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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

Page 4

by Stacy Barnett

  Growling I sit up straight in my bike seat and think about how long I would have to wait for my beauty to come of age. Sighing, I remember she is only ten after all, so that would be six fucking years here in Australia for her to become legal, but I think I will wait until she matures when she is eighteen and then take her as mine.

  As we get closer to the park, I try remember Pains exact words as we were about to leave and chase after his wife and kid. He rambled something along the lines of, “Yes the bastard has always loved her and knowing Sarah, the useless cunt, she would have him meet her at Sanctuary park down the road with my fucking kid in tow. The fucker took one look at her years ago, and told me he wanted her, so I knocked her up and married her so he couldn’t have her. She was a good fuck and all that shit but couldn’t take a hit worth a damn. That bastard Samuel Jacobson has helped take my family away from me and I am going to fuck him up. Let’s go and get my family back, so I can kill that bitch for thinking she can take my fucking daughter away from me”.

  He had then sprinted to his bike as fast as his fat legs would carry him, taking his seat quickly before he guns it and heads off down the road, towards sanctuary park, with once again Wolf on his tail. I was the last to follow everyone as I was one of the lowly prospects and hadn’t earned the right to ride at the front of the pack, next to Wolf.

  Coming back to the present moment, I look over to my left and found the park, we were heading to and gasped as I saw the helicopter waiting in the park and the two figures running towards it, as fast as they could. Little Harmony must have heard us coming, because the next second, she was throwing off her little backpack and running harder towards safety.

  I could see them as clear as day due to my excellent night vision and the memory of seeing my little Harmony looking over her shoulder in absolute fear, will stay with me until my last dying breath. The terror she must be feeling must be off the charts and I felt like shit again, as I was in the pack of men chasing her and her mother down like fucking dogs.

  Growling out into the cool night air, my thoughts turned angry that my babygirl shouldn’t be feeling this way, but I don’t know how I can stop them my brothers from chasing them. Just as we make it around the corner to the park, a thought pops into my head, they haven’t seen them yet…. As I looked at my brothers closely, I could tell they were all hyped up and not watching what was going on around them, because if they did they would see the mother and daughter were coming in from the north and we were coming in from the south.

  Looking back at Sarah and Harmony, I whisper into the wind, “Run baby run….”.

  Pain’s family was running from him for a good reason and I knew I was right when I thought he was giving her a tickle up at home. Considering how bad she looks, running for her life across the park, like she just gotten a fresh beating of her life tonight. The bastard sure did look smug, when he came out into the living room tonight, he must have just done it before we got there.

  No woman I know, deserves that kind of treatment and to keep herself hidden because of it. I pulled back a slightly on my throttle and let the two of them run. Unfortunately for the pair just as they got into the helicopter, Pain saw what they were doing and pushed himself harder. The stupid bastard slammed his bike to a harsh stop on the parks grassy lawn, then jumps off his still running ride and begins to run at them with his weapon drawn. The crazy fucker looked like he was really losing it and I didn’t understand why, as this would mean he would be free of a wife he only took out of spite.

  As the black Seahawk helicopter quickly took off, the bullets Pain were firing without a fucking care, were just bouncing off the under carriage and showing everyone, except the lunatic shooting that it was fucking bullet proof.

  To save face and to not raise any suspicions, I was running right along with my brothers, but I didn’t fire one single shot. As I look up at the retreating windows situated in the doors to the helicopter, I could just see the terrified face of my future ol’ lady, as she flew away and out of my life.

  Standing in the park looking up at the sky, we all watched as Pain went completely fucking mental and began to shoot into the sky at nothing. The prez a man that we call ‘Wolf’ because of his uncanny ability to track, tackled Pain and took him to ground. Pain tussled around on the ground for a minute or two, growling and snarling, “get off me you fucking bastard. I have to get her back….” as his face becomes redder and redder, Wolf gives him a good kidney shot, which calms him down almost instantly. The club couldn’t have Pain going off like this out in public and in the middle of a fucking park no less. The bloody cops would have a field day, if they could take us down for anything they could make-up or bloody prove.

  Stepping back, as two of my other brothers help the prez to calm Pain down, I stood back and watched as he quickly fell apart, all the while grinning inside for the bravery of one little black hair, blue eyed girl.

  That day was the last day, Pain was even slightly sane and as he went off the deep end, the prez put him on locked down, until he could think clearly again.

  Months, then years passed with no sightings of the two missing family members and even though the prez put out fellers for them, he only found out, a rumour of one of the higher ups of the Brisbane mob had them stashed somewhere, at Samuels orders. God help my Harmony, if she is in the hands of the mob and not some place safe.

  As the time passed, I slowly progressed up the chain of command in the club until I was made the head enforcer for the Death Dealers and a trusted member of the only family I have ever known.

  Today was Harmony’s twentieth birthday, and I thought what better way to celebrate it, was to have a quiet beer in the corner of the club house. Only when I sat down and relaxed one of the newest sweet butts came slinking up to me, “you need a little tender loving care Storm. I have the perfect sized snatch for that monster cock of yours and it can be all yours tonight”.

  I looked her up and down, before growling out, “get down on your knees and suck my cock until I come down your fucking throat”. I haven’t fucked anyone since that night my angel flew away in the bloody helicopter and I wasn’t about to start now. The sweet butts usually suck me off, when I am tense and I use my hand every other time. Just the thought, of putting my dick in some used up cunt, had me shrivelling up with a cringe.

  She looks at me shocked, by my rough voice but does as she is told. She quickly pulls my semi hard cock out of my jeans and goes to town bringing it to full mast. I take another hard pull of my beer and look down at her, sucking away on my cock trying to make me cum. I don’t move my hips to help her out, oh no, that’s her job to do all the fucking work.

  I begin to feel my balls tighten up, as I start to think about how beautiful my Harmony would have turn out to be and before you know it, I am cuming hard down her throat, “don’t spill a drop, you hearing me…”. she nods while she is drinking me down and as my last spurt goes down her throat, I think of where my black-haired beauty Harmony could be.

  The sweet butt I think her name was called Honey, moved away from my cock and looks up at me smiling sexily, “can I have you in my pussy now?”.

  Lifting my beer to my lips, I turn away from her towards the bar and smirked, “thanks babe, but I don’t fuck pussy around here, now go service someone else”. As she nods I put my semi hard cock back in its cage and drink the rest of my beer down.

  Like every other time after I get a head job, I begin to think about my missing woman and worry that it has been several years. Ten to be exact and still no word on what happened to them. The only thing to pop up a month after they left, was the divorce papers already signed by Sarah Blake and a note stating, if Pain didn’t sign, he would face the full force of the justice system and her friends in the Brisbane mafia. You would think it was only an American tradition of mafia’s but nope Australia has them too and they were focused on Pain and the club. The prez made our crazy arsed treasurer sign and to let them go but I have a feeling in my gut, Pain won’t let
this go. Every time I look at the fucker, I can tell he is up to something and it is going to hurt this club deeply.

  The club continued with life the same as usual, after the papers were sent back and Pain kept his mouth shut until the day, one of his old friends from Melbourne came a calling.

  When the phone on the wall rang, I was the first to answer it, as it was from the guard at the front gate, “yo…what’s up mate?”.

  “Storm there is a bloke out here that wants to talk to Pain. Something about picking up a packaged he has paid for, something with black hair and Blue eyes. So, I am presuming it is something breathing”.

  I look across the room straight into Pain’s glazed over eye’s and wondered what he was up too and then it hit me, my Harmony has black hair and blue eyes. Growling, I tell the man at the gate, “let them in but make sure they aren’t fucking armed”.

  When I hang up, I stomp over to Pain and the prez and slam my hands down on the table, “your friend is here to pick up your daughter Pain. Do you know anything about that?”.

  Pain face flushes even more red than he already was and he snarls back at me, “I sold the little bitch to my mate years ago, when she was fucking ten but my ex-wife took off with her before the deal could be finalised and he could pick her up. So, I have been stalling him, saying I was training her to be a good little sub for him and his mates”.

  The prez jumps up from his seat and lets his chair falls, “you telling me, you sold your little girl and didn’t fucking tell me about it….”

  The stupid fuck actually snarls at the prez before getting in his face, “he paid me fifty grand to take the little slut off my hands. I rang and told him to come pick her up when she turned eighteen, but it seems he is running a few years late. I thought I would have plenty of time to find her and that skank mother of hers, before he came to get her. I saw the club wasn’t bringing in any fresh money, so I took the deal and ran with it. But like I said, fucking Sarah took off with her, before I could deal with her and now Ivan is coming to collect. I thought the club would back me up, like it always does, so what’s the fucking problem?”

  I look at the prez and growl, “you seriously can’t let this fucking slide, prez”.

  Wolf looks straight at me and snarls, “what he did was wrong but we stand by our members no matter what and if that means dealing with this new threat for Pain, then so be it. Are you in or are you out?”.

  I begin to pace and as I look straight at the prez, the man I thought was on the side of not selling your family out, I growled, “I’m the fuck out and if anyone else here feels the same way as I do, your welcomed to come with me. This club meant something when I first joined and I will be fucked if I let it slide that it is okay to sell kids”.

  The prez stands in front of me and I laugh when he realises, I am a full foot taller than him at six foot six, with more muscle than a fucking bodybuilder. He still tries to tell me off though, “you leave now and you won’t be welcomed back here. You don’t turn your back on fucking family, when they need you the most”.

  Snarling that he came back at me with that kind of bullshit, I look down at him and take off my cut to throw it at him, “what a fucking hypocritical prick you are”.

  I pointed at the drunk and swaying Pain, then yelled in my ex prez’s face, “he sold his daughter, his family and you have the nerve to tell me we don’t’ turn our back on family. This club was my family until you turned it to fucking shit. As far as I am concerned I am starting my own club and you better stay the hell out of my fucking way”.

  I turned from him and made for the door, just as a big bastard came stomping into the room to call out for Pain. Shaking my head, I pointed at Pain and growled out, “your package is long gone and he spent all your fucking money”.

  As the last word falls from my lips, I look over my shoulder and found I had ten of my brothers following me out the door. It left my former prez and treasurer, a total of five men to watch over their backs and to hold off one very pissed off Russian.

  Walking out to my Harley, I get on her and nod to each of my brothers, “we’ll go to my place first and then we can plan from there, we all cool with that?”.

  They all nodded their heads and started up their own rides. It didn’t take long to reach my place, as it was only about six blocks from our former club house. Thankfully my place was well set up, so if Wolf wanted to retaliate, I would be fucking prepared. The security surrounding my house would put fort Knox in America to bloody shame.

  Walking through the front door, I quickly deactivate the security system before going into the kitchen and grabbing a few beers and giving them out to each of my brothers. Taking a long draw of my own, I look at who came with me and you could have knocked me over with a fucking feather. In the group of men stood Wolf’s blood brother Cain and the Death Dealers former vice president.

  I walk up to him and look him straight in the eye, “you here because of what your brother was doing was wrong or are you here to try and take me out”.

  Cain looks at me calmly and straight into my eyes, “I left the club of my own fucking will Storm. Wolf has been going downhill for the last few years and this shit with little Harmony was the last fucking straw. Being the vice president of the club, I could have easily taken over that club, but I felt it was poisoned beyond repair and what better way to start again, then to come with you”. As he is answering me, I keep a close eye on his body language and the way he holds himself, to make sure those markers are clear and he is telling the truth.

  Nodding my head at his good and honest answer, I look to the rest of my brothers and smile, “I think the first thing on the agenda is to find somewhere we can call a home, then name this new club of ours and then get settled in, before dealing with the trash formally called the Death Dealers”.

  Taking the men into my dining room, we all sit down around my long dinner table and started our first formal meeting. Knocking my beer on the table to get everyone’s attention, “right does anyone know of a good place to set up shop?”.

  We would need to find somewhere both discrete and large enough to house a mechanical shop for our bikes. It would also need to have a fair bit of land, so we can put up a great perimeter line of defence and lastly it needs plenty of room space, if we were going to bring our families along.

  My brother Breaker speaks up from the end of the table, while cracking his knuckles, “I heard about a place that would be perfect for a new club house, but I don’t know if we have enough cash to buy it”. He looks at each of us and scratches his chin, looking like he was thinking hard about how they could bring in some serious cash.

  Sighing I lean forward in my seat and look him in the eye, “you let me worry about money and tell me what you’ve got”. I have never told any of my brothers, I am what is commonly called a trust fund baby and even after all these years, I am still fucking well off.

  Breaker smiles at me and speaks up again, “there is a huge warehouse and a fair bit of land up for sale up in Southport, near Surfers Paradise. I saw the for sale sign up in front of it the other day, when I went for a run up to Burleigh Heads for the club. It would be fucking perfect to set up as a club house and a mechanics shop. Plus, in the listing there is an old underground storage shed on the property, we could use to hide any of our future gun shipments, instead out in the open like the Death Dealers”.

  We will be staying in the gun running business, as it brings in some serious cash flow and I know I can work with some of the Death Dealers contacts. Just as soon, as I let them know what our ex-club has been up to. Not a lot of riders, like the idea of the skin trade and they stay away from it, for this very reason. You could be selling a family member and not know about it, until it is too late.

  Sitting back in my chair, I strum my fingers on the table and think about what Breaker has told us and how I am going to handle it. I smile genuinely at Breaker before asking him, “how much do the listing say they wanted for the whole place, brother?”.

bsp; “The listing stated for the warehouse and all that private land it would cost in the range of five hundred grand. If would could scrape that much together and a few extra thousand, we could get set up there pretty, fucking good. So, what do you think Storm, as our new prez you have the final say in whether we are buying it”.

  I take a deep swallow of my beer and look carefully at my brothers staring at me, to see what I was going to do. So, I decide the first thing I should do, is to own up to my money situation, “look brothers I have to tell you all something before we go any further. I’m fucking loaded. I have so much money, I couldn’t spend it all in five lifetimes. My grandfather set up a trust fund for me, when I turned eighteen and it is one of those funds, that continually grows in interest. Now, the amount of it stands at about ten million dollars and even when I tap into it, it just keeps on growing. The amount for the new club house will come out of it and anything else we will need until we are set up and running on our own. Also, I am happy to say, being the president of this club, makes me feel so fucking proud and I will try not to let you men down.”.

  The room goes deathly silent, as each brother stares at me, as if I had grown two heads and was about to run around the house bare fucking naked singing the chicken dance or something.

  Gunner was the first one to break the silence, as he starts talking and laughing at the same time, “we have had a rich fuck in our mists for twelve years and none of us knew it. Well, fuck me and call me shorty. I vote he pays for what we need and get us up to speed with new contacts”.

  Laughing at his quick acceptance, I look at the rest of my brothers and found them all smiling from ear to bloody ear. I get up again and grab each of us another round of beers, before taking my seat at the head of the table, “your all cool with me being the prez and financier of our new club?”.


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