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Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon)

Page 9

by A. M. Hargrove

  “I informed Maddie she could not see January, and she used Telekinesis to bind me to the ceiling. Then Rayn came in and she released me but he commanded me to be still.” I rubbed and shook my arms, trying to bring life back to them.

  “You were threatening my mate!” Rayn snarled.

  “Stop! You two are acting like children!” my father exclaimed.

  My father just shook his head, assessing the situation. “Maddie, my daughter, you know I have a terribly soft spot in my heart for you, but in this instance, you have no choice but to defer to Rykerian. He is leader here and his decision stands. You cannot see January at this time.”

  Then he turned to Rayn, and his eyes launched daggers at him. “Do not ever abuse your Power of Command again. Am I clear? Rykerian is your brother and when you enter this Compound, he is your leader and his rule stands. Do you honestly think he would harm your mate? He would give up his life for her Rayn!” Both my brother and his mate looked thoroughly chastised.

  They approached me and simultaneously began apologizing.

  “Maddie, there is a good reason you cannot see her. As I stated, her mind is very fragile. She is angry with me for saving her life. She will not discuss it and I am baffled by her behavior. But we need her assistance, and desperately so. It is so important that she regain her strength both physically and mentally, because she faces an important task ahead.”

  Maddie nodded her head in understanding. I could feel her thoughts trying to push their way into my mind and I gave her a dark look. She was not welcome there.

  “Down to the Command Center. All of you. Now!” my father ordered.

  My father, Rowan, was the Great Ruler of Vesturon. My brother Rayn, the first-born, is in training to someday assume that role. He recently united with his soul mate, Maddie, whom he met here on Earth during her rescue from a serial killer. Their attraction and subsequent bonding was instantaneous, as is common between Vesturions when they find their soul mates. At first, there were issues because at the time, it was believed that Maddie was human. Since then, we discovered she had Vesturion blood lines stemming from both of her parents, who died when she was quite young.

  Maddie and Rayn were a perfect match. Their relationship had not been easy for either of them. Rocky best described it. Eventually they learned to work things out between them and were now happily mated. You wouldn’t have to know them to see they shared an unbreakable bond of love. Rayn was handsome, with black hair and bright green eyes and his mate was beautiful in every sense of the word. Copper hair and eyes to match, she was a headstrong female. Rayn had met his match in her. His protective instincts went overboard where she was concerned.

  We all took our seats around the conference table in the Command Center. My father, Rayn, Maddie, Tesslar and myself were present.

  I had two other brothers, Therron and Xarrid, but they were on the planet Xanthus, helping to reestablish a ruling authority. The Xanthians had surrendered to us a few months ago after causing much havoc in the universe. My sister, Sharra, was off commandeering an armada of Star Fighters protecting susceptible planets from Xanthian rebels. It had been a difficult time lately, with all the fighting brought on by the Xanthians.

  “As you know, the Xanthian rebels have grown in numbers, to the point where we are deciding on whether or not to abandon creating a new governing authority for them. We are close to pulling Therron and Xarrid off Xanthus, for safety issues,” Father informed us.

  “It has gotten that bad then?” I wanted to know.

  “Rowan, I think it would be a good idea to remove them as soon as possible,” Maddie declared. She had dealt with the Xanthians in her role as ambassador and then again when they held Rayn captive. Maddie abhorred the Xanthians. She knew them to be liars and untrustworthy.

  “You may be right. But there is another issue blooming before us. Our strategists think there is a connection to this pandemic on Earth and the situation the Brutyns are facing.” I raised my eyes in question, as I was unaware with this situation. We looked at my father to continue.

  “The Brutyns are having an invasion of a genetically altered insect and it is consuming their gartha crops. If they don’t find a way to stop it, the whole planet is at risk. As you know, the Brutyns must ingest a special enzyme daily in order for their brains to function properly. Gartha is the only plant species where this enzyme can be found. This insect is destroying their gartha crops in record numbers and they cannot find a way to stop it. Their entire species faces extinction if this cannot be altered.” My father looked at each of us, mentally requesting our input.

  “This is terrible news! Who do you think is behind this?” I asked.

  “We have no proof, but we suspect it to be the Xanthians. We know they are desperate for Earth’s natural resources, specifically their fossil fuels. They have also coveted Brutyna’s resources, especially their furrilyum. They have stripped all the fossil fuels and furrilyum from Xanthus and need the aforementioned for their power sources. They realize they cannot continue to power their planet by chemical means, as they too will eventually be depleted. We have begun to think all of this pandemonium is at their hands.”

  Maddie was the first to react. “I say we destroy their planet. Total annihilation. Don’t leave anything behind. Then there will be nothing left to fuel and the Xanthians will no longer be a burr in our behinds.”

  My father’s jaw nearly hit the table while Rayn rolled his eyes and shook his head, trying to disguise his smile. Tesslar burst out laughing and I, well, I did not quite know what to say to that.

  “What? I think it’s a sound plan!” Maddie stated with conviction, her amber eyes ablaze.

  “Maddie,” Rayn began but my father held up his hand and interrupted him.

  “My daughter, we cannot play the Deity on this. We must rein them in, yes, and perhaps if we find proof we must punish them, but we cannot charge onto Xanthus and annihilate the entire planet. There are innocent Xanthians that know nothing of this,” Father patiently explained. He had such a tender heart where Maddie was concerned. If one of us had suggested that, he would have been brutal in his response. I chuckled. Everyone looked my way and I shrugged. No use explaining those thoughts.

  “How can we find out the truth?” Tesslar asked.

  “We have spies that are working on getting us the proof. In the meantime, we have to find a way to stop this terrible chain of events on both planets.”

  “What do you propose?” I ventured. I had some ideas I had been toying with in my mind. I ran a finger along the table’s edge, my thoughts wandering toward the CDC.

  “We have our scientists producing a vaccine for this disease on Earth. The samples that Julian took from January have panned out to be excellent sources for the vaccine. Her blood carried much more virus than is normally found, which lead them to another discovery.”

  I was not expecting my father to say what he was getting ready to tell us. We all sat there, waiting for him to continue.

  Chapter 6

  Father looked at me and then settled his gaze on Maddie. Arching a brow she said, “Well?”

  “Your January is Vesturion.”

  I was the first to jump to my feet, followed by Maddie. “You can’t be serious!” she exclaimed.

  “Oh, but I am, daughter of mine. Her blood is very rich with her Vesturion heritage. She has two distinct determinants, one human and one Vesturion.”

  “How can that be?” Maddie asked. Her fair skin had just lightened to an even paler shade of white.

  “Quite simple. I do believe one of her parents is from Vesturon.”

  “Bloody hell, Rowan. I know that. It was meant as a rhetorical question.” Maddie knotted her fingers, and lifted her eyes to Rayn. He shrugged. Then her eyes made it to me. I was at a loss.

  “Daughter, what can you tell us about her?” Rowan asked.

  Maddie was silent for a moment.

  “Not much really. January never spoke about her past. I always thought she had som
e dark, deep secret she didn’t want to disclose. She never spoke of her family, except for her little brother and sister. It was all very strange, now that I think of it,” Maddie concluded.

  Thoughts began pouring through my mind. She could see my aura. She was telepathic. Her strange eyes had bewitched me. I found them odd for human eyes. Now I knew the truth. I must have been projecting my thoughts because I lifted my eyes to see all occupants of the room staring at me.

  “When were you going to share this?” Father asked sardonically.

  “I…I was not thinking. My mind did not grasp it for what it was,” I lamely explained.

  “Apparently not,” he said drily.

  My father’s eyes bore into mine. Every thought became available for his inspection. I fidgeted with the onslaught of his invasion. My embarrassment over my feelings for January became evident as I felt myself flushing from head to toe. I rubbed my palms on my legs and stood. My eyes darted around the room, looking for a landing site but I was unsuccessful. I had to escape from this room. I strode to the door and made a hasty exit.

  I made it as far as the exit of the Command Center when I felt a hand on my arm. I glanced up to see Maddie.

  “It’s okay Rykerian. Please stop for a minute.”

  It was hard to refuse Maddie anything. I adored her…in a brotherly fashion. She was dear to me and I trusted her abjectly.

  “I am confounded over all of this Maddie.” I patiently explained the whole situation to her, beginning with the incident in January’s car to her acute dislike for me. “She hates me for saving her.”

  “I know you don’t want me to, but I need to see her Rykerian. Maybe I can find what’s troubling her. We were sort of close at one time. Maybe she hasn’t forgotten that, and perhaps I can help her with Vesturion heritage. I can help her adjust.”

  “You may be right.”

  We headed back to the conference room, me and my ruby-colored face and all. I filled my father in with all the details and we made a joint decision that Maddie would speak with January.


  January sat outside on the back terrace, wrapped in a blanket, sipping tea. This must be her favorite spot. I must remember this.

  Maddie squeezed my hand as we walked toward her. She gazed at the mountains in the distance and didn’t seem to notice our presence.

  “They’re lovely mountains, are they not? My friend Cat and I used to love to camp up there,” Maddie whispered.

  January slowly turned toward Maddie. Initially I thought I would see her smile. I was mistaken yet again. She stared at Maddie as her narrowed eyes turned into frosted chips of ice. Her frown deepened and her lips hardened into a thin line as she rose to her feet and closed the distance between us. The three of us stood together for a moment before she uttered a word.

  “I know I’m not hallucinating. My wits are completely here. I don’t have a fever anymore so you’re not a figment of my imagination, but reality…here in the flesh. So Maddie, what I would really would like to know is, what kind of cruel game are you playing?” she fumed.

  Maddie’s face fell, but she wasn’t giving up. “No game January. It’s me. Maddie. As you said, in the flesh.”

  “Who in the hell do you think you are?” she asked contemptuously, her voice quivering.

  Oh no! No, January, not this!

  Maddie was at a loss. I squeezed her hand to encourage her. Her pain was plainly seen in her eyes.

  “’s me, Maddie. The Maddie you roomed with at Western.”

  “Like hell you are!” she hurled back, shaking her head. “That Maddie would never have let us think she was dead. That Maddie couldn’t even walk! That Maddie would have called us to say she was okay. That Maddie would never have let Cat become suicidal. That Maddie would have shown up at the hospital to help Cat. That Maddie would never have let Cat suffer until her life was in shambles. So I have to ask you again. Who in the hell do you think you are?” January was trembling with rage.

  Maddie’s mouth opened and closed several times but she didn’t utter a sound.

  I thought I would attempt to help.

  “January, Maddie is only trying…” I got no further before she turned her rage on me.

  “Shut up! You’re just as bad as she is!” she spat. “You couldn’t leave well enough alone so you took it upon yourself to make a decision that wasn’t yours to make. Who are you despicable people that you can so randomly destroy people’s lives? Is this something you enjoy? Do you do it for fun?” Her scathing tone shattered my resolve.

  “Stop! Stop it this instant!” I thundered. “I am sick of your accusations. I am a Guardian. I vow to protect. I am sorry it was not known to me you had a death wish. I am sorry I did not realize you would be so ungrateful for what my people have done for you. But most of all, I am sorry you were mostly unconscious and could not verbalize that you wanted to be left in the forest to die. That is not my fault and I am sick to death of bearing the blame for seeing to it that you have life today. As for Maddie, she could not help what happened to her. She was not given the choice to go and visit your Cat and was unaware of what happened to her. She did not do this out of spite or cruelty. It simply happened. Now, if you are finished with your accusations and tirade, we will gladly depart from your presence.” I pulled Maddie to me; I placed my arm around her and tugged her toward the house.

  When we entered the back door, Rayn was there, pulling a sobbing Maddie into his arms. As I looked out the back window, I saw January’s shoulders quivering. She, too, was sobbing. I wanted so badly to go to her, to pull her into my arms and comfort her, but my wounded ego was too bruised and battered to do so. She had pierced my heart with her sharp words and I was ill equipped to deal with it.

  Chapter 7

  My feet carried me to the garage where I hopped aboard a speedster, a motorcycle-like vehicle that actually flew. I tore off into the air, praying the wind would wash away my pain. My gut felt like it had been ripped to pieces and my heart felt like a wrecking ball had crushed it. The pain of it all made it difficult to breathe. Higher and higher I soared, until the trees looked like dots along the horizon.

  I circled Balsam Mountain but it just wasn’t enough. Onward I flew and headed toward Mt. LeConte. The sun was beginning to sink in the distance, but my mind wasn’t grasping the beauty that lay before me. I was lost in my anguish and frustration. My hand tightened on the throttle while the other one squeezed the thruster. Faster…I had to go faster. I had to cleanse my mind from the pain.

  I can’t recall how much time elapsed or when I realized the mountains had disappeared and I was flying over the coastline. My mind finally escaped the grips of pain and I turned my speedster around and headed back to the Compound. I was surprised to see that it was after midnight. As I made my way from the garage to the back door, I heard a sound from the terrace.

  It was someone talking. I headed in that direction and I heard a soft voice moaning and crying.

  “Why do you hate me so much?” she cried. It was January, caught in a dream.

  I touched her arm, in the hopes of soothing her. She kept repeating the questions, “Why do you hate me so? What have I done to deserve this?” Her anguished tone bit me. I gently rubbed her arm, in hopes of waking her.

  Why are you bothering with her? She hates you and doesn’t want to have anything to do with you? Quit torturing yourself!

  I could not stop myself. Something drew me to her, like a magnet. It didn’t matter that she did not want me near her. I could not walk away and leave her in pain.

  “January! January, wake up! You are dreaming,” I murmured.

  “No, don’t hate me. I promise I’ll be good. I swear! Please don’t leave me up here!” she begged in a childlike voice.

  “January! Wake up!” I gently shook her. Something had caused her pain. Maddie was right. She had buried some awful secret but whatever it was, it was distressing to her. I shook her again and her eyes fluttered open.

  They st
ared into mine. My night vision, that was inherent to my species, was so acute I could see her widened pupils in stark contrast to her beautiful pale blue irises. She parted her perfectly shaped lips and I could hear her as she drew in her breath. I placed my palm on her cheek rubbing my thumb back and forth. She was confused of her whereabouts.

  “You were having a bad dream. I heard you as I made my way into the house. Are you okay?” I asked softly.

  She licked her bottom lip before she nodded. “I’m fine, Ry…Ry”

  “Rykerian,” I supplied as she tripped over my name.

  “Yeah. Rykerian.” She drew a hand across her brow. “Hey, I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I guess I owe you a ‘thanks’ for saving me. I’m sorry if I seem ungrateful, but you wouldn’t understand.”

  “I can try, but you have to let me first,” I begged.

  She silently stared into my eyes.

  Before I could prevent it, I heard myself say, “You have a lovely name, January.”

  She shook her head and made a choking sound, indicating her disagreement.

  “I think it is…” She held out her hand to stop me from saying anything else.

  “This is exactly what I mean about you not being able to understand.” She pinched that perfect little spot between her eyes...that spot that I wanted so badly to touch with my lips. “I was named that because my mother hated the month of January. Cold, rainy, grey skies, miserable, you know. So you see, my whole life is a screwed up mess ever since the day I was born. Bio-daddy raped my mom so she’s hated me since I showed up in this world. Every time she looked at me she thought about that gawd-awful night and every day she regretted not having an abortion. Now do you understand?” Her tears streaked down her cheeks as she unsteadily rose to her feet.

  “Just because she could not see the value in you does not mean no one else can,” I said, wanting more than anything to hold her in my arms, my heart aching for her. She stopped and stared at me and for one brief moment, my heart stopped.


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