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Taming Revy

Page 10

by Phoenix Williams

  Sasha smirked and flicked his wrist in my direction. “Kill her.”

  “Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

  And then there was chaos.



  Revy was a fucking nutcase. Bursting through a door with a hundred guns aimed her way, she took down twenty men in less than thirty seconds.

  Pride filled my heart.

  My little Revy was all grown up.

  “Time to go,” I muttered as men ran out the building, Revy’s insane laughter filling the night. Glancing at the boys, I smiled. “Y’all got this.”

  Removing my katanas, I sliced through men that were stupid enough to get near me. My blade cutting through their bodies like butter. My eyes connected with Mika’s as I ran through the door, the scent of blood and gunpowder filling the air. Even after thirteen years, I recognized her.

  “Adara!” Revy screamed. “Move your ass.”

  Rolling my eyes, I walked through the room, using my katana to deflect bullets. Dragon was at the surface, making my senses sharper and my vision clearer. I could have dodged those shots in my fucking sleep.

  Picking up the pace, I cut down several men on my way over to Mika. She was struggling to free herself from the metal cuffs, her face bright red.

  Fire pierced my arm, and a roar escaped my lips. I whipped my head in the direction the shot came, and I felt flames build in my belly. Dragon wanted to burn this place to the ground. The only thing stopping her was the fact that Revy and Mika were here.

  Quick as lightning, I slung a blade in the direction of the man that shot me. It landed with a slight thud in his upper thigh, and he fell over, crawling away as I ran towards him.

  This was the man who had hurt my Revy.

  This was the man who had kidnapped my Mika.




  Sixty men down. Forty-one to go, including Sasha.

  I used to resent the beast inside me, but now, as bullets rained down on me, I loved her. Every graze, every bullet hole healed up so quickly that I barely had time to remove the bits of metal inside of me first.

  Pow! Pow! Pow!

  Screams filled the air as I shot the trigger fingers off three of the men, blood spewing everywhere. It would have been easy to put a bullet in their skulls, but I wanted Benny-Boy’s boss to make them suffer.

  I aimed for the shoulder blades, hips, and kneecaps of the men who were trying to kill my sisters and me. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Sasha crawling away, Adara’s knife sticking from his leg.

  Good. With him out the way, I could free Mika.

  “Let’s go,” I stated calmly, knowing that Adara would definitely hear me. Shifter senses.

  I ran across the dusty floor, shooting down anyone who got in my path. A man named Boris that I always hated came charging at me. I pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

  “Aw shit!”

  “Die, American bitch!” he spat, aiming right at my face.

  Everything faded away as I allowed Wolf to take over. For once, I was putting my full trust in this bitch.

  And, for once, she didn’t let me down.

  As Boris pulled the trigger, I ducked, the bullet whizzing by my cheek. Running towards him, I gripped the sides of his face, my claws digging into his skin. With a quick flick of my wrist, I snapped his neck.

  Using his dead body to shield me from the bullets, I sprinted across the room to where Adara was trying to free Mika. It was slow going as Adara was trying to protect her from the gunfire at the same time.

  “I’ll get her loose,” I said, nudging Adara out the way. “You cover us.”

  “Thank God,” she mumbled.

  Standing proudly, she stood in front of Mika’s chair with her back to the twenty men still shooting. With a roar of excruciating pain, wings spanning the length of the building sprouted from her back, shielding us.

  Holy shit!

  Partial shifting, Wolf growled loudly in my head. We can do that too. All queens can.

  I had so many fucking questions. But, they would have to wait. Focusing on the cuffs, I pulled with all my strength. The metal rings were coated with blood. Ignoring the slicing pain in my fingers, I crushed the middle joint between my hands.

  “Thanks, Revy,” Mika mumbled. She rotated her wrists, the metal wrings on each one glinting in the light. Turning towards me, she smirked. “Ready to have some fun?”

  With a grunt of pain, Adara forced her wings back into her skin and fell to the ground as Mika stepped around her. Oh shit! Mika was pissed.

  All the men paused, unsure of what was happening.

  I watched as 5’10”, one hundred and thirty pounds soaking wet Mika ran up to a man twice her size. She jumped into the air, clenched her fist and connected with his jaw. The sound of breaking bones echoed in the mill. I wasn’t surprised. My little sister was always strong.

  She twisted mid-air, grabbed him by the neck, did some kind of backflip shit, and brought the man down to the ground. The impact was so hard that it split the floorboards.


  That one word didn’t even encompass the awesome badassery that was my little sister.

  I reloaded my guns and stood beside her with Adara on my left. Flanked by my sisters, I was overcome with emotion as the men took aim. They had no clue what the fuck they were up against.

  Adara the Monster.

  Revy the Deranged.

  Mika the Berserker.

  This was a dream come true. Three Mashall sisters were getting ready to wreck this place.

  And, we weren’t even the worst out of the five.



  I was really fucking pissed! Leave it to Revy to get me caught up in some shit.

  I was just minding my own business, walking through town when I was bagged and snatched and thrown into a truck. Next thing I knew, I was tied up in a warehouse.

  As I helped take down the last of the few men, I kept an eye on my sisters. Adara was graceful with her katanas. And, Revy…well, she was just as crazy as the last time I saw her thirteen years ago. I didn’t need weapons. My fists could crush ribs and shatter jaws.

  Fighting always cleared my mind, and a lot of shit started to click into place while I crushed a man’s arm between my hands. I was now about ninety-nine percent sure that Adara and Revy were the two beasts in that video circling the internet. Leave it to them to get caught on film.

  “Three more!” I shouted out.

  The three of us had made quick work of the stragglers. It was almost too easy.

  “Got it,” Revy responded, her insane laughter bouncing off the rafters.

  With deadly precision, she used both guns to take down two of the thr—

  Pain. Excruciating, mind-numbing pain pierced my back before ricocheting throughout my frame. I heard Adara scream my name before I fell to my knees. I didn’t even need to look down to know that my shirt was becoming soaked with blood.

  Falling over, I landed on my face. It was bad. Really fucking bad. I couldn’t feel anything from the neck down.

  Adara rolled me over with tears in her eyes and her face a mask of horror. Revy stood next to us, her gun trained on Sasha and her body damn near vibrating with rage. They were in a Mexican standoff. He pulled his trigger, but nothing happened. He screamed as he repeatedly pulled it.

  Idiot. He was out of bullets

  “All you had to do was come back,” he shouted, spittle flying out his mouth. “All you had to do was make this easy.”

  “Fuck you!” she screamed.

  “Mika,” Adara whispered. “I’m going to fix you. Okay? I’m going to fix you, and when I’m done, you’ll be better.”

  Her eyes were glowing as tears fell down her chocolate brown cheeks. So pretty. I tried to respond, but only blood came out of my mouth.

  “You can’t pull the trigger can you, Revy? Because you know you belong with me.”

  “Stop it
,” she growled.

  Adara brushed my hair off my neck. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered seconds before she sank her teeth into me down to the bone.

  My eyes widened as fire encased my neck. Revy and Sasha were arguing, but it was fading in and out as a new voice started whispering in my mind.

  “Do it,” Sasha taunted. “Kill me.”

  “Don’t fucking tempt me,” she grumbled. “Benny-Boy! Get in here,” she called out.

  “Pull the trigger, Revy. I’m already a dead man.”

  I was losing focus. Something strange was happening to my body. Bones, muscles, and nerves were fusing back together. The feeling was returning to my limbs slowly. Fire coursed through my veins.

  Mika, the voice in my head called. It was getting stronger by the second. Let me out.

  Revy was screaming. Sasha was yelling. The scents and sounds of a lion, fox, and wolf reached me as Adara sobbed.

  Too loud.

  Too many voices.

  Mika, let me out. Let me fix this.

  Slowly, I moved my hand and gripped Adara’s wrist. “What did you do?” My voice sounded strange, almost garbled.

  The thing inside me pushed hard, breaking past my defenses.

  Adara’s tears fell onto my face. “I made you just like me.”

  And then the world went dark.



  Sick, sick, sick.

  Sasha smelled sick.

  He was screaming loudly, pulling out some of his hair by the roots. The boys walked in, covered in blood. Benny-Boy pulled out a pair of cuffs from his back pocket and started strolling towards us, stepping over bodies.

  A loud growl shook the floorboards and my neck whipped in the direction it came from.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” I groaned.

  Mika’s body was seizing. Her muscles bunching underneath her skin. The growl in her chest was constant. Her eyes were glowing bright orange.

  “I had no choice,” Adara sobbed.

  The air was so heavy even Wolf was ready to flee. The Monster just put a fucking dragon into the goddamn Berserker. All hell was going to break loose.

  “Benny-Boy, let’s go.”

  “You have to come back, or they’re going to kill me.” Sasha’s words were laced with panic. “Revy, they’re going to kill me!” Between him and the snarling animals, I was having a hard time keeping Wolf from taking my skin. “If I have to die, then so will you.”

  Before I had a chance to react, Sasha wrapped his hands around my throat. Trevor’s wolf burst out of him, and he ran towards us. My sweet Honey Dick. He wouldn’t make it in time.

  The sounds of popping and snapping filled the air along with a wave of overwhelming dominance as a new scent reached my nose.

  A screech left Sasha’s lips. Dropping me like a bag of stones, he slowly backed away with his hands raised in the air.

  My jaw hit the damn ground as I saw what was stalking him. Adara had meant to Turn Mika, but she had done something worse. She had Awoken her.

  I had never seen a creature like this before. The body of a tiger. The paws and tail of a lion. The horns of a ram. Eyes glowing orange like the sun. She was a little bit shorter than Wolf. Her paws were the size of my fucking head.

  What the fuck is she?

  She’s just like you and Adara, Wolf answered. An origin. Ancient. A Queen.

  I don’t understand, I replied inwardly, watching Mika move gracefully towards Sasha.

  Adara’s dragon is the origin of all dragons. I am the origin of all wolves. Mika’s beast is the mother of all big cats. She is a Tyger.

  I had so many fucking questions, like what the fuck was up with our bloodline? Were all the Mashalls Ancients? But, only one was weighing heavy on me.

  “Hey, Sasha.” He looked at me with an expression I had seen two thousand three hundred and thirty-four times before. The one of a man who knew that his life was ending. “Who is going to kill you if I don’t come back?”

  Tears fell from his eyes as Mika’s horns brushed against his torso.

  “Your parents.”

  Adara had warned me that they were still a commanding presence. I just didn’t want to believe her. We would never be truly free of them.

  With a feeling of dread and defeat filling my belly, I turned away and let Mika have her kill.


  “You got rid of Trevor Farrell’s ghosts?”

  The young woman smiled at the older woman, nodding. “It was necessary. He couldn’t be what Revy needed if he were still haunted.”

  “Hmm,” the older woman commented as she stirred a pot full of stew bubbling on the stove. “What do you see for the newest Mashall Queen, Mika.”

  “If she can survive living with Revy, she’ll be fine,” the young woman giggled. “She has a lot of things to get over.”

  The older woman sat a bowl in front of her young pupil before taking a seat. They ate in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

  “You said the Farrell Pack would burn from the inside out,” the young woman said, breaking the silence. “They seem to be fine.”

  “There’s more than one way to interpret a vision. You have to see all the paths.”

  The young woman shook her head, her long curly hair bouncing around her shoulders.

  “I don’t understand.”

  The older woman sighed as she glanced out the window. The sun was beginning the set, and a chill was in the air. Time until the big war was quickly ticking away. Her student had to be ready.

  “The moment Trevor bit Revy the Pack began to burn. She was always meant to be the Alpha Farrell. It was written in the stars long ago. She forced her way in, made Trevor be a better man, and demanded that the wolves get their shit together. She burned away the old and, in her words, pissed on the ashes. And then she did something that no other Farrell Alpha had accomplished.”


  “She allied with two of the six families.”

  The older woman dug into her meal, the rich stew soothing her hunger. She knew her student would have more questions. She was an inquisitive one.

  “You mentioned there were two other types of Shifters.”

  Add long memory to the list of attributes the young woman had.

  “Yes,” the older woman drawled. She could practically see the wheels turning in her student’s head.

  “It’s the Mashall sisters, right?”

  “Give me the reasoning.”

  “A Dragon. An Amarok. A Tyger,” the young woman stated, holding up three fingers. “All origins. All ancients. All once believed to be mythical. All Queens.”

  “Good job,” she praised. “Full-blooded, Turned, Buried, and Ancients. Those are the four of the five types of Shifters.”

  “What’s the fifth?”

  The older woman just smiled, eyes twinkling. With a sigh, she stared out the window, her stew long forgotten. The sun was halfway past the horizon, and the wind was whipping against the house, tinkling the windchimes.

  With the changing of the seasons, the older woman was running out of time.

  Time to teach her student everything about Shifters.

  Time to prepare for the big war.

  Time until the young woman learned that she was the fifth type of Shifter and one of the most powerful.

  Time until the older woman’s life would come to an end.


  “I think that every day the sun rises, it may be the last time I bask in the sun.”


  “Samurai Champloo”




  Sitting in Trev’s lap, I glanced up from the s’more I was making to see Mika barreling towards me. Her eyes were glowing orange, and her fists were clenched tight.

  “Yes?” I asked sweetly.

  “Rev,” Trev whispered in my ear. “What did you do?”

  I shrugged. I had done so much shit to annoy people th
at it was hard to tell which one had pissed them off. And, pissing Mika off was one of my most favorite things in the world.

  Even when we were kids, I did things to upset her. Not because I hated her but because she always gave me the fight I was itching for. That was how it was with the Mashall sisters. We would fight and rip into each other, but if anyone else dared, we’d kill them and piss on the corpses.

  And, I needed to fight. It kept Wolf from rampaging. Between her and Trevor, I was able to sate my bloodlust without killing anyone. They were the only ones outside of Adara who could survive the Amarok. It was a win-win.

  “What did you do to my room?”

  “Oh God,” Adara drawled, throwing another log on the bonfire.

  Adara had her feet propped up on Alonzo’s lap as he sat on her right. Tank was next to Alonzo, sipping Jack Daniels out of the bottle. That was probably how he was staying warm in his shorts and tank top. Savage was next to him, burning the hell out of a marshmallow. Killer sat between Savage and me. Her pretty green eyes darting over everyone.

  She was an interesting one. So quiet. So submissive. So well-mannered. I wanted to corrupt her.

  For once we were gathered on Farrell land. Mostly because I was still trying to repair the fractures in my Pack. What once was a group of two hundred wolves had now dwindled down to seventy-two, including Trevor and me.

  I had no choice but to banish Brenna, Thomas, and the rest of their group. I would never trust them, and I couldn’t protect them if I was always wondering if they were going to stick a knife in my back.

  Now that the toxic folks were out I could focus on being a good leader. My first order of business, no more bullshittery. They weren’t going to spend their days in the fucking bar. Everyone needed to work.

  Luckily, Stokes Sweets went up for sale, and I used my cash to buy it. Trev was super excited because I no longer spent my days baking up desserts we would never get to eat. Plus, a lot of the Pack worked for me. It kept them busy and out of trouble.


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