Temptations (Tattoos & Tears Book 1)
Page 21
He turns his chair to face me and crosses his legs. “If you think he is the one, hold onto him, Peyton.”
I smile. “How did you get so wise, Dex?”
He winks. “Years of practise!” Dexter gets up from his chair and asks, “Do you want another beer, sis?”
“Yeah, please.”
He goes inside, and I lean back in my chair and think about the heart-to-heart with Dexter. He is my little brother, and sometimes I ask myself how he got old beyond his years. As a big sister, I should be the one giving him advice, but it seems to be the other way around. Everything he said about Sam is true; I deserve to be happy, and I vow from this moment on I am going to follow Dexter’s advice. I am going to hold on to Sam, focus on a future for our relationship, and put Callum firmly in the past where he belongs.
Dexter and I stayed up until the early hours of the morning catching up and having an overdue heart-to-heart. By the time I got to bed, Sam was already asleep, I crawled into bed next to him, and it felt so good to be in his arms. He looks so peaceful and content when he is asleep—a far cry from his hectic reality.
After probably the best night’s sleep I have had in a while, we finally wake to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking downstairs.
“Good morning, angel.”
Sam stretches his lean, muscular body and turns over to kiss me gently on the lips.
“Morning, gorgeous.”
Sam smiles. “I’ll never get tired of waking up to that smile, baby.”
He lazily trails his fingers over my arm, my skin instantly goose bumping at his touch.
“Someone’s feeling frisky this morning.”
He laughs. “You have that effect on me, what can I say!”
I grasp his growing erection under the covers. He hisses and bites his lip. “Jesus, Peyton,” he whispers huskily, and a soft tap on the door interrupts us.
“Sis, are you awake?”
Dexter is outside, and we both giggle at my brother’s piss poor timing. I clear my throat.
“Yeah, I’m awake, Dex.”
There’s a pause.
“I was just wondering if you were coming down for breakfast.”
“Yeah, I’ll be down in ten minutes. I’m going to grab a shower.”
I hear Dexter’s footsteps across the landing and get out of bed before turning around to face Sam.
“To be continued!”
I wink, and Sam laughs. I grab my morning shower and relish the relaxing hot water on my skin. While I am washing the lather from my hair, I hear the bathroom door shut with a click and feel Sam’s warm hard body press against my back. He reaches around and cups my breast, squeezing and massaging gently. He chuckles softly.
“I couldn’t wait, baby,” he whispers huskily. He slips a finger into my soaking wet cleft, and I feel limp against his hard muscled body. He pushes his finger in and out slowly and teasing. When I grasp his erection from behind me, he growls with pleasure. He doesn’t speak, but he pushes me against the wall until the coldness of the bathroom tiles hits the front of my body. He pins my hand above my head, as water cascades between our bodies. He grasps his growing hard-on and finds my wet folds from behind, teasing my swollen pussy as I wiggle my arse against him.
“Patience, my lovely,” he whispers in my ear and trails kisses from my neck to my shoulder, nipping my shoulder gently with his teeth. A soft moan escapes.
“Shhh, I’ve got you, angel.”
I close my eyes and think to myself that I will never ever get tired of making love to this gorgeous man. He presses his hard, wet, slick body against my back and the hot water from the shower is trickling between us. Suddenly, he pushes his rock-hard cock into me. I gasp. His rhythm is slow, sensual and steady, as if he is savouring the feeling of being inside me. I contract my pelvic muscles around his cock and squeeze. He gasps and moans.
“God that feels so fucking good, baby,” he whispers. “I love being inside you, you feel so good.”
He thrusts into me, and I shriek at the feeling. He puts his hand over my mouth and quickens his speed.
“It’s like my cock was meant for you. Look how we fit together, baby.”
He rams into me and cups my breast from behind. Moaning against his hand, I am so hot with desire for him as he alternates from quick thrusts to a gentler pace.
“Oh, Sam.”
He moves his hand from my breast and finds my soaking wet pussy. He moves his finger to my nub and rubs it in deliberate, gentle circles, driving me crazy with lust.
“Beg me, baby, I love hearing you beg for it.”
He slams into me.
“Sam, please, please make me come. I need you.”
He slows his pace and continues rubbing my pussy in a quicker, more frantic motion. I can feel my orgasm rising to the surface.
“Peyton, come for me, now,” he growls and as if on cue, I feel my orgasm rip through my whole body. I tremble against him, and his grip tightens around my waist to stop my legs from buckling underneath me. He quickens his pace, and I feel his hot seed spurting deep inside me.
We are both spent and leaning heavily on the wall. Our breathing perfectly in sync, and my heart is racing a frantic tattoo. Sam kisses me on my shoulder gently and spins me around to face him. He smiles and kisses me deeply on the lips. I am so lost in the moment, I close my eyes, nuzzle in the crook of his neck and let out a sigh.
Before I know what I am saying, I whisper in Sam’s ear, “I love you so much, Sam.”
My eyes fly open when I realise that is the first time I have said the L word. Oh, shit. I look up at him trying to gauge his reaction. He lets out a breath, and he pulls me closer to him.
“Peyton, I fucking love you. It was love at first sight. God, I love you so much, I think I might burst.”
I swallow back another lump in my throat.
“You had me at, hey beautiful!” A nervous laugh bubbles up from inside of me. “My head is telling me not to, but my heart is telling me something completely bloody different, and this feeling terrifies the shit out of me.”
“Me too. We’ll figure it out together, baby, I promise.”
I feel him smile into my shoulder. The depth of feeling I feel for him all over again suddenly overwhelms me, and I nestle closer to him. Both of us are content and satiated after our morning shower sex session.
We finish our shower, go back into the bedroom, dry off, and get dressed before heading down into the kitchen.
“Morning, Mum. Morning, Dad.”
My mum smiles as she is cooking the breakfast. “Morning, sweetheart.”
My dad looks up from his newspaper and smiles. “Morning, darling, sleep well?”
I nod. “Yeah, like a baby, thanks, Dad. Best night’s sleep I’ve had in a while.”
“Do you and Sam want some coffee? The kettle’s just boiled, we haven’t got one of those fancy pants coffee machines, so you’ll have to make do with instant.”
That makes me giggle. “Coffee would be great, thanks, Dad.”
Sam perches himself on a stool across from my dad and rests his chin on his tattooed hands.
“Morning, Sam.”
“Morning, Max.”
I am happy to have the men in my life getting on so well. I make both Sam and myself a cup of coffee and smile to at the way Sam retreats into himself around my family. It is sweet to watch to see him transform from Sam the confident rock star to Sam the sweet, sensitive and shy guy. I put Sam’s coffee on the worktop and take a long welcome sip of mine, enjoying the caffeine hit. “So, what have you two got planned for today then, sweetheart?” my dad enquires, and I look at Sam.
“I don’t know. It’s been so long since I’ve had a Saturday off I forget that you’re supposed to relax!” I say with a laugh.
Dad joins in. “We’re just enjoying having you back here, Peyton. Your mum and me we’ve both been so worried about you.”
My gaze drops to the floor, and I think back to
the conversation Dexter and I had last night. Mum would cry for hours on end after the phone conversations. I am about to speak, but the discussion comes to an abrupt halt at the shriek of my sister’s voice.
She rushes in pulling a Louis Vuitton suitcase behind her. A wall of Chanel perfume suddenly hits me. She throws her arms around me, and I think to myself that the peaceful weekend I was hoping for has come to a premature end.
She pulls away, and we take each other in. My sister Eden never changes. She is taller than me by a few inches at five foot six, slender, with long dark brown wavy hair that flows down to her waist. She is flawlessly turned out wearing a shocking red trench coat, black skinny jeans, black sky-high patent heels, a white polka dot blouse, a pair of expensive Gucci sunglasses sitting on top of her head, and her signature burst of red lipstick. She smiles brightly.
“It’s so good to see you, sis, you look amazing as always.” She turns her attention to Sam. “This must be the famous Sam; I’m Eden, Peyton’s older, better-looking sister.”
She giggles, with a hint of contempt and jealousy in her voice. I roll my eyes and mouth ‘sorry’ to Sam as she shakes his hand. He winks reassuringly in my direction and clears his throat.
“Nice to meet you, Eden.” Sam smiles at her, and she gets giggly.
“You’re so much better looking in real life; the pictures don’t do you justice.”
She fawns over him, flicking her hair over her shoulder, and before Sam can reply, my mum walks over to us.
“Oh, Eden, leave the poor boy alone.”
Eden laughs and hugs my mum. I roll my eyes at Sam, which is an involuntary reaction around my sister. I finish my coffee and grab Sam’s hand.
“I’m taking you to some of my old haunts, and I’m going to show you around Brighton, babe.”
Sam smiles and looks relieved. We grab our coats, and I pick up my car keys. Eden looks at me.
“You’re not still driving that rust bucket around, are you? I thought dating a rock star he could have at least bought you a decent set of wheels, sis.”
Dexter comes down the stairs just then saying, “Leave off, Eden. If it makes her happy, then who are you to judge? Just because you have Jonah wrapped around your little finger. We can’t all afford manicures and flash cars.”
Dexter brushes my arm as he walks past, and I am grateful for his brotherly intervention. Eden stomps childishly up the stairs, ignoring Dexter’s rant, and we walk to my car. We both get in, and I start the engine.
“I’m so sorry about my sister, babe. She can be a little hard to take at times.”
Sam smiles and takes my free hand in his.
“Unfortunately, I’m accustomed to girls like her. Some of our fans can be a little amorous and bratty at times. Don’t worry about her, you are the most beautiful girl in my life, babe, and I’m looking forward to having you all to myself today.”
I smile and get a fuzzy warm feeling inside. I haven’t felt this good in a long time, and I’m going to savour it.
We spend the day hanging around some of the places I grew up in. First, we visit the beach. The tide is out, and the beach is looking particularly beautiful today. With the sunlight catching the water and shimmering like blue-green diamonds. The beach is pebbles instead of sand, and the familiar feeling of the stones underneath my feet reminds me that I’m home. Sam and I walk along the beach hand in hand. For the first time since we have been together, I actually feel like we are a proper normal couple. We sit down, and I sit between his legs, my back to his warm chest. He wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder, and pulls me close to him.
“We used to come here all the time when we were kids; we used to walk our dog Ziggy.”
Sam looks at me. “You have a dog?”
“Yeah, he is a chocolate brown Labrador. He’s gorgeous. He lives with Dexter and Grace. He’s old now, though, bless him. I used to think he was my only friend when I was a kid, then I met Ruby.”
I watch the waves ripple and lap at the shore.
“How exactly did you and Ruby meet?”
I smile at the memory.
“She was crying because she was too scared to climb to the top of the climbing frame, I hate seeing people sad, even back then. I was a fearless tomboy who always wanted to climb the highest. I went down to the bottom and showed her there was nothing to be scared of. We were best friends after that.”
I am in a nostalgic, melancholy mood and snuggle closer to Sam.
“When I was a teenager or needed time to think, I’d come here to clear my head. There were so many times I just wished I could come back here after Callum.”
He squeezes my hand. “Then why didn’t you?”
I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. I was scared of the ‘I told you so’, I wanted to so many times, just get in my car and keep driving. Mum and Dad’s is so peaceful and … not London.” That makes us both chuckle. “But you’ve seen what Eden’s like. I couldn’t. She is jealous, shallow, driven by money, status, and greed. She is everything I despise, and she is my sister. How fucked up does that make me?”
Sam shakes his head. “It’s not fucked up at all, babe, it’s human. First impressions? Truthfully, I don’t like her! That’s nothing to do with what you’ve said, she just doesn’t come across like a very nice person. ‘I’m the older better-looking sister’, what the fuck was that all about?”
I laugh and lean into Sam. He squeezes me tightly and kisses my forehead. I pull away from his embrace, clamber to my feet, grab his hand, and pull him to his feet.
“Come on, there’s more of Peyton’s magical mystery tour!”
We both giggle, and he chases me down the beach.
We spend the rest of the day visiting old haunts: my old school, the park where Ruby and I used to hang out in the summer holidays. We stroll around the Lanes, visit the famous Brighton Pier, and the church where my mum and dad got married. Even though Sam is recognised by his fans, it doesn’t seem to faze him—it comes so easily to him. He speaks to his fans as if he has known them for years; he signs autographs and poses for pictures. He is humble and apologetic, but it doesn’t stop Sam and me enjoying our time together as a couple and getting to know each other better. I find out that he was born in Southend-On-Sea and spent his early years there but grew up in Kent as well as touring around the country with his dad and his band. His mum, Lori, is American, he has a Husky called Ace, a passion for action movies, American motorbikes, and he keeps a journal. His favourite film is Dark Angel, his favourite actor is Morgan Freeman, and the person he considers as his hero is Milo Lightman from The Lightning Bolts. His favourite song is “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day, his favourite album of all time is Velvet Perfection by The Lightning Bolts, and his favourite colour is black. By the end of the day, I feel like I have known him all my life and we are both in good spirits on the way back to my parents’ house.
“Mum, Dad, we’re back,” my voice echoes through the house, and Eden bounces out into the hallway.
“Sis! You’re back!” I smile tightly. “We’re out in the garden; Dad’s got the barbeque out and that ridiculous apron with the boobs on the front.”
I laugh at the thought and take off my coat. Eden is in the hallway flicking her hair, flirting and fawning over Sam, giggling like a schoolgirl. I roll my eyes.
“I’m going to grab a shower and get changed.”
Eden ignores me completely, twirling her hair around her finger. Sam moves away from her.
“Look we’ll chat later, Eden. I should grab a shower too, and it’s been a long day.”
Her face drops, but she tries to hide it behind a fake smile. “Oh, OK. Later, then.”
Sam salutes, and we both go up the stairs.
“Is she always like that?”
I laugh. “Yeah, unfortunately. We’ve never really been close if I’m honest. Dex and I have always been closer. I miss him so much being up in London, and he is like
my ally as far as Eden is concerned!”
“I really like your family. They seem normal and so down to earth. My family are all mental and eccentric but in a really good way. You’re going to love my mum and dad.”
I suddenly feel bold and strip off my clothes. Sam crosses the room and is in front of me in two strides.
“You’re not playing fair, angel!”
I run my tongue over my bottom lip in an attempt to look seductive.