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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 23

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  “Me, too,” Dylan agreed.

  “Hey,” Aimee started as she slid on her second shoe, “why don't we go to a movie tonight. There's one I've been wanting to see, and we haven't gone in months.”

  Dylan stretched, then sat up on the edge of the bed and put on his boxers again. “That sounds like fun. Do you wanna ask James and Sacha?”

  Aimee shot him a look with one eyebrow raised. “Do you?” she answered with a question.

  “Yeah, I really enjoyed our evening together last night. I like your brother and Sacha. I just think it would be nice to treat them since they put up with me hanging out here all of the time.”

  “Okay, if you don't mind having them along, I don't. But I wanna see my movie, and I don't wanna listen to James moan and groan that he doesn't like it.”

  “What about me?”

  “You don't moan and groan...much,” Aimee answered with a grin. She kissed him quickly, grabbed her running belt, and stuffed her phone into the bag with the earbuds hanging out. She said, “I'll be back in thirty.”

  “Okay,” Dylan replied. “I'll have the pancakes hot and ready.”

  Aimee quickly left and hit the route with an unusual, renewed energy. She slept hard during the night, in the arms of the man she loved, with not one thought about Joseph, or their journey together. But as she stepped up her pace, her thoughts started to return to the day before, and she couldn't stuff the troubled thoughts away, like she did last night. She really wanted to bury the strange feeling she felt right after the journey, and keep it buried. Something had happened yesterday between her and Joseph as a result of their journey. She couldn't explain it, but in a way she felt complete, almost relieved they had traveled together, like the burden of being a time traveler had been lifted because she finally had someone else who could relate to the huge responsibility of being gifted. She could share her secret with Joseph because he had the same secret. Only she knew it would be difficult, even dangerous for her to be around him. Dylan must never suspect a thing. Regardless, she knew now more than ever, she needed to be extremely careful anytime she might be around Joseph because she suspected they had more missions planned for them.

  In thirty-five minutes she was back at the apartment. She grabbed a cup of coffee and informed Dylan she was going to get a quick shower first before she ate. Before long she was out, dressed, and the two of them enjoyed breakfast together.

  Shortly before nine Aimee had to leave. Dylan was going to clean up a bit, then head back to the dorm and get showered and changed. He had special plans today. He was going to find a place for him and Aimee, then get a workout in at the gym before Aimee's lunch break. He promised he would be there today on time to take her to lunch.

  It was six days before Christmas. The mall was even more crowded than the day before, but not too many people were shopping for books for presents. Aimee was relieved. She planned on straightening up the inventory today, and then unpacking some boxes to get the books processed. She didn't feel much like helping people find the perfect holiday gift, except she knew if she kept busy, her mind wouldn't be on Joseph.

  She was kneeling on the ground, sorting books on the bottom shelf, when the sensor announced someone had walked into the store. She quickly got up and instantly her breath stuck in her throat. Joseph was standing at the display with rare, First Editions. He was intently checking out one of the books.

  “How much?” he casually asked, as he peered up at Aimee.

  Aimee cautiously walked over to the rare books display, purposefully staying on her side of the case. “Which one?” she asked.

  “This one,” he replied as he pointed to her favorite First Edition in the case.

  “It's negotiable, but I think Jeff would take eleven hundred,” she answered. She kept her eyes on Joseph and her hands on her side of the counter, as if she looked away for a second, he would reach across and touch her and they would disappear like they did the day before.

  “Hmmm,” Joseph commented. “I found one recently for nine fifty. Do you think Jeff would match that price?” he asked as he looked up at Aimee.

  “I don't know, but if you're interested, I'll ask,” she answered as she started back towards the store phone to call Jeff.

  Joseph stepped the same direction, gliding his hand over the top of the clean glass top. “I'm interested, but that can wait,” he stated. “That's not why I'm here.”

  Aimee abruptly stopped. She glanced up. Joseph was staring at her with his hypnotic eyes. “Uh...”she started, but her tongue seemed to be tangled. She couldn't finish without a stutter. “, uh, why...exactly...are you here?”

  “I think you know why,” he responded with an air of mystery.

  “No, I don't,” Aimee quickly stated, then looked away. She tried to keep from looking into his eyes. He was working some kind of spell on her that she couldn't shake when she stared into those blue magnets.

  Suddenly, a couple walked into the store and started to look through the wall of books on the opposite side of the store from Aimee and Joseph. Aimee quickly excused herself and hastened over to see if she could help them with anything. Joseph continued to casually look at the rare books in the display case while he waited for the other customers to leave. But they weren't in a hurry, and several other customers wandered in and began looking at books. Aimee looked over at Joseph. He smiled at her, then walked out into the mall. Aimee let out one long, relieved sigh. A customer came up with a book in her hand wanting to check out. Aimee turned her attention back to work. As soon as she finished, Aimee walked over to the store front and did a fast check of the people scurrying around shopping. She didn't see Joseph. Again, a relieved sigh escaped. She went back to assist another customer ready to check out. The rest of the day was uneventful. No more appearances by Joseph. At seven, Aimee was more than happy to see Dylan come through the door. Hand in hand, they left the mall to meet James and Sacha at the restaurant, then on to the movie.

  Dylan spent the night again. Aimee was getting spoiled. She liked, really liked, him staying over. She felt safer when he was there. James had always been her knight in white armor growing up, but now Dylan was her protector, and she liked that. Just like the morning before, he got up and fixed breakfast, but today he had his running shoes and gear. The two of them took a four mile jog together before they ate, showered, then Aimee took off to work.

  Aimee glanced up at the clock on the wall above the checkout area. The clock read 5:17. She had made it all day without a surprise visit by Joseph. If she could make it another hour and a half, she would have four days left before she knew, without a doubt, she wouldn't see him until the next quarter. At 6:30 the sensor sounded. She spun around from the shelf of books she was straightening. Her heart rate instantly doubled. Joseph was cruising along the rare book case looking at the collection. He looked up and smiled at Aimee. “Well, did Jeff agree to my offer?” he asked.

  “I'm sorry, but I didn't get a chance to ask him,” she answered as she slowly approached him. She stopped a couple feet away, looking nervously from Joseph to the door.

  Joseph picked up on her anxiety. Casually he inquired, “Expecting someone?”

  “Yes,” she answered. “Jeff is supposed to be here shortly to close up. If you want to wait, you can ask him about the price.”

  “Hmmm,” he replied as he stood at the counter examining the book he wanted. “Can I see it?” he asked.

  Without a word, Aimee stepped behind the counter and grabbed the security key. She put on some gloves, handed Joseph a pair, then laid a large piece of felt on the counter. She unlocked the door, and slid the glass panel back, reached in and delicately picked up the book. She laid it on the cloth and stepped back against the wall while she watched Joseph pick up the book and examine the spine, the covers, then carefully start turning the pages while he searched for the First Edition stamp. He nodded when he found it, then continued to slowly flip through the pages, checking them for any imperfections. Finally, he laid the book
down on the cloth and remarked, “Perfect condition. I hope he'll take me up on my offer.”

  Just then, Jeff walked in with the bank bag in his hand. Aimee felt relieved to not have to be in the store by herself with Joseph. Quickly she introduced Joseph to Jeff and explained that Joseph wanted to strike a deal to purchase the book still on the glass countertop.

  Jeff and Joseph soon were negotiating the price, while Aimee returned to closing up for the day. Occasionally she would glance their direction, and every time, Joseph sensed her looking and peered up, then smiled. She would look away quickly, and go back to finishing her tasks. The quicker she did them, the sooner she could get out of the store and away from Joseph.

  Jeff was still visiting with Joseph about the rare book collection he had on display, when Aimee interrupted, “Do you still need me to stick around?”

  Jeff glanced her way, then asked, “Did you do the receipts?”

  “Yes, sir. All done and in the lock box. Anything else?”

  “That should do it,” Jeff said. “I'll finish up with Dr. Smith and lock up.”

  Aimee tried to be polite. She gave a limp smile at Jeff, then looked at Joseph. He extended his hand. Aimee cautiously took it, shook it once, then let go. Joseph said, “Thank you for your assistance. I'm going to really enjoy adding this to my collection.”

  Aimee nodded, swung her backpack over her shoulder, then pushed past the two, and escaped out into the crowd in the mall. She disappeared out of the building as fast as she could move.

  The rest of the week at work Aimee anxiously waited for another surprise visit from Joseph. Every time the sensor buzzed in the shop, she would jump only to find someone coming in to browse for a book. Finally by close on Saturday, and not another visit by Joseph, she figured he had given up on harassing her.

  The next day was Christmas Eve. Thank goodness, Aimee thought. She was almost through her brutal week of double shifts. They were closing early today, at five instead of seven. Aimee and Dylan were going with James and Sacha to a Christmas Eve service, then Sacha and Aimee planned a buffet of goodies. Sacha and James were going to her aunt and uncle's house in Salem on Christmas day. Aimee and Dylan planned a quiet day by themselves for Christmas. They were going to fix dinner together, and just enjoy having the apartment to themselves. Aimee had already packed for her trip to New York on Friday. She wasn't taking more than a couple days of clothes. Chels had informed her she had a whole suitcase of new clothes from the modeling agency for Aimee. Chels got clothes as a perk, and she was going to send Aimee home in style.

  By the time Aimee got to work, it was fifteen after noon. “You're late,” Jeff stated with a mock frown when she flew in and speedily stuffed her backpack under the counter.

  “I'm sorry,” she said.

  “It's okay. We haven't had any customers, and you left the shop in great shape last night.”

  Aimee sighed, then grabbed a rag, some rubber gloves, and the glass cleaner to wipe down stray fingerprints on the counters.

  Jeff added, “And by the way, thank you for helping Dr. Smith the other day. After you left, he put another First Edition on hold, my most valuable one I have here. He's gonna pick it up before the term begins again. He said he wouldn't be back from the coast until then, and he wants to pay it off in cash.”

  “That's good,” Aimee replied. That's good, she thought, he's not gonna come in today.

  Jeff continued talking while he organized books on the display tables. “He said he's a friend of yours.” Aimee rolled her eyes, but he couldn't see her. She didn't say a word. “He told me he's thinking about staying here in the States instead of returning to England at the end of his research. The University has offered him a chair, if he decides to stay.” Aimee wasn't engaged in the conversation so Jeff glanced up. “What's wrong?” he asked.

  Aimee couldn't talk. Once she heard Jeff say Joseph wanted to stay in Eugene, she shut down. She didn't hear another thing Jeff said. Jeff walked over to the counter and snapped his fingers in front of Aimee's face. Suddenly she came out of her daze. “Huh,” she said. “No, I'm sorry. I guess my mind was on something else.”

  Jeff shook his head, then said, “He's a very interesting person. We talked for about a half hour after closing. I suggested he come by the other shop, too, to see the small collection there. He said he has about ten rare books back in his office in Cambridge.” Aimee had already tuned him out again. Her mind was back on the bit of information about him staying in Eugene. If he's gonna be here, she decided, I need to leave. She didn't think she could stay in the same town without losing Dylan. Aimee let out a long sigh. She took to wiping the glass top with such intensity Jeff noticed. He chuckled. “You're gonna scrub through the glass.” Aimee stopped, rubbed her gloved hand across her forehead, then set the rag and bottle of cleaner on the glass top. She pulled off her gloves and tossed them under the counter.

  “Can I take a short break?” she asked.

  Jeff replied, “You just got here.”

  “I know, but I won't be gone long.”

  “Okay, but you don’t get a break later.”

  Aimee answered shortly, “Fine.” She grabbed her backpack and tore out of the store, then headed for the parking lot. She needed a few minutes alone, away from Jeff's incessant jabbering about Joseph. Shortly before she reached her car, she whipped the keys from her pocket and tapped the Open button. In two seconds, she opened the door and collapsed into the front seat. Her eyes closed as the thoughts about Joseph staying at UC gargled around inside her brain. What is he thinking, she wondered. Suddenly, the passenger door opened. Aimee's eyes popped open. Joseph leaned in and said, “You shouldn't sit in your car in this parking lot without locking the door.”

  “Whattha...” Aimee started.

  Joseph interrupted, “Do you mind if I join you?”

  “Yes, I mind,” she growled. It didn't matter. He slid in and shut the door. Aimee started to get out, but Joseph grabbed her arm. She looked down at his hand around her arm, then peered up into his face.

  “I think we need to talk,” he said.

  Aimee pulled her leg back into the car, slammed the door, and looked nervously around the lot. No one seemed to be walking by, which made her even more nervous. She didn't trust being in the same car with Joseph. If she needed to bail out and run, she felt safer with other people around. Then again, if they vanished together, it was better to do that with no witnesses.

  “Hurry up. I only have a few minutes,” she replied impatiently.

  Joseph looked out the side window for a quick second, then brought his attention back to Aimee. “Look, about the other day...”

  “I don't really wanna talk about what happened,” Aimee spit out.

  Joseph wasn't going to let her not discuss it. “Yeah, I know, but I think we need to if we're going to be traveling together.”

  Aimee didn't plan on there being a next time, even though it was strangely comforting to have him travel with her. “Look, Joseph,” she started, “the other day was...” She paused trying to think of the word she wanted to use. Finally she finished, “...well, it was incredible to have someone else, like me, helping. For the first time I was positive we would be successful, and we returned without a scratch...”

  Joseph broke in, “So, what's wrong? What are you afraid of? If we get sent on the same missions, we can make a bigger difference. I think that's why they brought us together.”

  Aimee glanced over at Joseph. He hadn't taken his eyes from her. They were intense, almost the color blue of the Caribbean, and entranced her completely into his spell. “Uh-huh,” she answered. “You're probably right...” Just then, someone walked by and caught Aimee's attention. The spell seemed potent, but not enough to make her lose all of her senses when she wasn't staring deep into his eyes. “...but,” she continued no longer under his magic, “I'm in love with Dylan, and we can't be together, you and me, or I'll lose him. He can't ever, and I mean ever, know that we are even talking, much less disappeari
ng together.”

  “All I'm asking is that you think about how powerful we can be together.” Joseph wasn't going to let Aimee turn away from her gift. He reached across the console and lightly touched Aimee's shoulder. She flinched, like she had been touched by a hot iron. She had already figured out she was most at risk of leaving with someone if there was contact. There wasn't any way that could happen today. She had to get back into the store.

  Aimee started to open the door. She stopped and looked at Joseph. Seriously she stated, “I understand my responsibility, Joseph. I know I was put on this earth for a special reason. And it would make it so easy to have someone who I loved also to have this gift. The other day, well, it went perfectly. We saved those children, and neither of us returned hurt. But there's no guarantee that will ever happen that way again, that we would leave together, or come back together, or even be able to carry out the mission without one of us getting injured, or worse. I think you need to go back to England. Find someone who you can share this secret with. It's not me.” With that, she grabbed her pack and jumped out of the car. Joseph stepped out and watched her tear away. He slammed the door and walked off. Aimee hit the Lock button and kept going towards the mall entrance. Fortunately, Joseph didn't return to the store.

  Later after work, Dylan picked up Aimee, James and Sacha for Christmas Eve service. Aimee was a wreck, but she needed to put on her best performance. Before the service started, Aimee knelt on the prayer kneeler, crossed herself, and asked God for forgiveness, then prayed that He would keep her faithful to Dylan. She loved him more than life itself, but something about what Joseph had said about them being more powerful together disturbed her. She didn't trust herself. Aimee didn't know if she could resist his influence. She didn't doubt they were drawn together for a purpose. But she didn't want to lose Dylan. Somehow, someway, she was going to spend the rest of her life with Dylan, regardless of her damn gift.


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