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To Seduce And Satisfy

Page 4

by Abby Gordon

  “Oh, God, Quincy,” she gasped, shuddering as she clung to him.

  With an animalistic snarl, he released into her, driving her back with such force that the fridge rocked against the wall.

  Panting, damp with sweat, he held her as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “You okay?” he finally spoke.

  “Morning to you, too,” she whispered.

  She pressed a kiss on his chest and he smiled.

  “I usually don’t mix sex and coffee, but if this is what it’s like, I think I’ll do it more often.”

  “I’m good with that.”

  “As long as a certain little girl doesn’t misbehave,” he added, wondering what her reaction would be.

  “Mmm.” She lifted her head. “About that…”

  “You going to tell me you didn’t deserve a spanking?” he frowned.

  “I was wondering what did and didn’t deserve one.”

  For a long moment, Quincy just stared at her. There was the barest hint of a gleam in her eye. She wanted to know so she could get spanked again. She liked being good, but the idea of him punishing her appealed to her just as much. She was more submissive than he’d thought. God, this would be fucking perfect. Literally.

  In a heartbeat, he changed his plans. Forget taking things slow, semi-playful. She was his and he was going to make sure she understood that. He’d start her with the basics for now and expand on them throughout the week. And by Friday, his eyes narrowed, yes, by Friday, she might be ready for a fully equipped playroom at the Club. His cock twitched just at the thought of having her in a secluded, soundproof room.

  “From now on, you don’t touch yourself sexually. You don’t orgasm without permission. You do what I tell you when I tell you and how I tell you. Oh, and if that mouth of yours gets out of line like it did last night, I’ll gag you before I spank you.”

  The shock in her eyes made him wonder if he’d gone too far.

  “And if I’m good?”

  Oh, lord. He mentally rubbed his hands together. She was his—hook, line, and sinker.

  “If you’re good, I have special toys for you. Toys that tease you all day or night. If you’re very good, I’ll take you out and tease you with them in public.” A thought occurred to him and he put his mouth next to her ear. “If you really please me, I’ll make you come in public.”

  “We’d get in trouble,” she whispered, eyes wide at the thought.

  “I wouldn’t let that happen,” he promised. “I won’t let anything happen to you, little one. I’m here to protect you, remember?”

  A short laugh came from her.

  “You protect every woman like this?”

  “Nope,” he shook his head. “You’re the first woman I’ve protected.”

  Debbie studied him and Quincy wondered what was going through her mind. Most of her emotions showed in her expression, but he sensed there was much more to her.

  “So, what do we do today?”

  He smiled.

  “How do you take your coffee?”

  She blinked and smiled, turning her head to see the mug he’d used. It was the only one not covered in flowers he’d been able to find. And it had been all the way in the back of the cupboard. As it had the Harvard seal on it, he figured it belonged to Claire’s boyfriend.

  “You didn’t want anything girly?” she guessed.

  “Not hardly,” he snorted. Reluctantly, he pulled out of her and set her feet on the floor. He carefully took the full condom off and put it in the trash can. “So what do you do at MC?”

  “I was just promoted to senior manager,” she replied, frowning slightly as she took a mug from the hooks under the cabinet. “I’m not saying this to get in trouble, but…” He watched her pause as if trying to figure out how to say what she wanted. “I mean, I am glad you used a condom, but…”

  “I’m clean,” he answered, picking up his mug and drinking.

  “So am I,” she nodded, then tilted her head. “You always have condoms with you when you get your morning coffee?”

  “I couldn’t wait to fuck you this morning,” he stepped up behind her. His semi-erect penis nestled happily in her ass crack. “So I brought them in here with me.”

  “Okay,” she managed, dumping sugar into her mug.

  His hands covered her breasts and kneaded. She moaned low in her throat. The spoon clattered to the counter as he pressed her upper body down. Like a soldier springing to attention, his cock saluted and wanted back in the action.

  “Ready for more?”

  “Would it matter if I said no?”

  A wide thigh nudged her legs apart and rubbed against her pussy. He smiled against her nape.

  “Lying to me is bad and gets you a spanking,” he warned, reaching for the second condom. “And you don’t get an orgasm after.”

  “Then I won’t say no,” she managed, her head moving as she tracked his motions.

  “Good girl.”

  He dropped the empty packet on the counter where she could see it and heard her breath catch as she realized that he was about to fuck her again. He covered his cock and smiled at the trim backside before him.

  Hands on her hips, he lifted her lower body slightly and plunged back into her pussy. Even though it had only been minutes since his last release, his need was just as great. The edge was still sharp, even more so as he knew how hot and eager she was.

  “Quincy, please,” whispered Debbie.

  Sheathing his cock in one stroke, he held still, savoring the moment. His hands continued to play and pinch her nipples. Debbie wriggled, trying to get him to move. Removing his hand from her breast, he smacked one thigh.

  “Stay still,” he ordered, gripping her hips. “I’m going to fuck you hard. Remember, don’t come unless I give you permission.”

  With a groan, she nodded. “I’ll be good.”

  Leaning over her, pressing her flat against the counter, he pressed his nose against her hair. The faint smell of flowers made him close his eyes. No perfumes, no fragrant lotions or heavily scented shampoos for her. Just simple, straight-forward Debbie.

  “We’ll see how long you last, little girl.”


  Debbie moaned at the husky voice in her ear. It was both a threat and a promise, and she knew he would keep both. Rationale flew south for the winter as she turned her body over to a man she barely knew. She had no idea how old he was, where he was from, if he was married, divorced, or a committed bachelor. Nothing, nada, zip—that described what she knew of the man fucking her. Except that Keith trusted him to make sure she was protected. But even before that, she’d seen those nearly black eyes on her, seen the way he watched her and felt a tingling in her body she hadn’t felt before. When she heard his voice, her body reacted. She might not have understood, but her body had known. And so had he.

  He nearly pulled out of her and slammed back into her. God, how deep could a man drive into a woman? Quincy was doing it. He was filling her, stretching her, and heating her up faster and more thoroughly than any man had ever done. And her entire body was revved up and wanting everything he could do to her. Her hands splayed on the counter to hold her upper body still. Her lower back arched, opening more to his driving cock. Deeper he went into her and her womb contracted, trying to hold him in. He pulled back out and she whimpered in need at the emptiness. The wild pounding continued and she could hear his heavy breathing in her ear. Despite being pressed against the cold counter, her body was hot and she could feel his chest slick as it moved over her back.

  His right hand tangled in her hair and lifted her slightly off the counter. His mouth met hers and she sighed as he plundered her. His left hand went to her clit. At his touch, the heat in her pussy gathered, ready to explode. It was as if he’d found a switch for her body and could release an orgasm anytime he wanted. And…he pushed her clit and released the dam. Oh, yeah, she thought, as fire consumed her. She could definitely handle this with coffee. As she floated, Quincy drove in
to her, shuddered and was still, pinning her hips against the cabinets.

  His mouth left hers and she collapsed back onto the counter, then winced as it collided with her temple.

  “Ow,” she moaned.

  He immediately turned her around and studied her face. Holding her chin, he gently traced the bruising from her temple to jaw.

  “I get the sonuvabitch alone for a minute and they won’t need to worry about a trial,” he muttered.

  “I don’t understand,” she frowned. “You spanked me. What’s the difference?”

  “Very different situations,” he shook his head, reaching behind him for her tee. Carefully, he pulled it over her head and helped her sort out the sleeves. He took the condom off and stretched to put it in the garbage. “What I did was for sexual stimulation. What he did was because you caught him trying to rape and murder another woman.” His eyes narrowed in anger. “I might be into some kinky shit, but I’ve never forced a woman and I sure as hell have never hurt one like he did. Or those other assholes you worked with.”

  Debbie smiled a little. The man was such a puzzle.

  “There’s more to your kinkiness?” she murmured, lightly tracing her fingers over the scars on his chest. “Besides spanking, demanding absolute obedience, oh, and threatening to gag me if I argued with you, of course.”

  “You forgot about the toys,” he replied, seemingly fascinated by the caresses. “I love to play with toys.”

  “Now, see, there you lost me. Sarah at work gave me a dildo for Valentine’s Day, but she had to explain how to use it and…”

  “You have a dildo?” He smiled and stepped back. “Get your coffee. I’ll try to keep my hands off you.”

  “I’m not complaining,” she reminded him dryly. She poured her coffee and raised the mug to her lips. “Toys?” she prompted.

  “My toys are probably smaller than your dildo.” His dark eyes slowly went up and down her body. Her breath caught in her throat. “I could put some on you today.”

  “You always carry sex toys with you?” she frowned.

  “Everything I own is in those two duffle bags,” he told her. “A man needs to be prepared. Guns, ammo, condoms, and sex toys.” He gave her cocky grin. “Takes care of a lot of situations. Now, I have a few that I think you would like.”

  “Like what?”

  “A mini-vibrator that nestles right up against that sensitive clit of yours.” A devilish glint was in his eyes. “I’d have the remote and could turn it on and off at will.”

  “Oh,” she whispered, feeling heat start up again in her pussy. If he kept this up, she’d be a blithering idiot at work.

  “Or nipple stimulators. They do the same thing.”

  “All the things a girl needs,” she managed, feeling her legs tremble. She downed a large gulp. “But I’ll be surrounded by other programmers or maybe even meeting with Keith. That might not be a good idea.”

  “You don’t think you could control your reaction?” he smiled.

  “I don’t think so,” she told him, shaking her head. “Given the pressure everyone’s under right now, I need to focus on our projects. Keith put me in charge of the three with the earliest deadlines.” She bit her bottom lip and drank more coffee. “I don’t know if that’s good or bad.”

  “Why would it be bad?”

  “Because he could really be mad at me because of yesterday and want me to fail so he can fire me.”

  “You lost me,” Quincy shook his head.

  “I’m the one who told him what was going on in Programming. Yesterday morning, Serena insisted and dragged me into his office, but I’m still the one who told him. I’m the one who―”

  “May have saved his company from several sexual harassment suits. Sounds like putting you in charge of the projects is a ‘thank you.’ Why would he be mad at you?”

  “The men are suing for wrongful termination,” she countered, shaking her head. “After Keith’s press conference at two, they had their own and their lawyers were already there. Hammond was VP for PR and when he got wind of what was going on, he got into an argument with Keith and spilled the beans on what had happened between him and Serena a year and a half ago.” She saw the question in his eyes over his mug. “He attacked her in his office after hours. She filed a report, but the police think Hammond and Keith’s brother paid the police chief to bury the paperwork.”

  “None of that is your fault,” he told her firmly. “You didn’t ask those men to sexually harass you and the other women. Or to steal your ideas and pass them off as theirs. Nor did you have anything to do with Hammond’s attacks on Serena.”

  Debbie listened but couldn’t accept his words. Deep down she knew he was right, but then she closed her eyes and saw Serena’s body under Hammond, saw the bruising and swelling, and felt bile rise up in her throat. Lurching toward the sink, she heaved. As there was nothing in her stomach, nothing came up besides the coffee.

  Quincy came up behind her and carefully held her. Trembling, she leaned against him. Strength seemed to flow into her and she sighed.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “All I could see was Serena lying there with him on top of her and…”

  “I can understand flashbacks,” he murmured.

  “You have flashbacks?” She lifted her head. “About what?”

  She could see his jaw tense and a mix of anger and pain flooded his eyes. A calm mask dropped over his face and he shook his head.

  “Let’s not go there,” he suggested. “Not considering the way the day started.”

  Nodding, she relaxed against him. His cock twitched at her closeness and he snorted softly.

  “I think we better take separate showers. Or we’ll never leave the apartment.”

  “And I have to get those projects done for Keith,” she sighed.

  Reaching out, he picked up her mug and handed it to her.

  “Get going,” he told her. “We’ll figure out what food is on the breakfast menu once we’re both dressed.”

  “What besides food would…”

  He chuckled and tapped a finger against her lips.

  “How much sexual experience do you have, Debbie?”

  “Not much,” she admitted. “Prom date right before high school graduation and maybe spring break when I was a senior in college.”


  The heat of a blush swept up her cheeks.

  “I’ve never been very good with alcohol. I’m pretty sure something happened, but I’m not sure what.”

  “Mmm,” he murmured. “A novice.”

  “Is that good or bad?” she wanted to know. She saw the speculative light in his eyes and felt a delicious thrill of…well, she wasn’t sure what it was, but she would bet her new raise that whatever he was thinking involved his rules and toys.

  “For us? Very, very good,” he smiled. “As long as you trust that I will never do anything to hurt you in any way.” She saw the serious certainty in his eyes. “I won’t, Debbie, I promise.”

  “I believe you,” she whispered. Beyond him being her bodyguard, she knew that during sex, he wouldn’t hurt her. “If something hurts, I’ll tell you.”

  He nodded.

  “We’ll come up with special words for later.” He turned her toward the archway. “Now, unless you want me to start your education, get going.”

  “And if I don’t move,” she smiled, taking one step, but stopping and looking over her shoulder. “Does that make me a brat or a bad girl?”

  “A smart-ass,” he retorted.

  Laughing, she stuck her tongue out at him before practically skipping out of the kitchen. Reaching her bedroom, she smiled. He was laughing as well.

  Chapter Five

  As the hot water sluiced over her body, Debbie tilted her head back into the flow. Running her hands through her hair, she began shampooing. None of what was happening made a damn bit of sense. After all her arguments with Claire about jumping into bed with Paul, here she was having sex with her bodyguard the morning aft
er meeting him. No, back up a bit, Debbie, she told herself, rinsing the suds out. Working the conditioner in, she put the night before first in the timeline. She didn’t think she’d be able to convince anyone that she hadn’t lost her mind. She’d let a stranger toss her over his shoulder, strip her, touch her, and then spank her. Pouring her body wash onto the loofah, she rubbed her body briskly. Washing her face, she stepped back to rinse off.

  Maybe she did have a concussion. Or some other mental condition from being thrown against the wall. Turning the water off, she opened the door and took her towel off the hook. She wrapped her hair up and began rubbing the cocoa butter on her legs. One thing she knew for sure—she couldn’t wait for her next lesson.


  Quincy was amazed that he had managed to shave without nicking his face. He didn’t think he’d showered that fast since basic training. Ideas had been percolating in his deviant brain and he wanted to try one in particular out. Dressing in black slacks and black turtleneck, he pulled on socks and boots just as the water from her shower stopped. Going to his duffle bag, he dug around and found what he wanted. Tossing the small, cloth bag in his palm, he smiled. He could just imagine Debbie’s reaction to these.

  Grinning, he left his room and knocked on her door.

  “Just a moment…” she replied as he walked in.

  Her gasp and scramble made him laugh.

  “Let me get a robe on,” she squealed, scrambling about and partially closing the bathroom door.

  “I’ve seen you naked and given you a few orgasms, but you want to put a robe on?”

  “I’m not used to this,” she mumbled on the other side of the bathroom door.


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