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Taming Revy

Page 9

by Phoenix Williams

  Triple fuck!

  The Selvaggios was one of the wildest Crews out there. They made the Farrells look like angels. I had only been Awoken for a few months, but even I knew the names of most of their heavy hitters.

  Dragon pushed forth, and a wave of dominance flowed from me, causing the woman to wretch while Mama Terrell sipped her coffee.

  “Calm down, Adara.”

  “What’s your name, girl?” I asked, ignoring Mama Terrell

  With tears in her eyes, she glanced at me and exposed her neck. That was when I knew that this girl was trouble.

  “They call me Killer.”

  Quadruple fuck!



  Leaned back in the oversized tub, I felt my muscles relax. The bathroom was filled with the scent of honey. A soft sigh left my lips. It had been a few days since the ambush, and things were peaceful.

  Earlier in the day, Trevor and I had Changed in the woods and terrorized the neighbors. It was a wicked good time. The Clawsons were probably going to cover my bike in bird shit, but right now I couldn’t summon up a single fuck. Especially when Trevor was leaned against the bathroom door, staring at me like I hung the moon and the stars.

  “’Sup, Cookie Cock?”

  His laughter bounced off the walls in the steam filled room.

  “Jesus Christ, Rev. You’re turning me off.”

  “Your yule log says different,” I said, pointing a dripping finger at this dick.

  Removing his shirt, he shook his head and sauntered over to me. God, he was beautiful. Eyes glowing, rattle in his throat, scarred to hell from Adara’s flames and my Wolf, he walked with the confidence of a man who had faced death many times and came out the winner.

  Any sane woman would be scared to death. Lucky for him, I wasn’t sane.

  Trev knelt beside the tub, snatched my bath sponge from my hands, and picked up my body gel. Squirting gel on the sponge, he picked up my right foot and began to gently scrub.

  I was damn near purring from his attention. I lived for these moments. Just the two of us. Our animals snarling. No outside distractions. I could lower my guard because nothing outside of these four walls mattered. Trevor Farrell had become my safe space.

  “You scare me more than anything in the world,” I whispered, afraid to break the spell of this moment.

  “Other leg,” he ordered. “How?”

  Closing my eyes, I did as he said while trying to collect my whirling thoughts. I wasn’t an open book by nature. But with him, I’d try.

  “I thought I’d die when I woke up in Russia but I survived. I thought I’d die when I realized my parents weren’t coming back for me, but I survived. I thought I’d die when I was sent out on my first mission, but I survived. I thought I’d die when Adara rained down fire, but I’d survived. I’d thought I’d die when Wolf fought me for dominance, but I survived.”

  Trevor’s movements stilled, and I opened my eyes.

  “Everyone I have ever gotten close to has lied to me, used me, or was taken from me, and I survived it, Trev.” Blinking rapidly, I tried to keep the tears from falling from my traitorous eyes. I wasn’t some crybaby bitch. “You see me, and that’s terrifying.”

  Swiping his thumb underneath my eyes, he blessed me with a soft smile.

  “Revy, I—”

  “I gave you things I never gave anyone,” I interrupted. “My secrets. My insecurities. My fucking soul. I gave it all to you.”

  His lips brushed against mine. It wasn’t the crazy hot and hard kisses we usually shared. It was soft and sensual sipping of each other.

  Trevor Farrell was magic. I may have been the Alpha of our Pack, but he had all the power.

  The power to wrangle my crazy ass.

  The power to tame my Amarok.

  The power to make me love someone more than I loved myself.

  The power to destroy me.



  Getting out of the tub, Trevor wrapped me up in a fluffy towel. He liked doing shit like this. Taking care of me and making me feel special. I could understand how he felt. My instincts were always screaming at me to make him happy and safe.

  “Get dressed, Rev. Or not,” he said with a wink. “I’ll go check on dinner.”

  “I coulda cooked, ya know?”

  Trev snorted and rolled his eyes. “Not in the mood for another Fruit Loop casserole.”

  “I thought you liked it!”

  Trevor mumbled something about nausea as he left the room.

  Biting back my laughter, I dried off and oiled up. The scent of pot roast reached the bathroom, and my stomach growled. Trevor was a damn good cook, but I still insisted on making dinner once a week. This week was Fruit Loop casserole. Next week, I was thinking of cocoa fried chicken. Sweet and savory. Just like my man.

  I had just pulled one of Trev’s shirts over my head when my phone dinged.

  A text from an unknown number flashed across the screen.

  U: Do you feel it yet?

  Me: New phone. Who dis?

  Snickering, I picked up my phone and headed into the bedroom. Rummaging through Trev’s dresser, I found a thick pair of socks and pulled them on. He was going to be so pissed, but as I kept explaining, his clothes were now our clothes.

  My phone dinged again, and I rolled my eyes.

  U: It’s Brenna, bitch. How’s the Alpha curse?

  Locking her number in my phone, I shook my head. Silly little wolf. Curses didn’t mean shit to me. It felt as if I had been cursed since the day I was born.

  Me: I’ve felt worse. Now, leave me alone before I let Wolf loose and eat you.

  A growl left my lips as my phone sounded off again. Brenna was going to die tonight. I was trying to be merciful and see if she could pledge fealty to me, but my fucking patience was running thin.

  S: Hi, Revy.

  Everything stopped as I read and reread the text. I hadn’t heard from Sasha in weeks. With all the chaos going on. I had actually forgotten about him.

  Me: ‘Sup.

  S: I have something for you.

  Me: Go play in traffic.

  The next text he sent made my heart stop in my chest. A picture was worth a thousand words and the one he sent me made my blood turn cold. My sister cuffed to a chair, beaten and bloodied.

  Me: Let my sister go.

  S: What do I get in return?

  Me: Your fucking life!!!!

  Angry tears swam in my eyes as Wolf pushed forward. Sasha was playing a dangerous game, and he didn’t even know it.

  S: LOL. Oh Revy, you know how I work. Even exchange. You come back to me, and I’ll your sister go. Meet me at the old sawmill in Stevensville tomorrow at two. If you don’t, I’ll kill your sister and come looking for you.

  “Rev! Dinner’s ready!

  Stifling a snarl, I clutched my phone so hard that it shattered in my hand.

  The beginnings of a plan began to take shape in my mind as I cleaned up my cut hand and made my way downstairs. I was going to save my sister and kill Sasha. But first, I needed Trevor to go the fuck to sleep.



  It was well after one in the morning when Trevor fell asleep. Slipping from our bed, I grabbed the pile of clothes I put underneath my side before we at dinner and tiptoed down the stairs.

  With the light of the moon illuminating the first floor, I slid on my black cutoffs, black tank top, and black combat boots. Quietly, I opened up the door to the armory. As much as I would have loved to use the rocket launcher, this was not the situation for it. Unfortunately, it would have to stay behind.

  Strapping handguns to each thigh, I fastened a utility belt around my waist and loaded the pockets with additional magazines. I placed another two guns in my waistband and headed back towards the door.

  Grabbing my keys, I slowly opened the front door, stepped outside, and slowly closed it. Everything sounded louder tonight. The chilly October air raised goosebumps over my
exposed body, but I barely felt it. My upbringing in Russia combined with Wolf and my red hot rage made sure of that.

  Now, all I had to do was figure out how I was going to get my Harley across Farrell land and to the main road without anyone seeing or hearing me.

  Fuck! Imma have to push the damn thing.

  Jogging towards my bike, I came to a halt when I saw a shadowy figure leaning against it.

  “What the fuck?!” I whispered.

  “I’m here to help.”

  “Help with what?” I asked cautiously.

  Adara rolled her eyes at me. “Our little sister needs us.”

  Hands on my hip, I glared at the Dragon Queen.

  “How the fuck do you know what’s going on?”

  “I had someone hack your phone,” she said with a shrug. “All of your texts are forwarded to me. By the way, can you stop sexting with Trevor? It ruins my day.”



  Her laughter sounded extra loud in the stillness of the night.

  “Shut up!” I whisper-screamed. “And go home. I got this.”

  “I’m coming.”

  “No, you’re not!”

  “Keep your voice down, Rev. I’m driving.”

  That was where I drew the line.

  “I am not riding on the back of my own bike!”

  “One, you stole this bike—”

  “Suck it, lizard.”

  “Two,” she continued, eyes glowing. “We’re taking the truck.”

  “Fine,” I sighed, walking towards Trev’s truck. “You can come, but you’re not driving.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you suck at driving and it’s my man’s truck. So sit in the passenger seat or fly.”

  Adara ran past me, snatching the keys from my hand. Forgetting all about being quiet, I leaped on her back with a screech as she played keep-away.

  “Rev, what’s going on?”

  Adara and I both froze, lying on the frost-covered grass, keys gleaming in the moonlight.

  “Uh…hey, Honey Dick. We were just out for some…sisterly bonding time. You go back to bed.”

  He walked across the yard, jeans hanging low on his hips, white shirt clinging to his chest, and an amused grin on his face.

  “You know I can hear lies right?”

  “Are we going or not?” Alonzo asked, stepping from the shadows.

  “How long have you been there?” I asked.

  “Long enough to see you both suck at being stealthy. Right, Ben?”

  Trevor swore under his breath. I could feel the tension coming off him. I growled low as a man I had never seen joined us in the yard, his hands raised in the air.

  “Easy, I’m a friend,” he spoke low and slow. “Trevor, tell your mate I’m a friend.”

  Picking me off the ground, Trevor placed me behind his body. “He’s cool.”

  “We don’t have time for this shit,” I grumbled. “Adara, let’s go. The rest of you go back to bed.”


  “Don’t think so.”

  “Not happening.”

  All three men replied in unison. Snatching the keys from Adara, I stomped over to the truck. Wolf was growling so loud that even I was getting scared.

  “Rev,” Trevor stopped me. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “I have to save her,” I whispered, desperation lining each word.


  He placed his hands on my shoulders and brought me closer to his body. Was I shaking from the cold or from the adrenaline dumping into my system?

  “My sister.”

  Confusion lined his brow. “Adara’s right there. She’s fine.”

  “No, not her!” I cried. “My little sister, Mika!”



  The truck was packed and quiet as we drove through Farrell land. I was driving because no one was in the mood to fight me for it. Trevor wanted to ride shotgun, but the thought of having a slightly unstable dragon sitting behind him didn’t sit well. So, Adara was in the passenger seat while the guys rode in back.

  Benjamin Tieri, Alpha of the foxes, was also in the back. He claimed that Sasha and his men would land him a massive bounty with some people underground. I asked him if I had a bounty. He just smiled and said, “Not anymore.”

  Fuck that! I wanted to know how much money I was worth!

  Turning on the radio, I flipped through the channels as we hit the main road. Gripping the steering wheel, I gunned it out of Hell Fire and followed the signs towards Stevensville. According to Adara, we would get there in less than an hour.

  I cranked up the volume as Dancing In The Moonlight came through the speakers. Nodding my head and tapping out the beat on the steering wheel, I felt myself slip back into the mindset of Revy the gunslinger.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” Adara asked, turning down the music.

  “Why, yes. Yes, I am,” I replied, turning it back up.

  “We need to come up with a plan, you psychopath,” she growled.

  “One, that’s my Honey Dick’s nickname for me—”

  “Your love is so fucking weird,” Alonzo snickered.

  “Two,” I continued. “I have a plan. Pull up, kick in the door, and shoot everything.”

  “They are going to hear us coming, Rev,” Adara shouted, and I winced from the volume. Panic laced her voice. “We need to move in stealthily, each of us flanking each side of the warehouse. Not burst through the front door!”

  “Calm the fuck down,” I gritted as I sped down the highway.

  Adara was riled up, and her dragon was calling to all of our animals. The last thing I needed was one of these monsters accidentally Changing in the truck.

  “Revy, listen—”

  “NO!” I cut her off. “You listen for once. Dammit, Adara. I’m not a fucking kid! Do you think you were the only one that was out there assassinating fuckers for the last thirteen years? Huh? Our fucked up parents did the same shit to me too! The only difference was that I wasn’t in some mountains in Japan. I was with these assholes in Russia. I spent the last thirteen years with the same people were about to go up against.”

  The sounds of heavy breathing, snarling, and Al Green filled the gaps in our argument.

  “This won’t work unless you stop looking at me as your little sister. I’m a grown ass woman that is more than able of taking care of herself.”

  “I just got you back,” Adara whispered. “For years I thought y’all were dead. And now…” her voice trailed off, and she huffed the saddest sound in the whole fucking world. “I can’t lose you. I’ll never stop mourning, and Dragon will rampage and burn the earth. I will never recover. I can’t lose two of my sisters.”

  I turned off on another long stretch of road as her words settled on my chest. I blinked back tears. I was no crybaby bitch.

  “Revy?” Trevor asked slowly, stretching out each letter. “How many Mashall girls are there?”

  I caught his eyes in the mirror, and a smile nothing short of wicked pulled at my lips as I gave him the last of my secrets.




  I hummed along to Killer Queen as we pulled up to the end of the driveway leading to the old mill. Compromising with my nagging older sister, I turned down the music once we hit Stevensville.

  We had come up with a makeshift plan. I’d go in, clear out the riffraff, and Adara would be right behind me. The guys would stay outside, taking care of anyone that got away.

  By the intense brooding behind me, I could tell that Trevor and Alonzo weren’t happy. But, I couldn’t have too many of us in the building. Bullets didn’t have names on them, and I’d feel bad if I shot one of them in the ass.

  “Ready?” I asked the group of bloodthirsty monsters. A chorus of grunts was my reply. “Benny-Boy—”

  “Don’t call me that,” he grumbled.

  “Your boss, they need them dead or alive?”
r />   “Don’t matter,” he rumbled. “She’ll take them either way. For their sakes, it’s better if they’re dead.”

  Chills blasted up my arms as I eased on the gas. Whoever Benny-Boy worked for sounded like fun.

  The tension was thick enough to cut with a spoon. The space reeked of dominance and fur. Rolling down the window, I hoped the nighttime air would give me some relief.

  The truck rocked and jumped as we made our way up the gravel incline. At the top was an old dilapidated wooden sawmill. The lights were on, but there wasn’t any movement inside.

  “Are they sleeping?” Adara asked.

  “Nope,” I drawled, putting the truck in park. “They’re waiting for me.”

  I pointed to a small red light blinking in the forest. Sasha was watching.

  “I need to Change,” Trevor growled.

  Oh, I could feel it. His crazy ass wolf was impatient to get out. He was revving up Wolf if the snarling in my chest was anything to go by.

  “Cool it, Farrell,” I ordered. “They’re not coming out here. They want me to come to them. Sasha is giving me one last chance to change my mind.”

  In perfect coordination, we all got out the truck. Adara adjusted her katanas. The guys peeled off their shirts, eyes glowing. I unstrapped my guns and checked to make sure the safety was off.

  “Let’s do this.” I glanced at Adara with my brow raised in expectation. “Hit it, Dragon Queen.”

  “Come on, Revy,” she whined.

  “You promised!” I hissed.

  With a roll of her blazing green eyes, she stomped to the truck and cranked up the volume just as the first chords of Back In Black began to play. Hands gripped tightly on my guns, I marched over to the large wooden double doors of the mill.

  “Hey, Rev!” Trevor called out. I glanced at him over my shoulder and was struck by the worry pooled in his eyes. “Come back to me.”


  As the beat dropped, I kicked in the doors and my eyes locked on Sasha standing at the back of the large room. Mika sat next to him, face full of rage. At least one hundred men were standing between her and me.

  “Listen up, bitches!” I shouted to the men. “Give me back my sister, and I’ll let you keep your pathetic lives.”


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