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Taming Revy

Page 11

by Phoenix Williams

  “Apologize, Revy.”

  I glared at Adara as I snuggled closer to my Honey Dick. “No thank you.”

  Eyes glowing, she growled, “It wasn’t a request.”

  Trevor massaged my jean-clad thigh with one hand, the other stroking the bare skin underneath my sweater. His touch settled Wolf and me.

  Mine, she grumbled. My mate.

  “I’m sorry,” I said to Mika as she stomped towards me. “Sorry, I helped you decorate your room.”

  “Oh God,” Alonzo chuckled.

  All eyes turned to me.

  “Well excuse me for trying to help. All I did was put up wallpaper.”

  Mika held up the said roll and let it unravel. The guys laughed long and hard while Adara shook her head, hiding her smile behind her hand.

  “You had wallpaper made with pictures of you!”

  Her Tyger was growling, and it was calling Wolf to the surface.

  “I was just trying to make your room look pretty! What’s prettier than me?”

  “I’m moving in with Adara!”

  With a roar that scared the birds from the trees, she kicked a leg from my chair, sending Trevor and me flying to the ground.

  Oh, it was on!

  We lunged for each other, intent on causing the most physical damage. And, as her fist landed on my stomach, one thought rolled through my head as I doubled over: God, I loved having my sister back.



  I cackled hysterically at my sisters’ antics. God, this brought back memories. We were all grown women, separated by thirteen years and hundreds of countries. But, as I watched Revy and Mika pummel each other, I realized some things never change.

  “Alpha,” Killer’s voice cut into my thoughts. “Aren’t you going to stop them?”

  “Call me Adara.”

  “Yes, Alpha…I mean, Adara.”

  I shook my head, biting back a smile. Killer was soft-spoken and closed off, but I knew something that no one else had seem to pick up on. Her panther was a fucking maniac. That was the reason she Changed at the far end of Mashall land and always alone. Something catastrophic had to have happened to cause a submissive to lose control like that.

  “Mika!” I shouted. She paused, chest heaving, eyes blazing. “Don’t hurt her too badly.”

  “Okay,” she chirped and then she was back to brawling with our resident psychopath.

  Looking around the firepit, a sense of contentment filled me. Yeah, the town was crawling with humans, the mayor wanted a meeting with my sisters and me, our parents were manipulating shit in the background, and we were no closer to figuring out why grandma was murdered. But, right now, as I watched my sisters beat the shit out of each other, I was happy. Something I wasn’t used to feeling.

  I knew that hell was coming from us. I could feel it in my bones. All I could do was make sure that we were prepared. Until then, I would enjoy moments like these. Moments with my new family of bloodthirsty beasts.



  The Thirsty Howler reeked of humans and Shifters. I didn’t want to be here, but the Dragon Queen demanded I come. So, here I was.

  After moving out of Revy’s, I ended up back in my old room at the Mashall family home. Growing up, I used to love that room. Now, it felt too small, too empty, too quiet. I had outgrown it. I didn’t belong.

  Sighing, I slumped back in my chair and brought the bottle of rum to my lips. The feeling of not belonging was one that I was used to. I just didn’t expect to have it here. Surrounded by so many people and I was still lonely.

  “This song goes out to my Honey Dick,” Revy called out. I shook my head as she broke into a bad rendition of Queen’s Best Friend.

  The smile on Trevor’s face was huge. My heart melted. He was a good one. Shit, any man that stuck by that psycho deserved a Nobel.

  Glancing around the bar, I barely kept from upchucking. Women dressed in little more than panties and fishnets were all over the place, looking to get a taste of a Shifter. It was disgusting the way they offered themselves up on silver platters.

  The door swung open, and all the men in the crowd yelled one word, “DREEEEEWWW!”

  “Hey!” Revy screamed in the mic, making us all wince. “It’s my time to shine!”

  Crossing my legs, my foot swung in time with Revy’s bad singing. I watched as Drew sauntered through the bar, his arms wrapped around two half-naked women and a third woman trailing behind.

  My stomach growled loudly as he passed and he shot me a look of amused confusion, eyes glowing. And, because I had apparently picked up some of Revy’s bad habits, I snarled at him. The three women huddled closer to him, and he led them to a table near the stage, my eyes tracking their movements. I had to look away when one of the women shoved her tongue down his throat.

  Tyger was pushing at my skin, thrashing about.

  What’s wrong? I asked her.

  She hadn’t acted like this in weeks. Between Adara’s gentle training and whooping Revy’s ass every other day, I had established dominance over the beast quickly.

  Let me out.

  Fuck! I was going to have to call it a night.

  A plate full of wings landed in front of me, the spicy garlic scent making my mouth water. Peeling my eyes from the food, I glanced up at Tank.

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  He canted his head to the right and stared at me. “You good?”

  “No,” I admitted. No use in lying to a Shifter. “Can you pack these up to go?”


  Tank grabbed the wings and disappeared to the back where the brand new kitchen Trevor put in was. Picking up the bottle, I drained the last of my rum. My eyes scanned the crowd looking for one of my sisters. Revy was in the corner practically humping Trevor. Ugh! Adara was deep in conversation with Savage. And, from the looks of it, it wasn’t something that I should interrupt.

  Looked like I would be walking home.

  “Hey,” Drew said softly. “Didn’t like the wings?”

  Tyger pushed at my skin again, and I clutched my stomach.

  “Fuck off, lowlife.”

  Right under his uneasy laughter, I heard it. A soft rumble that was close to a growly purr. That sound was calling to Tyger, making it harder to keep her in my skin.

  Standing, I tried to walk away from him but the closer I got to the door, the harder it became to move. A hand wrapped around my forearm and warmth flooded my entire body.

  It was too hot.

  It was too loud.

  “Easy,” Drew soothed in my ear.

  My gums ached as I felt my fangs elongate. I was going to Change. People were bumping into us, and the snarl in my throat grew louder.

  “Mika!” Tank called out. I turned my head and whatever he saw had the blood draining from his face. “Drew, back off of her,” he growled.

  “Fuck you,” he spat.

  A crowd was beginning to form around us. I hated this. Hated being the center of attention.

  “You want to die, Bayer?”

  Tank, bless his heart, tried to move me away from Drew. A roar left Drew’s throat, shaking the floor beneath us and causing the humans to scream in panic.

  “Let go!” Tank backed away from me in a hurry. Taking my face between his palms, Drew searched my face as I hyperventilated. “Mika,” he breathed against me.

  I could hear my sisters approaching, feel their dominance.

  “I’m going to Change.”

  “Don’t,” he whispered. “Not in here.”

  “I can’t stop it.”

  A wave of pain caused me to double over. Tyger was going to push her way out, making me suffer in the process.

  “Mika Mashall,” Drew stated loudly. “I forbid you to Change!”

  The power in his command stopped Tyger immediately. But, that didn’t mean she was happy about it. Anger coursed through my veins as I stood and pushed him away from me. I didn’t like being told what to do and, apparently, ne
ither did Tyger.

  “Mika,” he chided.

  “Get away from me,” I growled.

  “I love you!” he shouted.

  “Oh shit,” I heard Revy snicker.

  All eyes were on me.

  Too hot.

  Too loud.

  Too much.

  Clenching my fist, I punched Drew so hard that he flew through the crowd and crashed into the stage.

  “Come the fuck on!” Trevor screamed. “I just fixed this place!”

  Drew, stubborn as a damn mule, got back up, dusted himself off, and uttered three words that changed everything. “You’re. My. Mate!”

  Tyger overrode the Alpha command, took my skin, and charged Drew in the middle of a crowded bar.

  And then the world went dark.

  November 2018

  Available On Amazon Now

  Welcome to Hell Fire Valley where if the boredom doesn't kill you, the monsters beneath the surface surely will.

  Adara Mashall is in town three months after her grandmother's mysterious passing for one thing and one thing only: answers.

  But in a town like Hell Fire Valley, the only thing deeper than the family ties are the secrets. Most people know better than to snoop around and stir up the demons that have been hibernating for decades.

  Adara isn't most people.

  Daniel Farell and Alonzo Leones wanted Adara from the moment she blew into Hell Fire Valley. She's beautiful. She's smart. She's strong. She's the key to getting their hands on the Mashall land.

  When tensions mount, Adara finds herself caught in the middle of a territory war and a love triangle. Secrets are revealed. Monsters are awoken. Death is imminent.

  Will Adara find the answers she's looking for? Or will Hell Fire Valley be this Queen's final resting place?




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