward the tower. Inside, I headed up the stairs. Isaac was standing in the stairwell, halfway up.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Last night, right after you left with the girl, I saw a man leave the school. He looked suspicious, and I sensed panic and apprehension. He was dressed like a server, and had long black hair tied back. So, I followed him.

  “He left the school on a motorcycle, stopping a mile down the road. He entered a wooded area and met someone. A Fallen—I have no doubt. I heard him say he poisoned the girl.”

  “What?” A sense of dread washed over me.

The Fallen were now using humans to get inside the barrier. This was a new threat…a different terror. We now had to worry about them attacking in other ways.

  “I’ve already alerted Ephraim,” Isaac said. “Midway knows, and the man is being closely watched.”

  I nodded, needing to warn Samuel and Alaine.

  “Thank you, Isaac.”

  He gave a nod.

  “I’m glad she’s okay.”

  “Me too,” I sighed.

  After I left Isaac, I called Kade and explained what happened, and how I felt a little bad for what I’d done to Billy.

  “Dude, don’t worry about it. It sounded like that guy deserved what was coming to him anyway. He tried to force himself on her before, so what were you supposed to think? Maybe he was taking advantage of her. Who knows how many other girls he tried to take advantage of? Think of it as collateral damage.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I said. He was an asshole and didn’t get reprimanded for forcing himself on Eden once before, and had spread rumors about her afterward.

  “Dude, you put him to sleep. He has no clue how he ended up at the beach in the first place.”

  “Yeah. Thanks, man,” I said, feeling a little better.

  “Call me if anything goes down.”

  “I will.”


  The days leading up to Eden’s birthday were quiet, especially since she agreed to stay inside the safety of the school premises. Little did she know, her friends had been secretly planning a small birthday party for her. Trissa and Kimi let the dorm mistress know it would be the five of us in her room, so she wouldn’t come, late at night, busting down the door after hearing guys’ voices behind the door.

  My job was to take Eden for a long walk outside, for at least an hour, while they decorated. It wasn’t elaborate, just some balloons and streamers.

  When I asked her on a walk, she readily agreed. Eden loved being outside, looking at and smelling the flowers. She’d taken off her shoes so her feet could touch the earth, and twirled while the wind blew in her hair. She was a free and loving spirit.

  We walked the paved pathways. The flowers were in full bloom, and I loved that Eden couldn’t stop commenting about how beautiful and brilliant the colors were.

  Her excitement made me want to take her to Grandia. Her mind would be blown away at how much more vibrant and lush it was there, compared to here. In Grandia, there was nothing dead or dying.

  We sat on a wooden bench facing the statue of the Phoenix.

  Eden exhaled, then closed her eyes. “I can’t believe that in less than twelve hours I’ll be eighteen and immortal.”

  “I can,” I said, resisting the urge to grab her hand. I knew Isaac was watching, and probably Ephraim.

  “What kind of gift do you think I’ll have?”

  I looked into her eyes and couldn’t help but smile. “I’m not sure,” I said honestly. “No one knows their gift, until after their transformation. And unfortunately, it could be a day or more before you find out.”

  She tilted her head back, soaking up the sun’s rays. “I hope it’s nothing dangerous, or something I can’t handle.”

  “The gift chooses you, knowing full well you’ll be able to control it. If you have any questions, I’m sure Alaine or Emma will be able to help you.”

  Her eyes found mine, swirling with sadness. “What about you?”

  I exhaled, trying not to show my true feelings, although my heart was aching at her words. I hated that I couldn’t show affection toward her, or even hold her out in the open. They were watching, and I had to make sure I was present for her transformation. After everything we’d been through, there was no way I would risk leaving her before then.

  “Everything will work out,” I answered. “I don’t know how, but I’ll never stop believing.”

  “Neither will I,” she whispered, her eyes turned back to the statue. “You know what’s funny?”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m sitting here, looking at this Phoenix—this mythological creature— and can’t help but think how alike we are. I mean, this bird lives a full life and dies by combusting into flames. Then, out of the ashes, it is regenerated and a brand-new life is born.” Her eyes fixed back on mine. “It’s essentially what will happen to me, right? My insides will burn, and I’ll be rebirthed from mortal to immortal.”

  “Who told you your insides would burn?” I asked.

  “Emma,” she answered, shrugging. “She said her insides felt like they were on fire during her transformation. I assume it feels like you’re combusting.”

  I was a little stunned. “Why would she tell you that?”

  “I asked. I just wanted to know the truth so I could be prepared. Although, I don’t think it’s something you can properly prepare for.”

  God, I wanted to hold her, to wrap my arms around her and tell her everything would be all right. “I’ll be with you. I’ll make sure you’re okay,” I replied, instead.

  “I’d want it no other way,” she said with a grin. Then her brow furrowed. “You’ll be here for graduation, won’t you?”

  “Of course,” I answered. “But I can’t guarantee I’ll be here after that.”

  “That sucks so badly,” she sighed. “Let’s not think about it, okay?”

  “Okay,” I exhaled.

  She grabbed my hand. “Carpe Diem.”

  “Carpe Diem,” I echoed, and she flashed a smile. The very smile which had become my most favorite thing in this mortal world.


  As soon as we stepped into Eden’s bedroom, her friends screamed, “Surprise!”

  Sebastian played their favorite song, and they all began dancing. There were white and red balloons everywhere, and a banner hanging on her wall that read: Happy 18th Eden!

  They’d ordered pizza for dinner, and Sebastian had found a birthday cake at a nearby store. It had Eden’s name on it with white frosting.

  Leaning against the wall, watching them dance like fools, I got a text.

  Isaac: Dozens of Darkling in the woods.

  They must have known her transformation was near. There was no way we were going outside tonight. I watched her interact with her friends, and it warmed my insides.

  After a bunch of games, presents, and food, it was after eleven when her friends finally left. I was glad I wouldn’t have to kick them out before her transformation.

  “I think we should go to my room tonight,” I noted. I didn’t want to take any chances, knowing the stinkers were out in the woods. They’d try and find a way in while she was at her weakest—and while all the mortals were sleeping.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The Darkling must know your transformation is soon. There are dozens of them outside.”

  “The Watcher told you this?”


  She nodded. “Okay. Let me grab a few things.”

  She shoved some pajamas into her bag then headed to the bathroom for toiletries. “I’m ready.”

  I took her hand and led her out and down the stairs, making it safely to my room. No one knew where I was staying, besides Sebastian, so this was the safest place for her right now. Especially during her transformation.

  As Eden slipped into the bathroom to change into something comfortable, I felt myself becoming unhinged. I was glad to have been chosen to experience it with her, but I just hoped I would be able to help relieve some of her pain.

  I knew nothing of Nephilim, until I met Emma, so I sent off a quick text to Kade.

  Me: Eden’s transformation is soon. What can I do to help?

  Kade: Hey Alex, this is Emma. Wrap her in your wings and kiss her. It doesn’t take away the pain, but it helped me. Good luck! Call us tomorrow!

Me: Thanks. I will.

  I wanted to make her as comfortable as possible, so I put on some music and clicked my lamp down to its lowest setting.

  When she exited, she was wearing pink cotton shorts and a matching top. Her hair was down, cascading like waves over the soft curves of her shoulders. She looked like a dream.

  It was at that moment, I realized how addicted I’d become to her.

  “How much time do we have?” She stepped closer to me.

  “Less than five minutes.”

  Chapter 35


  The emotions on his face and in his eyes were almost too much to bear. I was going to become immortal, and I was lucky enough to have him with me for my transformation.

  Gazing into his eyes, I couldn’t hide it any longer. I wanted more. More than just a friendship, even though I knew that’s all we could ever have.

  Whose sick plan was it anyway, to put the perfect guy in my life, let me get to know him, and fall for him, then separate us for what could be forever.

  It wasn’t fair.

  “What’s the matter?” he breathed, stepping closer to me. His hands cupped my face, eyes filling with concern.

  “I just—“

  Before I could say another word, searing pain shot through my head, so intense my legs buckled. Alex’s strong arms curled around me, lifting, and cradling me against his chest.

  “Alex.” A moan tore from my throat.

  “It’s starting, Eden,” he breathed. “I’m here. I’ll be right here.”

  The pain was indescribable. Like molten lava was being poured over my head, slowly, slowly moving downward as it began to consume my mortality.


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