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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 60

by Laura Acton

  “Not really.” And that was the truth. Dan understood Lexa’s independent streak would balk and result in anger towards him if he shared he maintained overwatch every night.

  Her hand laid on his bicep, the first touch they shared in too long. “I’m always available if you decide talking will help.” Heat zinged through her, and she pulled away as desire surged, tempting her to kiss him here and now. “Don’t stay outside long. It is cold.”

  As Lexa started to walk away, Dan said, “Wonder if she is vindictive?”

  Lexa halted. “Who? Lorelei?”


  “What concerns you?”

  Dan blew out a breath. “She is on the council. Gambrill’s pet project for more training relies on getting votes from them to expand funding. I might’ve screwed things up.”

  Taking a step back to him, Lexa smiled. “Give Gambrill a heads up of sorts. You don’t need to go into sordid details, only key him in so he can do the political dancing he does so well. Your godfather won’t hold anything against you … as he wouldn’t if any of us were in your shoes.”

  “Thanks, Lexa.” His internal turmoil settled to a low roar.

  “Anytime.” She started for the door again, wishing for some sign of the stalker. Her own rest had been more fitful lately due to the combination of worrying about who might be lurking, but primarily because she missed her warm, human pillow. I want to deal with this creep, so Dan and I can resume being together, we both need this off our backs.

  After the metal door closed, Dan turned his head to peer at the lights, letting the breeze calm him more. His eyes shut, and he locked his legs, preparing for a short standing nap … a skill he developed in Afghanistan with much practice.

  Gambrill’s Home – 8:00 p.m.

  Harriet cleared the table with Walter’s help. Her husband had been quiet at supper, and she didn’t pressure him to converse. Setting the plates in the sink, she said, “I spoke with Yvonne today. Her efforts for the Lighthouse are meeting with enormous success.”

  Distracted, Walter rinsed the plate and dried it as Harriet handed it to him after washing. “At least someone is having success.”

  “What does that mean?” She stopped and turned to Walter.

  “I’ve got two officers dealing with unwanted attention. One known and one unknown. Dan stopped by my office today. One of the councilwomen who attended the tour is hounding him, and he is worried she might withhold a yes vote on the funding because he rejected her advances.”

  Harriet asked, “Which council member?”

  “Ms. Ravenswood. Evidently, Dan met her long ago, and she found out he works for TRF. Her tour request makes more sense now.”

  “How so?”

  “At the time I didn’t think anything of it, and it worked perfect with Dan being on light duty, but she asked for the visit to include a demo from our best shooter, so the other members had an opportunity to witness what proper training produced. In hindsight, as I review her behavior during the event, she appeared quite aggressive and took every chance to monopolize Dan’s time.”

  Harriet nodded. “He’s always been a girl magnet. I recall Yvonne telling me some of what Bella shared with her while Dan attended high school. You assured him you wouldn’t hold anything against him if she votes no, right?”

  Walter chuckled. “Yes, dear.”

  Her expression became thoughtful. “You said two officers are being harassed. Who is the other one?”

  “Lexa McKenna received some deliveries on valentine’s day. Nick told me they almost made an error believing they came from Dan.” He went on to share the details and that they found no leads to identify the stalker. When Walter concluded, he pointed to the sink. “Let’s finish. How about an early night, my beautiful wife?”

  Harriet mulled over the information. After putting the last utensil in the rinse water, she said, “What if Ms. Ravenswood sent the gifts?”

  “Why do you suggest that?” Walter hung the dish towel on the hook.

  “Women’s minds can be scary things when they obsess on a guy. Logic can go out the window.” She beamed at Walter. “Remember the crazy stunts I pulled when I thought you were going to dump me?”

  “Ah yes, I do … damned glad I came to my senses.”

  Harriet draped her arms around his neck and kissed Walter. “Me too.”

  Outside Firefly Florist – 8:15 p.m.

  Ray sighed, Loki had been dragging him around on this wild goose chase for days now. “The place is closed. Can we go grab something to eat now?”

  The tinkle of a bell made Loki grin, and he turned back to the florist shop and produced a broad smile as he said, “Hi.”

  Tracey jumped but then grinned at the handsome man. “I’m sorry, but we closed at eight. You’ll need to come back when we open at seven.”

  Loki shook his head. “Not here to buy flowers. I hoped you might be able to help me with something.”

  Unsure what he wanted, Tracey peered past him and noted the other man. Worried they might do her harm, her hand slipped into her purse for her miniature airhorn. The blaring sound would startle them and give her the opportunity to run across the street to the bar.

  Ray flipped open his wallet to display his ID when he noted her uneasiness. “Ma’am, we mean no harm. We are police officers. I’m Ray Palomo, and this is my teammate Dante Baldovino.” He showed her his credentials.

  “What do you want?” Relaxing somewhat, Tracey released her hold on the airhorn.

  Loki reached into his pocket and withdrew the rude card. “We are searching for the shop which sent four dozen red roses to our teammate along with this card. Perhaps you possess records which might tell us who sent them?” Loki displayed the message.

  Her eyes diverted to the left as Tracey said, “Why are you asking?”

  “Because the sender may be stalking her and we need to speak with him,” Loki shared.

  “Or her,” Ray added out of the blue as the thought the stalker could be a woman too. Many ways ‘give you a hard ride you enjoy,’ can be construed and not all are sexual.

  “Oh, I don’t think he is a stalker, he was so happy to dote on her, and he is a constable also,” Tracey blurted out before she realized she said something when Mr. Broderick was so insistent it needed to remain secret.

  Loki’s eyes rounded. “So he bought them here?”

  Sighing Tracey nodded. “Yes.”

  “Do you recall his name or what he looks like?” Ray was surprised. Loki’s idea to canvas every single florist shop in Toronto netted results after six days of effort calling and trudging to so many shops he lost count.

  “Yes. His blue eyes interested me. Never seen a color that deep blue before … almost sapphire. Golden blond hair in a short, spiky style. Gorgeous as the day is long and a fantastic, bright smile which charmed me. His name was Broderick.”

  Loki’s jaw dropped as he turned to Ray, not quite believing what the woman shared. “Dan did send them after all. He lied to us.”

  Not willing to allow Loki to make a mistake again, Ray put a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “No jumping to conclusions. Do you still have the photos on your phone you took at Dan’s birthday party?”

  “Yeah.” Loki fumbled in his pocket and tugged out his cell. He opened his photo app and brought up a grinning snapshot of Dan unwrapping a gift. “Is this the man who bought the flowers?”

  Tracey studied the picture. “He is quite handsome, and the eyes are almost the same, but no that isn’t the guy who came into my store. The skin tone is wrong this one is too pale. The other guy was tanner. It is why his eyes popped out at me. Thought he might be of Hispanic origin by his coloring, but his eyes indicated otherwise. I decided he must be one of those guys who likes those tanning booths.”

  Relief washed through both Loki and Ray for a moment … not Dan. But then they realized the subject used Dan’s name. Ray said, “How did you know he was a constable?”

  “I glimpsed his badge in his wallet w
hen he paid.” Tracey’s stomach knotted. “He isn’t a cop?”

  “Do you have surveillance cameras?” Loki inquired.


  “How did he pay?” Ray wished every business used cameras.

  “Cash. He said that way she wouldn’t be able to find out how much he spent on her because she is frugal.”

  Loki began scanning the area, and when he spotted several potential businesses with cameras and an ATM across the street, he turned back to the shopkeeper. “What day and time did this person come in?”

  “Um, well, on the twelfth, but as to what time, I couldn’t say except sometime after ten. That is when I came in. We were so busy I scarcely had time to breathe.”

  “Can you recall what he wore?” Ray queried.

  Tracey’s hands went up and waved as she shrugged. “Sorry, can’t. A jacket, dark color, black, perhaps navy. I focused on his face mostly. And I helped so many customers they all blended.”

  Loki pulled out a card with his name and the number to TRF. “If you recall anything else which might assist us in identifying this man, please call.”

  “I will.” Tracey tucked the card in her purse, finished locking up, and strode to her car.

  Patting Loki’s back Ray grinned broadly. “Well, Inspector, what next?”

  “Talking to Boss about obtaining video from neighboring businesses. If we’re lucky, we might nail this impersonating troublemaker.”

  House Across from Lexa’s Home – 11:45 p.m.

  Rubbing his gritty eyes, Dan took a short break from scanning the area. Loki’s call earlier set his teeth on edge. Someone had been watching them and went so far as to pretend to be him when ordering the damned flowers. He chuckled, Loki cared as much about Lexa as him … differently but no less fiercely. He had not realized Loki dragged Ray around digging for details, but he should have.

  None of Alpha Team possessed a clue of his nocturnal activities, and Dan determined to keep them unaware, or he would likely suffer Lexa’s wrath, and potentially ruin things between them. The only positive part to his day, Blaze’s call right after he spoke to Gambrill about Lorelei tonight.

  He shared with Blaze what occurred and what he decided to do, and Blaze informed him the residence across the street from Lexa’s remained vacant, and they used it as their command post while providing cover for the team. At least now he would not be shivering every night as he maintained overwatch.

  Dan poured another cup of coffee, he lived on the stuff now, and settled back to observe the monitors of the cameras he installed tonight … another suggestion from Blaze via Winds. Another chuckle escaped. I might be considered a stalker now.

  If Loki’s idea to scan available video footage proved fruitful, Dan would be able to grab a full night’s rest rather than only catnaps. He downed another gulp of his coffee and occupied his mind by culling through the listing of potential subjects who may want to target him or Lexa.

  He no longer believed this to be associated with his days as a soldier … too indirect. Dan pondered whether this could be related to Settimo Bewick. The guy became enraged with both of them after the dunking in the pool at the Christmas party, and Settimo might hunger for revenge. Knowing Bewick was a member of the Cignotti family, Dan realized the jerk would possess resources to carry out his desires while in prison.

  Then there was the Blooddrop Crew tie to Tapia, the attack on Loki in the hospital, and the lineman at Amedeo Systems. Although Detective Sanchez said no connection with the BDC gang existed, the officer might not be aware of everything linked to them.

  Adding in all the calls the team had been on since he joined TRF, the list became too long to begin to choose someone who might want to enact a twisted form of vengeance on them. “Damn, what a tangled web of secrets, deceit, and revenge. Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly.”

  Dan blew out a breath and took another sip of his liquid sleep-substitute. “Hope I’m the spider and not the fly when all is said and done.”

  Not Fooling Everyone


  March 4

  TRF HQ – Gym – 5:30 a.m.

  “Dano, late night again?” Jon scrutinized Dan as the sniper half-heartedly punched the heavy bag. He noted the ever-darkening circles under Dan’s eyes. As tactical lead, Jon had a responsibility to ensure everyone was fit for duty. Though with Dan, he misstepped so often Jon vowed to go slower with him and try new ways of dealing with the complicated ex-soldier.

  “What?” Dan realized Jon called his name, but didn’t catch the rest. He needed more shut-eye. Coffee and catnaps no longer cut it. After two and a half weeks of overwatch with minimal sleep, his body needed to recharge.

  To hide his growing concern over the source of Dan’s deterioration, reminiscent of last May’s anniversary of Brody’s death, though still two months away, Jon went with humor, using Lexa’s taunt from a few weeks ago. “As headmaster, I might sever your head for partying so hard on school nights.”

  Needing to conceal his real nocturnal activities, Dan gave Jon a self-depreciating grin. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Loki glanced at Ray. “Dantastic must have a new lady. He keeps blowing us off. Dan, you’re coming to movie night tonight, right?”

  With Lexa heading to Montreal today, and with no way to protect her, Dan decided to use the time to crash and catch up on sleep. Being non-committal, he only shrugged in response.

  Slowing the treadmill down, Ray laughed. “I would blow you off too if I had all the hot women Dan attracts.”

  Loki clasped his hands to his heart with a fake grunt of pain. “You wound me.” He then waggled his brows. “Maurita wouldn’t like you saying that.”

  As they exercised, banter flew as the guys ribbed Ray about how Maurita wrapped him around her finger and when wedding bells might be ringing.

  TRF HQ – Locker Room – 6:55 a.m.

  Almost dressed, only buttoning his uniform shirt, Loki sat on the bench near Dan who stood by the open locker. “Okay, do tell. Who is she? She’s gotta be special for you to be dragging in here the last few weeks. Is it the councilwoman?”

  Dan didn’t shift his gaze from his top shelf as he put his deodorant away and thoughts of Lorelei flittered through his mind. The woman finally stopped calling after his rude set down. He was not proud of his words, but they netted him the results he desired. Dan rapidly replaced those thoughts with ones of Lexa, causing a grin to grow. Sexy Lexie is more than special. She is my beauty of life. Realizing he must answer Loki, Dan shrugged and carefully couched his response in the truth, “No not Ravenswood, but I had an interesting time.”

  “Interesting? Is that all you’re gonna say?” Loki pestered.

  “Yep.” Dan turned to Loki and flashed a smile to keep up his ruse.

  Ray closed his locker and chuckled at Loki’s doggedness. “No matter how much you badger Dan for details, he won’t tell you anything.”

  Bram smiled as he tied his boot. “Loki, time for you to find a date of your own and stop trying to live vicariously through Dantastic’s love life.”

  Loki harrumphed. “I date, thank you very much. I only want to ensure Dan is dating the right kind of lady.”

  So, Dan’s fatigued state is related to his dating. A bit relieved it was not due to despondency, Jon recalled Dan’s comment, too many women and not enough time, and the chat he had with Lexa after she sought Dan out. Lexa revealed the councilwoman harassed Dan to the point of stalking him after he candidly explained to her he didn’t want anything more than a casual friendship.

  Jon interpreted this to mean the rookie only wanted one-night stands, notches in his belt, perhaps building a harem as he played the field without commitments with numerous women. Okay for some guys, but not the way Jon rolled. Ladies deserve to be treated as more than sexual objects.

  “Well, if his groupies are keeping Dano up so late he drags his sorry ass in here half-dead, he is most likely going out with his type of woman. Though,” after taking a glance at the
worn-down sniper, Jon added, “I believe you should take a night or two off. They might be willing to warm your bed, but I highly doubt they have your best interest in mind.”

  Dan hated this part of the persona he maintained to keep his and Lexa’s relationship secret. I am not a womanizer. In the past, in Halifax, I went through a phase and enjoyed time with many willing ladies, but I’m not Sinner anymore. I want to be more like Brody’s Saint … I found my Miss Right. Dan reached behind him to shut the locker and leaned against the metal. “I’m good to go, Jon. No worries.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried,” Jon responded with an arch of his brow. I am unsettled, but I’m not going to confront you head-on this time.

  Though troubled himself at Dan’s deteriorating physical state, Bram kept things light this morning by quipping, “No, he is jealous. Us old, married men with kids can’t party hardy ‘til the wee hours of the morn.”

  Jon shook his head. “No not jealous either. Dan understands the consequences I dole out when anyone comes in unprepared. Though, now that I think on it, with Dan spending so much time with the ladies that he doesn’t sleep enough, perhaps I should become his social secretary. Just sayin’.”

  Everyone chuckled, as Nick said, “Alright, boys, briefing in five minutes.”

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 7:00 a.m.

  Nick scanned his team minus Lexa. The next four days would be all-boys. He wondered how ribald the jokes would become without Lexa’s presence. He hoped she enjoyed the week-long training and the break from worrying about the stalker they had yet to identify or apprehend. Gambrill changed her transport. Originally ticketed to fly with one airline, he switched to another whose policies allowed her to travel armed. They all comprehended Lexa could take care of herself, but that didn’t lessen their apprehension.

  He started the briefing going through the routine business and ended with, “No bread and butter today. We’ll spend an hour or so on inventory and equipment checks before making today a patrol day. Let’s mix things up with pairings. Loki and Jon, Bram and Ray, and Dan you’re with me.”


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