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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

Page 3

by Stacy Barnett

  Samuel smiles warmly at me, then he swiftly unbuckles himself out of his seat, then gently picks up my still sleeping mother, before he is climbing slowly and carefully out the side of the helicopter. He stands out there for a moment or two before another man comes around the opened side. It was the young pilot who flew us here so well and out of danger. He looked like a young man of about twenty years old, with short wavy blonde hair and caring deep green eyes. He slowly walks up to the side that was opened and gives me a huge friendly smile, while his arms were stretch out for me to climb into, “come on honey time to take you home and into a soft bed of your own”.

  I yawn loudly in to my small hand, as I reach out for him with the other and as I slip into his strong arms, he lifts me gracefully from the side. I sag against his chest and rest my head on his hard shoulder tiredly not realising I was still very sleepy and could sleep for a while longer. He sees that I am happy in his arms, before turning slowly to begin the long walk up to the large castle, I saw from the air.

  Taking a deep breath in as we pass all sorts of sweet scented flowers and bushes, I smile secretively to myself, that I feel like I had just come home. The mixture of scents that reached me, where so good I forgot where I was for a moment or two and snuggled deeper into the pilot’s arms.

  As he keeps walking, I finally open my eyes slightly and watch carefully, as it doesn’t take us long to get to the large antique wooden front door, where an older gentleman was waiting. I fully opened my eyes at him and he too smiles warmly at me. All the people I have met, since going on this little adventure, have been so real and I can’t wait to get to know them better.

  The pilot nods at the older man and keeps on walking through the door without stopping, with me still firmly in his strong arms. Smiling at the butler who was walking beside us quietly, I take a deep breath and look up at the pilot and smile uncertainly, “what’s your name, please?”.

  He looks down at me and smiles “The names Thomas Phillips, little one. What’s yours?”.

  “I’m Harmony Elizabeth Blake and” pointing at my mum, “that’s my momma Sarah. Are you going to help us be safe, too?”.

  He chuckles and nods, “yes little one, I was planning on it”.

  Thomas carries me further into the old house and then through an archway into a large living room, to where Samuel, has my now awake mother. Looking around as Thomas carry’s me to the big soft couch, I see a beautiful grand piano and a large room off to the side filled with flowers of different colours and shapes. As my new friend puts me gently down beside my mother, I smile at her and touch her on the leg closest to me, “we are safe now mum. Thomas and Samuel said so, okay”. She simply smiles at me, and nods her head.

  After Thomas, had place me down, he slowly backs away, until he is at the door we had just came in through. Looking at him backing away, my face falls, saddened that he was going away so soon. Only before I could open my mouth to ask him to stay, Samuel came and kneeled in front of me, “don’t worry little one, Thomas is not going to go too far from you and he will be back when you call”.

  He turns to look at momma too before he continues on talking, “Alright you two, I think we need to give you both a check-up with the in-house doctor and then off to bed with you for some more healing rest. We will sort everything out this afternoon, that concerns that idiot Terry and his gang of thugs”.

  Momma nods her head and looks at Samuel smiling sweetly, “bed sure sounds good about now Samuel and it is only me that needs looking at. I made sure Terry never touched her, by stay in his line of fire. Can you find a nice place for her to sleep near me? I don’t think I can handle her to far from me just yet….”.

  Samuel smiles indulgently down at my mother, while placing his soft hand on her cheek and nods, “sure honey anything you need”.

  He lifts his head and calls out for the older man that greeted us at the door, “David can you come in here please”.

  The older man walks in the room with a straight back and bends over at the waist to bow traditionally at Samuel, “yes sir what do you need?”.

  I giggle into my hand, at David and hop off the chair and walk up to him, just as he straightens back up, to his very tall height. He looks down at me smiling warmly again and I just couldn’t seem to help myself, when I give him a big hug around his waist. Giggling softly again when I could only go so far, as he was big muscly man and I only had short little arms.

  He instantly and warmly, returns my hug chuckling himself, “what was that for little miss?”.

  “You look good enough to hug and I was told by my best friend Tony that my hugs were the best he ever had and that make people feel good inside. Do you feel warm inside now?”.

  He nods at me smiling and looks at his grinning boss, before returning his gaze to mine, “yes I do feel good, thankyou little one. Does the little miss need a room for herself?”

  Samuel steps away from momma and stands in front of the ottoman, “yes David and a calming bath, I would think. Also, please put her in the room next to her mothers, so can be close at hand for her mother. Then I believe Harmony and Sarah are going to need clothes and anything else they may need to live here from now on. So, can you and Maggie make up a list and I will send Thomas and Maggie shopping in Brisbane for the day. On your way upstairs please inform Doctor Weathers to meet Sarah and I in the blue bedroom, for Sarah’s check-up, thank you”.

  David bows again and reaches his big soft hand out to me. Looking at it for a moment, I am a little unsure as to what I should do and when I look over my shoulder at my mother, she nods her encouragingly for me to go. Smiling, I turn back to David and reach out for his hand, then look up at him beseechingly, “will you stay with me David, so I won’t get scared?”.

  He smiles down at me while we walk down the long bright hallway, “I won’t go anywhere, until you are tucked into bed and fast asleep. I think the first thing to do is, is to give you a big bubble bath and then after that I will dry all that pretty, black hair, before putting you to bed after a snack. That all sound good to you little one?”.

  I nod my head quickly, as the thought of having a bubble bath, always made me happy and that my mother was getting taken care of by Samuel. The way he looked at my mother, made me think about my friend’s mothers and how their daddies would treat them. He looked at her, like he loves her and wanted nothing else but to protect her from the bad men in the world. Namely men like my father and his motorcycle club.

  My new friend David, stops at a bedroom door and knocks softly, then waits until a small man with grey short hair pops his head out the door and smiles happily, “yes David what do you need son”.

  I look up at David as he too smiles at the older man, “dad, the master needs your medical help in the blue room, for little Harmony’s momma Sarah. She has been hurt pretty badly and needs to be seen to quickly”. I watch fascinated as the doctor’s lips go thin and he nods quickly before ducking back into his room without any further words. David looks down at me and smiles, while giving my hand a comforting squeeze, “let’s go little one and get that bath set up, shall we?”.

  Nodding without any hesitation, “was that your daddy, David?”.

  We start walking down the hallway again, before he answers my simply question, “yes honey, he is my father. He is a good man little one and he will look after your momma too”. I let a sigh fall from lips, with David’s softly spoken guarantee, that his daddy will make my mother better.

  David walks me down to a beautiful door, with a gorgeous picture of flowers on the front of it. He opens it slowly and takes me into a large room with a huge bed with white curtains hanging around it and a large pile of pink pillows on the top. Looking to my right I see a huge window with a seat under it, that looks out onto a beautifully lit up garden. Letting go of David’s hand reluctantly, I skip to the window and look at how green everything was. Even though, I couldn’t see much beyond the bright lights surrounding the castle, I still could see the bright flower beds and the
green, green grass closest to me spot.

  Smiling wide, I turn back to my quiet friend, “this place looks like one of the fairy tale books, my friend would show me at the library, when he took me there and read to me”.

  Suddenly a cool breeze shoots past me, and I have the urge to rub the hairs on my arms, as the feeling of fear slams into my body once again, “David are we really safe here? Or did I help momma put us in more danger?”. I shook a little hoping his answer was good for me and my mother.

  The friendly man walks up from behind me and then comes to kneel in front of me, “this place is one of the safest places in Australia and the master is one of the strongest and most resourceful men I know. You don’t have to be afraid anymore little one and your mother is safe from your father here too. Now how about that hot bath, to warm up those cold bones of yours?”.

  I give him a small smile and nod to him. When he sees, my body relax and, I am feeling better, he gets up and moves towards the bathroom, with me slowly follow after him. As he turns on the taps for my bath, I speak to him about my plan to make my father pay for hurting my mother, “David I told momma when we were leaving our old house, I was going to make my father pay, for all the bad things he had done to her over the years and I intend to keep my promise. Guess how I am going to do that?”.

  David smiles indulgently down to me, thinking I had one of those overreacting imagination of a child of my years. He chuckles while shaking his head and slowly adds sweet smelling things to the bath, then tries to guess what I was going to do, to daddy dear, “you’re going to have him arrested and put in jail?”.

  He stands up straight again and moves around the room organising everything I will need, such as towels and clean clothes, before coming back to me, to test the bath waters temperature.

  Shaking my own head, I tell him seriously, “Nope I am going to train myself in martial arts, like I saw on television and any other skills I can. Then I am going to take apart his club, one piece at a time, until it doesn’t exist and start one of my own, then I am going to kill him slowly. He doesn’t deserve to have that club family, when he couldn’t even take care of his own wife and daughter, without causing serious harm”.

  Samuel’s butler freezes with what he was doing with the bubble bath syrup, when he hears my vengeful reply and turns to me, with a concerned look in his eyes, “you want to kill your own father, don’t you think that is a little extreme little one”.

  Shaking my head vengefully, “No David, I don’t think it is a little extreme. He was going to sell me. Can you believe it. He was willingly, going to sell me to one of his friends and have him turn me into a sex slave. I may be only ten years old and not fully grown up yet, but I have a sharp as a razor blade mind, and I won’t let him hurt me or mother that way ever again. If I take away his club, bit by bit and then kill him, I will know he won’t be able to hurt us or anyone else ever again”.

  When I looked at David just standing there with the up ended bottle of bubble bath pouring into the water, I had to laugh at the shocked face he was pulling. Smiling slyly, I pinch him hard on his arm, to get him to focus back on me and what he was doing because he had just emptied the entire bottle of bubble bath into the hot water, “it’s going to be okay David, because now I have a plan and know that my mother is now safe, I can work on achieving it”.

  He stands up straight, to his impressively tall six foot six self and puts his hands on his narrow hips, before thinking about what he was going to say, “little one if you have your mind set, I am sure the master will help you achieve your goals and I will help you any way I can too. Now into the bath you go and I will go and get your snack ready”.

  David leaves me after that to get my snack and I get into the bath, that was overflowing with bubbles. Laughing at how they moved with my body, I finally felt truly free and happy, that I could laugh at anything I wanted from now on. I ended up staying in that first bubble bath, until the water started to cool and my fingers pruned and yet I remained in there happily.

  When I had finished my snack that David brought soon after my bath, I had climbed into my new soft bed and promptly fell straight asleep again. The next day was the first in many in my new life, that I had time to plan a proper plan to get vengeance on my abusive and cruel father. Momma needs it more than anything to feel completely safe and I plan on getting it for her.

  Chapter two

  Charlie ‘Storm’ Banner

  The moment I left little Harmony in that house, I felt like the biggest piece of shit on the planet and when her father Pain had to turn around to go back for something he forgot, I got worried, she was going to get hurt. For such a beautiful little girl of ten, I felt an overwhelming need to try and protect her from the violent man that was her father and my club’s treasurer.

  Little Harmony’s father was known within the Death Dealers, as a man who loved to inflict pain on anything and everything, without any hesitation, hence his road name of Pain. Even though I have only known him for a short amount of time, I suspected he was one of those men who loved to hurt his wife. She wasn’t like the other ol’ ladies that were seen around the club house, she always stayed away and I just hoped he wasn’t into hurting his little girl too.

  When Pain signalled to the group of us to turn around, it took us about twenty minutes to get back to the house and to find out his family had made a runner. Things must have gotten pretty, bad at home for his missus to take off as soon as her husband’s back was turned, taking little Harmony along with her.

  My thoughts seemed to automatically go to the welfare of Harmony, instead of what it was going to do to my club brother Pain. I came to stand just inside his front door, when the bastard went fucking nuts when he realised they were gone. He began by smashing anything he could get a hold of, and just as he was going to throw another chair across the room, a fucking low flying helicopter buzzed over the house.

  Pain lifts his head and a look of recognition crosses his face, before he growls out into the small room, “fucking Samuel….”. I have no clue who the fuck this Samuel was and how Pain figures it is him, so I simply wait and listen to what was going to happen next with the crazy bastard.

  My prez, a man called Wolf comes to stand beside him and puts his hand on his club brothers shoulder, “do you think he would he help her?”.

  I watched as Pain tenses up ready to strike at any one near him and I hoped deep in my gut, he won’t try to go after them, even if this, Samuel was the one who is helping them. Cause if the bastard is flying around in a fucking thirty-million-dollar aircraft, he isn’t going to be good for the club to mess with. Unfortunately for the club with Pains next words, I knew we were going to ride after Sarah and Harmony, no matter what.

  “Yeh…. the bastard has always loved her and knowing Sarah, the useless cunt, she would have him meet her at Sanctuary park, just down the road with my fucking kid in tow. The fucker took one look at her years ago, and told me he wanted her, so I knocked her up and married her so he couldn’t have her. She was a good fuck and all that shit but couldn’t take a hit worth a damn. That bastard Samuel Jacobson has helped take my family away from me Wolf and I am going to fuck him up, as soon as I get a hold of him. Let’s go and get my family back, so I can kill that bitch for thinking she can take my fucking daughter away from me…. Let’s ride”.

  Pain rushes out the door with Wolf close on his heels. Turning from the front door, leaving it opened wide, I run out to my Harley Davidson Softail super low and taking off after the already disappearing Pain. I rev my engine, to try and push it that much harder, to try and get to this woman who has taken my future woman away.

  I have never personally seen the mother of Pain’s little girl but from the stories around the club house, about her she was supposed to be a real fucking looker. She used to be a sweet butt within the club and would only sleep with Pain and no one else, which caused a lot of shit with the other brothers. According to the other sweet butts aspiring to become old ladies, Pain marri
ed her and took her off the market because everyone assumed he loved her but then he blew that idea out of the water, when he continued fucking anything with pussy. Also, as of two minutes ago, he told everyone he had knocked her up and married her out of damn spite. All because, one of his friends said, he wanted her and was willing to take her. It seems grown men, can still act like kids, when a new toy was involved.

  Some of the older patched members would say that Pains daughter took after her mother in the looks department and judging how my sweet Harmony, looks at ten, I can’t wait until she grows up and I can claim her as my ol’ lady.

  Shaking my head into the wind, I couldn’t believe I was already thinking this little girl was going to be mine someday and I haven’t even fully patched in to the Death Dealers yet. I had only joined the club a year ago, after I had turned twenty-one years old and fucking left my home town of Melbourne to become a prospect here. I still growl at the shit jobs, I must do and put up with, but I suppose even though they were fucking disgusting and sometimes humiliating, it was a way to become a part of a family again. I lost my father last year to lung cancer and had nowhere else to go to, but here. When Wolf saw, me winning in a Melbourne underground fighting match, he told me I should join his club called the Death Dealers and work for him as a first-class enforcer.

  I knew I had some work ahead of me being a prospect, but if I wanted a stable place within the club to bring my woman into, I would need to be patched in and I would also need a good income to keep her happy. Just thinking of Harmony all grown up and happy with me, had me rubbing my aching cock and trying to move into a more comfortable position as I rode. Once I was relatively comfortable again, I flew down the road after my club, and started to think about how long I would have to be celibate before I could get in to my woman’s pussy.


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