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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

Page 10

by Stacy Barnett

  Storms nods then turns back to his men, “right brothers let’s get this shit sorted and then we can relax for a while”.

  I turn around and go back to my seat at the head of the large table, and just sitting as my love and his men walk back into the room. They each take a spare seat and turn to wait for the conversation of business to start again. I look closely at my love and hope he likes the idea of joining my club and becoming my co-president.

  Sitting forward, I look at each member in the room, “Storm my club wishes for you and your club to join ours”. He goes to talk but I hold my hand up to silence him for a little longer, “I know what you are going to say and I want you to think about it. Your officers would come on as partners to my officers and you would come on as my co-president but at the end of the day, I would have the final say. Your home base will be here and you would be living here on the compound as well. If you think this is acceptable, you would be paid at a higher rate than usual as our business of gun running is stopping and we are taking over about twenty different properties and businesses in town. So, what say you”.

  I lean back in my chair and watch, as the different expressions flitter across his face. He doesn’t say anything for a while before looking around the room at each of his men, “can you give us ten minutes to talk about this and to vote”.

  I simply nod, “yes”, before getting up and leaving the room.

  Chapter six


  As all the Grim Reapers walked out of the room and left us alone in their church room, I indicated for my men to come in closer. One by one they took a seat near me and waited for me to start our discussion, “right men, we have a decision to make and I can’t make it alone. The simply question is, do we want to join our club with theirs and work under Ghost? or do we stick to our guns and go it alone? I personally have been waiting ten years to find my Harmony and finally get to make her my ol’ lady. So, my vote is to stay. So, what do the rest of you want to do? And remember I will leave here, if you all chose to leave”.

  I look around the table and wait for each man to look at me. I’m glad I had brought, all my brothers to this meeting, as this is a decision was both unexpected and thrilling to say the least. I just hope this new development, doesn’t make them run for it and join back up with the Death Dealers.

  Tex my vice president leans forward and smiles wide, “my vote is yes, that we stay. I have my eye on a beautiful woman here, and I don’t want to give her up, as she makes me feel good”.

  He knocks his fist on the table in front of him and sits back and waits with me. Nodding at him, I turn to look at each of my brothers and get a yes to stay from everyone. I couldn’t be fucking prouder. Thank god, I hadn’t paid for that new place, we were going to use as a club house before coming up here.

  “Right the yes’s have it and we are all in agreement to live here under Ghost’s leadership?”. They all nod at the same time, smiling at one another before I get up to stick my head out the door to look for my woman and find no one is about. Looking over my shoulder I call out to my guys, “looks like everyone has fucking vanished, come and help me look for Ghost will ya’s”.

  My brothers all follow me out of church, to go on the hunt for my old lady and now my prez, only to walk into the living room of this huge place, and find one lone woman sitting by herself on a sofa. I walk over to her slowly, as she looks a little like a scared rabbit, and kneel in front of her, “hello sweet heart can you tell me where Ghost and her men are?”.

  She looks up and to the left of me, to talk directly to my brother Brick, “if you want the prez you need to turn around and take twenty steps to your right until you reach a door that says basement. You must knock twice, to let them know you are there, then when the door opens you take four steps in and two to your right and you will find her there”. As she was talking in step counts, I quickly came to realise the poor thing was as blind as a bat, as she was telling us how to find ghost, by where we should step. I wave my hand in front of her face, to make sure she wasn’t shitting me and she didn’t flinch once.

  I went to do it again, but she scared the hell out of me and grab my fist in her strong hand, “even though I can’t not see you, doesn’t mean I cannot sense you. It is rude to keep waving your hand in front of a blind person and just for future reference, I could beat your arse with one hand tied behind my back. You and your men, should know I am one of the Reapers enforcers, and if you are joining this club, you should be very careful of me”.

  When she finished telling me off, she gets up and walks around us as if she could see us and stops suddenly in front of Brick, looking up at him. She takes a deep breath in and smiles shyly, “I don’t know what your name is but you smell nice and might I add, you need to learn to calm your heart beat or you’re going to have a heart attack while you are young. Now if you will excuse me, I have to help in the kitchen”. The little spitfire went to move away but my man Brick grabs her and asks her, her name, “what’s your name sunshine?”.

  She giggles like a sweet little girl and whispers back, “Isabella”. She then quickly disengages her arm from him and disappears around the corner, like a freaking wraith. I chuckle deeply at the enthralled expression flittering across my large enforcers face and as I walk towards him I slap him on the back, “I dare say you just met your partner in crime, since Ghost was going to pair us off to our respective officers. Now let’s go find our way wood prez and find out what she is up too, huh…...”.

  I follow the instructions given to us by little Isabella and found ourselves standing at the steel basement door. Knocking as instructed, it opens to one of the biggest bastards I have ever seen in my life, standing on the other side. The man standing in front of me, could easily be six foot six and weigh in at a two twenty, if I had to bloody guess. He stands in the door way with his thick arms crossed and stays silent, while just staring down at me.

  Chuckling I imitate him just to piss him off and then growl up at him, “I’m told the prez is down here and if she is, I should be by her side. Now get out of the fucking way and let us in, before you truly piss me off”.

  The large brute puffs up his chest and looks down his nose at me, then smirks before stepping aside, “been expecting you Storm and the boss said you can wait for her in the glass room. It’s down the right corridor and the last door on the right. She also said until she knows your decision about joining our family, don’t and she repeated, don’t fucking interfere with what she is doing”.

  I laugh at Ghosts instructions and nod to the large man, “thanks brother….”.

  “You can call me Mammoth; I wasn’t in the last meeting due to watching our uninvited guest, down here but if the prez says you are okay, then I am with her and with whatever she decides”. He waits until we are all through the large steel door, before closing it behind us and standing guard at it again.

  I turn to walk down the hall when Mammoth calls out, “remember don’t interfere, or fur will fly”. I nod and give him a short way, as I keep on moving down the corridor. We walk down the quiet hallway, until we get to the end and open the last door on the right. As we all gather into the room, I found we were not alone. Sitting in one of the plush seats was Harmony vice president Sniper and one of his brothers everyone called Doc.

  Sniper points to one of the other chairs and indicates for me to sit, “watch and learn a few things from a master. She has only just started with her interrogation and by the looks of it, it is going to be a doozy. I look through the large glass window and realise it was a two-way interview window, because Wolf kept trying to look through it, without my success.

  In the lone steel chair in the room, sat my ex-president and friend, looking like utter dog shit. Harmony must have told her men to give him a bit of a tune up when they brought him downstairs, because when he first turned up in church, he honestly didn’t look that bad. Whatever they did, he ended up with one swollen eye, ripped clothes from being a human punching bag and a few missing teeth.
Heaven knows, what was going on inside his body right now, but it couldn’t be good.

  I watch as she pulls over a stool from the corner of the room and sits down in front of him, only to just stare at him. As I watched her, all I could think about, was how beautiful she turned out. From her long silky black hair, down to her perfect tiny feet. She has all the curves of the perfect woman and an arse, that I love to hold onto, while I fuck her as hard as I can with my throbbing cock. I had to shift in my seat, as thinking about fucking my sweet Harmony and my dick, quickly filling up with blood, had me moving it in a more comfortable position.

  When I arrange myself better, I looked back at my woman and smile because she is everything, I could ever want and more. Her lips in my opinion are her best feature with their softness and how well they would look as I pumped my seed down her waiting throat. God just thinking about her this way, is making my already hard dick, go even harder with each pulse of need. Shaking my head, I look at her more closely through the looking glass and found she was still just sitting there, until she wasn’t.

  She was across the room in a flash, with one of her small hands around Wolf’s throat, holding tightly and was whispering into his ear. I couldn’t hear what she was saying but I did laugh, as I watch my former president go as pale as a fucking ghost and begin to sweat. My woman barely puts a hand on him and he looks like he was going to bloody pass out. Man, that is one scary interrogation technique and I don’t even know what she had said to warrant the large man to fold like a fucking accordion.

  Harmony steps back a little and crosses her arms under her impressive breast and begins to ask her questions, “who is coming onto my property and trying to steal from me?”.

  Wolf glares at Ghost and as she stares him down, he folds and begins to answer her questions, “your father has taken up with another club up in Noosa, that are situated about ten kilometres out on the outskirts. The fat fuck bled my club dry and left us with the bloody Russian cartel on our doorsteps. It took me a good year to convince the bastards, that I had nothing to do with selling Panic’s daughter to them and if they wanted to take it up with him, they only had to find the club with the signature of killing dogs and leaving them behind. I can’t believe I stood for the prick, because he was a brother but I came to realise in a fucking hurry, money talks more than brotherhood. The day Storm left the club house, one of the Russians men came to collect little Harmony, and when he found out she was gone he threatened retribution. I had to lose my entire club, before they were satisfied, I wasn’t hiding anything. One of the first gun fights to hit the club came a week after storm left and the back-stabbing traitor snuck away like a fucking coward. He deserves to die at my hands and I have made it my mission to make his life a living fucking hell first. So, what else do you want to know before you put me down for the long nap?”.

  Listening to everything Wolf said, I went to stand up and walk towards the connecting door, when Sniper speaks up with a warning from behind me, “I wouldn’t if I were you. The last person to interfere with one of her interrogations hasn’t been seen in the last two months. Mammoth did warn you didn’t he, when you came down here?”.

  I stiffen up at his casual warning, before turning to him with my eyebrows raised, “yeh…. he warned me, but I don’t see what she will do about it. Christ, I am going to be sharing the presidency with her and everything that will entail”.

  Turning again to go to the door, I slowly open it and stick my head just inside the door. As I look around the room, I feel a breeze past my head and when I looked to the right of me, I come face to face with a very sharp and very lethal katana sword, “you my love have been warned, while ever, I am the president of this club and I have given an order to stay out, I. Fucking. Mean. it”.

  I swallow the lump in my throat and give her a small nervous chuckle, “now don’t be like that sweetheart…”. Her face goes completely blank as she stares at me and as I make my way in the little room further, she puts two fingers up to her lips and lets one of the loudest whistles, I have ever heard, rip…...

  The floor begins to tremble under my feet, as someone big comes running down the hallway and through the door behind me. I tense when a large hand lands on my shoulder giving it a firm, hard squeeze. Growling I look up and over, to find who in their right minds, would fucking touch me, when I was just trying to be with my woman.

  The big unsmiling man who calls himself Mammoth, was the one who she whistled for. Harmony speaks up from in front of me, with a small growl, “have him sit out there please and if that is not okay with him. Take him back upstairs until I wish to talk to him”.

  Looking at the woman I love carefully, I try to find the woman I know, only to find a strong and cold president, standing in her place. Growling, I step back into the glass room and take a seat beside Sniper, who chuckles at my sullen and pissed off face, “don’t take it to heart, at least your alive. Harmony learned at a young age to never show weakness in front of others. Truth be known, knowing that little girl, she would much prefer to be in your arms right now instead of in there trying to break another club president”.

  I must have looked unconvinced, as he continued on with his story light heartedly, “look, when she first started the Grim Reapers, she was put to the test by different men, repeatedly. It took her almost two weeks before she snapped out of her submissive funk and took on each brother. The ones she didn’t kill or beat to a fucking pulp, are all stronger members for it. Not one man or woman in this club, would have disrespect her, by going against her orders, just like you did a minute ago, in that room. Think of it this way, she didn’t maim you or kill you. She sent Mammoth after you and made him wake you up a bit. That little girl was once my student to teach and protect. Now I am her student and she teaches and protects me. Get it?”

  I simply nod and watch him, without saying anything.

  Sniper gets up and stands closer to the glass, before turning to look at me, over his shoulder, “Harmony took years in my care and Master Ho’s, to come out of her shell. You have to remember she had witnessed everything her father did to her mother and has never been the same since”.

  He chuckles softly, “David, Samuels butler told me once, that on that first night she was there, she made a promise to herself to take down her father and his club. That she fully intended to kill her father at the first opportunity and not once did she flinch with the idea, of how to go about it”.

  I came to stand beside her friend and watched her distractedly, while answering him, “the first day I saw her, she was only ten years old and I told her to go back to her room, to keep her safe. When I looked at her, all I wanted to do was protect her and when her and her mother escaped, I couldn’t have been happier. The day I left my old club after finding out her old man sold her like a fucking possession, I have been looking for her and now that I have found my sweet Harmony, I have every intention of keeping her. It seems I must learn about her all over again and play by her rules, if I am ever going to have a chance of keeping her in my life”.

  Sitting back in my seat, after I pour my gut out to my now fellow brother, I looked back into the interrogation room, with interest and concern. Harmony was back to staring at the bleeding man in front of her with a small smile spreading across her rosy lips and a twinkle in her eye, “so let me get this straight, my father Pain ripped off your club, the Russian cartel out of Sydney decimated the brothers in your club and my father took off with all your money. That, about right?”.

  When Wolf nods his head glumly, she chuckles, “sucks to be you, don’t it? Listen I’ll give you a choice, you can take your punishment and I slit your fucking throat or… can leave the state with only the clothes on your back and nothing else, never to show your face again”. Before he could say anything, she holds up her hand and shushes him, “if you take option number two I should warn you, I have put out the word, you are not to be trusted and have to make your own way with normal people. I won’t have you anywhere near my family, beca
use I am really tempted to slit your throat. You will also only be allowed to go free, when I have sorted out my father, once and for all. So, Wolf what do you want to do?”.

  Shaking my head negatively at her proposition to the one man who should have stood up for the families in his club. I look at Sniper and point at her through the glass, “she can’t offer him that shit and not think he won’t retaliate, later down the track”.

  Sniper chuckles beside me, before saying, “something you will learn about this club Storm, is that she has eyes on every, single, thing in it. Both mechanical and human alike. She will run him into the ground before she will let him in to hurt anyone of us and if he gets that far, she will move heaven and earth to end him”.

  He holds out his right wrist to me and as I look down at it, I see he has something flashing under his skin. I look back across at him confusion clearly written on my face, “what the fuck is that shit?”.

  The vp smirks knowingly, “our dear president has every one of us low jack in case of problems. If you get hurt or kidnapped, all you have to do and press on your wrist, to activate your gps coordinates. This little bugger has saved my life a couple times already and Ghost never lets me forget it, as she was the one to come and rescue me. Admittedly one of those times, I had just fallen down a fucking ravine out camping and couldn’t get out by myself. Well that little girl came charging to the rescue and had me secured to a helicopters rescue basket because of my broken leg, in a matter of hours. When you become official members of this family, you all will be getting chipped too. So, that is something to look forward to, as well”.

  Staring at my own wrist, I wondered if I liked the idea of having a constant eye on my movements and as I rubbed my wrist, Mammoth speaks behind me, “I know what you are thinking brother and you don’t get constantly watched as it gets boring for the egg heads downstairs. They only check on you, if they think you are up to something stupid, like leaving the compound without telling someone or if you press it in an emergency. I barely remember it’s there and I go everywhere and get up to some crazy arse shit”.


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