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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 59

by Laura Acton

  “We’re going to pay this asshole a visit,” Jon growled. No one threatened a member of his team … especially Lexa who he viewed as a kid sister.

  A smooth and calming voice of reason filled the room as Ray spoke, “We can’t assume these all came from the same person.”

  Bram nodded. “True. Three different deliveries. One is signed Duke, one D.B. and one anonymous.”

  Needing to return to her desk, Tia said, “I’ll pull the camera feed, and perhaps we can determine where they came from based on the delivery men.” She pivoted and strode with purpose from the room.

  Hot on Tia’s heels, Loki declared, “It’ll be faster if I help too.” Mostly he needed to do something to help.

  Nick urged Lexa to her chair. “Everyone, take a seat. Let’s work this out as we would any call.”

  Dan refused to sit. He wandered to the window and peered outside as emotions ran rampant. Running down the list of his enemies, a long one, he tried to come up with a likely suspect who might be tailing him and Lexa. That was the only way they could’ve known about the Blondie Down Under. Someone could be trying to screw with him via Lexa … a Plouffe modus operandi of sorts.

  Gathering her wits and composure, Lexa said, “I doubt the flowers are from Duke. He knows I hate cut-flowers. If he wanted another chance, he wouldn’t send them. The chocolates though … he might’ve sent since he is aware of my butterfly tattoo.”

  Lexa’s words caused Dan to pause in his list as jealousy sparked. He tamped it down and said, “A possibility exists this may be more related to me than her. The note contained my initials. Perhaps one of Plouffe’s cronies wanted to cause me problems … get me fired for harassment or something.”

  Slouching in his chair, realizing he owed Dan another apology, Jon said, “Dano, sorry I jumped to conclusions.”

  Releasing his clenched hands, Dan shoved them into his pockets and leaned on the window sill, not sure how to respond. Jon’s tendency to think the worst of him confused Dan, but he dared not make any declaration which caused him to lie … because the truth was, he and Lexa were in a relationship and breaking the rules. He settled for only a nod to acknowledge Jon’s regret.

  Loki reentered the room and reported, “We have delivery company names for two of three. Tia is calling them for details on the sender. The last one, who delivered the flowers, the courier wore street clothes with no company logos or name tags. I started his image running through facial recognition.”

  Turning to Dan, Loki’s contrite demeanor spoke as loudly as his words. “I’m so sorry I overreacted. You would never treat Lexa disrespectfully. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Though he didn’t feel like smiling, Dan did, to set Loki at ease. “Nothing to forgive. The message ticked me off too.” His eyes moved to the mess he made of the roses. “I’ll grab a broom and trash bin.” Dan strode out before anyone could stop him, needing a moment alone to recompose himself.

  Lexa’s Home – 7:55 p.m.

  Frustrated, but also touched by the guys’ protectiveness, Lexa stalked her kitchen, still wearing her TRF uniform. Her eyes landed on Dan, also still in uniform as were Loki, Ray, Bram, Jon, and Boss, and she noted his clenched jaw. “What’s on your mind?” she asked as she handed him a soda can.

  Dan set the can on the counter. “Same as yours. Who the hell is watching you and why did they send a note with a teammate’s initials? Are they trying to create a rift?” Although it registered on the team, D.B. could’ve meant either him or Loki, with a measure of certainty Dan assumed it involved him.

  “Yeah,” she breathed out in a long sigh as her eyes rolled to the ceiling. She puffed out her cheeks and let loose another heavy exhale. Today had been par for Valentine’s Day. Soon after Tia spoke to both couriers, one confirming the sender of the envelope to be Duke, the person who sent the chocolate unknown since the purchase was made on a website with a prepaid card, they received the first of non-stop calls.

  Unfortunately, facial recognition did not flag the third delivery man, so they were back at square one … or more likely square zero. As a result, her teammates insisted on being at her home when Duke arrived. They came directly from their last critical call, from dealing with a man who went nuts after finding out the daughter, his miracle child, was not even his.

  The wife slept with another man to become pregnant so they would be a family. Sadly, the call didn’t end well. Once the distraught man calmed down, he left vowing to seek a divorce and never to return. The woman then tried to commit suicide, and Ray scarcely stopped her before she attempted to plunge a knife into her stomach. The baby was now in foster care while the mother received treatment.

  Nick entered the kitchen, and his eyes scanned both Lexa and Dan. Today started out awful for both of them, and he had no chance to check on either of them as the day progressed … a typical February fourteenth for TRF.

  He smiled and said, “I commend you both for your exceptional professionalism today. We had a rough start, and we still need to figure out what is going on, but the two of you … well done. I appreciate the way you kept your heads in the game.”

  Both nodded, neither about to tell Boss that thoughts of this morning were never far from the forefront. Although they each suspected Boss realized that already. The doorbell prevented them from having to respond. Per an unspoken agreement, all the guys followed Lexa to the front door and stood as silent sentinels while she opened her door to greet Duke.

  Lexa chose to open the portal fully allowing visibility to her entire team as she spoke. “Hi, Duke.”

  Dressed in a suit, holding a pine tree seedling in a little clay pot, Duke’s smile faded to be replaced with confusion as he peered at seven constables decked out in full tactical gear. “Lexa?”

  “Come in. I have some questions for you.” She stepped back as her pack of guard dogs created a tunnel for Duke to pass through.

  The hard gazes from six men caused the hairs on the back of Duke’s neck to raise, and he hesitated at the threshold. “Is something wrong?”

  “We’ll talk inside.” Lexa’s gaze swept the neighborhood, not seeing anything out of the ordinary, yet still feeling creeped out someone had been shadowing her long enough to know what she bought at the store.

  After running the gauntlet, Duke waited in the entryway as Lexa closed her door. She motioned to follow her and seven men did. Lexa waved to a chair. “Take a seat.”

  Still rattled, Duke held out the little tree. “Here, this is for you. I know you hate to murder flowers, so I thought this would be better.” When she didn’t take the offering, he sat awkwardly holding it in his lap.

  Loki turned away, unable keep the smile from his face, knowing he must appear intimidating. He got the impression this was not the guy stalking Lexa.

  His sapphire eyes taking in every single detail of the man before him, Dan did not read a bad vibe, though part of him wanted to throw away the damned tree, shove Duke out Lexa’s door, and shout at him, she’s my butterfly, but he remained quiet.

  Nick waited for Lexa to begin, allowing her to be in control of the situation. He glanced at his men and noted four stern countenances and Loki’s amused one. He understood what caused Loki’s demeanor, Duke didn’t appear threatening, but he would reserve judgment for now because some of the worst mass murderers seemed like regular, unassuming folks.

  Lexa said, “What all did you arrange to be delivered to my work today?”

  Puzzled, Duke shrugged. “The note.”

  “Nothing else?”

  “No. Why?” Duke focused on Lexa instead of the sets of blue, brown, and gray eyes burning holes in him.

  “Did you send chocolates?” Lexa studied his body language.

  Duke grinned. “Thought about it. You love chocolate, but I didn’t think you would like that kind of attention at work. A little invite to dinner is subtler and more your style.”

  Blowing out a breath, Lexa addressed Boss. “I believe him. He can go.”

  Nick nodded. �

  “Go? I thought we would be having dinner. I made a reservation.”

  Taking pity on the man, Nick said, “Not tonight. Thank you for being cooperative. I’ll see you out.”

  “Out? Lexa, what’s going on?” Duke planted his feet refusing to be brushed off and booted without an explanation.

  Jon stepped forward, his frown evident. “The lady asked you to leave.”

  Having about enough of the inquisition, Duke said, “No she didn’t, Lexie said I could go, not that I had to go. And Lexa is quite capable of taking care of herself. She doesn’t need you to be a protective jerk … she had four older brothers who fit that bill.” Setting down the pine, Duke peered at Lexa. “We’re friends. What the hell is going on?”

  Lexa turned back to Duke. “Someone is stalking me, and I don’t have a damned clue who or why.”

  Duke’s mouth gaped. “Damn. Anything I can do?”

  She put a hand on his arm. “No.” An amused smile formed. “My pack has my back. Their barks are worse than their bites though.”

  “Hey, I resemble that remark,” Loki chimed in as Lexa broke the tension.

  “Sorry, Duke. Not tonight. It is best if you go now,” Lexa said.

  “Okay. If you need anything, you have my number, call anytime.” He glanced at the table. “Keep the seedling. I hope you catch whoever is causing you problems.”

  After Duke left, Lexa sighed and turned to the team. “You all can leave now. I’ll set my alarm.”

  Loki shook his head and knew only he could get away with what he was about to say without receiving bruised biceps. “I’m staying tonight. I’ll take the couch. We can rent a movie and pig out.”

  Dan’s brows raised as he waited for Lexa’s response. Any plans he had with Lexa went down the tubes when they determined she had a stalker. They would have to be extra careful. And he planned to become an invisible black panther until he caught the bastard … not that he would share his plans with the team.

  In the end, they decided Loki and Boss would stay, while the rest of them would leave. Ray, Bram, and Jon headed for home. However, Dan’s plans differed substantially from theirs. He would go to his apartment, change clothing, grab his night scope and new Remi, then return and take up overwatch on Lexa’s place.

  Welcome to My Parlor Said the Spider


  February 20

  TRF HQ – Dispatch Desk – 5:55 p.m.

  Dan came to a stop between the dispatcher’s desk and the conference room. Not her again. Crap, why doesn’t she get the message I’m not interested? He plastered on a disinterested face since pleasantry didn’t work in the last eight days. A stray thought ran through his weary and frustrated mind. I might not be able to find Lexa’s stalker, but mine is standing in front of me.

  “Lorelei, what are you doing here?” Dan’s tone a tad acidic, not one he typically used with women, but he refrained from adding again to the end of his question.

  Catching Dan’s tone as he walked to the briefing room, Jon halted out of view but within hearing range. Never heard Dan speak in that way to any woman before, let alone one as hot as the councilwoman.

  “Well if you answered your phone when I rang, I wouldn’t need to swing by,” she replied.

  How about I will stop ignoring your calls if you cease calling twenty times each day? Dan didn’t voice his thoughts, and instead crossed his arms and glared at her. “Been busy!”

  “You have days off,” Lorelei retorted.

  “Other things needed my attention.” Truth as far as Dan was concerned, but he would not share what he did with anyone. Lying in wait on rooftops all hours of the day near Lexa’s place failed to net the stalker. It only left him exhausted from double duty and minimal sleep, but he refused to leave Lexa unprotected, and he survived on less sleep than this for years.

  “Dan, I’m gonna be straight, I don’t like playing games. I want more than a one-night stand. We both enjoyed our tryst in the hot tub.”

  Jon’s brows rose overhearing them.

  Given he was at work, Dan did not comment on the fact their one sexual encounter was twelve years ago when he was only seventeen. “Lorelei, I explained everything to you at the restaurant. I don’t want a long-term relationship, all I can offer is a casual friendship.”

  Dan sidestepped any mention of Lexa in their dinner at Jarmal’s, but Lorelei remained persistent with her innuendos and blatant desire to pick up from their night at the ski resort. The memory of his first time was a little tarnished now since Lorelei would not take no for an answer. Though perhaps she had always been the type to tenaciously go after what she desired, he honestly didn’t know this woman. She initiated sexual contact in the jacuzzi, and as a hormone-fueled teen, he didn’t question her motives, only enjoyed the experience.

  “So that’s it? One night is all I get?” Lorelei complained.

  Dan cocked his head to the side and arched a brow. “I was upfront and clear when we were together on the twelfth. I would appreciate it if you would not come by the station again and quit phoning me and leaving messages.”

  “What? Am I not good enough for you?” Lorelei didn’t like being denied what she set out for, and Dan was in her sights. She spied the petite officer. Anger made Lorelei lash out as she pointed to the auburn-haired constable. “Is she your type? Are you too busy banging her?”

  Jon noted Lexa’s surprised expression as she stopped dead. He wished he could see Dan’s face, but the sniper’s tone was unmistakably annoyed.

  At a loss for how to make Lorelei quit her pursuit, Dan spoke unkindly, hoping to shock her into her senses. “That’s enough, Lorelei. What we shared … the one night is all you’ll ever get from me. I’m not interested in more and I made my position abundantly clear. Too many women and not enough time to sample them all. Now, leave, or I’ll have you escorted out.”

  Lexa’s jaw dropped, and she spotted Jon, whose countenance likely mirrored her shock. Dan never treated women disrespectfully. Something must’ve set him off, though she wouldn’t know because they decided to take a hiatus with the potential shadow which resulted in not having a single moment alone with him in the past six days.

  When Lorelei didn’t take the hint, hell, not a hint an outright smackdown, Dan strode for the stairs, leaving her standing all alone.

  Long, shapely legs with feet ensconced in three-inch heels, clickety-clacked on the tiles as Lorelei huffed to the elevator. I’ll have my revenge. I’m changing my vote to no on extra TRF funding.

  Gathering herself, Lexa peered at Jon. “That wasn’t pleasant. Perhaps I should check on Dan?”

  Jon nodded. “Yeah, better you than me. I’d probably bite his head off for speaking so crudely to a woman.”

  TRF HQ – Rooftop – 6:10 p.m.

  Lexa pushed open the rooftop door and spotted Dan. His body language screamed agitation as he kept raking one hand through his hair as he stomped seven steps one way, pivoted, and took seven the other direction, repeating the process on a continual loop. She noted Dan had been deteriorating in the past week. The dark circles under his eyes made a comeback, and so too his closed-off soldier demeanor.

  “I know you’re there, Lexa.” Dan ceased moving to gaze at the woman he cared about more than any other person on this earth. His frustration at being unable to keep her safe eating away at him day and night.

  “Hey, thought I would …,” she let the door shut, “check to see if you are alright.”

  “Yeah, no, yeah,” he couldn’t lie to her, “hell no.” Dan’s body sagged, and he leaned on the air vent.

  Moving forward, Lexa halted next to him and shoved her hands into her pockets, chilled in the early evening air. Her gaze scanned the city, noting lights turning on as the twilight began to shift closer to darkness. “What was that all about down there?” she asked casually.

  Dan blew out a breath, and his eyes moved to Lexa’s. He had no private moment to tell her. “I took the councilwoman to Jarmal’s. Figured I cou
ldn’t turn her down in front of the guys because, well, you understand why.”

  “Yeah. Would seem strange.” Lexa smiled at Dan. “Go on.”

  Nodding Dan said, “Met her at a ski resort when I was a teen … hadn’t seen her since. Not until the tour.” Dan decided to leave out the details of his first sexual encounter, Lexa wouldn’t want to hear those anyways. “At dinner, it became evident she wanted to pick up where we ended … and, well, I couldn’t tell her I was with you, so I said we could be friends.

  “She spent the entire time dropping hints … well, if you ask Jarmal, they were more than hints. I told her I didn’t desire a relationship. Don’t think she possesses the ability to accept the answer no for something she wants.”

  Lexa chuckled. “And Lorelei wants you.”


  “She has excellent taste,” Lexa quipped to help reset Dan’s mood.

  The first grin in days came to his face. He missed the easy conversation and the way Lexa soothed him by being nearby. “Did anyone else overhear how rudely I spoke to her?”

  Lexa tilted her head and bit her lip as she scrunched up her face

  “So that is a yes. Who?” Dan hoped it was not Bram.


  Dan rubbed the back of his neck. “Just my damned luck.”

  “Well, might be beneficial. Kinda established you are a one-night stand guy. Helps with keeping our dating secret. He won’t expect you to maintain a relationship. And it lends credence to Ray’s and Loki’s belief you date a lot of women.”

  Dan nodded. “There is that, but Jon already tends to think the worst of me for some reason. This will solidify it in his mind. Things are complicated enough with him … I’ll never understand what makes him tick.”

  Not ready to share her thoughts on the situation … Dan and Jon appear to share many traits … she said, “What’s with your raccoon eyes? Sleeping?”

  “Not much,” Dan confessed without details.

  “Wanna talk about it?” Lexa wondered if he suffered from nightmares again since they failed to find a way to be together without the possibility of being caught. He tended to sleep through the night when sharing a bed with her.


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