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Being the Bikers' Old Lady

Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  Butch made a mental note to get Walker to help him talk to Dom and Reece about a small piece of land to build themselves a house for their old lady. There was plenty of land thanks to Jessie. Her inheritance bordered on The Ghost Riders’ land, so there was plenty to go around.

  Yeah, planning a house before they’d even won the lady over was a bit premature, but he liked to plan ahead and have everything covered with contingency plans in place. He saw no reason not to apply the same method he used in securing the safety of his club to preparing for taking on an old lady. Delta didn’t know it yet, but she was theirs for real. He and Walker had no intentions of letting it all end once the threat to her safety was no longer present. She might view their arrangement as temporary right now, but they would make sure that by the time it mattered, she’d know just how permanent it actually was going to be.

  “What’s got that shit-eating grin on your face?” Ajax slapped Butch on the shoulder.

  “Hey, man! Great to see you. Did Murdock ride in with you?” Butch held out his hand and the two men clasped forearms.

  Ajax and Murdock, along with their old lady, Ginger, ran a training camp for serious survivalist types but were still part of the club. They rode with them anytime they were needed and a large part of their revenue went back to the club.

  “He’s settling Ginger with Jessie and will be over to help. What do you need me to do?” Ajax looked the part of a true biker with his spiked hair and ghost of a beard at any given time of the day or night.

  “I think everything is under control. I’d like the two of you to take a stroll around outside every few hours just to make sure nothing is out of place. I have some of the others doing the same thing,” he told his friend.

  “Done. So you and Walker are hooking up with this Delta girl, huh. Are you good with that?”

  “Yeah. We don’t see this as temporary, either. She’s ours,” Butch told him.

  The other man chuckled. “Does she know that yet?”

  “Nope, but we’ll get around to telling her once she’s a little more comfortable with us.”

  “Get around to telling me what?” a Southern drawl asked behind them.

  Butch ground his teeth before relaxing his jaw and turned around to find Delta standing behind him. He pulled her up next to him as Ajax winced. Why didn’t it surprise him that she’d snuck up on him like that?

  Because I already know her pretty damn well. She’s going to be the death of us, I just know it.

  “Hey there, darling. Have you met Ajax? He and his partner, Murdock run a camp on the other side of town. Come to think of it, they’re actually fairly close to the bar,” Butch said, making a mental note to talk to them about checking on the bar when they could.

  “Great to meet you,” Ajax said nodding in her direction. “You’ll meet Murdock later. He took Ginger out to Jessie’s house.”

  “Good to meet you, too. Love the hair,” she said before turning to stare up at Butch with a calculating look in her eyes. “So, what was it that you would get around to telling me?”

  Butch found himself staring down at her cleavage. He couldn’t help it. She had fucking awesome tits. He couldn’t wait to bury his face and then his dick between them.

  “Focus, buddy!” Delta snapped her fingers up in his face.

  “It’s nothing, hon. We’ll talk about it later,” he said, hoping she would have forgotten about by then.

  “You’re not brushing me off that easily. Either you tell me now, or I’ll drag it out of Walker later. You and I both know that he’s the weakest link when it comes to what I want,” Delta said with a smirk.

  “Now that’s where you’ve got me pegged all wrong, babe.” Walker walked out from behind her and Butch with a seriously determined expression tightening his face.

  Chapter Nine

  Delta’s bravado faltered at the sight of Walker’s determined stare. Maybe she’d bragged a little too soon, or maybe he hadn’t been such a pushover like she’d thought. What in the hell was she going to do with two men intent on bossing her around during the day and burning her up all night?

  “What do you have to say now, little girl?” Walker asked her in a deceptively soft voice as he leaned closer to her face.

  “I-I’ll make it easy on you guys. Just tell me what it is you’re not telling me, and I won’t turn my feminine whiles on you and let your friends see just how pussy whipped you really are.” Although she started out weak, Delta finished strong with one hand on her hip and her chin raised in defiance.

  I’m digging my grave a little deeper every time we mix it up some. Why can’t I keep my mouth shut? As soon as they are sure that asshole isn’t looking for me, I’m out of here.

  “Easy on us? Baby, you’d better worry about yourself there. I’ve been aching to find out what that pretty ass of yours looks like with my handprint on it,” Walker told her almost nose to nose with her now.

  “You wouldn’t dare spank me,” she hissed out, appalled at how sexy that sounded to her.

  “Oh, count on it, babe. My hand and your sweet ass have a date now,” Walker told her with a wide grin.

  “You lay one hand on me, and I’ll… I’ll scream bloody murder.” Somehow that didn’t sound as angry as she’d intended for it to. Something about how breathy she sounded took all the starch out of the threat.

  Butch turned her to face him, and this time it was his nose nearly touching hers. “When Walker finishes turning that bottom red, I’m going to fuck that ass and remind you just how much you love it.”

  “Oh, my God! I can’t believe you’re talking to me like that in front of everyone!” She secretly admitted how much his dirty promises were turning her on. She’d never been one to like dirty talk before and certainly not out in the open where anyone would hear.

  “Babe, there’s not a thing these guys haven’t already seen or heard. One thing they won’t see is your sweet body. That belongs to us, but a few nasty suggestions aren’t out of the question,” Walker drawled before pinching her on the ass.

  Delta squealed and jumped, nearly bumping her head into Butch’s. Lucky for her, he had fast reflexes or she’d have a headache for sure. God knew the man was hardheaded.

  “Looks like everything is squared away up here,” Butch said. “Let’s go get ready for the party.”

  “I am ready,” she said with a satisfied smirk. “I went ahead and dressed before I came down.”

  Walker scanned her body from head to toe and back up again before he shook his head and smiled. “Nope. That’s not how you dress for a party celebrating our shaking up, baby. But don’t worry. Butch and I will help you dress.”

  “Of course, that means we’ll have to undress you first, darling.” Butch shot the half smile he favored before winking at her. “I’m sure you won’t mind that, now will you?”

  “What’s wrong with what I have on?” she asked, looking down at the nice navy blue slacks and frilly red blouse she had on. If anything she was a little overdressed, but it wasn’t like she had much to choose from. She hadn’t gotten to go shopping yet.

  “You look like you’re going to a boring lawyer party or something, babe. You need to loosen up some. I know you’ve seen a club party before. Did you ever see anyone wear something like that to one of them?” Walker asked, shaking his head.

  “I don’t have anything else to wear yet. You promised to take me shopping. Remember?” Delta was losing her temper with them now.

  “We will as soon as we’ve had time to make sure your ex-boyfriend isn’t lurking around. Until then, we managed to locate some appropriate clothes for you to wear. Let’s go and try them on,” Butch coaxed as he slowly secured her to his side and turned back toward the kitchen.

  Delta knew she was being railroaded into going back to the bedroom with them. She had no doubt they were up to no good, but she let Butch lead her anyway, well aware of Walker’s presence behind them. The man fairly radiated raw sex appeal that brushed against her like gentle waves on a lon
ely stretch of beach. However Delta knew that those innocent waves could turn into a raging sea of desire and need without warning.

  As soon as the door to their suite had closed behind them, Delta turned on the two men, planting her hands on her hips. They were not going to boss her around this way.

  “I don’t appreciate being embarrassed in front of people I barely know. I also won’t have you dictating what I do and don’t wear. Don’t you think that if I had something more suitable to wear I would be wearing it?”

  “Whoa there, darling,” Butch said, lifting his hands in front of him. “We aren’t dictating anything, Delta. We figured you’d be more comfortable dressed like the others rather than standing out. Where did you get the idea that we’d dictate anything to you other than what concerns your safety?”

  “You’ve been trying to dictate my every move since I got here. You’ve refused to let me sleep in a different room or even a different bed. How is that not dictating my actions?” she asked.

  Walker took a step closer, but when she lifted her chin, he stopped with that one step. “Baby, don’t confuse our wanting to have you close to us with wanting to control you. We don’t want to control you. Butch and I are attracted to you and like touching you. I admire you and the way you handled yourself at the bar. You’ve got great instincts.”

  “But I told you that I didn’t want to sleep with you and Butch. You took away my choice when you kept putting me in your bed after I fell asleep,” she insisted staring from Butch back to Walker.

  “Yet you enjoyed it. You can’t say that you didn’t,” Butch said in an exasperated voice.

  “I doubt the ice queen could remain cold with the two of you when you’ve set your mind to thawing her out. I can’t control my hormones or the way my body reacts to you, but I shouldn’t have to.” Delta sighed. It was too late now anyway. She’d already done the dirty with them and she was afraid it was going to continue to happen now that she’d had a taste of what they could do to her.

  “Honey, you knew this would happen regardless of when. We are too volatile together. Your sassy mouth just begs for attention, and we’re more than happy to give it to you. I don’t know what kind of men you’ve dated in the past, Delta, but it’s obvious to us you were missing out on the passion part of the relationship. That’s not happening here.” Butch walked around behind her, making her turn to follow him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked when he stopped.

  Walker took the opportunity she presented, when she turned her back to him to watch Butch, to reach around and grab the ends of her blouse near the buttons and rip it apart, sending buttons skittering across the floor and eliciting a surprised yelp from her.

  “For that, sweet Delta,” he said moving in closer to her. “Look at the way her breasts mound up over the top of her bra, Walker. I can’t wait to taste them.”

  “That was an expensive blouse, Walker. I can’t believe you just ripped it open like that.” Delta’s breath came in heavy pants more from excitement than worry about Walker’s sudden action.

  Despite her claim to not want them to control her, Delta admitted to herself that she did enjoy how they dominated her. She’d always considered herself to be something of a control freak herself. Allowing these two very masculine and in-your-face bikers to manhandle her had her pussy gushing and her nipples puckering like two kids with their first kiss.

  “Baby girl, I’ll buy you an entire new wardrobe just as soon as it’s safe to take you shopping,” Walker told her as he unfastened her bra.

  “What are you doing? I need to get dressed for the party, not undressed,” she said in a breathy voice.

  “There’s plenty of time before we need to be there,” Butch assured her as he cupped her newly bared breasts. “So fucking beautiful. I love the way you blush all the way down to them. Got to have a taste.”

  Delta gasped when he lowered his head and licked across the top of each one before sucking the nipple of one heavy globe into his wet, hot mouth. The way he teased her with the tip of his tongue had her going up on her tiptoes until he released the stiff bud and moved over to capture its twin.

  “What are you doing to me?” she whispered threading her fingers through what little of Butch’s hair she could, then digging her nails into his scalp as he lightly bit her nipple and pulled on it.

  “Loving you, babe. We’re loving you up good,” Walker said, then trailed kisses down the back of her neck as he held her hair up with one hand and rubbed up and down her arm with the other.

  His mouth seared her skin where he left hot, wet trails along her shoulders and up her neck to nip at her jawline. The feel of his tongue gliding across her sensitive skin gave her goose bumps up and down her arms. Delta even had tingles of awareness all the way to her pussy where her clit had begun to feel the arousal that was seeping into her bloodstream.

  “Hell, darling. I need more. You’re just teasing us now.” Butch pulled back, heavy arousal showing in his eyes. “Walker, get her naked while I grab some things.”

  “My pleasure, brother.” Walker immediately spun Delta around and planted a hard hot kiss on her lips before he knelt in front of her to unfasten her pants and slowly slide them down her legs. “Step out of them, Delta. Don’t make me take my knife to them.”

  Delta gasped at the hunger that ignited inside of her even as she rushed to obey. Now she stood before a kneeling Walker in just her panties and sandals. The cooler air of the central air-conditioning raised goose bumps on top of the ones already there.

  Walker quickly removed her sandals and spread her legs so he could lick and kiss a path up her inner leg and thigh before stopping to hover at the apex of her sex. He stayed there for a few seconds just breathing across the line of curls that revealed her true standing as a redhead before continuing down the other leg.

  It was all Delta could do to remain on her feet. Her legs felt like jelly while her head seemed to be drifting in the clouds somewhere. The soft swish, swish in her ears told her that her heart rate had gone up as well. All it took from them was a look or a touch, or just a command in a deep voice to ruin her best intentions of remaining immune to their charms.

  “Bring her over here, Walker. It’s time we gave her what she’s been asking for.” Butch’s deep, raspy voice struck a chord somewhere deep inside of her as Walker rose to his feet and turned her to face Butch.

  Her eyes widened as she took in his completely nude body as he sat on the edge of the bed with something covered by a towel sitting next to him. She quickly looked into his eyes wanting to ask what he had under the towel, but the heat she saw there stopped the words from escaping. Instead, she nearly dropped to her knees in front of him. Only Walker’s strong arm wrapping around her waist kept her from it.

  The site of Butch’s long stiff dick jumping with each pulse of blood flowing through it had Delta whimpering with need. She wanted to taste him. She wanted to lick him up like an ice cream cone and feel his cum slide down her throat. She groaned at the thought, then shook herself.

  What have they done to me? I’ve never been like this before. Why do I want them more than my next breath?

  Delta didn’t have an answer to that. All she knew was the intense longing to be between them again. Her body betrayed her, and her mind hadn’t caught up with it. How could she fall into the same trap her mother and sister had? She’d vowed she wouldn’t, yet here she was lusting after two very big, very dangerous men who made her wet with just a look.

  “Over my knee, little darling. I think we owe you a spanking,” Butch said with heavy-lidded eyes.

  Walker steered her to Butch’s side and applied light pressure between her shoulder blades to encourage her to follow Butch’s orders. Delta couldn’t believe she was actually obeying, even licking her lips in anticipation of the feel of the man’s massive hands on her ass.

  “W-why are you spanking me? I didn’t do anything wrong.” Delta hated that the words came out in such a soft whisper both men leaned in t
o hear her.

  “You’re sassy and hardheaded, Delta. Those are things we absolutely love about you, but there’s a time and a place. You’ve fought us at every turn when all we want is to protect you and take care of you,” Butch said.

  “In all ways, baby,” Walker added.

  “Now relax and spread your legs some for me, honey. Yeah. Just like that.” Butch caressed her bare bottom with his callused palms.

  “You know the guys looked over that junk heap you call a car and were rather impressed with it. How in the world did you manage to build that thing from nearly ten different cars?” Walker asked her as he knelt on the floor on the opposite side of Butch.

  “I needed a car and didn’t have enough money, so I just built one from the ones out back of the house. They had twenty or thirty of them just rusting away,” she said, slowly relaxing as Butch stroked her ass while Walker smoothed her hair behind her ears.

  The first swat of Butch’s massive hand took her by surprise, and she jerked her hand to her back side to protect her stinging skin.

  “Put your hand back down, baby. Butch didn’t hurt you. If you keep putting your hand back there, we’ll have to tie your hands together so Butch doesn’t hurt your wrist.” Walker stroked her hair and eased her hand back down. “Relax and you’ll find out how much you like having your ass swatted.

  Delta seriously doubted that. Right now her right butt cheek was stinging to the tune of ouch not oh yeah, give me another one. Why would they think she’d like getting a whipping? No one liked being whipped. It added yet another facet to them that she wasn’t expecting.

  The next swat landed on her other cheek, but didn’t sting as bad as the first one had. She didn’t move her hands. The next few taps grew increasingly harder but oddly enough, they didn’t seem to hurt nearly as much. Before she knew it, Delta found herself lifting her ass up to meet their hands. At some point, they started taking turns turning her derriere pink with their hands.


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