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My Nights With Kate

Page 21

by M T Stone

  We both instantly knew who had sent us a text. His timing was creepily perfect!

  “Dad must have our room bugged,” Brandon joked, as he looked at the message from Jack.

  “Yeah, that was pretty good timing.”

  We both had the same message from Jack: “Where’s my update?”

  “I’ll call him back and use speaker phone,” Brandon said, as he dialed Jack’s number.


  I already knew how the day had gone, as I had just gotten off the phone with Rich. He was very pleased with how Brandon had handled the negotiations, and his impression was that he and Kate were getting along well. I felt a twinge of jealousy when he mentioned they were sharing a cabin, but I was pretty confident that nothing extracurricular would occur.

  “Hi, Dad, we just got done with dinner,” was the first thing out of Brandon’s mouth.

  “Hi, Jack, how was your day?” inquired Kate.

  “All is well on this end. Rich tells me the real estate portion is a done deal?”

  “Yes, it went very smoothly. I got a nice discount without even pushing too hard.”

  “Great, that will make it easier to work the rest out tomorrow. How about you Kate? Did you and Brenda go over the designs?”

  “Yes, she had suggestions on two of the designs that would allow us to use the existing machines. Everything else would be fine after the retooling as far as she could tell.”

  “Great, I’m flying her in Friday morning, so we’ll have time to bring her up to speed on how we want things to run. You guys better lay off the champagne so you don’t have a hangover tomorrow.”

  “Are you spying on us or something?” Brandon asked.

  “No, but Kate’s slurring, so I know you guys have been celebrating. Cristal I presume.”

  “You are all-knowing, father.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he behaves,” Kate added.

  As I hung up with them that night, I had a strangely powerful feeling of déjà vu. It was as if I had participated in that conversation before, but I didn’t give it too much thought. Later that night, I remembered the night that Eva and I had called Dad to tell him about our plans to go into business together. I assumed it was that deep-seated memory that had triggered the earlier emotion. As I reflected on our humble beginning, I decided it was time to patch things up with Dad before leaving the city. The last thing I wanted was to leave open wounds and have something happen to him while I was halfway around the world. He was one of the ten who were going to make $10 million in the buyout, but it would be best if I talked to him about it first. Otherwise he might take that as an insult as well.

  Before going to bed, I gave him a call and invited him to an early breakfast. He agreed without a second of hesitation, so I felt good about my decision. As I slipped into bed, I couldn’t help missing Kate. We had basically been inseparable since the day we met. I probably should’ve gone home for the evening instead of staying at the hotel, but I really wasn’t missing the house. It hadn’t been a home for several years, just a source of painful reminders. I wonder if Jayne actually wants to live there or if she was just being polite? I don’t blame her if she doesn’t. In that case I’ll just put it on the market. My God, I think I’m addicted to Kate. She keeps popping into my head.



  After talking to Jack, Brandon and I spent almost an hour talking about the past. It was interesting to hear Brandon’s perspective on growing up with Jack and Eva as parents. His strongest impressions were that before 7 p.m. he was always with a nanny, but every night at the same time his parents would be home. The predictability of the schedule had made up for the lack of time spent with his parents. Every Saturday morning they would have a family breakfast. Jack would make bacon or sausage and coffee while Eva made pancakes or French toast. Some of his fondest memories revolved around the funny conversations they would have around the table while eating. The meals would normally end with everyone laughing and teasing each other.

  “My parents always seemed inseparable. I hardly remember seeing one of them without the other. I think that’s why her death was so devastating to dad. He seemed absolutely lost without her,” Brandon added, with tears forming along the edges of his big brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry Brandon; it must’ve been hard for all of you.”

  “Yeah, that’s for sure. It was like the center of our family was suddenly ripped away from us. Jayne and I were both in college at the time, but we would stop by the house regularly. After the funeral, Dad was never there anymore, so our home base was basically gone. He threw himself into his work and started eating out almost every night, only going home to sleep. Everyone at King Coles knew the story so they always took good care of him.”

  “I noticed he seems to know everyone in that place.”

  “Actually, whenever we wanted to get together with Dad, we would just go there about 7 and have dinner with him.”

  “Well, he seems to be doing much better now days.”

  “That’s for sure! He must’ve made a New Year’s resolution or something. I hardly recognized him when we got together last week.”

  “He’s mentioned his intention to quit working so much and start living again.”

  “Jayne and I are both relieved. He had become so withdrawn, let himself go gray and seemed to be in a never ending depression. I’m thankful for whatever snapped him out of it.”

  Part of me wanted to tell Brandon the whole truth behind Jack’s improved state of mind, but I knew it wasn’t my place to break the news. After all, Jayne and Brandon were the only two people who Jack really wanted to hide our relationship from, except for maybe his mother. Brandon’s description of how depressed and withdrawn Jack had been the past few years also affected me deeply. Jack had mentioned that he hadn’t been very social since Eva’s death, but I hadn’t fully realized the depth of his sorrow. I had been thinking about our relationship purely from my view point, not really considering how much of an impact I was having on his life. I suddenly felt an incredible longing to be back in his arms.

  Thoughts of Jack lingered in my head. I went to bed early and spent the next hour texting back and forth with him. With Brandon downstairs, I didn’t want to risk him overhearing us talking. Before drifting off to sleep, I had to go downstairs for a glass of water to quench the thirst from the salty food and alcohol. Brandon had taken a shower and was standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving in nothing but a towel. He had apparently opened the door to let some steam out, but the sight of those six-pack abs combined with his sexy, muscular legs generated a different type of steam. I paused and simply watched him from a distance as he stroked his face with the razor. Good Lord, he’s sexy.

  As the last bit of shaving cream was lifted from his chin, I realized my time was up. What did I come down here for? Oh yeah, water.

  “Good night, Brandon, I just needed a little water,” I said as I came back out of the kitchen.

  “Sleep well, Kate!”


  I had to laugh as Kate headed back upstairs with her glass of water. Apparently she was oblivious to the fact that I could see her reflection in the mirror as she stood there watching me. The sight of her standing there in that little night shirt seemed to be burned into my mind because that’s all I saw when I closed my eyes. Once again, principles from my business ethics classes were in direct conflict with my hormonal urges. I’m not sure working with Kate is a wise choice. I’d much rather ask her out. I’ll have to talk with Dad about it, were my last thoughts before drifting off.



  Breakfast with Dad went much better than I had expected. He confessed that the only thing that had created tension between us was his bruised ego. Upon hearing his confession, I reinforced the fact that, without him, none of this would have been possible. In fact, the summer I went to work for him, I had my sights on making the NYU baseball team and hadn’t given much thought to a major.

nbsp; “If I hadn’t worked for you, I would’ve never been introduced to the catalog business. Without going to Fashion U, I would have never met Eva and wouldn’t be where I am today dad. Don’t ever think that you haven’t made a difference because I give you a lot of credit for my success.”

  Judging by the expression on his face, I decided it was the right time to tell him he would be receiving a $10 million bonus after Monday’s buyout. He softly told me that he didn’t need the money, but the tear that weaved its way down his cheek told me otherwise. Mom had confessed to me recently that Dad hadn’t retired because of the steep losses he suffered in the 2008 market crash. The Madison Avenue ad agency wasn’t worth what it once was either. In fact, his only option for selling out was to his existing partners, so they were looking at a fairly lean retirement.

  Needless to say, his retirement prospects improved dramatically that morning. We hugged for what seemed like a full minute outside of the restaurant, both of us relieved to put the past behind us.


  My mother once told me that in the end, nothing is more important than family and friends. They can both be a tremendous pain in the ass at times, but the pain they cause usually comes as a result of good intentions that are simply misguided. There are all types of families with all sorts of dynamics, but when it came to our family, I guess I would have to agree with her.

  Chapter 25 – Done Deals


  Thursday January 26, 4:35p.m.

  As we touched down on the helipad, I was surprised to be met by just Tim instead of him and Jack. After being gone for a couple of days, I guess I was expecting a little bit of a warm reception. Instead, Tim informed us that he was to drop Brandon off at his grandparents, and then deliver me to Maoz to meet Jack.

  “Maoz? Why would he meet you there?” Brandon asked, completely puzzled.

  “Maybe he was in the mood for some falafel and eggplant,” I teased.

  “You’re hilarious. Have you eaten with my father? If it’s never mooed, he’s not that interested in eating it.”

  “I know, I’m kidding. I’m as bewildered as you are. Maybe he’s turned over a new leaf.”

  “Again, you’re hilarious, Kate.”


  After we dropped Brandon off, Tim confessed that Maoz was just Jack’s idea of a joke. If he had said King Coles, then Brandon would’ve wondered why he wasn’t invited.

  “Jack wants you to simply come to the hotel and meet him for dinner in the room. I just sent him a text saying that we would be there shortly.”

  “Okay, that makes more sense. I was starting to wonder if he had gotten bad news from his doctor or something.”

  “Honestly, Kate, I’ve known Jack for years. I think he would choose death over giving up steak.”

  “You’re probably right, Tim. I can go a month without red meat, but he has trouble going without it for a day.”


  Even though I had been having lots of conflicting thoughts over the past ten days, one thing was an absolute certainty: I really missed Kate. In fact, in many ways it felt as if she had finally filled the void that losing Eva had left in my life. Was it fair to Kate? Would I go back to being depressed without her? Would my family accept her if we went public? Would we be tabloid fodder once we left the safe confines of the St. Regis? All these questions were rolling through my mind as I arranged the roses, placed the food and champagne next to the Jacuzzi and slipped into the warm water in anticipation of Kate’s arrival. All the questions would have to wait as tonight was ours, and my only hope was that Kate had won her duel with Mother Nature!



  When I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was a delicious smell and the sight of two dozen red and pink roses. I followed my nose to the source of the aroma and found Jack sitting on the edge of the Jacuzzi.

  “What’s up?”

  “Just waiting for you. I ordered some food and a bottle of Dom to celebrate your new factory.”

  “Wow, it smells great. I didn’t know Maoz delivered. Thanks for the flowers!”

  “You’re very welcome, Kate. I was thinking about the fact that I hadn’t bought you any flowers. By the way, Maoz is no longer vegetarian so I ordered Kobe beef and Ahi tuna sandwiches with a side of lobster medallions,” he said laughing.

  “Mmmm, that sounds even better than falafel.”

  “Now get rid of those clothes and join me so I can feed you,” he replied with a sultry look in his eyes.

  When he looked at me that way, it made me feel like being naughty. I slowly began removing my suit, one button at a time while giving him my sexiest look. As I unbuttoned my skirt and slid it over my hips, I had his complete and undivided attention. When I got down to my thong and bra, I decided to tease him a little more.

  “My hamstrings are really tight from all the sitting the past few days. Do you mind if I stretch out quick?”

  “Not at all. I’ve become a big fan of nude yoga.”

  “Nude, huh? I’ll compromise and get rid of my bra,” I replied and gave him a wink. “This thong doesn’t cover much anyway.”


  When it came to creating sexual tension, it was obvious that I had created a monster. Watching Kate go through her poses was enough to make me forget all about the food and champagne. While she transitioned from downward dog to an upward bow and into a shoulder stand, I sat there mesmerized by her grace and execution. By the time she reached the plow pose, the memories of last Saturday’s shower were polluting my mind.

  “Alright, Kate, I can’t take anymore. Please tell me you won your battle with Mother Nature.”

  “I not only won…. I kicked her ass!” she said, giving a quick roundhouse kick in my direction.

  “Awesome! Because I’ve got one excited little buddy down here.”

  “Little? That’s funny,” she replied as she crawled into the tub and reached for me.

  It was good to feel her next to me again and smell the sweet aroma of her skin. I pulled her close and simply focused on kissing her lips. Over the next few minutes, we alternated between kissing each other and staring into each other’s eyes. The warm water, our slippery skin and our arms wrapped around each other made the outside world disappear once again.

  “I missed you,” I told her as I squeezed her tight and kissed her firmly.

  “I missed you too Jack.”

  She reached down and began stroking me, so I hooked the sides of her thong with my thumbs and slowly pulled them down over her hips. She spread her legs slightly to allow me to stroke her swelling lips with my hot, wet fingers. I always loved the sound of her soft moans when I began to play with her. It was the sound of genuine appreciation for my touch, and it really turned me on. I moved to the edge of the tub, guiding her along in front of me.

  “Kneel on the ledge with your hands up against the mirror,” I suggested.

  Kate complied, seeming excited by the idea. As she put her hands against the glass, she arched her back to extend herself toward me. I loved the fact that I could position myself behind her and see her entire body while we made love. It was very sexy to look down at her beautiful bottom as I made my way inside her, but at the same time I liked to watch for telltale expressions on her face. Kate responded with enthusiasm when I reached around and teased her nipples to compliment the action heating up below. I cupped her breasts and kneaded them between my fingers as I began to move in and out of her for the first time in several days. God, I missed this! I don’t know how I could even consider giving this up.


  As hot as the sex was up against the mirror, it was even hotter to watch Jack’s facial expressions. The intensity of his expression, combined with the feeling of his huge manhood inside me, was bringing me back to the feelings I had that first weekend. I could tell Jack had missed me as much as I had missed him. That almost desperate sense of urgency was back, and his cock was harder than it had ever been before. I began to buck agains
t him as he squeezed my nipples and stoked that burning fire deep within me.

  Any thoughts about Jack being too old always dissolved when he was inside me. Any lines or wrinkles that he had gained over the years were more than made up for by the way he fucked me. I began to feel that now-familiar orgasmic tension bubbling up as a series of loud moans began to pass from my lips. Looking back, I have to wonder how many women ever experienced being so thoroughly fucked the way Jack did me. I loved the feeling of being on the very edge of completely losing control, only to be given time to recover slightly before being driven back to the edge once again. That night, Jack seemed intent as ever to show me just how good an older man could be, going well above the call of duty.

  Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him; leading me to believe it was near the end of another magnificent performance. He buried himself as deep as possible inside me as we slipped back into the warm water. Instead of the pulsing feeling I was expecting, however, he began moving his hips ever so slightly. Good lord was my only thought as I felt every bit of him stretching my insides. He was treading upon something that I believe must have been the physical epicenter of the female anatomy. The warm water was caressing my bottom while he gently but persistently hit that spot. It produced a feeling that grew with such intensity that it felt as if something was preparing to blow. I moaned uncontrollably as I attempted to squirm, but found myself locked in place by his strong arms. The only choice I had was to surrender myself once again and allow him to have his way with me.

  I’m not sure exactly what happened next, but I remember being in an extended state of orgasm that was different from the others. There wasn’t a sharp peak where I couldn’t take anymore stimulation, but instead it built to a plateau. His range of motion became even more subdued and the pleasure simply seemed to have no end. It felt as if I was stuck within an orgasm that couldn’t quite come to fruition. My eyes were closed, I was lost in a series of moans and I actually felt as if I could have been drooling. Jack continued to hold me tight, rocking me against his rock hard cock that was buried as deep as possible within me. I had no idea how much time had passed when I began to hear moans coming from Jack, and he began bouncing me up and down on him. The second or third thrust jarred me past the plateau and immediately into my sexual peak.


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