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Taylor's Geek Charming

Page 2

by Angela Franklin

  “I love it here.” He told her quietly.

  “Have you made any friends yet?”

  “Yes, mom.” He laughed. “I’m going to a cookout this Saturday.”

  “That’s good.” He could hear the sadness in her voice.

  “Don’t be sad, Soph.” Chad said softly. If he was with her, he would hug her. He hated to see her sad.

  “I miss you.” She whispered.

  “I miss you too, but this is good for me. You have Tanner. I’m only an hour away. I can still see you.” He tried to reassure her.

  “I know.” She agreed. “Have you broken any hearts yet?” He knew she was trying to change the subject.

  “Haha, very funny. It might be me getting my heart broken this time.” He whispered.

  “What? How?” Sophia snapped. If anything could snap her out of her dreary mood, it was the idea of his love life.

  “I think I found her, Soph.” He was almost positive he had actually. Since Sophia has gotten married, he had been feeling the urge to settle down and have what she had with Tanner.

  “Tell me everything.” Sophia said excitedly.

  “She has green eyes that shoot fire when she’s mad.” Chad grinned, remembering his fist bump with Tray.

  “You already made her mad?” Sophia asked him.

  “I kinda told her she was the embodiment my librarian fantasy.” Chad chuckled.

  “You idiot.” She chastised him, he could see her shaking her head in his mind.

  “But she is. You should have seen her in her buttoned-up shirt, a black skirt, and she had on glasses.” He tried to defend himself, knowing with every word he was failing.

  “Did she speak to you after that, cause I wouldn’t have.”

  Darn, he needed to explain himself out of the hole he had dug, Sophia was not in the mood to take prisoners. “Tray mentioned it first, but I couldn’t help but agree. She got offended because she thinks all guys want skinny girls.” He shook his head.

  “News flash, most guys do. Who is Tray?” Chad knew Sophia felt the same as Taylor, and it infuriated him to know these women ever felt like they weren’t perfect.

  “I met him when I did some work for the fire department. I thought they were dating, but she said he flirts too much.” Chad said as he made a sandwich for dinner since it was getting late.

  “What does she look like?” It was clear Sophia wanted all the details he could give her about Taylor.

  “She looks a lot like you actually. She has green eyes, dark hair, and her curves go on for miles.” Chad had her image imprinted on his brain.

  “It sounds like you really like her.”

  “I showed her a picture of you. She said you are beautiful.” Chad knew that would make Sophia feel good.

  “Then you better not mess this up.” Sophia laughed. “You need to send me a picture of her.”

  “I will try to take one tomorrow.” Chad promised.

  “You’re seeing her tomorrow?” Sophia asked confused.

  “Apparently, the computer at the library has a few gremlins, so I offer to look at it for her tomorrow.” He mumbled, as he finished eating his sandwich.

  “She really is the librarian? No wonder your fantasy remark made her made.” She laughed.

  “Yep, she is adorable.” Chad grinned just thinking about her.

  “Wow. Just be careful and keep me up to date. I want to know how this plays out.”

  “Sure, I’ll talk to you soon.” He felt a little liter after talking things out with his friend.

  “Don’t forget my picture.” Sophia reminded him before she hung up.

  Chad took a quick shower, before going to bed. He couldn’t wait to see her again. His dreams were filled with Taylor and flashes pink lace.


  Taylor was already awake and showered when her alarm went off. She cut it off before she dried her hair. She couldn’t get Chad out of her head. If the crappy computer wasn’t messed up, she would be keeping her distance. He was too good looking. He probably had most of the women in town chasing him. She had let her mind wonder as she got ready, and when she looked in the mirror, she realized that was a big mistake. Her reflection was staring back at her. She had on makeup, and a hunter green sweater dress with black tights and black ankle boots with a two-inch heel. She looked like she was going out on a date, or at least trying to impress someone.

  She debated changing, but decided it looked good. She wasn’t dressing to impress Chad, but she felt beautiful right now. She still had an hour till she had to open the library, so she went to Sweetastics. A cup of coffee and something sweet sounded perfect this morning.

  “Wow, you look stunning.” Chasity said as she walked in.

  “Thank you.” She couldn’t hide the blush creeping up her face.

  “Do you have a date after work?”

  “No, why?” Taylor’s chest tightened, she didn’t want people, specifically Chad, to think she had gone to any extra effort.

  “You look like you’re going out.” Chasity narrowed her eyes.

  “Tray said I was his librarian fantasy yesterday.” Taylor wrinkled her nose.

  “He probably meant that in a good way.” Chasity explained, not seeing what the problem was.

  “You’re right, but I get tired of guys seeing that, but wishing it came in a smaller package.” Taylor confided.

  “I doubt Tray was wishing that, he certainly seems to have a soft spot for curvy ladies. Are y’all going out?” Chasity asked her.

  “No. He asked me, but I know it wouldn’t work for us.” Taylor shrugged.

  “You want your usual?” Chasity asked her, changing the subject.

  “Yes, please.” Taylor went to sit in a booth.

  “Speak of the devil.” Chasity nudged her arm with her hip, Taylor turned to see Tray walking in the door.

  “Good morning, ladies.” Tray greeted them as Chasity hugged him.

  “Mornin’.” Taylor smiled, getting up to hug him.

  “Jeez, Taylor, are you trying to kill me.” Tray asked pulling her back to ogle her, his eyes as wide as saucers.

  “Huh?” She asked him confused.

  “Yesterday you were my librarian fantast. Today, you’re… well you’re all my other fantasies combined.” Tray smiled.

  “Um, thanks?” Taylor said scrunching her nose.

  “I think I feel sorry for Chad.” Tray told her.

  “Who is Chad?” Chasity asked as they sat down.

  “He is the new guy in town, he fixes on computers.” Tray informed Chasity.

  “Why do you feel sorry for him?” Taylor frowned not like where this was heading.

  “He will be at the library today with you looking like that.” He waved his hand in front of her encompassing her whole body.

  “So.” She really didn’t see anything wrong with her outfit, it was a bit dressier than usual, but not bad.

  “You have already turned me down, but I couldn’t be with you all day and not want to touch and kiss you.” Tray admitted.

  “See, you’re a big flirt.” Taylor shook her head, taking what he said as his usual harmless flirting.

  “Why will he be with you today?” Chasity asked placing their usual orders on the table in front of them.

  “The computer at the library is on the fritz, and he offer to take a look at it today.” Tray answered for her.

  “Is that why you look like you’re going on a date?” Chasity wiggled her eyebrows at her.

  “No, I just didn’t want a repeat of yesterday.” Taylor said getting annoyed with the need to explain her wardrobe.

  The baker door open, bringing in a soft breeze, making Chasity look at the door. “Who is that?” She asked her cousin.

  “That would be Chad.” Tray winked at Taylor making he want to kick him under the table.

  “Hey, what can I get you?” Chasity left them to their breakfast as she greeted Chad.

  “A coffee, and whatever that is.” Chad said pointing to something
in the display case.

  “Coming right up.”

  “Hey Chad, want to sit with us?” Tray called to him. Chad turned, his eyes immediately locked on her.

  “Absolutely.” He walked over and sat beside her. “What are you eating?” He asked scooting close to her.

  “A strawberry Danish.” She answered, keeping her eyes on her plate.

  “Here you go.” Chasity sat his food down, then sat beside Tray. “I’m Chasity by the way.”

  “Hey, I’m Chad.” He greeted her with a smile. “Jacob mentioned you when I worked on the computers at the fire station.”

  “That would be my husband.” Chasity beamed.

  “Did you make these?” Chad asked before taking a bite of his pastry.

  “Yes, and that is a bear claw.” Chasity nodded to his plate.

  “This is delicious.” He said as he practically inhaled it. He looked over to see Taylor wasn’t eating anymore. “Why aren’t you eating? Do you want try part of mine?” He asked holding it out to her.

  “No thanks, you enjoy it.” She kept her voice low, so she wouldn’t draw attention from her friends and took a sip of her coffee.

  “Eat.” He persisted.

  “Fine.” She huffed. She picked up her Danish and bit into the sweet goodness. A moan escaped as she took another bite. She looked up and saw Chad was staring at her. “What?”

  “You got something…” He started, then swiped his thumb across her bottom lip and brought it to his mouth. “Strawberry is my favorite.” Taylor sat stunned. Her lip tingled from his touch. Something nudged her leg, and she snapped out of her lust induces haze.

  “Jeez.” Chasity whispered. Taylor looked up and saw her fanning her face with her hand. When she looked at Tray he smirked at her.

  Taylor quickly ate the rest of her Danish, and kept her head down, putting an extraordinary amount of concertation into drinking her coffee as the others talked around her. She felt his thigh press against hers, a warmth sizzled where they connected. He rested his hand on her shoulder causing her to glance up at him slightly dazed.

  “You ready to head to the library?” He asked smiling at her.

  “Yeah.” She gave herself a mental shake when he had his back turned, sliding out of the booth.

  “Can I talk to you in the kitchen?” Chasity grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind her.

  “What’s up?” Taylor asked as the door swung shut.

  “That’s my question.” Chasity raised her eyebrows.

  “Nothing.” She frowned, why was she getting the third degree.

  “Yeah, right.” Chasity snorted. “Are you taking him to Luke’s cookout tomorrow?”

  “He said Luke invited him.” She wanted to nip that line of gossip in the bud before any of her friends got the wrong idea. She loved them, but they loved to be all up in her business.

  “This should be fun.” Chasity giggled.

  “What’s going to be fun?” Taylor asked.

  “You and him.” Both of her friends nodded.

  “There is no me and him.” Taylor snapped.

  “That’s what you think, but I suggest you ask Chad his opinion on that.” Tray grinned.

  “Do you want to come and sit at the library and be my chaperone today?” Her frustration making her snarky.

  “Nope. I told you I would want to touch, and I think he would kill me.”

  “Whatever. I have to get to work.” Taylor grumbled.

  “Do me a favor.” Chasity called as she stormed out of the door.

  “What?” She snapped as she turned back to see her cousin give he a sympathetic smile.

  “Go with it, let it happen.”

  “There’s nothing to go with, but fine.” She left them to talk about her, she almost ran into Chad as she pushed the door open.

  “You ready?” Chad asked her.

  “Yep, I’ll meet you at the library.” She walked past him and to her car.

  She needed to hire an assistant. If she had an assistant, she could have called in sick and stayed in bed today. Taylor made a mental note to put out a help wanted add. She was supposed to have another person anyway. When the head librarian retired last year, she was promoted. She had talked to a few people, but everyone that applied didn’t care for books, they just wanted an easy job. The job was simple, but they should be able to talk about the books, give recommendations, and advice on age appropriate books. Maybe she could do that today while he worked on her computer. She could write it down, then type it up when he finished. She needed something to distract her from him. Her lip still tingled from his touch.

  Chapter 3

  As Chad followed Taylor to the library he gave himself a pep talk. His heart had stopped when he saw her for the first time yesterday, but that was nothing compared to today. As soon as his eyes had locked on her, it was like the Earth had stood still. He found himself sitting beside her with no memory of moving toward her. When she moaned after biting into her Danish, he swore his eyes crossed. He couldn’t turn away as she enjoyed another bite. When he noticed the strawberry filling clinging to her bottom lip, all he could think about was licking it from her lip. He knew he couldn’t, so he swiped it off with his thumb.

  He saw the heat in her eyes his touch caused. When he licked it off his thumb, he tasted an extra sweetness to the strawberries and wondered if it was a small taste of Taylor. As the sunlight coming through the windows hit her hair, he noticed the red tint that stood out against the green sweater she had on. She was beautiful with her make up done, but he preferred her natural beauty from yesterday. When she stood, he noticed the sweater was a dress, and she had on black tights that lovingly hugged her curves. He wanted to feel them under his hands as she gazed up at him with those dark green eyes.

  If not for the warmth he felt as he touched her, he would have thought she was a perfect porcelain doll that should be out in a glass case. He had dated a girl that collected those dolls, but while they were kept in glass cases to protect their beauty, he thought Taylor had more natural beauty than they could ever be created with. As they pulled up to the library he took a deep breath and prayed for the will power he knew he needed to take things slow. His instincts told him to grab her and run before someone else could try to claim her. It seems he had an inner caveman he never knew existed. Those voluptuous hips swayed in front of him as he followed her up to the door, he fisted his hands at his sides, so he wouldn’t reach for her.

  “Thank you for taking the time to fix the computer.” Taylor said as she unlocked the door, then started turning on the lights.

  “I am happy to help. Feel free to call me anytime.” He smiled following her to the computer.

  “I’m going to keep the library closed until you have it fixed. I can’t check anything in or out while it’s down.” She said as she leaned across the desk to scribble a note for the door.

  He turned on the computer while she made the note for the door. After she put the note out and locked the door, she grabbed a notebook and sat in the chair beside him. He tried to keep his eyes on the computer, but glanced over to see her writing away in the notebook. An hour later he was starting to figure out the computer, but the beauty beside him was silent, if not for the soft scent that surrounded her, he wouldn’t even know she was there. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her stand up. He watched as she raised her arms above her head and leaned back, stretching it out. When she relaxed, she sighed.

  “Are you going to be able to fix it, or do I need to call about getting a new one?” She asked looking down at him.

  “I can fix it, it will just take a while.” He replied as he wrapped his hands tightly around the arm rests of the computer chair. He wanted to reach out and pull her on his lap as she looked at him with those green eyes and that soft smile.

  “Good, I’ll leave you to it.” She said, then walked away.

  He wanted to follow her, but turned back to the computer so he could get this done, hopefully when he finished he could convinc
e her to spend more time with him. By lunch time he hadn’t seen her, he wanted to get lunch so he went looking for her. He found her in the front of the library with a book. She was curled up on an old couch reading. He imagined her leaning against him as she read. He knew her curves would fit him perfectly. Her glasses enhanced the beauty of her eyes, and she had a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

  “Want to get some lunch?” He asked.

  “Ahh.” She screamed and dropped her book. He couldn’t stop the laugh that slipped out. “That wasn’t very nice.” She chided him.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you.” Chad smiled as she walked over and knelt in front of her to pick up her book.

  “You could have at least made some noise instead of scaring me.” She glared at him.

  “I figured you could hear my stomach growling.” He said looking up at her.

  “Oh, you can go to lunch whenever you want.” She turned her head to the side and looked at him.

  “Great, let’s go.” Chad stood and took her hand to pull her up.

  “What?” Her eyebrows wrinkled together in confusion and he wished he could kiss it away.

  “Lunch, come on.” Chad tugged on her hand.

  “You go on. I had a big breakfast.” Taylor tried to tug her hand free.

  “I was there and no, you didn’t. Let’s go to the diner.” He reached out and took her other hand.

  “I’m fine, you go ahead.” Taylor persisted, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “Not a chance.” He said using his grip on her hands to pull her up.

  Taylor hadn’t expected it, and fell into him. She looked up at him in surprise and blinked. He released her hands, and moved his hands to her waist. He hadn’t meant to pull her so hard, but he wasn’t complaining about her being in his arms. He knew when the surprise wore off, she would pull away for now she was rubbing her hands against his chest. His hands pulled her closer without the signal from his brain. She blinked again, and her hands went from the soft caresses, to pushing him away. He squeezed her waist, then released her.

  “Ready?” He asked smiling.


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