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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 24

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  Back at the apartment, the four munched from the buffet and celebrated Christmas. James and Sacha retired shortly before midnight because they had to get up early and drive to Salem for the day. Aimee and Dylan sat on the couch snuggled together, watching the twinkling lights on the little tree. Aimee had prayed for a calm to her nerves. She didn't think she could live without Dylan in her life, and yet, something inside told her she needed Joseph if she wanted to stay alive while she traveled. Anyway, her prayers had to be answered. Her love for Dylan was more important to her than the gift to save others that she had been given, so she would do everything possible to make sure they would always be together.

  Shortly before midnight, Aimee took Dylan by the hand and led him to her room. She opened the closet and pulled out a large wrapped box and handed it to Dylan.

  “What's this?” he asked with his eyebrows pulled forward.

  “Open it,” she requested.

  Dylan smiled, then sat down on the bed while he tore into the ends of the wrapping, then ripped the paper off. He lifted the top of the box and pulled up the tissue paper covering the surprise underneath. He looked up at Aimee. Her lips were pulled up into a big smile. “Open it,” she told him.

  Dylan pulled out the scrapbook and rubbed his hand across the front cover. A photo of him decked out in his uniform from his first year in PeeWee football was stuffed in the insert. Dylan's Story was embossed into the the leather above the photo. Dylan opened the cover, and page after page displayed Dylan's life, all the way through his first year at UC. A lot of pages at the back were left empty. Dylan didn't say a word while he flipped through the pages, enjoying pictures of himself and his family, newspaper articles of his feats in football, and finally pictures of the two of them during their senior year, their trip this past summer, and their first quarter at UC. Dylan peered up at Aimee. His eyes filled with moisture.

  “I left a bunch of pages at the back to add to. I know it will fill up over the next couple of decades.”

  Dylan couldn't speak. He put the book down on the bed, then stood up and wrapped his arms tight around Aimee. She couldn't wait. She was worried it wasn't good enough. After all, he was sending her on a trip to New York, and this was just a scrapbook. Aimee asked, “Do you like it?”

  Dylan swiped at his eyes with the back of his hand, then said, “It's the best gift I have ever gotten. How did you get all of these pictures and newspaper articles?”

  “I asked your mom this past summer to help me gather them up. I couldn't have done it without her.”

  Dylan gently lifted her chin up as he brought his lips close to hers. He whispered, “I love you, Miss Marie Aimee Schmidt.”

  “I love you more,” she answered right before their lips met.


  The alarm buzzed, and Aimee reached over and slapped it off. It was 7:15. Time to get up and get ready to drive to Portland for her flight to New York City. They had had an amazing day by themselves on Christmas. Aimee wanted to see her BFF, Chelsea Jenkins, but she really didn't want to leave Dylan.

  “Hey, wake up,” Aimee said after she nestled into Dylan's warm backside. She loved to spoon with him when they were naked. Dylan reached back and grabbed her hand, pulled it over his side, and weaved his fingers into hers.

  “I don't want you to go,” he said with a light chuckle.

  Aimee quickly answered, “Well, I don't have to go.”

  “Yeah, right,” he replied. “If you don't go, Chels will disown you as her best friend forever.”

  “I know, but I don't wanna leave you,” Aimee moaned.

  Dylan rolled over to his back, and Aimee scooted over and snuggled into his body. She swung her leg over his legs and laid her head on his shoulder while he tucked her tight into him. Dylan asked, “You gonna miss me?”

  “Terribly,” Aimee muttered. “I've gotten used to us waking up together like this. I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleeping alone.”

  Dylan was quiet for a few seconds. Finally he said, “Well, maybe when you get back we won't have to sleep apart again.”

  Aimee propped up instantly on her elbow and looked at Dylan. Excitedly, she asked, “For real?”

  “I said maybe. Let's just say I'm working on it.”

  “That would be the best homecoming present ever,” squealed Aimee.

  “Well, don't get too excited. Paul and Mom are working on the details. I don't wanna tell you anything until it's a done deal. Okay?”

  Aimee kissed him, then exclaimed, “Yes!” She rolled out of bed and stepped quickly to the other side, grabbed Dylan's hand, and pulled. “Come on,” she demanded, wriggling her eyebrows, “we have the bathroom all to ourselves. Let's take advantage of this before I have to go.”

  Dylan grinned. “Woman, I'm sooo gonna miss you while you're gone.”

  Aimee kissed him. She knew he couldn't miss her near as much as she would miss him, but they would finally make that important step when she got home. No more going to bed or waking up apart. They were going to move in together. Aimee sighed, then replied, “I'm gonna miss you, too.”


  BFF lit up the screen on Aimee's phone. Before it could ring, Aimee had it to her ear. Excitedly, she answered, “Hey, I'm here!”

  “Omigod!” Chelsea squealed. “Where are you?”

  “I'm heading to the main floor.”

  Chels asked, “Did you already go to baggage?”

  “Nope,” Aimee answered, “I have a small carry-on. Remember, you told me to come light, so I'm following orders.”

  Chels snickered. “Good girl. I'll be at the escalator on the mezzanine waiting. You have to exit this way from your flight. What are you wearing?”

  “Chels,” Aimee began, “are you gonna start with the fashion policing already?”

  “No, silly,” Chels giggled, “I just wanted to know so I can be looking for you.”

  Aimee replied, “Oh, good idea. Okay, well, I'm wearing a UC hoodie, jeans, my running shoes...”

  Chels interrupted, “Geez, Aimee, I'm really gonna have to get you fixed up while you're here. I plan on taking you to some really awesome parties, but we'll have to dress a little fancier than hoodies, jeans, and running shoes.”

  “I knew you were gonna play dress up with me.”

  Chels laughed. “Yep, I've been waiting to get my hands on you. Hey, hurry up. I can't wait to see you!”

  “I'm coming as fast as I can. See you in a few.”

  “I'm watching,” Chels eagerly answered.

  Aimee ended the call, stuck her phone back in her pack, then started walking again. She had promised to call Dylan the minute she got to New York, which she did as soon as she landed. He was already missing her, but he said the coach was going to do two-a-day practices until the road trip. They had a really tough team to beat, and this would be the Bear's second straight championship so they had to be ready to defend their title. He hoped he got a chance to play. Aimee assured him they would win, and she had a gut feeling he'd get on the field. Dylan liked her spirit. Every night she promised him she would call before she went to bed, and every morning when she got up while she was away. She couldn't go a day without hearing his voice.

  In about ten minutes, Aimee managed to almost get to the escalator. She looked up searching for Chels. At the same moment, both of them spotted each other. Chels about knocked down the person next to her getting closer to the opening. A large crowd of people were trying to get on the same escalator. There was no sense trying to push by anyone. She would have to be patient riding to the top.

  After an eternity, Aimee got to the landing and stepped off. In two seconds she and Chels were hugging like they hadn't seen each other in years. People were pushing past them, giving them annoyed stares. “I think we better get out of the way,” Aimee finally said. She noticed Chels had tears running down her face. “Hey, Chels, are those tears for me?” Aimee asked surprised.

  Chels quickly wiped her cheeks, swung her arm around Ai
mee's shoulder, and replied, “Hell, yeah, I've really missed you.” The two got swept up in the bustling crowd as they tried to weave through to get to the exit. Everything and everyone went in fast motion. Instantly, Aimee understood what they meant by a New York minute.

  “We'll get a taxi back to the apartment,” Chels said as she pushed her way through the exodus of people and started to flag down a cab. Aimee had to get pushy to keep up with her.

  After a couple of failed attempts to get a taxi, one finally whipped in next to the curb, and the two best friends jumped in and the cab sped away. The ride seemed as wild as the one she and Dylan took in Rome, and the taxi driver talked nonstop looking in the rearview mirror at Chels and Aimee more than he looked ahead at the road. It didn't seem to bother Chels. She just kept yakking. Chels acted like she was high on uppers. Aimee got a couple words in while she anxiously watched the road hoping they would get to the apartment alive. Thirty-two minutes later, they made it to Cobble Hill, and to Chels's apartment. Both girls jumped out, and Chels plopped four tens into the driver's hand, then they raced up the steps to the front entry.

  With disbelief, Aimee asked, “Chels, did you just give him forty dollars for that ride?”

  “Yep,” she answered, “you'll learn quick how expensive this city is. Fortunately, my roomie’s parents had this apartment, and when they moved, she got to stay, and with Dad's help, I can afford my share. It's a two-bedroom, but I have the smaller room, and it ain't much bigger than a broom closet.” She continued chatting while they climbed the steps to the third floor. “Sandy won't be here the entire time you're here. She and her boyfriend went to Aruba for the holidays. Lucky dogs. She makes more money than I do, but someday I plan on owning a place on West 72nd overlooking Central Park,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Aimee could hear voices coming from the apartments as they went up the stairs. People were laughing and yelling. TV's were blaring. “Is it always this loud?” she asked.

  “Loud?” Chels repeated. “This is pretty darn quiet. Just wait until about six tonight when everyone is getting home.”

  Just then they reached the landing for the third floor. Chels grabbed the keys from her little shoulder clutch and started unlocking the three deadbolts and doorknob.

  “Gosh, Chels, you have enough locks on the door for a fortress,” remarked Aimee.

  Chels just chuckled. “Yeah, well this isn't Medford.” Chels swung open the door and stepped to the side sweeping her arm as an invitation for Aimee to enter. “Welcome to our little casa,” she said with a giggle.

  Aimee entered pulling her suitcase behind her. She dropped her backpack on the rocker by the door and looked around the tiny living room. It was small, but she and Sandy had decorated it very trendy. It was a corner apartment with two large windows overlooking the street below. Aimee pulled the sheer curtain to the side and looked out through the open plantation blinds at the people scrambling up and down the sidewalks.

  Chels asked, “Well, what do you think?”

  Aimee dropped the sheer and turned around nodding. “This is really nice, Chels. You made it sound like a dump, but I think this is really cute.”

  Chels laughed. “You haven't seen my room yet.” She pointed to the room straight ahead through the kitchen. It had a peace symbol sign on the door. “That's your room. It's Sandy's, but she wanted you to use it. I put clean sheets on the bed, and you have a door leading into the bathroom, so it'll be a little more private than mine. We've gotta share the bathroom,” she informed Aimee, “and you know how I hog the bathroom.” Chels grinned at Aimee, then she grabbed the tea kettle. “I'm gonna have a cup of tea. Want one?” she asked.

  “Sure, whatcha got?”

  “Nothing but herbal and green, but I like this one.”

  Aimee looked at the packet, then said, “That'll work.” She pulled her suitcase into Sandy's room and set her backpack on the bench in front of the makeup vanity. The room looked like a bedroom in the sixties, right down to the Flower Power bedspread and the matching curtains. Beaded door curtains hung in the closet doorway. Aimee looked at the old fashioned stereo and vinyl albums. She giggled as she came out of the room back into the kitchen.

  “What's so funny?” Chels asked as she poured the hot water into the two cups.

  Aimee commented, “Your roomie's stuck in the sixties.”

  Chels laughed. “Yeah, she's kinda a hippie, worse than you. She doesn't touch any animal by-products. No meat, leather, not even a smidgeon of dairy. But she's cool. We get along really well.”

  “That's good,” Aimee replied. “It helps to have a friend especially when you're by yourself thousands of miles away from home.”

  Chels handed Aimee her cup of tea, and they both sat down at the small kitchen table from the 50's. The apartment definitely had a vintage look. Aimee liked it. She took a slow sip of her hot tea, put her cup down, and continued, “So, it sounds like you really like it here?”

  Chels nodded, took a fast sip, then answered, “Yeah, I do, but I miss my family and friends. I mean, you know me, I'm gonna make friends, but it's not the same as our gang from East Medford.” She added, “I miss Courtney, Ashley, Jana...” then paused. Finally, she finished, “and I miss my best friend the most.” Aimee reached over and placed her hand on top of Chels. They both smiled at each other. Three thousand miles hadn't changed their friendship. “Well, for the next seven days, we're gonna be Siamese twins, just like when we were eight, girlfriend!” exclaimed Chels. “Don't plan on getting any sleep cause we are gonna parrrty until you leave, and honestly,” she stopped, took a sip of tea, then admitted, “I'm kinda glad Dylan didn't come.”

  “Chels!” Aimee screeched.

  Chels snickered. “You can live a week without Prince Charming. You're all mine for the next seven days.”

  Aimee shook her head and chuckled. It certainly seemed like Chels didn't plan on letting her have any time to miss Dylan. “I guess I'll just have to sleep when I get back to Eugene,” said Aimee.

  They both laughed, then Chels said, “I'm so glad you're here.”

  “Me, too,” Aimee replied.

  Chapter 13 Too Much Fun

  True to her word, Chelsea kept Aimee hopping from the first day she got there. Chels took most of the week off so she could spend it with Aimee, and Aimee was exhausted. Besides the normal sightseeing, like visiting the Statue of Liberty and hitting a Broadway musical, Chels dragged Aimee all over NYC shopping – Aimee's least favorite thing to do. And, also as planned, they had already gone to three parties since Aimee arrived. Aimee was having a blast, but she really missed Dylan. On New Year Eve's morning, Aimee woke up before Chels, made herself a cup of coffee, and sat looking out the living room window at the activity on the street below. The two girls had appointments scheduled at Chelsea's favorite salon and spa for massages and facials and manicures, then afterwards, back to apartment to get dressed, then out to eat. Since this was Chelsea's first New Years in the Big Apple, she insisted they go to Times Square for awhile, just to say they had been, then they were going to a party at a coworker's apartment in Manhattan. Chels had a special dress and pair of heels, a couple of her perks, picked out for Aimee to wear. Aimee didn't think she could wear the outfit to Times Square without freezing off her toes, arms, and everything in between, but she would reluctantly give in to whatever Chelsea wanted to do, well almost anything. Chels had a flair for flirting. She managed to introduce Aimee to several male acquaintances, and failed to mention that Aimee was taken. Aimee wasn't polished at the rules of engagement, so she awkwardly had to get herself out of a couple jams when the guys seemed to get a little too friendly.

  Aimee waited as long as she could to call and wake up Dylan. She wanted to visit while she drank her coffee. It was ten. Chels was still asleep, so Aimee decided she would call since she needed to get Chelsea up in a few minutes so they could get to their spa date at eleven. She hit the number for DT. It rang four times, and right before it went to voicemail, Dylan answered
groggily, “Good morning, you.”

  “Good morning,”Aimee replied. “I'm sorry. It sounds like I got you up.”

  “Yep, but that's okay. I need to get up,” Dylan reported. “I have some things I need to do today.”

  “Oh really? And what would that be?”

  “Nunya,” Dylan answered.

  “Nunya?” Aimee repeated. “What's so top secret you can't tell me?”

  Dylan replied through a yawn, “It's a surprise, and don't ask.”

  “All right, I won't. But will you tell me if I guess?”

  “Nope,” he said. “You'll just have to wait until you get home.”

  “Grrr,” Aimee growled, “you're no fun.” She chuckled, then continued, “So, what else are you gonna do today?”

  “Well, I'm going to Mark and Jason's this afternoon to watch some football, then I think I'm going to Tim and Amanda's New Year’s party. I wish you were here to go with me.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Aimee remarked. “We're going to some fancy pants' party tonight, and Chels is playing dress up with me.”

  “Really? Take some pictures and send me, okay?” he requested. “I'm sure you'll look hot.”

  “Okay, I'll send some, but don't share them. They'll be for 'your eyes only',” Aimee hinted, “if you get my drift.”

  Dylan moaned for a couple seconds, “You naughty girl, I'll be waiting for them.”

  “Well, enjoy. Hey, I've gotta get going. Chels is still sleeping, and we have appointments at the spa at eleven.” She paused, then continued, “Dylan...”

  “Yeah?” he answered.

  “I've really missed you. I've had a great time, but I can't wait to come home.”

  “I can’t wait for you to come home, too. You don't know how hard this week has been. I've got a special day planned for us when you get here.”

  “Really?” Aimee said surprised.

  “Yep. We don't have practice scheduled so we'll have a full day of just you and me, our first day together for the new year. The team leaves the next day so it'll be the only time I get to see you until after the game.”


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