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Being the Bikers' Old Lady

Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  “There we go. All done,” Butch said in a voice so raspy Delta almost couldn’t understand him.

  Both men rubbed her tender flesh with their hands, spreading the sting and burn across her entire butt. The spanking had ignited a need inside of her so raw and primal she thought she’d go crazy if something wasn’t done to take care of it. She wanted them inside of her so badly she thought she’d die if they didn’t hurry up.

  A thick finger traced her pussy lips from clit to slit, then plunged inside of her, sending sparkles of heat and the need for more friction tearing through her body.

  “Fuck, she’s wet,” Walker said.

  “Don’t I know it? I’ve been feeling her juices run over my legs since the third tap on her sweet ass,” Butch agreed. “Want to clean her up and dress her now?”

  Delta nearly screamed in denial. They weren’t leaving her like this. She’d kill them in their sleep if they left her wanting like this.

  “No! Fuck me. That’s what you did this for, isn’t it? You wanted to get me so stirred up I’d do anything to get you to fill my pussy and my ass with your cocks. Well you’ve got your wishes. Do it. Do it now!” she yelled in a hoarse voice.

  Walker’s knowing chuckle had her wishing she wasn’t so turned on so she could wipe that self-satisfied smile right off his face, but she wanted them to screw her more than she wanted to punch him.

  “She’s frowning, Walker. I think we misunderstood her when she said she wanted us to fuck her. I’d think she’d be happy that we were going to give her what she asked so nicely for,” Butch said as he scratched his chin.

  “Please, guys. Don’t do this. Don’t make me beg.” She swore that as soon as she could manage it, she would get the two of them back.

  We’ll see how they like it when the tables are turned, and they’re the ones hurting for release. Bastards!

  “Since you asked so nicely,” Walker said before he flipped her over on the bed.

  Delta couldn’t help the small squeal of surprise at suddenly landing on her back on the bed. Before she could say anything about it, Butch was between her legs cleaning up the evidence of her arousal. His tongue lapped at the wet skin of her thighs while Walker struggled out of his boots and jeans in record time.

  “Holy hell, Walker. She tastes better than apple pie. I could lick her juices all day and not get enough of her sweet pussy.” Butch swiped his tongue across her pussy lips, then returned to her thighs once again.

  “Save some for me, man. I’m the one who started that fountain in the first place.” Walker dropped to his knees next to Butch and shoved him over with his shoulders.

  Delta nearly died when both men took a thigh to tickle and tease as they licked her so close to coming that she was positive all one of them would have to do was blow a warm breath over her clit and she’d go. Instead of that, one of them spread her pussy lips and held them open while the other one shoved his tongue as far inside of her as he possibly could. He stabbed her over and over with it, sending little splinters of pleasure through her body. Even though it wasn’t nearly large enough to fill her, the fact that it could bend and twist more than made up for it as he whipped her into a near frenzy.

  “She’s bucking like a damn bronco, Walker. Hold her still before she breaks my neck,” Butch said in a choked voice.

  Walker chuckled, and the next thing she felt was his wet finger pressing at her back hole. She nearly screamed in surprise when he breached the entrance. It didn’t hurt at all, but the expectation that it would hurt had her tensing up, which made his progress slower than she was sure he wanted.

  “Relax, babe. We aren’t going to hurt you. You know that. Just enjoy what Butch is doing to you. Once he makes it to that swollen clit you’ve got standing at attention, you’ll forget all about poor me,” Walker crooned to her.

  “Won’t forget you,” she managed to get out as Butch licked her slit to just below her aching clit.

  But Delta did forget all about Walker when his friend ran his tongue slowly over the tiny bud. He moved so slowly across it that she wanted to scream but couldn’t get anything to come out as she gasped for breath. What in the world was he doing to her? No one had ever made her need so bad. She tried to rub herself on his tongue, but he only placed his hand flat across her pelvis to keep her still.

  If it wasn’t for how badly she wanted them to fuck her, she would have wrapped her legs a lot tighter around Butch’s head and squeezed them as tightly as she could. Right then, Delta could have masturbated right there in front of them just to get off, anything to relieve the building pressure that threatened to blow her apart.

  “Easy, babe. Just let go, and let it take you. You’re fighting it, Delta.”

  Walker’s words pissed her off. She wasn’t fighting anything. She wanted this orgasm more than she wanted anything else in the entire world. How could he say she was fighting it?

  His finger slid past the tight sphincter of her ass and the pressure that had been building since the first tap of his hand on her ass ignited into a raging fire. It was like the breath left her lungs taking all of the will to move from her at the same time. That was when she knew Walker had been right that she’d been fighting the climax all along.

  Butch’s talented tongue rubbed over her clit at that moment and even restraints wouldn’t have worked to keep her still with her back flat on the bed. Instead Delta’s back flexed into an arch as she shoved her pelvis up into Butch’s face. At the same time, she pushed Walker’s finger all the way inside her tight asshole. It would have taken her breath except that she didn’t have any right then.

  Every muscle in her body seized as she fought to draw in even a small bit of air. The climax was devastating and amazing all rolled up together. She’d never expected to feel something so good from just oral sex. Then again, she’d always been the one giving it before. This was absolutely amazing.

  “Easy, Delta. Just breathe, baby,” Walker said as she slowly became aware of herself and the other two men again.

  Delta sighed as she finally managed to breathe normally again. The feel of their callused hands smoothing over her skin as if trying to comfort her brought tears to her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. Men like them wouldn’t understand the feminine emotions that led to tears. They’d assume that they’d done something wrong. She honestly didn’t want that. They’d been amazing.

  She peeped up at them through her lashes so she could observe them without them realizing it. They both looked satisfied as if they’d been the ones to come. Neither of them seemed to appear the least bit antsy as if impatiently waiting their turn. They actually looked pretty satisfied.

  “I wouldn’t relax just yet, guys,” she said with a smile. “Seems like I remember you promising to fuck me. I don’t think that’s happened yet, has it?”

  Walker’s face lit up like a Roman candle while Butch looked a little confused. What had she said that would confuse the man? Walker looked pretty pleased at the idea. Was Butch already tired of her?

  “Butch, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I didn’t mean it to sound like an order or anything. I, um, just thought that you would want to.” Delta started scooting to the side of the bed. “Look, just forget it. It’s no big deal.”

  Before she could stand up and gather her clothes to get dressed, Butch had an arm wrapped around her waist and was pulling her back against his body.

  “Why would you think I didn’t want you? Dear Lord, woman. What part of being naked did you miss? We didn’t have to undress to give you a little tongue lashing. We want you, but I thought you’d need some time to rest,” he said, his chest rumbling against her back as he spoke.

  “If I’d wanted to rest, I wouldn’t have said anything.” Delta didn’t understand why he questioned her on everything. She didn’t say something she didn’t really mean.

  “Look, babe. We’re used to women playing games. They act coy when they really want to screw around. They pretend to be into us when they’re only play
ing along to get something from us they want. We’ll think we’re doing good by them only to find out later when we overhear them that they were faking it just to get it over with. Women normally have an agenda in a club. It’s all about getting what they want and using sex to get it. You should know that, Delta.” Walker tilted her chin up with two fingers so she could meet his eyes.

  “Me more than most,” Butch said and let out a long breath. “I’m in the inner circle—the sergeant at arms, so they think they can get special treatment if they cozy up with me and Walker. It sucks never really knowing if you’re a means to an end or someone they really want to screw.”

  “You really care?” she asked, totally blown away. “The guys in all the clubs I’ve been around could care less why some bimbo is fucking them. All they care about is getting off. Most of the time it’s blow jobs and nothing else. They want to come, but either they don’t want to stop what they’re watching on TV, or they just don’t want to do the work themselves. Most anytime you walk into one of the clubhouses where I come from, there’s at least one of them getting a blow job while he’s talking to his brothers or watching some sport on the dick-sized TV.”

  Butch chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong, honey. I love a good blow job from time to time, but it’s not my favorite position, if you know what I mean. In fact, I think my new favorite position is with my head between your legs.”

  To her surprise and embarrassment, Delta felt heat travel up her neck to her cheeks. She was blushing! She didn’t blush all that often, but the idea that Butch enjoyed licking her pussy gave her goose bumps.

  “So, is everything okay now?” Walker asked. “I’m really jonesing to get inside your tight ass, baby girl.”

  “Real slick, Walker,” Butch snorted. “Even I can do better than that.”

  “She knows how much I want to fuck her. She knows how much I like her, too. I don’t see any reason to sugarcoat it when we’re all on the same page,” the other man said.

  “Look. Are we going to argue or get to it? I think we have a party to go to, and I’d really prefer that they didn’t bring it to us,” Delta pointed out.

  “Ah. Yeah. I wouldn’t put it past Reece to do just that,” Walker said, shaking his head. “The man has a mischievous streak a mile long.”

  “Not to mention he’s having a field day with this entire setup,” Butch said.

  “Why? What setup are you talking about?” Delta asked, narrowing her eyes.

  “He wants you to run the bar permanently and figured the only way to keep you around was to ‘marry you off’ so to speak. If you were tied to one or more of the club’s members, you’d be obliged to stay on,” Butch told her.

  “And you didn’t bother to tell me this, why?” she asked in a “don’t fuck with me” voice.

  Walker kissed her, startling her into losing her train of thought for a second. “Look, baby girl. Reece might try to outsmart some of us from time to time, but he’s never hurt them. He pushed us together and hoped that nature would take its course. He was right, it did, and we’re completely happy about the entire setup. He did us a big favor when he asked us to be your protectors. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Walker told her.

  “Ditto for me, too. I can’t imagine you not being here, in my arms—in our bed. You belong here between the two of us.” Butch squeezed her tighter to his chest. “Don’t even think about leaving us. You’re ours, and we’ll die protecting you, Delta.”

  “I-I don’t want anyone to die because of me.” She couldn’t think. Were they saying they really did care about her? That they wanted to keep her in their lives beyond the protection job?

  She couldn’t think. They’d grown on her to the point she knew she liked them more than was good for her. She hadn’t thought she could afford to become too attached to them when she’d be moving on once she had the bar in the white and danger off her tail. Now she wasn’t sure what to think.

  Then she couldn’t have formed a coherent thought if she’d wanted to. Butch moved her off his lap to the bed, and both men attacked her breasts with their mouths. It was the last thing she thought about for a long time.

  Chapter Ten

  “Come on, Delta. One more. Just one more.” Ginger, a cute strawberry blonde who was with Ajax and Murdock pleaded with her to take one more shot of tequila with her.

  “Okay. Just one more. I need to be able to breathe when I go to sleep tonight,” Delta said with a giggle.

  The party had turned out to be a really fun one and nothing like the drunken orgies that she’d been around in the past. As much as she’d tried to steer clear of them, she’d gotten dragged into more than a few with her sister over the years. But with The Ghost Riders, it all seemed like nothing more serious than maybe a frat party. Naw, even those were a little wilder than this one seemed to be.

  While there was plenty of making out and heavy petting, no one was actually doing the dirty in the middle of the floor or getting blow jobs on the couch while they talked about bikes and other girls. Everyone took anything more serious to one of the back rooms kept just for that purpose.

  Now she was trying to pry herself away from Ginger and Cindy, one of the club girls, to go to bed. She was exhausted. The guys had ridden her into what she could only believe had been a near-catatonic state. If someone had asked her then if she would make it to the party, she would have laughed at them if she could have drawn in a complete breath.

  Yet here she was, having an amazing time with the other women and drinking tequila, which she’d sworn to never drink again. River sat on the bar egging them on, but she was a few months along and wasn’t drinking anything more serious than her Diet Coke, which the guys seemed to be rationing out. River just smiled at them and shook her head when they reminded her that caffeine wasn’t good for her.

  All in all, Delta had to admit that The Ghost Riders were nothing like the clubs she’d been around in any way at all. Well, they did seem to do a little dirty business on the side now and then, but nothing she’d seen. She knew they ran bail jumpers down and operated the garage along with a custom bike shop. She’d heard something about a camp for survivalists that Ajax and Murdock handled. Even Ginger helped with giving first-aid classes and tending to any minor emergencies that cropped up. She was a nursing assistant and now had her paramedic’s license.

  Delta sucked down the naked juice and slammed her shot glass down on the bar. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she sighed. “That’s it for me, girls. I’m toast.”

  Ginger and Cindy giggled before they shook their heads at her.

  “What?” she asked, laughing at how they swayed against the beat of the music blaring from the state-of-the-art entertainment center one of the prospects manned.

  “Party’s not over yet. They haven’t inducted you yet,” Ginger slurred.

  “Yep. Not official till they do you in front of everyone,” Cindy added.

  “What?” No way in hell was she going to let them screw her in front of the entire club!

  What in the hell did they think she was, a two-dollar whore? They should know her better than that. She’d told them how much she’d hated the kind of parties and lifestyle she’d been around for most of her life. They’d assured her that their MC wasn’t like the other ones.

  “Yep. Until Reece and Dom do the honors first, you’re not one of the club’s old ladies yet. They don’t normally drag it out, so it’s not so bad,” Ginger told her.

  “Screw this. I’m out of here. This isn’t my bag. When they start looking for me, tell them—”

  “Tell us what?” Butch asked from directly behind her.

  Delta didn’t miss the underlying anger that edged his voice. It pissed her off even more that he had the gall to be angry with her. How dare he?

  “What’s going on, Delta?” Walker asked, with just a little less emotion in his voice.

  “That I’m gone. I’m not sticking around for the rest of the show. You can kiss my stupid ass for b
elieving you about anything. I trusted you—believed you when you told me The Ghost Riders weren’t like the other clubs.” Delta wanted to cry. She’d trusted them and even more had started to let herself care for them.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Butch asked, pulling her up so that their noses nearly touched.

  “Calm down, Butch. You’re scaring her,” Walker said, patting the other man on the shoulder.

  “Maybe she needs to be scared if she thinks she’s just going to walk out on us without one word of explanation. Not to mention the fact that it’s our responsibility to keep her safe. Anything happens to her, it’s the club’s black eye,” Butch snarled.

  “Well, screw being your responsibility. I can take care of myself. God knows I wouldn’t want to be a job you didn’t want in the first place. Far be it from me to screw up your reputation. Let me go, and I’ll be packed and out of your hair in five minutes,” she yelled at him.

  “Just how do you expect to leave? That deathtrap you call a car isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, darling shrew.” Butch’s crazy grin worried her.

  “What have you done to my car? I built that car! She’s mine!”

  “The guys took her apart to clean her up. She isn’t ready to be driven yet. You’ll just have to stick around until they get time to put her back together again,” Walker said, with a puzzled expression.

  If Delta didn’t know any better, she’d have sworn he was really puzzled about why she was so upset. How could he believe that she’d be fine with what they had planned? Was he stupid? She’d told him how much she hated all of that crap.

  “Someone had better put my car back together right this minute, or I’m taking whatever I can hotwire to get me out of here. Can you get that through your thick Neanderthal skulls?” Delta asked.

  “Hey, what’s up, Delta?” River had been gone while they’d been talking about the party not being over with yet. She looked completely puzzled.


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