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Tall, Dark & Furious (A Pyte/Sentinel Novel Book 6)

Page 23

by R. L. Mathewson

  “Is that good, wife?” he whispered as he did it again.

  “God, yes,” she moaned against his lips.

  As he kissed her, Trace found himself focusing on every sensation from the feel of her soft lips encasing him to the way that it felt to slide past her entrance, the way her walls gripped him, wrapping his cock tightly in a wet caress as the tip slid back and forth, every pull back teased the underside of his cock with a perfect stroke, and every push back ended with the perfect wet caress of his cock.

  He’d never felt anything like this before, Trace thought as he felt his wife run her hands over him, running over his chest, down his stomach, around his back and finally, over his ass, giving it a squeeze as she pulled him tightly against her.

  “What do you want, wife?” he asked, breaking off the kiss so that he could watch her as he continued to fuck her.

  With a teasing smile that nearly had his legs buckling, she pressed a kiss against his chin before laying back down on the table. He watched the way that she licked her lips hungrily, the way that her large breasts jiggled with every thrust, the way that she slid her hand down her stomach, drawing his attention to what he was doing and-

  Had his jaw clenching tightly as he watched her run her fingers between her legs until they found the little pink nub that had teased his cock. As he worked his cock inside her, she teased herself, somehow making her sheathe wetter and tighter. Every teasing caress of her fingers brushed against his cock, adding pleasure that had his balls pulling up tight and had him fucking her harder and faster until he felt her walls suddenly contract around him, threatening to break his cock in two. His thrusts became unsteady as he struggled to hold back only to lose control when her back suddenly bowed off the table and she screamed his name as hers left his lips in a prayer.

  Chapter 38

  “We should go inside,” Samantha said, only to moan when Trace pressed a kiss against her neck as she felt his fingers slide back inside her.

  “I like it out here,” Trace said as he shifted behind her on the cot so that she could feel just how much he liked it as he slowly continued fingering her.

  “I figured as much,” she said, feeling her lips twitch only to groan when she felt his cock slide back inside her as his fingers went back to teasing her clit, something that he’d become obsessed with since she’d showed him how much she liked it.

  He’d been a virgin before tonight, but she hadn’t said anything because even with that being said, she’d still enjoyed every kiss, lingering touch, and caress. He’d taken his time as though he was working off a list of things that he wanted to do with her and was afraid that he’d miss something. He’d made sure that he got every touch, caress, and thrust perfect. It had given her a chance to get used to his size. He was large, very large, and god, did he feel good.

  “You feel so good, wife,” he said, his accent becoming thicker with every thrust back inside her, something that she noticed happened whenever she touched him.

  She opened her mouth to respond only to find herself moaning and grabbing hold of the old brown blanket he’d placed on the cot to try to make it more comfortable for her as she pushed back against him, enjoying the way that he felt as he slid back inside her. She’d never had sex so many times in one night before, never thought it was possible, and she’d never enjoyed sex this much.

  With Craig, it had been awkward and over before she knew it, barely giving her enough time to fake interest, but with Trace…

  She couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  She was exhausted, every muscle in her body was sore, her voice was raw from screaming his name, and she was pretty sure that she would die if he stopped touching her. Her grip on the old brown blanket tightened as he pressed tightly against her, gently rocking her with every roll of his hips as the sounds of the cot creaking in cadence to his thrusts echoed throughout the small cottage only to be drowned out by the sounds of their moans.

  He felt so good, Samantha thought as he ground himself inside her as he kissed the back of her neck while his fingers slowly circled her clit, teasing it as he pulled back and she suddenly found herself laying on her stomach and her hips pulled back until she was on her knees. She felt Trace shift behind her and then he was slowly sliding back inside her with a groan.

  For several minutes, she laid there, hands fisting in the blanket as he slowly fucked her, his cock sliding inside her only to be pulled back until just the tip was inside her and then he-

  Tore another scream from her, leaving her throat raw as his grip tightened around her hips and he was groaning her name with one last roll of his hips before she found herself dropping back on the cot with a satisfied sigh while her eyes slowly slid shut when exhaustion finally took over.

  When she opened her eyes sometime later, it took her a moment to remember where she was and once she did, Samantha couldn’t help but smile. Her smile softened when she spotted Trace standing near the fireplace, watching the fire as it consumed a log, and-

  “This had always been the plan,” he said as he continued watching the fire.

  “What’s that?” Samantha asked, pulling the blanket over her as she sat up on the small cot.

  “I never planned on returning to Europe with my father once I reached my immortality,” he said as he leaned over and threw another log on the fire.

  “Did he know that?” she asked as he slowly shook his head with a murmured, “No.”

  “Why didn’t you want to go back?”

  “It wasn’t safe,” he said with one last look at the fire before he joined her on the cot.

  “Why wasn’t it safe?” she asked as Trace laid down next to her.

  “We’d heard a lot of stories about what happened once Pytes reached their immortality,” he said, reaching up to run his fingers along her jaw.

  “What stories?” she asked, unable to help but lean into his touch.

  “They’re not worth repeating,” Trace murmured absently as he turned his hand so that he could run the back of his knuckles gently along her jaw.

  “You’re not going to tell me?” Samantha asked as she reached over and cupped his face in her hand.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Trace said, turning his head so that he could press a kiss against her wrist.

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want you to be afraid of me,” he said as she laid down next to him so that she could lay her head on his chest.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” Samantha said because she knew that he would never hurt her.

  “You should be,” Trace said, wrapping his arm around her as he pressed a kiss against the top of her head.

  “Why weren’t you planning on returning with your father?” she asked, returning to her original question.

  “Because I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t woken up changed in that tomb. I was terrified of hurting someone,” Trace explained as he absently ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Do you think you would have?” she asked, tilting her head back so that she could look at him.

  “Yes,” he said softly with a sad smile before he explained, “The hunger was like nothing I’d ever known before and if I’d woken up in this cottage…”

  “You would have killed someone.”

  “Most likely, my father,” he admitted quietly.

  “And then you would have headed into town,” she said, knowing that she’d guessed correctly again when he shifted his attention to the wall.

  “Is that why you’ve been hiding in here?” she asked, wishing that she’d known that he was hiding in here instead of staying in the house where he would have had a better chance to get acclimated to all the changes that he needed to figure out if he was going to have a chance to blend in.

  “I wasn’t hiding, wife,” he said, turning his head so that he could glare at her.

  “No, no, of course, you weren’t,” she murmured, not believing him.

  “I wasn’t,” he bit out.

  “So, then what were you doing?”

  There was a brief pause and then…

  “Hiding,” he admitted with a heavy sigh as he shifted his attention to the ceiling.

  “Your father should be here soon,” Samantha said, although with every passing day that they didn’t hear from Ethan, she had to admit that she was starting to wonder what she was going to do if he didn’t come.

  When he didn’t say anything, she frowned as she watched as he ground his jaw and-

  “You don’t want to see your father,” she said slowly.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to say to him,” he admitted with a sad smile.

  “Are you worried that he’s mad?” Samantha asked because Ethan hadn’t sounded mad to her. He’d sounded desperate to see his son.

  “No, I know he’s going to be mad. I’ll face him when it’s time, but I’m not worried about that,” he said with a simple shake of his head.

  “Then what are you worried about?”

  “I don’t think I’m going to fit in this new world,” he admitted quietly.

  “It’s overwhelming,” she said, sighing heavily as she wiggled free from the covers so that she could drape herself over Trace, who she’d liked to point out was a hell of a lot more comfortable than the cot.

  “That’s an understatement, wife,” he said, reaching up to cup her face as he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers.

  “I could teach you how to survive the modern world,” she offered.

  “Or we could live off the land,” he suggested with a hopeful smile.

  “Please don’t make me kill you,” she said, sighing heavily because she really didn’t want to, but…

  “I take it that you don’t want to learn how to make your clothes out of deer hide,” he guessed correctly.

  “I take it that you don’t want to live?” she countered, loving the way that his lips twitched with amusement.

  “I take it that you want to go inside,” he said only to sigh when she didn’t say anything and added, “and you want me to carry you.”

  Nodding solemnly, she said, “It’s like we’re connected.”

  Chapter 39

  “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” Kale said as he watched the Sentinel who’d disappeared a few hours ago head for the front door.

  Ignoring him, Nathan opened the front door and walked inside only to turn back around and slam the front door shut behind him with a glare. “I’m going to kill that fucking bastard.”

  “I warned you,” Kale said, shifting his attention back to the large bottle of Coke that he’d picked up in town earlier.

  He should have grabbed something stronger, but he couldn’t stomach the taste of coffee these days. When coffee first came to Europe, he hadn’t been able to get enough of it. Then again, he’d needed it to keep up with the asshole that he couldn’t wait to see again.

  When the rumors started about a leech dragging a little boy across Europe, looking for answers, he’d listened. He’d also asked questions of his own, which led him to search for three years for the leech and when he found him…

  He’d hesitated and it had cost him, but then again, he thought, it had cost the Pyte more. If he’d been able to tear the boy’s throat out, Trace never would have ended up in that wall. Now, at least, he had a chance to fix his mistake, Kale thought, as he watched the Sentinel that was going to be a problem as he stormed off towards his truck with another, “Fucking asshole.” Not that Kale could blame him, because if he’d been forced to listen to his sister getting fucked by a Pyte, he would probably want to kill something too.

  Then again, since Aine hadn’t lived to see her ninth winter because of him, it wasn’t really something that Kale had to worry about. She’d never had a chance to do any of those things that she’d dreamed of doing, never had a chance to grow up and find her mate so that she could drive him crazy with all those questions that she used to love to badger Kale with, he thought with a sad smile that turned bitter at the reminder of everything that he’d lost because of a moment of weakness that he would do anything, absolutely fucking anything, to take back.

  He wouldn’t be making that mistake again.

  He’d considered sending the human away to avoid this, but he’d realized pretty quickly that he needed her here to keep the Pyte distracted. As long as the Pyte didn’t try to change her, he could keep her.

  For now.

  Eventually, Trace would want to change her and that just wasn’t something that Kale would allow.


  Boston, MA

  Sentinel Compound

  “There’s been a mistake,” Jill tried to explain as Joshua sat down on the stone steps of one of the fake brownstones that lined the street that hid the Sentinel compound and took in the minions, demons, and shifters waiting to get their hands on his sister.

  They’d never get to her before the Sentinels managed to drag her inside and they knew it, but that didn’t stop them from hoping that the Sentinels fucked up and she managed to get away. She wouldn’t and even if she did, she’d never make it ten feet before the shifters and demons that worked for the Council trying to blend in with the early afternoon crowd managed to grab her.

  Then again, the human male that was watching her every move from across the street would probably kill her before that happened, Joshua thought, glancing at the human that had been asking too many questions lately. Sooner or later, Masters and Alphas were going to have enough of the human sticking his nose in where it didn’t belong.

  “Please, don’t do this!” Jill cried as cold gray eyes watched her every move.

  Joshua wondered about the human, not enough to do anything or really care if he pulled out the gun that he had concealed in his coat and shot her. Although, he probably should, considering everything that his sister had done for him. If Jill hadn’t saved him, he’d probably be just as fucked up as she was, Joshua mused, still wondering why no one else had figured out exactly what his sister had been forced to do to save them all.

  When he was a child, he hadn’t understood a lot of things, but as he got older, he’d realized just how fucked up their lives had really been. Well, how fucked up her life had been since she’d been the one who had been forced to do all those seriously fucked up things to keep a roof over their heads. He was surprised that Madison hadn’t figured it out yet, but then again, that probably had something to do with the small woman currently trying to talk her way out of this.

  Jill hadn’t said anything, probably never would and he really couldn’t blame her. As he watched the human trying to work up the nerve to pull out that gun, Joshua couldn’t help but wonder how Madison was going to react when she found out. Then again, since Jill was being banished to the island, she probably never would.

  For a moment, Joshua considered freeing her to see what the human would do, but…

  He owed her.

  For that, he would allow her to be banished. It was the least he could do, Joshua thought, biting back a yawn as he stood up and headed back the way he came since he had better things to do than to wonder why no one else had figured out that the leech had marked Jill as his mate.


  Westdrom, Maine

  “That hurts too,” came the sniffled reply that had Trace biting back a smile as he obediently leaned over and kissed his wife’s knee.

  “Does it feel better?” he asked, watching as she shook her head with another sniffle.

  “A little bit,” Samantha said, making sure to add another one of those sad little sniffles that had him biting back another smile.

  “Is there anything that I can do to make it feel better?” he asked, watching as she sniffled, nodded, sniffled again as she rolled over onto her stomach and sadly mumbled, “A backrub might help.”

  “I suppose that it’s the least that I could do,” he said, placing his hands on her back as she nodded, sniffled, and murmured, “It really is,” in agreement.

  “Is this okay, wife
?” he asked as he ran his hands over her shoulders, enjoying the way it felt to run his hands over her soft, smooth skin as she released little sighs of pleasure.

  He was going to miss her, Trace thought as he ran his hands down her back. He’d planned on using one of his father’s cells to keep her safe, but…

  He couldn’t risk anything happening to her. For a moment, just a brief moment, he thought about changing her now so that he would never have to worry about something happening to her, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t forget the three hundred and fifty-four years that he’d spent trapped in that tomb. There was no way that he could allow that bitch to get away with what she did to him.

  “That feels so good,” his wife groaned as he continued running his hands over her back.

  “You feel good, wife,” Trace said as he ran his hands down her back, watching as they moved over her bottom, down her thighs and over her calves before he shifted so that he could slowly move them back up her body. He made sure to run his thumbs over the inside of her thighs as he went, earning a moan as Trace moved his hands back over her bottom as he made his way back to her shoulders.

  The next time that he ran his hands down her back, she was spreading her legs apart for him. When he ran his hands back up her legs, he made sure that he took his time running his hands over her thighs, noting the way that she spread her legs again, giving him a view of the soft pink folds between her legs.

  Licking his lips, he continued running his hands over her, teasing her with every pass as the scent of her arousal surrounded him and her soft swollen lips glistened with her arousal.

  “Trace,” she said on a soft moan as she shifted beneath his touch.

  “What do you want, wife?” he asked, running his hands over her bottom only to pause long enough to give each cheek a gentle squeeze that had her moaning louder.


  “Turn over,” he said, already moving to help her.

  As soon as she was on her back, he leaned down and ran his tongue between her legs, groaning at her taste as he shifted so that he was lying between her legs. She was so damn sweet, he thought, only to amend that thought to sweeter. She was sweeter than before, he thought, sliding his tongue inside her with a groan as her scent had him grinding his cock against the bed.


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