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My Nights With Kate

Page 20

by M T Stone

  “Alright, Dad. I guess the worst that can happen is I look stupid and bruise my ego.”

  “You’ll do great, son. See you at 7.”


  There were two reasons why I wanted him to give that presentation:

  #1: I knew he could do it, and I wanted his boss to see they were losing a great asset.

  #2: I wanted Brandon to leave on a successful note instead of failure.

  Leaving on a high note is very important, especially early in your career. Even at my age, I still wanted to leave on a good note. That’s why I was so distressed when we were looking at reporting an earnings miss, right before the merger closed. It’s also why I agreed to do consulting for the next year or so. I don’t want to be remembered as someone who walked away and allowed the ship to sink. For Brandon, walking away as a success would boost his confidence, which is invaluable when running a business.


  Since his research report was on an up-and-coming online retailer, I felt quite confident that I could provide valuable insight. After cross examining Brandon and discussing the business model for a full hour, he felt much more comfortable presenting to analysts.

  “I don’t think any of the analysts will be as tough on me as you, Dad,” he said, as he packed up to head back to the office.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, son. You have always been able to think on your feet, so go kick some ass!”

  “I plan to, Dad. Then I’m turning in my resignation.”

  “If that’s what you want, it’s fine with me. The next three days are going to be busy anyway, so your timing is perfect. You do know there is no such thing as a two week notice right?”

  “Yes, I’ve seen the drill several times since I’ve been there.”

  Investment banks don’t mess around when it comes to showing employees to the door. Once they found out you no longer wanted to work there, you instantly become a security risk. A security guard and your boss will watch you clean out your desk before escorting you and your box of stuff to the door. I knew he would be back home by noon, so then he could get some rest before leaving for Allentown the next day.

  As far as my master plan was concerned, another piece had just fallen into place! My only concern was that his decision came only hours after meeting Kate. I wanted him onboard because of his passion for running the business, not simply because of an infatuation with her. However, since I couldn’t read his mind, I decided to just hope he had made his decision for the right reasons. Either way, he would be the first key asset on Kate’s initial management team.



  I was just finishing up my makeup when Jack got back to the room. He had the same look on his face as he had after the previous week’s conversation with Brandon.

  “Things must’ve gone well?”

  “Yes, things went very well. Right now, Brandon is delivering his presentation to the analysts. Afterward, he is turning in his resignation, and by noon he’ll be a free man.”

  “Really? Is that what he wanted?”

  “No, he wanted to quit prior to giving the presentation, but I talked him out of it. I thought it was important for him to leave on a high note, so I spent an hour drilling him on his presentation.”

  “If anyone can drill someone, it’s you, Jack. You’ve sure been drilling me a lot this month!”

  “Ha! You’re pretty witty for 8:40 in the morning! Are you ready for some breakfast?”

  “Almost… by breakfast you mean fruit and coffee?”

  “Exactly, is that alright with you?”

  “Yeah, I kinda like your strange way of eating. I’ve lost four pounds this month!”

  “I always say, all you have to do is find a way to eat less than you burn. This is what’s worked for me. But where did you have four pounds to lose?”

  “Oh, I’m sure it came from my already tiny boobs.”

  “Well, I’ll still love you even if they are four pounds lighter,” he replied, while scooping me up and heading for the door.

  “I think I should get a boob job someday.”

  “No. Don’t even think of going down that road. You are perfect just the way you are, and some plastic surgeon will just mess you up. Promise me you won’t ever consider it!”

  “Alright, it was just a thought.”

  I’m glad he shot that idea down in flames, as it’s not something I would really want to do. However, I do have tiny boobs, so I would’ve understood if he wanted me to get a little more on top. I guess everyone has things they don’t like about their bodies, except Jackie, she’s a genetic freak! I wonder how she’s doing in California. Not that I should really care, but I guess I still do.


  Chapter 24: Returning To Allentown


  Wednesday January 25, 9:30 a.m.

  Brandon, Rich, and Kate all left for Allentown to negotiate the purchase of their garment factory. Rich had already committed to invest $10 million, so depending on Brandon’s negotiating skills they would easily have $3-4 million of extra to use for initial inventory. All three were very enthusiastic, which brought me back 25 years to when Eva and I signed our first lease. Now it was time for the next generation to take over and make things happen. I briefly thought about why I wanted to get out so badly. After all, my father wasn’t retiring until the beginning of May. There was little doubt that I would still be involved to a certain degree, so it would be merely a rearranging of my priorities.


  After six and a half hours of meetings, I once again remembered why I had decided to sell my company. By the time the clock struck 5:00, it felt as if the life had been sucked out of me. Instead of flying Kate and the guys back and forth to the city, Kristen reserved three rooms at a beautiful bed and breakfast only a few miles from the garment factory. For the first time in a while, I was on my own for dinner.

  “Would you two like to have dinner with me tonight?” I asked Jayne and Kristen.

  “Wow, what’s the occasion, Dad?” my smart ass daughter replied.

  “Wednesday. Are you coming or not?”

  “Oh we’re in, but you’re taking us somewhere new!”

  “Alright, where would you two like to eat?”

  “That new French restaurant in the museum,” Kristen proposed.

  “I’ll take you there as long as we eat in the café. I’m not in the mood for that stuffy dining room atmosphere. Give them a quick call, so they can get a table ready. I’ll have Tim bring the car around.”


  It seemed as if I was eating French cuisine every other meal the month of January. I had also planned on taking Kate to Adour on our final night at the St. Regis. Ordering off the bar menu seemed appropriate that night. Chef Beauchesne was a Frenchman who used to be the chef at another landmark hotel over by Central Park. His bar menu was loaded with goodies like pork belly sandwiches, fresh grilled scallops or prawns, and my favorite, the pan-roasted Black Angus tenderloin.

  It was great catching up with Jayne and Kristen in a relaxed environment. It wasn't until I was halfway through with my tenderloin when Jayne brought up Kate.

  “She is spending a few days in Allentown with Rich and Brandon. Brandon and Rich are negotiating the purchase of the factory and equipment, while Kate is going over the designs with the Manufacturing Director and a few other key employees.”

  “Really? Brandon’s involved now?” Jayne replied, almost choking on a scallop.

  “Yes, he turned in his resignation yesterday at the bank and is fully onboard with Kate. They actually have a date Friday night as well,” I told her, giving Kristen a little wink.

  “They’re going to be working together and dating?”

  “No, Kate just needed an escort to something she had to attend Friday evening. Her mother is always on her about not having a boyfriend, so Kate asked Brandon if he would go.”

  “Who’s her mother?”

  “Cynthia Westby.”

Cynthia. She can be a little high-strung. That’s interesting.”

  “If you run into her, don’t make a big deal out of it. Brandon and Kate want to keep the whole thing low key. As you know, work and dating don’t mix all that well.”

  “It worked great for you and Mom.”

  “That’s true. It normally doesn’t work well, but when it does it can be great!”

  The words that came from my mouth made me miss Eva all over again. Deep down, it wasn’t the meetings or long days that made me want to sell the company. It was the fact that my life partner was no longer there building it with me. Every time I walked down the hallway that she had designed, or sat in the office that she decorated, it reminded me of how much I still missed her. Getting out of there probably wouldn’t heal the pain, but it would eliminate some of the constant reminders. Living at the St. Regis for the past few weeks had been a breath of fresh air as well. My house was like a shrine to Eva, even more so than the office.

  “Maybe you and Julian want to buy the house after you’re married.”

  “Since when do you want to sell?” Jayne asked, looking shocked once again.

  “There are just too many memories for me there. I’m going to be gone much of the year, so if you guys are interested I’ll give you a good price.”

  “Alright, I’ll definitely talk to him about it.”

  “You really are fleeing aren’t you, Jack?” Kristen commented, with a dead serious look on her face.

  “In a way, I just want to get away from everything for a little while, Kristen. I’m sure you want to do the same. You said something about moving to the country a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Yes, I did. Some days I just want to escape the concrete and steel. I’ve spent so many years in Manhattan that it sometimes feels like I’ve been living in a cage.”

  “It’s a life for the young, Kristen. I want out, too. I’ll still be in touch, but I want to roam the high seas for a while to see if it makes me feel better.”

  “What about the new business?” Jayne interjected.

  “I’m helping to set everything up, but it will be up to Kate and her team to run it. That’s why I’m relieved that Brandon decided to come onboard. I’d rather start out with a few people I know well. How about you two?”

  “After a nice break, maybe,” Kristen replied.

  “I want to see how things are after the transition,” said Jayne.

  “Both of you are welcome at any time, and I’ll leave it at that.”

  Actually, it was more advantageous to have Jayne still working at Ryker Fashion Merchandising after the buyout, to make sure Kate’s line was properly showcased. As for Kristen, I was certain she would be ready for a new challenge by fall at the latest. She wasn’t married, didn’t have any kids or even a pet for that matter. She would be bored once she had some time to decompress and travel a bit. Besides, she wouldn’t have to work full time. She could start out on a part-time basis, if that was more appealing.



  The first day of meetings in Allentown went very well. Jack was correct in thinking Wallace would be more accommodating if he weren’t around. In fact, it seemed as if we were meeting with a completely different person. We all hit it off, and Brandon was the star of the show. Rich and I were both impressed with how he led the meeting in a productive and professional manner. By the end of the first day, we had already come to terms on the real estate and buildings. All that remained was the equipment. Wallace really wanted out and knew there were no other buyers who would keep the employees working in their current jobs. He was willing to take a little less for the building if the jobs remained and the equipment could be utilized.

  The place we stayed at was so cute. It was apparently a big family farm that was converted to a B&B. I don’t think the rooms turned out exactly how Jack envisioned however. Rich had a suite in the main lodge, while Brandon and I shared a two bedroom cottage. It had the rustic charm of a weathered farm house, combined with a gorgeous wood burning fireplace, 2 Jacuzzi tubs, hardwood floors and beautiful furnishings.

  By the time I got back to the cottage, Brandon had already changed and was ready to celebrate our first day of successful negotiations. The sight of him sitting on the couch with a chilled bottle of Cristal next to him reminded me of the first night with Jack. Like father, like son, except for the fact that it was “Crissy” instead of Dom. I felt myself getting a little flushed thinking about the fun Jack and I had drinking that first bottle of champagne at the St. Regis.

  “Are you alright?” Brandon asked which caused additional blushing.

  “Yeah, I think I must have low blood sugar or something.”

  “Well, I heard they have great food here, so let’s order something. Then you can go change clothes or whatever while we wait.”

  “That’s a great idea.”

  The B&B was still a working farm, so they took pride in serving many farm-to-table options. Whether you chose chicken, lamb, pork or beef, they were all organically fed and raised in pastures within a mile of the inn. In winter, the salads and vegetables came from the greenhouse, whereas in summer they were straight from the garden. In Manhattan, it’s common for restaurants to say farm-to-table or something similar, but I’d never seen a cow or chicken anywhere near. Here you could look out the window and see them grazing on the hillside. It’s a pretty spectacular sight for a girl who was born and raised in the city.

  After a few moments of deliberation, our food was ordered, and I went upstairs to change into some yoga pants and a nice warm sweatshirt. Brandon had given me the upstairs where I had a king size bed, Jacuzzi tub, a fireplace and my own bathroom. If Brandon wouldn’t have been there, I would’ve been completely content to light the fireplace, soak in the tub and go to bed early. However, after changing my clothes and freshening up, I went down to find Brandon standing at the wet bar.

  “Have you ever tried fruit infused Patron?” he asked.

  “No, I despise tequila.”

  “You won’t despise this. It’s Gran Patron Platinum that’s been infused with pineapple, mango, watermelon and ginger root. It’s awesome.”

  “Mmmm, it smells pretty good.”

  “Here, try a shot.”

  “I thought we were going to have champagne?”

  “We’ll have that with dinner,” he said, giving me a smirk that reminded me of Jack.

  I had never been much for hard liquor, but the fruit infused Patron was delicious. I shouldn’t have had a second one before dinner, but like Jack, Brandon can be pretty persuasive. The way our day had gone, we both had plenty to celebrate.


  I’m finally seeing the lighter side of Kate. After being quite reserved and uptight all day, the first shot of tequila seems to have loosened her up. The look she gave me as I prodded her to take the second shot let me know there’s a fun girl wrapped inside. I also must say that even though she looked good all dressed up in a business suit, I definitely prefer the yoga pants. In fact, I’m finding it a little hard not to stare. I keep thinking back to my ethics class and reminding myself that we will be business partners.

  As we ate dinner and drank champagne, our conversations kept drifting back and forth between business and just getting to know one another. Even though I was immediately attracted to her, it was her personality that made the biggest impression on me. It’s been my experience that most women who look like her make up for it by lacking personality. This was especially true of the ones who were attracted to Harvard grads or chased me because of my last name. Kate didn’t seem to be overly concerned with wealth or status. Instead, she was focused on developing a clothing line that was extremely functional and provided great value for working women. As someone who had spent six years at Harvard and six months at an investment bank, her attitude was very refreshing. Business school focused so intensely on ROI and productivity measures that some of the basic tenets of business were often overlooked.

  Damn, she’s cute. />

  Either it’s the alcohol or Brandon is reminding me a lot of Jack, because I have this incredible urge to kiss him. He’s so sexy in his jersey and basketball shorts. He’s really got sexy legs. I think I better drink some water, so I don’t end up getting in trouble.

  “How did you and Dad hook up in the first place?”

  There’s the question I was hoping wouldn’t come up. I wonder how much he knows? Has he been talking to Jayne and heard her suspicions? I need to clear my head and think of a good answer. Good thing I’m chewing food, so I can stall for a moment.

  “My academic advisor, Dr. Schaffer, introduced us. He thought Jack would be impressed with my business plan, so we met one afternoon at King Coles and things started rolling from there.”

  “That’s amazing, Kate. You have no idea how many people pitch Dad on their business ideas. He must’ve really seen something special in you, not just your business plan. Most people don’t even make it to first base with him before they are passed off to Kristen, otherwise known as The Terminator.”

  Oh, we made it way past first base alright was what I wanted to say but wisely said, “I think you’re right, Brandon; for some reason we just clicked. I still find it hard to believe that all this is happening so quickly.”

  “Well, if Dad decides he wants to make something happen, it happens now. That’s the way he’s always been. By the way, I think Dad made a great decision.”

  “Thanks, Brandon, I think this line is going to be very successful.”

  “Me, too, but that’s not really what I meant. Dad doesn’t invest his time or money in ideas unless he’s sold on the person behind the idea. I see exactly why he took the chance on you. You’re pretty amazing.”

  “Thanks, Brandon,” I replied, as I felt him drawing me in. He seemed to have the same type of magnetic energy as Jack.

  Simultaneously, both our phones buzzed and shocked us back to the reality that we were business partners and he’s Jack’s son. What the hell was I thinking?


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