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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

Page 61

by Laura Acton

  Nick’s reasoning, which he kept to himself, was he needed to check on Dan. Something appeared seriously wrong, and although he laughed and chuckled along with the rest, Nick didn’t buy for one second Dan’s appearance resulted from a string of late-night dates. He would use today to gently probe, hoping to gain insight and head off a potential disaster.

  The team stood and reluctantly ambled out. No one liked doing inventory, though all the guys, except Dan, smiled, happy they would not be the one counting ammo. The monotonous chore still belonged to Dan alone for his stunt at the Kolff building.

  Beaming, Loki patted Dan’s back as they rounded the table. “I would rather be in the workshop with Lexa instead of counting casings.”

  Yawning, Ray came up behind his teammates, a little tired himself today, yet in a brilliant mood after spending an evening with Maurita. Last night she agreed to move here so they could be together more often. “Same here. Though I about nodded off in the fundamental principles, procedures, and techniques of law refresher course I attended last month. Tallying ammo is more exciting than sitting through a boring class.”

  Bram snickered and fell into step with them. “We might be adding that class to Dan’s unacceptable nap locations list.”

  Dan rolled his eyes, though exhausted and not looking forward to his chore he enjoyed being with the team. “Well, I’m not due for that course for six months. I’ll go to bed early and load up on coffee before going.”

  Jon grinned and slapped Dan on the back. “After all your late nights recently, you better not let me catch you nodding off counting the ammo.”

  “Copy,” Dan said with a chuckle before finishing his third cup of coffee, hoping Jon had not foretold the future. I need to invest in some toothpicks to keep my eyes open today. I’m gonna sleep like the dead tonight.

  SUV Patrolling – Bram and Ray – 8:15 a.m.

  Bram noted Ray’s extra happiness and distraction this morning as his teammate stared out the passenger window. Needing a break from his thoughts on Dan, he said, “What’s on your mind?”

  Ray flashed a smile as he muted his headset and motioned to Bram to do likewise. After Bram did, he said, “Can you keep a secret?”

  “Well, yeah …”

  “I asked Maurita to move in with me last night.”

  “Wow. We joked about how serious you are with her, but I didn’t truly think things progressed that far. What did she say?”

  “She agreed to relocate to Toronto but wants to rent her own place.”

  “Huge change for her from Jamaica, not only climate but culture. Think her family will support her choice, or try to talk her out of moving.” Bram thought about his parents and how much he wished they still lived here instead of Antwerp, video calls weren’t the same as having them close by.

  “Her mother will, but her brothers might be a different story. They are quite protective of all their sisters.” Ray peered out the window. “Like we are with Lexa.”

  Letting the Lexa part drop, though as worried as the rest about her, Bram said, “Understandable. So when is the big day?”

  “No clue, still working up the nerve to ask her.”

  The words didn’t jibe with Bram. “You said you talked about it.”

  Ray chuckled. “Um, yeah … that part. She’s moving next month.”

  A broad grin spread across Bram’s face as he put things together. He turned to Ray as he came to a stop at a light. “So, when do you plan on popping the question?”

  Ray grinned as Bram figured out his slip up. “Don’t tell anyone. I haven’t even told Loki. We’ll see how she likes living here, but soon I hope.”

  “Alpha Team hot call,” Tia informed the team via their headsets.

  SUV Patrolling – Jon and Loki – 8:15 a.m.

  “How about we cruise the area by the Firefly Florist today,” Loki suggested.

  Jon glanced at the techie. “Why?”

  Loki raked back the flopping piece of hair as he peered at Jon. “Cause I want to see if more businesses might have cameras.”

  “You reviewed all the video a dozen times from the surrounding shops. None of them provide any angle which shows the florist entrance.” Jon understood Loki’s frustration, felt it himself, but technology failed to provide them answers this time.

  “Maybe I missed something,” Loki grumbled.

  “You didn’t. We’ve run past this area four times while patrolling.” Jon caught the pursing of Loki’s lips. “And I assume you’ve roamed the neighborhood on your off hours too.”

  No sense in denying it, Loki replied, “Yeah. But …”

  “But you want to go again.”


  “Alright, but this is the last time. I want to catch the stalker as much as you, but spinning our wheels rehashing the same dead ends won’t produce the results we want.”

  Tia’s voice interrupted whatever Loki planned on responding.

  SUV Patrolling – Nick and Dan – 8:15 a.m.

  Riding in the passenger seat, Nick assessed Dan closer and selected his words with care after muting both their headsets. “I’ll be direct with you, Dan. It is clear to me you are not sleeping, and I sincerely doubt it is due to ladies. If you need time off to deal with something, just say the word.”

  Dan wondered when Boss would approach him. He was not ignorant of his physical appearance and Nick would not be easily fooled. Dan didn’t want to lie to him, so he said the only thing he believed safe, “I can do my job. I won’t let the team down.”

  “Not a matter of letting us down. Your health is important.”

  “I promise to sleep more this week.”

  Nick noted the specific timeframe and something clicked in his head as he put together Dan’s protective nature and the threat against Lexa. He decided to voice his thought and gauge the reaction. “Dan, Lexa is capable of taking care of herself. She will be upset if she finds out you have been watching over her and neglecting your own health.”

  The tightening of Dan’s jaw told Nick he struck pay dirt. As Tia alerted them to a critical call, Nick had to shift gears, but he would address Dan’s issue later. He unmuted and said, “Give me the details, Tia.”

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 7:45 p.m.

  Six exhausted men made their way to the conference room. Today had been non-stop. Each of them had been pushed to their physical limits, but they would count this day as a win … everyone went home safe.

  Their first call, a suspected kidnapping, turned out to be a lack of communication between parents who couldn’t stand to be in the same room. Their verbal sniping tested all the team’s patience not to throw their hands up or knock two heads together. The parents behaved worse than children.

  The situation resolved when they located the kids with the nanny at Wacky Willy’s Wildness. Both parents forgot they agreed to allow their babysitter to take them there to celebrate young Michael’s straight A report card.

  Though their second call was less frustrating, it was more demanding physically, particularly for Dan. He chased a subject for two miles. The pursuit stopped when the robbery suspect and Dan went over an embankment and rolled down a steep ravine. The man broke his leg, requiring Dan to help haul him up with the aid of rappelling ropes after the medics arrived.

  They headed for the outskirts of the city to a rural area for the third call where Loki, Dan, and Ray all ended up running for their lives. A disgruntled rancher held his boss at gunpoint demanding a larger severance payout, but when TRF arrived, he ran to the corrals. Dan, Ray, and Loki went after him.

  The fleeing subject opened the corral gate which housed a Brahma bull and proceeded to shoot the bull in a fleshy part of its ass to anger the beast, hoping to facilitate his escape. The wounded bull charged his three guys.

  Jon and Bram hated to fire, but both took lethal action when the massive animal almost gored Loki. The happy-go-lucky techie would have been gutted if Dan had not flown at him and knocked both of them to the ground and out of the w
ay because a bullet doesn’t stop a raging 2,400-pound bull instantly. It is more like a freight train which continues forward when the engine is blown. On the way to the next call, there were a plethora of bull jokes as they all released the tension of the near miss on Loki’s life.

  Their last call required them to search a ten-story building for a supposed bomb. By that time, Loki had been so wiped out, he wasn’t even excited about the possibility of defusing an explosive. Bram and Dan started at the top and worked down clearing the building while Ray, Loki, and Jon worked their way up and Nick coordinated the scene.

  In the end, they found no device and Tia traced the source of the 911 call to a phone owned by an employee who worked in the building. They determined the threat to be a hoax, a swatter call, after interviewing the man and determining he lost his cell the day before and was with his wife at the hospital as she gave birth during the time the call was placed today.

  Nick scanned his team. Today ran them ragged. Bram sat in his chair with his head on the table on his folded arms. Ray and Loki both leaned as far back as possible in their seats without tipping over. Their faces mirror images of each other, utter fatigue. Jon slouched on the file case near the window while Dan stood in the back of the room with his arms crossed on his chest and his head down as he leaned against the wall.

  At first, Nick wondered why Dan chose to stand, but soon he realized it was probably the same reason he remained standing. If he sat now, he would likely fall asleep. With no energy to muster up thoughts of making or eating dinner, Nick was ready to fall into bed.

  Recognizing the team needed rest, Nick decided. “Alright, guys. We’re exhausted. Go home. We will debrief in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Boss.” Bram lifted his head sluggishly.

  Jon slid off the cabinet and said, “Bram, I’ll give you a ride home. You’re not awake enough to drive safely.”

  It was almost too much effort, but Bram grinned. “Thanks.”

  Ray leaned forward and used the table to push himself up. “Come on, Loki.”

  “Can’t get up.” Loki continued to lean back, not wanting to move. He ached all over from Dan’s tackle but would take that over being dead any day.

  “Come on, buddy. I’ll help.” Ray reached out a hand.

  As Loki rose, he said. “So much for movie night. I’m gonna crash as soon as I get into my room.”

  Nick studied Dan who had not moved. Per his word, Dan had not let the team down. Their sniper began his day exhausted, and Nick could only imagine how worn-out he must be at the moment. Nick never got a chance to talk with Dan about his nocturnal activities, but they were all too tired to address the issue now. Tomorrow would be soon enough

  Though, Nick did worry about Dan driving in his current condition, much like Jon did with Bram, so he made an offer, “Hey, Dan, how about I give you a lift home tonight.”

  Holding back for a response, when none came forth, Jon peered at Dan.

  “Did you hear me, Dan?” Nick started for the back of the room.

  Jon also moved towards Broderick when the rookie still did not respond. Bram, Loki, and Ray all stopped at the doorway and looked back. Something was amiss. Why was Dan not answering?

  Approaching Dan slowly, Nick inquired, “Are you okay?” Still no response.

  Jon arrived next to Nick. “Dano?”

  “Do you think he is asleep?” Nick asked Jon, believing his query to be somewhat out in left field, but Dan had napped in some interesting places.

  “No way, he’s standing.” Forgetting not to crowd or startle Dan, Jon placed a hand on Dan’s shoulder and shook hard as he said sharply, “Dan!”

  In less than a second Jon found himself flat on his back with Dan straddling his waist and Dan’s fists poised to strike.

  Dan pulled his punch at the last second, barely not hitting Jon. He stared down at his tactical lead’s shocked face. “Shit!” Dan swiftly got off Jon, stood, and backed away. His face turned bright red as he spotted Boss, and the others gaping at him. Shit, I almost struck my teammate.

  Wearing an incredulous expression, Jon picked himself off the ground. “Broderick, what the hell was that about?” Jon snapped, heated and annoyed at being caught off guard and bested so fast.

  “Cool down, Jon. Dan, please explain,” Nick said taking control.

  Embarrassment kicked in, and Dan bit the bullet stating the truth. “I’m sorry, Jon. I didn’t intend to assault you, but when I’m startled awake, I tend to go straight to attack mode.”

  “You were actually snoozing?” Jon’s countenance morphed into disbelief.

  “Yeah, sorry. Today was long and exhausting. Didn’t mean to doze off.”

  Loki laughed. “You can sleep standing?”

  At the same time, Ray said, “How do you nap while standing?”

  Dan’s gaze moved from Loki to Ray, answering one then the other. “Yes, and training. In the field, I learned to grab forty winks anywhere, anytime.”

  “Well if that don’t beat all.” Bram chuckled.

  Jon wondered how the hell someone trained to sleep on their feet without falling. He grinned and slung his arm around Dan’s shoulders. “You do realize the briefing room just made it on the Unacceptable Nap Locations list.”

  A lopsided grin appeared on Dan’s face as he nodded, relieved Jon possessed a sense of humor regarding the occurrence. Also, glad to find out that his TL would not put him on report for almost striking him.

  Nick smiled. “Dan, I’m giving you a ride home because even if you can do it, driving while sleeping is not a smart idea.”

  Six dog-tired men shuffled towards the locker room. Five surprised by their rookie’s sleeping abilities. One looking forward to a decent night’s sleep.

  Protecting Alpha Team also produced six weary angels, but no one disputed Brody bore the brunt. Keeping Danny safe had been a supreme challenge. Wrapping his brother in his wings was the only thing which kept Danny from harm in the gulch and the sharp horn missed Danny by only a hairs-breath.

  Joseph floated near Jon but stared at Brody’s dirty wings, which also included many broken and missing feathers. “Buddy, you need to recharge. You kinda appeared ragged after the tumble down the ravine, but after the horned behemoth’s charge ...” he trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief.

  Brody stretched and noted his bedraggled appearance. “Yeah, I do. Janie, since Nick is giving Danny a ride, would you keep an eye on him for me, please?” When she agreed, Brody sighed and faded.

  Rainy Day Surprises


  March 11

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 7:00 a.m.

  Jon stood at the front as he concluded the briefing today, covering for Nick who was dealing with the third nail in his tire in a week and then would go to the airport to pick up Lexa. “So, with the lovely weather,” said with sarcasm because the forecast predicted nothing but miserable rain, “we will be staying here and putting in a little training. Boss and Lexa should arrive by nine.”

  A grin covered Dan’s face at the thought of Lexa returning. He devised a new plan after his conversation with Boss—no the man did not let him off the hook long, they spoke on the morning of the fifth, and he came clean about his overwatch activities. Dan only needed to talk with Lexa about it tonight, and he was confident she would agree … well, as sure as he could be with her independent streak.

  Bram glanced at Dan, catching the smile and noting the dark circles had all but disappeared. Whatever had been troubling Dan must’ve resolved and allowed him to sleep in the past week. He remained curious, but he learned not to pry. He understood Dan possessed many secrets, most he could never share due to their classified nature.

  “Sure hope Boss doesn’t pick up another nail. He’s had the worst luck lately,” Ray said.

  “Dude, you just jinxed him. If Boss runs over another one, it is your fault.” Loki joked before adding, “Can’t wait for Lexa to return. All boys is fun, but it isn’t the same without her.”

>   The sound of boots approaching caused all five men to turn to the entrance. Surprised, Dan immediately rose and came to attention, some behaviors so ingrained he only reacted as expected. Realizing his body’s movements, Dan consciously relaxed but kept his voice respectful. “Sir, what brings you here?”

  William grinned and shifted his rifle case on his shoulder. “Made you a promise. Merrill’s court martial ended yesterday. Guilty on all counts and going away for life. Thought tonight we might dial in your new Remi before I must head back to Afghanistan.”

  Dan’s plans had not included a night with his father, but if he was leaving the country, this might be his only opportunity for a long time. “I’d like that. Did Mom travel with you?”

  “Yes. She is visiting with Marabella and wants you to join us for dinner tonight.”

  “I’m not off until seven if we aren’t in a call. I won’t make it there before eight, and I must be up by four thirty tomorrow. I’ll need to make it an early night. Doesn’t give us much time for shooting.”

  “Well, in that case, we’ll plan on dinner only,” William said with a smile hiding his disappointment and not being able to go to the range with Daniel.

  Perceiving William’s attempt to reconnect with Dan, Bram suggested, “We planned on doing some training this morning. Dan, how about you run to your place and grab your Remi? I’m sure we would all like to witness a demonstration of two top snipers.” His gaze shifted to Jon and glimpsed a petulant expression, so he said, “Three … I think Jon might want to turn this into a little competition.”

  All three snipers brightened at the suggestion of competition on a dreary, rainy day and Jon said, “Go on Dan. I still have a box of golf balls in my locker. We’ll kill three birds with one stone … we train, we shoot golf, and you dial in your new rifle.”

  Dan grinned and offered, “Sir, would you like to ride along with Loki and me as we retrieve my Remi?”


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