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To Seduce And Satisfy

Page 5

by Abby Gordon

  Crossing the room, he pushed the door slightly. One brown eye peered out at him.

  “I want to see your body,” he told her. “From now on, if it’s just the two of us in the apartment, I want you naked.”

  “What?” She stared in amazement.

  He entered the bathroom and put the bag on the counter. Easily, he pulled her robe open and whistled softly at her damp body.

  “This will work out just fine,” he murmured.

  “What will work out just fine?” she echoed.

  “Your toys.” He pulled the vibrating nipple rings out.

  Debbie was shaking her head. “I thought we agreed that…”

  “I’ll only do them when we’re alone,” he smiled. “But the two of us will know that these are on you.” Hands on her nipples, he began plucking them until she moaned as they stiffened into hard peaks. “God, I am going to be hard all day,” he muttered, picking up one ring. He secured them both and stepped back. “Gorgeous.” He held up the remote. “This is what they’ll feel like.”

  He hit low and smiled when her eyes widened.

  “Quincy, I’m not sure this is a good…”

  “And then there’s the clit and pussy vibrator,” he spoke as if she hadn’t said a word.

  “The what?” she breathed, staring at the items in his hand. His other hand pulled out a harness. “What are you going to do with that?”

  He knelt in front of her and placed the harness around her waist so the straps dangled properly. Sliding the devices through the ends, he inserted the small dildo into her pussy and the cup over her clit. Turning her, he brought the straps between her thighs and adjusted until satisfied.

  “What happens when you turn them on?” she asked softly, almost breathless.

  Standing, he pushed the button. She gasped and caught the edge of the vanity. Smiling, he increased the power and watched her in the mirror. She was so sensual, so willing to trust him. He would not violate that trust, even as he brought her further into his world. She would be his submissive in every way.

  When she was close to orgasm, he turned it off. She caught her breath and gave him a dirty look. He laughed and smacked her bare ass.

  “That’s going to earn you at least one punishment tonight,” he warned her. “At least ten minutes of you begging for an orgasm before I let you come.”

  “How?” she whispered, as if she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer.

  “I’ve other toys,” he told her, enjoying the way her eyes widened. “Toys that can keep you just on the brink of orgasm for as long as I want.” He stepped up behind her and pulled her ass against his cock. “So that when you finally come, you think you’ve died. The French call it the little death.”

  “You’ve done that to me already,” she told him, resting her head on his shoulder and meeting his gaze in the reflection. “More than once.”

  “Not like this,” he promised.

  Unable to resist, he pressed his lips to the bruise at her temple, kissing his way down her neck to her shoulder.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?” he frowned.

  “What do I get to do to you to make you feel that way?”

  “Wear the toys,” he replied. “Knowing that they are where I want my mouth to be or where I want my cock is going to keep me hard and on edge all day.” His fingers brushed over the aching nipples. “Be warned—if my temper starts to fray, then you better consider ending whatever you’re working on so we can get back here. As it is, I might try out the back end of my truck.” His hand spread across her toned stomach. “Ever fuck in a truck before?”

  “No,” she whispered, trying breathe normally.

  “The trick is to not sway the truck so much that people know what you’re doing.” His free hand moved over her hip and squeezed an ass cheek. In a day or two, he’d put a butt plug in her to get her ready for him there. He could just see her expression—wariness, a little fear, and growing anticipation. “Or I might move the seat back and have you kneel between my legs to suck my cock.” She nibbled on her lower lip. “Ever given a blow job?” She shook her head. “Teaching you is going to be incredible.”

  “You sure?” came her worried question. “I thought most men wanted experienced women. Women who know what they’re doing and…”

  “Don’t worry about other men,” he told her, teasing her ear with his tongue. “I’d rather teach you exactly what I want. Just focus on what I tell you.”


  “Any other questions?”

  “What if I have to pee?” she frowned. “What do I do with the toys?”

  “You put them right back where they are,” he told her. “I’ll check if I can.” The blush came back and he smiled. “And if you’ve been a very good girl, I’ll take you just to the point of coming.”

  “You’re teasing me,” she whispered, ducking her head.

  “Yeah,” he nodded, nibbling her ear. “Because you’re adorable when you blush.”

  “You’d think I’d be over that by now,” came her complaint.

  Chuckling, he shook his head. Stepping back he swatted her butt and left the bathroom.

  “Let’s get a move on.”

  “I hear and obey,” she tossed back.

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  “Don’t hold your breath to hear it again!” she hollered, closing the bathroom door.


  Quincy checked the hall and nodded. Debbie stepped out of the apartment and watched him put a paper clip near the bottom of the door as he closed it.

  “In the movies, they always go near the top,” she commented.

  He smiled and took her arm as they went down the stairs.

  “And if someone jiggles the door, then they see the paper clip when it falls and put it back. If the paper clip is lower, then odds are they won’t see it. If it’s on the floor when we get back, I’ll know someone at least tried to get in.”

  “And if that happens?”

  “I get you the hell out of here and alert Hancock.”

  “Why not the police first?”

  “Because you come first. Your safety is my priority, period,” he told her. “I’ll let him deal with that.”

  He pulled her behind him as they reached the ground floor. Satisfied, he opened the door and gestured for her to follow him. He repeated the maneuver at the outside door. Once down the steps, he took her arm and set a brisk pace. Debbie trotted along beside him.

  “Anything else I need to know?” she wondered.

  Quincy’s eyes never rested, constantly moving to take in their surroundings.

  “When I tell you to do something, do it. Don’t question or complain. If I say run, run as fast as you can no matter what happens. If I say get down, don’t get up until I tell you.”

  “You’re scaring me more than Hammond did last night,” she whispered, shivering.

  “Good,” he nodded as they reached the garage. He swiped the card and they went inside. “I’ve no idea if they’ll try to intimidate you in any way.”

  “You think they will?”

  He raised the remote and unlocked the truck. Once she was in, he checked the exterior and climbed in.

  “Do you think Hammond would try to intimidate me in any way?” she repeated as he started the engine.

  “Hancock and MacLauren seem to think it’s a possibility,” he replied.

  “Quincy,” she whispered.

  He looked at her and saw the fear in her wide brown eyes. Reaching over, he held her jaw in his hands.

  “Anyone getting to you is going through me,” he promised. “Got that?”

  “Got it,” she smiled slightly, nodding.

  He brushed a kiss on her lips. Again, he wondered at how fast she’d gotten to him and worried that he’d majorly screwed up by, well, screwing her. He’d broken the number one rule—no emotional involvement with a client/charge. Driving out of the garage, he tried to convince himself that it was just sex.
  He was still trying to settle that internal argument when he pulled into the underground garage at the MacLauren Building. A fellow Hancock agent was in the booth with the normal guard and the bar was raised for them to enter without a problem.

  “I’ve never been in the basement before,” Debbie commented, as he backed into the spot.


  She shrugged. “I don’t have a car. I’m not even sure where the elevator is.”

  “To the right, one hundred twenty feet,” he told her, shutting the engine down. He turned to her. “Couple more things. If you see Hammond or anyone you’ve seen with him, tell me. Same thing for the others fired yesterday.” Debbie nodded. “When we’re in the elevator and someone else is there, stay behind me. Put one hand on my lower back so I always know exactly where you are.” She nodded again. “What are the rules?”

  “Do exactly what you say without hesitating or questioning. Run without stopping, stay down without getting up until you say,” she said. “In the elevator, stay behind you, one hand on your back.”

  “Good,” he nodded. “Odds are nothing will happen while we’re in this building. And once we’re on the floors for MC, then that’ll go down even more…”

  “But you want me to be ready for anything that could happen.”

  “Exactly,” he smiled slightly. He’d scared her enough. Time for her to think of something else. “Oh, and one more thing.” He pulled the remote out of his pocket. “Just to remind you of something.”

  He pushed the button for the first level and she gasped, closing her eyes and shuddering.

  “Quincy,” she moaned.

  Chuckling, he got out and helped her out. “I’m leaving them on until we get to your floor.”

  “But that’s number twenty-nine!”


  He ignored her mutters as they walked to the elevator. Despite the relative safety of the building, he stayed alert as a few more cars came down the entry ramp. Going inside the elevator to a corner, Debbie leaned against the back wall and let him push the correct floor. Turning, he smiled. She was biting her lip, eyes closed as she tried to control her body’s responses to the sensual stimulation. As the car started up, he braced his arms on either side of her head. She opened her eyes and their gazes locked. Seeing the need on her face, knowing her body was being primed, Quincy felt his cock stiffen.

  “Quincy,” Debbie whimpered. “Please. I can’t…”

  “Shh,” he murmured, brushing his lips over the bruise. What was going on with him? He had risked being fired several times over, but Debbie was pulling things from him he’d never felt. “I won’t while we’re around others.” He took her hand and put it over his erection. “You’re very tempting, Debbie.”

  “Is that good or bad?” she wondered, her fingers curling over him.

  “I’m still trying to figure that out,” he admitted as the car came to a stop. “That was fast.” He raised the remote and turned off the toys.

  “It’s early so there were no other stops,” she said as the doors slid open. MacLauren was pacing in the hall. “Morning, Keith.”

  MacLauren turned toward them.

  “They said you were pulling in downstairs,” he said. “I’m glad you came early. Can you meet me in my office to go over your projects?”

  “Sure,” she nodded. “I just need to get my notes.”

  She hurried through the door across from the elevator. Quincy glanced at Keith.

  “You get any sleep at all last night?”

  “About an hour or so,” the CEO shrugged. “See you upstairs.”

  He went to the stairwell as Quincy followed Debbie into a large room of cubicles. At the far end was an open area with free-standing whiteboards and a conference table.

  “Big room,” he commented, weaving around to a row near the windows where the noise of her opening filing cabinets came from.

  Her head appeared over the divider. “Duncan changed it when he took over,” she replied. “He put in the dividers and separated people.”

  Quincy frowned. It didn’t sound bad in itself, but not considering what had happened the day before.

  “Separated how?”

  Debbie grimaced. “He isolated the women. Surrounded us by men. And we were far enough apart that we couldn’t hear what was being said.”

  “Or possibly done?”

  She nodded, holding two notebooks.

  “Do you want to put your coat here?” she gestured to the hook where hers already hung.

  Coat removed, they headed back out to the hall. As Keith had, she headed for the stairwell. On the upper floor, there were a few more people and office doors were already open.

  “Keith’s at the far end,” she told him. “PR is there,” she pointed to an open door just ahead of them. “Finance up there and Legal beyond them. HR is on the floor below Programming.”

  They were halfway to the CEO offices when elevator doors opened behind them.

  “…ridiculous!” came Penny Davidson’s voice. She came striding out, followed by a clearly pissed-off Ben Hancock. “There’s nothing wrong with this dress. And since when did you become my fashion stylist?”

  “I like it,” Debbie offered as the pair approached them. No matter what her problems with Penny were, she figured the other woman needed some female support. Ben was glaring daggers at her. “I wish I could wear that color blue.”

  “Thank you,” beamed Penny, linking arms with her. They continued down the hall. “I owe you a huge apology for the way I acted last night. Given the way that everything came out yesterday, I should have known better. I’m sorry.”

  “Forgiven,” Debbie smiled.

  “How long have you been in?” Penny asked, seeing the notebooks.

  “Just a few minutes. Keith was waiting outside Programming and wanted me to go over the projects due next month.”

  Penny nodded. “I wonder what he’ll have me doing.”

  “How about using your social contacts or…”

  “If any of them will talk to me. Once word gets out that I’ve sided with Keith, I might be an outcast.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “A little,” Penny sighed, then shrugged. “At least I don’t have my father, uncle, and cousin telling me what to do. I’ve still got him, though.” She jerked her head to indicate Ben as the men walked behind them.

  Debbie shook her head. “After what happened to Serena, I’m doing everything Quincy tells me to do,” she replied, smiling over her shoulder.

  Keith appeared in the doorway. “Perfect. I get both of you ladies. Gentlemen, you can wait in Serena’s office or…”

  “I’ll go check in with my main office downstairs and with the rest of my men,” Ben said. “Assuming Penny promises to not wander off.”

  Penny rolled her eyes and followed her cousin into his office. Debbie looked at Quincy.

  “I promise too,” she grinned.

  “I’ll talk to you later.” Quincy smiled as she entered the office. Hancock grunted.

  Chapter Six

  “Dammit, Quincy, what the hell are you thinking?” Hancock sputtered in anger.

  Sitting at Serena Traydon’s desk, Quincy looked up as his boss returned to the office. “MC has some pretty sophisticated protections for their systems,” he replied, glancing at his laptop. “It took me thirty minutes to get through the first firewall and nearly that for the second.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you fucking know it. Rule number one—keep your distance. The way she was looking at you, I’d say you’ve crossed the line.”

  Quincy gazed at the monitor for a moment, reining in his temper. This man had been his commanding officer in Afghanistan and had saved his life several times. When the group had been ambushed and the Taliban captured Hancock, the men had gone against orders and tracked them down. Quincy had no regrets about that. Hancock was one of the best men he had ever met. Quincy owed him, but he didn’t like being pushed about Debbie.

  “I know,” he nodded. “But I’m not asking questions about you and Penny either.”

  He could hear Ben grinding his molars and allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction.

  “Dammit, Quince,” he muttered, planting his fists on the desk and leaning forward. “You just met the woman last night. How the hell can you think about it, much less have already acted on it?”

  Quincy considered that. Yeah, okay, that was a good point. Things had gone so fast, it took his breath away.

  “Instinct.” Hancock nodded. Quincy leaned back in the chair. “I’m not saying I understand it, but I’m going with it.”

  “Shit, Quincy,” Ben whispered.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t spanked the candidate for spoiled brat of the year, yet,” Quincy retorted. “After the way she acted last night and what I’ve seen today?” He gave his boss an amused look. “I didn’t think you had that much patience.”

  “I usually don’t,” Ben ground out, glancing at the CEO’s closed door. “God help her when she pushes me too far.”

  “From past experience, I’d have said she’s done that already. What the hell are you going to do with her when you say ‘enough’?”

  Ben just raised a brow. “I’ve a few ideas,” he replied.

  “It’s only Tuesday, Ben. She’s going to rack up quite a few punishments without even realizing it.”

  “She knows exactly what she’s doing,” Ben assured him. “Watch her face next time she pushes my buttons. That little witch is trying to get me to lose my temper so she can complain to Keith.”

  “Doesn’t that put you in a sticky situation,” Quincy murmured.

  “Yes and no,” Ben replied with a smile, then gave him a hard look. “But so does yours, and stop trying to distract me. I’m going to assign someone…” Ben pulled his cell phone out.

  “Fuck that!” hissed Quincy, standing up and smacking the desk with his palm. “I’m not leaving her, so don’t even fucking try to assign someone else.”

  Ben frowned and studied him as Quincy sat back down. Quincy opened, then shut his mouth, stunned at his own reaction.

  “I’m lost here. You just did a one-eighty on what you’ve always said your life would be. Lone wolf and all that. Clue me in here, man.”


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