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Taylor's Geek Charming

Page 1

by Angela Franklin




  By: Angela Franklin

  Cover by: Liz Elmore

  This book is a work of fiction. The town, characters, and situations have no bearing in the real world. If you expect it to be true to life, please do not read this, but if you want to let your imagination wonder, enjoy!

  Welcome to Cedar Springs, NC

  Where the ladies are voluptuous,

  And the men are good ole country boys

  Trying to corral them!

  Chapter 1

  Taylor had been staring at the computer for an hour. She was trying to put some new books in the catalog, but the dang thing kept freezing. This was the fifth time she had to reboot it, but she hadn’t even gotten one book put in the system yet. She had her glasses on because of course a librarian would need glasses to read, so cliché. Her hair was coming out of the up-do she tried, so she pulled it down, then put it back up in a messy bun. The stupid computer still didn’t boot up. She sighed and put her head on her desk. Hearing the bell on the door she sat up.

  “You are every man’s librarian fantasy in that button up shirt, with your hair like that, and your glasses on.” Tray said grinning at her.

  “Yeah right.” She snorted. “What are you doing here?” She asked coming around the counter to hug him.

  “I came to see if my only single friend wanted to have lunch with me.” Tray said hugging her close.

  “Sure, if you don’t rub it in that I’m the only single one left.” Taylor smiled at him.

  “We could change that. You could go out with me.” Tray said raising an eyebrow at her.

  “As hot as you are, that would never work.” She patted his chest, then walked back behind the counter to grab her purse.

  “You think I’m hot?” He asked, grinning at her.

  “Oh please. You know are, but you’re also a big flirt. I don’t want to date someone who will flirt with everyone else.” She saw him wince, and threaded her arm through his to soften the blow.

  “I could change.” He told her softly.

  “For the right girl, I know you will, but we both know that isn’t me.” She said then turned to lock the library door.

  “I wish it was.” He told her quietly.

  “Me too, but I have to believe we will both find the right one. Until then, we’ll stick together. It’s hard when everyone is paired up but us.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “It is, but I’m tired of this conversation, it’s depressing. Let’s go stuff ourselves on cheeseburgers and shakes.” Tray smiled pulling her toward the diner.

  “Sounds good. I’ve had a bad day.” Taylor sighed.

  “What happened?” Tray asked.

  “That dang computer has frozen five times in the last hour. I can’t get anything done.” She was ready to shoot the thing and walk away.

  “We were having problems at the station too. Jacob hired a new guy who has just moved to town to fix it. He’s good, it’s already done and we haven’t had any more problems. Want me to get his number for you?” Tray asked, opening the door for her.

  “Sure, that would be great. Thanks.” She smiled, walking inside the diner.

  “Just look at you two.” Susie said coming over to seat them. “I didn’t know y’all were together.” Susie had owned Susie Q’s forever, but she still prefers to seat her customers herself.

  “We’re not, she says I flirt too much.” He shrugged.

  “She’s right. This is the only table I have left, it’s been busy today.” Susie said as she put the menus in the last empty booth. When the door opened again, she turned to see a stranger walk in. “Dang, I hope he wants something to go.” She murmured.

  “If not, sit him with us. Taylor needs to talk to him anyway.” Tray told her before she hurried away.

  “Why do I need to talk to him?” Taylor asked confused.

  “He’s the computer guy.” Tray replied as he watched Susie point in their direction.

  “Hey, Susie said to sit with y’all.” The new guy said as Taylor sized him up.

  Heaven help her, he was gorgeous. His shaggy blond hair fell to his ears, she could tell he had muscles from the way his shirt stretched across his chest. He turned toward her, and she caught site his bright blue eyes. He belonged on the beach with a surf board.

  “Taylor.” Tray said making her jerk and look at him. “This is Chad Ellis, he is the new IT guy I was telling you about.”

  “Hey Taylor.” Chad said holding out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” She shook his hand but pulled back quickly, her hand tingled from his touch. “Mind if I join y’all?” He asked, his eyes focused on her.

  “Sure.” Taylor said quietly. He sat down beside her and she froze when his thigh touched hers.

  “Can I look at the menu with you?” He asked as he smiled at her. Taylor pushed it toward him.

  “So, how is business going?” Tray asked Chad.

  “Good. I like working for myself. Before I moved here, I worked for a big company and they charged ridiculous prices, but didn’t pay us much.” She had to resist the urge to squirm beside him. “What do you do Taylor?” He asked turning to her. She felt her cheeks heat as his gaze was solely on her.

  “She’s the librarian.” Tray answered and she bit her lip.

  “That explains a lot.” Chad said looking her over.

  “Excuse me?” She wasn’t sure what he meant, but it didn’t sound good.

  “The hair, the glasses… librarian.” Chad smiled. Taylor wanted to smack that smile off of his face, but decided not to make a scene.

  “I forgot I had my glasses on.” She said pushing them to the top of her head.

  “Ready to order?” Kara said coming over. Her baby bump was showing and she was glowing. Kara was the only waitress here, and one of Taylor’s closest friends.

  “Cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake.” Tray told Kara.

  “Same.” She smiled at her friend.

  “Sounds good.” Chad said ordering the same thing.

  “Wow, y’all are an easy bunch.” Kara chuckled as she walked away.

  “I was just telling Taylor I would get your number for her from Jacob.” Tray reached across and nudged her hand where it laid on top of the table to get her attention.

  “Really?” Chad asked turning to Tray.

  “Yeah, she is having trouble with the computer at the library freezing.” Tray nudged her hand with more force, when she looked up, he gave her a pay attention glare.

  “Um, yeah, it’s frozen up five times in the last hour.” She said quietly. She was always quiet around people she didn’t know.

  “I can come take a look after I finish the job I’m on, but it might be tomorrow.” Chad told her.

  “Tomorrow would be great, thanks for taking the time to help me.” She could feel his laser focus on her, but she refused to look at him.

  “Have you met many people in town yet?” Tray asked him, trying to keep the conversation going since Taylor wasn’t talking.

  “A few, but Luke invited me out to the ranch this Saturday when I was working at the fire station. Apparently, it being sunny, and him having a new baby are the only reason he needs to cookout.” Chad told Tray.

  “We don’t wait for a reason; the group just likes to get together.” Tray told him.

  “What is ‘the group’?” Chad asked confused.

  “It started out as just the girls, Taylor, our lovely waitress Kara, Chasity who owns the bakery in town, Callie who is Chasity’s sister, and Lindy who owns the boutique on main street. Then Callie got with Chase, who is Luke’s bother. When she was on bed rest, she like to hear people in the house, so Chase started having Luke bring peop
le over. Now, the group is Callie, Chase, Chasity, Jacob, Luke, Lindy, Cameron the sheriff, Kara and us.” Tray did a pretty good job of explaining it, but Taylor smiled at the dazed look on Chad’s face.

  “You met Luke, Jacob, and Tray at the fire house. The rest is mostly easy, but it is easier to put faces with names. You can do that as the cookout.” Taylor reassured him.

  “Does that mean y’all are going?” Chad asked turning back to her.

  “Yeah, we singles have to stick together, right Taylor.” Tray nudged her and she nodded.

  “So, y’all aren’t together?” Chad asked. She felt like he was burning a hole through her with his intense stare.

  “No. Taylor says I flirt too much.” Tray shook his head.

  “Quit telling everyone that.” She snapped at him.

  “It’s the truth.” He shrugged.

  Thank God Kara chose that moment to bring their food over. She was ready to crawl under the table. She kept her eyes on the food, trying to block out Tray and Chad. She could feel the heat coming off Chad, and it made her goosebumps on her skin. Tray kept nudging her with his foot, and she wanted to kick him. When he nudged her again, she snapped, and kicked his shin.

  “Ow, what was that for?” Tray whined.

  “Stop it.” She snapped.

  “I didn’t kick you, I just nudged you.” Tray huffed.

  “Yes, repeatedly.” She glared at him.

  “That’s gonna leave a bruise.” Tray complained.

  “Then it will teach you not to do it again.” She smiled.

  “What did I miss?” Chad asked confused.

  “Taylor kicked me.” Tray tattled.

  “Serves you right.” She shrugged.

  “So, you don’t like to play footsie?” Chad gave her a boyish grin.

  “I like to sit in peace and eat my lunch.” Taylor told him.

  “I was trying to get your attention” Tray countered.

  “What? What is so important you had to kick me?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “I saw someone waiting at the library.” Tray smiled.

  “So? It’s not like I can do anything, plus I am at lunch.” Taylor wasn’t in the mood for his games right now.

  “My librarian fantasy is starting to melt away.” Tray pouted.

  “So. I’m not the only one who noticed that.” Chad said bumping fists with Tray.

  “What?” She glared at him in disbelief.

  “The glasses, the hair, the outfit, that’s the whole fantasy.” Chad said running his eyes over her.

  “That’s what I said.” Tray laughed.

  “Yes, now if only I was some simpering, skinny blond to round out your dreams.” Taylor sneered. It got on her nerves to think guys saw her, but wished she had a slim figure.

  “Seriously?” Tray gave her a confused look. “Is that what you think the fantasy is?”

  “Oh, please, I’m not stupid.” She snapped.

  “You women are crazy.” Tray shook his head.

  “Excuse me?” She was ready to kill this idiot.

  “Callie, Lindy, Chasity, Kara, you… are the type of women who feature in my fantasies.” Tray smiled at her.

  “There are more curvy women in Cedar Springs?” Chad asked Tray.

  “Yeah, but they are all taken.” Tray grumbled.

  “But not you.” Chad said looking directly at Taylor.

  “No, but I’m not stupid enough to fall for flirty guys, and one-night stands.” She shook her head to reminder to herself this guy was messing with her head.

  “I wanted more than a one-night stand.” Tray glared at her.

  “I love you, but you know it wouldn’t work.” She reached for his hand to sooth her friend.

  “Yeah, I get it.” Tray smiled. “Early warning, the women here are stubborn.” He told Chad.

  “I see that.” Chad smiled at her.

  “I gotta get back to the firehouse. Can you walk her back?” Tray asked Chad.

  “Sure thing.” Chad smiled.

  “This is Cedar Springs, I can walk back on my own.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I know, but I don’t like sending you back alone.” With that, he made his way to the counter to pay his bill.

  “So, did you grow up here?” Chad asked as he finished his fries.

  “No, I moved her about five years ago.”

  “Did you move here for the job?” He shifted, and his thigh pressed against hers.

  “No, Callie and Chasity are my cousins.” Taylor felt the blush heat her face.

  “Which ones are they?” He asked turning more toward her.

  “Chasity owns Sweetastic’s. You will meet them at the ranch Saturday.” She tried to move away, but she found herself against the wall.

  “So, will the whole town be there?” He casually put his arm on the booth behind her.

  “I think it’s just our group mainly.” She bit her lip before finishing her milkshake.

  “So, is that like the cool crew?”

  “No, we used to be the outcasts, or at least us girls were.” She shook her head.

  “Why?” He asked her.

  “Size.” She whispered.

  “Oh, so everyone was jealous of y’all.” He nodded.

  “No.” She snorted, but her laughter was hollow. “No one wanted to hang out with the fat girls.”

  “You sound like Sophia.” He shook his head.

  “Is that your girlfriend?” She felt inexplicably jealous, what was that all about? She’d only just met him.

  “No.” He laughed. “She is my best friend.” Chad said pulling up a picture of her on his phone.

  “She’s beautiful.” Taylor said looking at the picture of the smiling girl.

  “You kinda remind me of her.” He looked back up at her.

  “I think I will take that as a compliment.” She hoped it was.

  “You should. Are you ready to head back?” He asked after he finished his milk shake.

  “Yeah.” Taylor needed to close up the library. He slid out of the booth, then held a hand out to help her.

  “Y’all leaving?” Kara appeared as Taylor stood.

  “Yeah, are you going to the cookout?” Taylor asked her.

  “Yep. Tray covered your lunch, y’all have a good day.” Kara said, then hugged her.

  “Is everyone that affectionate here?” He asked as they walked to the library.

  “Mostly, but Kara is part of our group. She’s married to the sheriff.” Taylor was happy for all of her friends, but also kind of jealous.

  “I remember Tray mentioning Kara.” Chad nodded.

  “Well, thanks for walking me back.” Taylor said looking up at the library.

  “I can be here first thing tomorrow to look at the computer.” Chad reminded her drawing out their time together.

  “Thanks, I’m stuck without it.” She relief was palpable.

  “Great, I will see you tomorrow then.” He winked.

  After unlocking the door, she went straight to her desk. She had to get herself together, and make a sign for the door. That man could be a danger to her equilibrium. Her body was buzzing from sitting next to him. Trying to shake it off, she tried the computer again, but it was in vain. Dang thing didn’t do anything. Giving up, she wasn’t going to be able to do anything without the blasted thing, so she grabbed her stuff, stuck a note on the door and went home.

  Chapter 2

  Chad walked the two blocks back to the house where he was working on a laptop for a client who worked from home. He had been there all morning trying to remove a virus, then fix the damage. His client wasn’t very friendly, but he wasn’t there to make friends. Most of the town had been welcoming, and he was looking forward to the cookout Saturday. He hadn’t talked to Luke much, but getting invited seemed to be like a golden ticket. With Tray’s help, he could fit into the group easily if everyone was as nice as Jacob, Luke, and Tray.

  Chad loved working on computers, and he was good at it. He didn’t have to concen
trate on what he was doing, so he let his mind wonder as he worked. His mind circled back to lunch, and he was hungry again, this time not for food. He wanted Taylor. She had been quiet, but he had a feeling that wasn’t normal. She had no problem arguing with Tray. He could see the fire in her eyes when she thought he was making fun of her. Her blush was adorable against her pale skin.

  He’d assumed she was with Tray considering how much he watched her, and touched her. The jealousy he felt surprised him. He had no claim on her. She thought he was making fun of her when he said she was the fantasy, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The knee length black skirt, and the light pink button up shirt made him wonder if she always dressed so prim and proper. The messy bun her hair was in made him think not. The way her glasses sat on her little button nose did things to him he didn’t understand.

  Even with her proper clothes, he could see her curves. The buttons on her shirt pulled tight across her chest, and gave him glimpse of pink lace where the shirt gaped just a little as she moved. When she stood up in front of him, he saw the way her waist dipped then flared out to thick hips he wanted to feel under his hands. He had met several women in town, but they were all skinny, and wore too much make up. They were the definition of what a lot of guys wanted. Chad preferred curves, lots of curves. Taylor hadn’t been wearing any make up, when she blushed, she looked like a porcelain doll.

  He pulled himself back to reality when it was time to reboot the computer and finish what he was doing. He was glad he was finishing up. He was ready to get out of here, and back to his apartment. With the reboot complete, he let his client test it out. It didn’t take long, and he was soon on his way back home, having been paid for his services. He felt a tingle of anticipation at the thought of seeing Taylor tomorrow. Maybe she would be more talkative. He was used to Sophia’s constant chattering when they were together. He missed her, but she was happy in Calder Valley. He pulled out his phone and called, needing to hear her voice.

  “Hiya.” She answered quickly.

  “Hey Soph.” Just hearing her voice made him relax.

  “How are you liking it there? Do you want to come home?” He knew she wanted him closer.


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