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Temptations (Tattoos & Tears Book 1)

Page 20

by Amiee Louise

  I smile at her sly change of subject. I know where I get that trait! I nod.

  “Yeah, things are going really great right now, there’s still just Seb and me at the shop, and Riley is due to give birth in a few months, so Parker is spending as much time with her as possible.”

  My mum smiles. “That’s nice, darling. Should I be buying a hat sometime soon?”

  I almost choke on my coffee and roll my eyes. “You’re the third person to say that, Mum. It’s early days. I’ve fallen hard for him, but it doesn’t mean I want him to walk me down the aisle just yet!”

  We both laugh, and she pushes a plate towards me with my ham and cheese sandwich on it. I devour the food on my plate, and by the time I take my last bite, Sam and my dad come into the kitchen. My mum is humming a tune while scrubbing potatoes ready for tonight’s dinner.

  “How are my girls doing?”

  My dad smiles and takes his place behind my mum. He put his arms around her waist. After all the years they spent together, they’re still madly in love with each other, and I instantly think I would love that to be Sam and me someday. Sam comes over to the breakfast bar and kisses me gently on the lips.

  “Did you enjoy the tour of my dad’s studio?”

  Sam’s face lights up, and he nods.

  “Yeah, it was amazing. Your dad is so talented, and we could totally use him for our new album cover. J.D is being a pain in the arse about hiring a photographer after Brody slept with the last one. Needless to say, it ended badly when she caught him with a groupie in the dressing room, pants around his ankles!”

  We both laugh, and my dad raises his eyebrows.

  “Have men these days got no respect at all for women? Sam, you, my friend, are the exception to the rule. There aren’t many men these days who are true gentlemen like yourself.”

  Sam smiles at my dad’s compliment, and my mum laughs, rolling her eyes.

  “Oh, Max! The men back in my modelling days were just the same. You’re only young once.”

  I get up from the stool and jump down. Sam wraps his arms around me.

  “Did you get the tour of the rest of the house?” I wink. Sam smirks and shakes his head. “Mum, I’m going to show Sam the rest of the house.”

  “OK, my love.”

  I grab Sam’s hand, close the kitchen door, and take him out into the hallway. I push him against the wall and claim his mouth. I stroke his tongue with mine and rub his erection through his trousers. He pulls away.

  “Easy, baby, your mum and dad are just through there.”

  I look up seductively at him.

  “There’s something erotic and dangerous about being almost caught,” I whisper in his ear.

  “You’re so naughty!”

  He cups my breast in his hand and strokes my nipple with his thumb. I gasp and instantly feel liquid heat between my legs.

  “I can’t keep my hands off you, the whole time I was with your dad I wanted to come down here, rip your clothes off, and fuck you so god damn hard.”

  His husky voice is like a hotline to my pussy, and I nip his ear excitedly.

  “I need to be alone with you, Sam.”

  He grabs my hand. “Lead the way then, angel!”

  Sam grabs our bags, and I take him upstairs. I swing open the door to my old bedroom. It still looks the same as it did all those years ago, apart from the clean bed sheets. My room is a light purple, with light wood laminate flooring, a double sleigh bed near the window, a desk with my old computer on, and a corkboard with a selection of passport-sized pictures on it of my brother, sister, and me and Ruby. Reminding me of the old times we all spent together. There is a small bedside cabinet next to my bed. Sam puts our bags down on the floor and takes in his surroundings. He looks gorgeous as always, and I don’t think I’ll get bored of seeing his beautiful face every time I wake up. I sit down on the edge of the bed and Sam pushes me down. He kisses me deeply and rubs my pussy through my clothes.

  “Sam,” I moan into his mouth.

  “God, I want you so fucking bad.”

  I smile and put my arms around his neck. I feel his mobile vibrate in his pocket. Way to kill the mood.

  “Fuck, I’m so sorry, babe, I have to get this.”

  He gets up and sits down next to me. I sit up, and he answers his phone, exasperated.

  “Hello, J.D. Yeah, I’m away with Peyton. Well, I fucking told you. No, I’m not coming back to London until Sunday evening. Tough shit, you’ll have to do without me. We’re all meant to be off for the weekend. Have you called any of the other boys? No, I didn’t fucking think so. We all deserve a break, J.D.; work can wait until Monday. That’s none of your fucking business. It was my decision; I don’t have to justify myself to you. No, end of. I’m hanging up now.”

  He cuts the phone off.

  “Fucking J.D.,” Sam curses. “You know what?”

  I look at him, and he turns his phone off. He opens my bedside cabinet drawer and slides his phone into it.

  “There, a work free, and J.D. free weekend. Peace, quiet, and quality time with my girl.”

  He smiles and kisses me on the lips. I feel warm and fuzzy inside when he refers to me as ‘his girl.’

  “We’ll resume our sex-capades later, baby!” He winks and gets up from the bed. He pulls me to my feet and kisses my forehead. “Thought you were meant to be giving me the guided tour of Harper Manor?”

  We go out onto the large landing area, which has cream carpet, and off-white walls. Adorning the walls is a set of my mum’s modelling pictures from her heyday. Sam examines the photos.

  “Wow, your mum was a stunner, babe; I can see where you got your good looks from.”

  He squeezes me around the waist. I take him along the landing and push the bathroom door open.

  “This is the bathroom.”

  He nods at the basic bathroom with a large shower cubicle in the corner; a small half-circle shaped bath, a sink, and a toilet all in white and chrome. I show him the rest of the four bedrooms and point up to the loft.

  “My dad’s studio up there which you’ve seen, then there’s my mum’s office, a swimming pool in the conservatory, and a small gym next to my room.”

  He looks impressed with my mum and dad’s seaside getaway. I hear the front door slam shut. My eyes light up, and I run down the stairs.


  My little brother Dexter looks up at me, and his face softens. “Sis!”

  I jump into his arms, and we hug tightly. I am really close to my brother, and it is always good to see him. Sam comes down the stairs and hangs back, watching the reunion between brother and sister unfold.

  “It’s so good to see you, sis. You look different. Did you cut your hair?”

  He smiles a bright smile. He is two years younger than I am, over six and a half feet tall, lean, and muscular. Dexter and I were always close when we were growing up. I was a tomboy when I was younger and always favoured male company over female. I couldn’t, and still can’t, handle the drama of having female friends, except for Ruby. She was different from other girls; we clicked straight away and became firm friends. Dexter pulls away from our embrace.

  “Are you back here for the whole weekend then? Mum’s been going on about you coming down all week!”

  I laugh. “Yeah, we’re here for the weekend. When did you come home?”

  He smiles. “Beginning of the week, Grace is away at some clothes show until Sunday evening, so I came back home for a while, I’ve been commuting to work from here.”

  I nod. Looking past me, Dex looks Sam up and down. Sam comes over and wraps his arm around me.

  “I’m Sam, Peyton’s boyfriend.”

  Dexter nods, and they shake hands, sizing each other up. “Dexter. PC Dexter Harper, Peyton’s brother.”

  I roll my eyes. “Stop with the pissing contest, Dex.”

  Dexter looks at me as if he is about to say something then he doesn’t.

  “So, you’re the famous rock star everyone’s be
en gushing about?” Dexter sounds bored, and Sam nods.

  “Sure am, Constable!”

  Sam smirks, and Dexter narrows his eyes. I can tell that Dexter has taken an instant dislike to Sam. I nudge him in the ribs, and Sam shrugs his shoulders.

  “How’s work?”

  Dexter nods. “Yeah, all good, thanks, sis. Keeping me on my toes as always.” He smiles. “I’m going to get changed, sis. I’ll see you in a bit, and we’ll catch up properly, I promise.”

  Dexter makes a cross over his heart, kisses the top of my head and runs up the stairs two at a time, bumping purposely into Sam as he goes. I grab Sam’s arm.

  “Babe, please try and get on with my baby brother, it would mean a lot to me. He is just doing the overprotective brother routine, that’s all.”

  Sam holds his hands up in defeat, and my dad comes out from the kitchen.

  “Did I just hear Dex come in?” I nod and smile. He gathers me into a hug. “He’s been pining for his big sister, you know.” He pulls away and pinches my cheek playfully. “Good to have you home, darling.”

  It makes me so happy to finally be back in my family home surrounded by my family and the man I have fallen in love with.



  We have a dinner of chicken wrapped in bacon with melted cheese on the top, jacket potatoes, and a mixed salad. The conversation flows easily, and by the time we have finished, I think Dexter and Sam are definitely getting along better. The boys go into the conservatory and sit at a table by the pool with a few bottles of beer. I hang back and help Mum with the washing up. We chat about anything and everything. It is so good being around my family again—I didn’t realise how much I missed them living in London. Sam comes in, ending our conversation.

  “Is everything OK in here, babe. Do you need a hand, Mrs. Harper?”

  My mum looks up at Sam and brushes his arm. “I told you, call me Sophia, please!”

  Sam laughs and looks to me for reassurance.

  “Everything’s fine, babe, honestly, we’re just finishing the washing up. Grab me a beer, and I’ll be out in a sec.”

  I kiss him gently on the lips, and he rests his hand at the small of my back. An intimate yet tender gesture, which I love about him.

  “How are things going with you and Dex?”

  He nods. “Yeah, better, I think. Surprisingly enough, we’ve actually got stuff in common.”

  I laugh, and he strokes my hair. He grabs a bottle of Budweiser from the worktop and goes back out to the conservatory.

  “I think he is a keeper, darling,” Mum says as she strokes my face. “He is such a sweet boy; he is definitely smitten with you.”

  I feel my face heat at her words.

  “Go and be with your man, I’ll finish up here. I’ll be out to join you in ten minutes.”

  As I walk out into the conservatory, I shout, “I hope these two aren’t telling you any embarrassing stories about me!”

  My dad and Dexter laugh.

  “Of course not, sis. Would we do that to you?” Dexter sniggers.

  I sit down next to Sam and move my chair closer. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and hands me my bottle of beer. I take a long pull on the bottle. We all sit in the conservatory beside the swimming pool chatting and catching up until well into the night.

  At around eleven PM, my mum goes up to bed, and my dad takes Sam up to his studio to show him some more pictures, and I know Sam is keen to work with him. Dexter and I go out onto the decking outside in the garden and sit down around the table with our beers. The night is clear and pleasant, but I still turn on the patio heater before I lean back in my chair.

  “So how are things with you and Grace?”

  Dexter takes a sip of his beer and nods. “Yeah, we’re all good, thanks. I’m going to take her to Paris for the weekend and ask her to marry me.”

  I clap with excitement. “Dex! That’s great news, congratulations. I’m so happy for you. You and Grace are made for each other.”

  He beams. “I’m sure Grace will call you when we get back. She loves you. I’m sure she would want you to be a bridesmaid.”

  I’m so happy for my little brother. Grace and he have been together for around six years. They met in college—they were in the same Media Studies class. I’m sure Dex only took the class because of her! They would pair up on projects and Grace would come to our house for tea on regular occasions.

  Grace grounds Dexter, and he is a calming influence on her feisty nature. Their personalities perfectly complement each other—he is the quiet one, and Grace is definitely the outspoken one. She is a tall, slim, and feisty redhead with curves in all the right places and a fiery personality to match the shade of her hair. Grace is a junior fashion designer; this is another reason why my mum loves her! She is always sending Ruby and me samples of her stuff, which also keeps us well up to date with the latest trends! She always well turned out and always dresses immaculately putting me to complete shame. Fashion has never been my strong point; I dress for comfort and whatever I feel looks good on me.

  Dexter and Grace are like a Hollywood couple in the looks stakes with Dexter’s chiselled cheekbones, tall, lithe, and muscular physique, blue eyes, and his dark hair. When they are out in public, they definitely turn heads. They are literally made for each other.

  Dexter leans back in his chair and swigs his beer from the bottle.

  “So, what’s the low down on you and the rock star then, sis? Is it serious?” I smile coyly, and Dexter nudges me. “Someone’s in lurrrvvveee!” Dexter teases. We both laugh, and I nod.

  “I think he might be the one, Dex. He is amazing. He is … everything, and he is not Callum.”

  “I’m so happy for you, sis. I’d never seen you so miserable while you were with Callum. It’s good to see you smiling again. I hated seeing you so upset and down all the time while you were with him. I wanted to punch the twat for making you feel that way. I was so worried about you, so was Mum; she would cry for hours on end after the phone conversations. I literally had to stop her from driving down to London on a few occasions because she wanted to bring you back here.”

  I look at Dexter. “I hate it when you guys worry about me. I’m a big girl, I can look after myself.”

  He nods. “Yeah, of course!”

  I hit his arm playfully. “I hated the way he made me feel towards the end. I’m so scared to let Sam get too close in case he hurts me the way Callum did.”

  Dexter shakes his head. “That guy might be a rock star, but anyone can see he is besotted with you. Peyton this, Peyton that, I was sceptical around him at first, but that was before I got talking to him. He seems so normal.”

  I say with a laugh, “He is. We might have had some hiccups, but everything is great right now, more than great.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Don’t tell Mum. She’ll have you planning the wedding!” That makes the both of us chuckle. “That laugh sounds good on you, sis. Just go with your heart on this one.”

  “I’ve had so many doubts since we started going out. I can’t seem to shake them off. He is a famous rock star for fuck’s sake, Dex! I’m just ordinary. I don’t think I’m worthy of him.”

  Dexter forcefully puts his bottle down on the table and looks sternly at me.

  “You are worthy of him. Fucking hell, it’s about time you had some happiness in your life. Please don’t overanalyse things, sis, listen to me on this one, the way the guy looks at you, it’s sickening.”

  After we laugh hysterically, I manage to calm down long enough to say, “He’s gorgeous, he makes me laugh. He’s amazing. The way he looks at me … he makes me feel so safe and loved, Dex. I never felt any of that with Callum. I’ve cried so much over Sam, but that’s because now he is in my life, I’m scared he is going to run in the opposite direction.”

  He tilts my chin up. “I spoke with the guy for twenty minutes. I was getting bored of hearing your name, and you’re my sister! Trust me, he is not going anywhere. The doubts a
re all in your mind and stem from Callum treating you like shit for three fucking years. That would have an effect on anyone.”

  I cross my legs underneath me and take a long pull on my beer.

  “It’s been such a whirlwind, I haven’t really had a chance to stop and think about it too much. I think he is the one, but I’m terrified I’m going to scare him away, Dex.”


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