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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

Page 11

by Stacy Barnett

  Nodding at the man, I turn back to room in front of me, just as Wolf gives my girl her answer, “I guess, I should say yes to the freedom choice and the waiting here part then. I seem to have nowhere else to go, all I ask is, when you catch up to Pain, you make the fucker pay for screwing with all of us”.

  Harmony sits there mulling that request a bit, before she answers sternly back, “you bet your arse I will catch him and make him pay, but I am not going to do it for anyone here. I am only going after him, so my momma can finally have some much- needed peace”.

  He smiles wide before growling, “Deal”. She gets up and nods to someone I couldn’t see and tells them to clean him up, then my woman walks to the only door in the room, that leads out to me. As she opens it slowly she sticks her head out the door and smiles warmly, “so do we have a deal or should I just give you leeway through our turf?”.

  I walk up to her and pull her the rest of the way out of the door and into my waiting arms. I wrap one of my thickly muscled arms around her tiny waist and as the other went into her long black hair, I slammed my lips down onto hers and kissed her for all I was worth. We stay like this for a good five minutes, until we hear a subtle cough behind us.

  Lifting my head, I look over my shoulder and find a serious Sniper, waiting to talk to my woman, “prez, what do you want me to do with Wolf?”.

  My Harmony steps back from out of my arms and grins at her second, “clean him up and put him one of the downstairs rooms with a guard at the door. He is going to be a guest of this club, until I can deal with my father. He is not allowed to move freely amongst our family. If he needs anything within reason, it is to be retrieved by a prospect, leaving the guard to stay on duty. Before he goes in, make sure Joey chips him without him knowing what it is for and get him to keep a location fix on him. I am going to take Storm upstairs, to hammer out any details involving his club and then I will meet you lot at the bar, for a cold drink”. Sniper simply nods his head and goes into the interrogation room and helps to clean up Wolf, with one of the other men.

  As I look at the man who was once my friend, I whisper to myself, “I can’t believe I looked up to that piece of shit. He taught me everything I know about this world of bikers, only to strip it away, like it was fucking trash”. Sighing I looked around the room and then down at my Harmony and quickly realised I was speaking out loud, when she looks up at me and gives me a sad smile.

  “The only reason I gave him a choice was for the simple fact, he was once your friend, but remember this, I will not hesitate in taking him out, if he steps over the line and hurts my family”.

  I tug her small body into mine again and run my large calloused hand through her hair, and I whisper down to her, “sweetheart, you didn’t need to do that. He made his own bed when he decided to ignore all the problems Pain was bringing to the Death Dealers. Now that Wolf is in your house; I want him watched always and treated like any prisoner of war would be. Oh, and one more thing woman, I accept the offer of integrating our club’s together and living under your leadership. I only have one condition and that is your mine to do with as I wish, when we are in our bed together, are you okay with that?”.

  She chuckles in my arms as she rubs her cheek across my chest, before giving my nipple a quick nip, “yes I agree to those terms and might I say, I think I just fell deeply in love with you a whole lot more”.

  Putting my hands on either side of her head, I purr into her lips, “baby, I fell in love with you, the first moment I saw you again. I am never letting you go and I hope you will become my ol’ lady in front of the entire club”.

  Harmony moves out of my arms and licks her lips, before swinging around running up the stairs, while yelling, “catch me if you can big boy…...”. I took off after her, not giving her an inch and as I chase her through the club, I pretend to catch her a few times, before let her race off again.

  As we race through the main living towards the front door, the men roar out laughing and shouting, “run little girl, don’t let him catch you”. My Harmony just laughs that much harder, as she darts out the door. As I followed close behind her, I didn’t expect what happened next and that was a lot of fucking pain.

  Running out the front door, I was instantly hit with live fucking gun fire. It took a hit in the left arm before I realised anything was happening and as I went down, I could hear my woman screaming, “Charlie…...”. I rolled to my uninjured side and tried to look around for her but came up with nothing.

  Looking back towards the house, I roar, “brothers…...”.

  I watch as men begin to flow out of the door, like water breaking from a dam and how they took up guarded positions along the front bannisters. I looked at Sniper scoping out the area with a set of hunting binoculars, until he found what he was after and then picked up a big arse fucking tango 51 sniper rifle, reading it to fire. I tried to get up slowly and carefully to get to some serious cover of my own and as I finally race behind a barrier, I screamed out over the gunfire, “can anyone see where Ghost is?”.

  Mammoth looks at me angrily and points out into the middle of the yard. Turning to follow his pointing finger, I find my woman in the middle of the gun fight, with blood running down the front of her shirt. All the blood in my face drains away, as I watch my beautiful but bloody Harmony, fighting with all her might. I never even notice when she was down stairs in the interrogation room, that she was packing some serious heat and as she finishes one clit in her Walther Arms hand gun, she twists slightly and quickly reloads with a new magazine before turning back around firing. Growling as I watch her face screw up in pain, I go to stand and go to her, but I am stopped by my mate’s hand on my shoulder.

  Breaker comes to kneel beside me and hands me my own weapons, “thought you might need these to save your woman”.

  I nod my head quickly in thanks before looking over the barrier and taking out a few of the club’s encroaching enemies. It doesn’t take long for the shooting to slow down with all of us getting in and helping the prez. As the last shot sounded, I look back over to my warrior woman, to make sure she was okay, only to find her lying face down on the ground. Holstering my weapons, I get up and race to her side roaring, “baby…...”.

  I slam down to my knees beside her and start checking where she could be hurt the most. Pulling her bloodied shirt up, I found she was bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound to her upper chest. I rip my shirt off over my head and roll it up into a makeshift pad and press it firmly down on to it, to try and stem the bleeding. Looking over my shoulder, I find we are surrounded by all my new brothers and for a second my mind goes blank, before I shake it to call out, “Doc, where the fuck are you?”.

  “Get out of the way you stupid bastards…”. I would have chuckled at his frustrated tone, if the situation was so fucking dire. Looking back down to my woman, I could see she was still breathing, just not as well as she should be. The Doc finally made it to us and bent down on the ground beside us and pulled back my padding, “I need her inside stat or she’s not going to make it. The bullet has hit a major artery and she is bleeding out”.

  I didn’t even think twice, when I picked her up as gently as I could and growled at everyone to get out of the way, “I’ll follow you Doc”.

  He simply nods and takes me inside to a hidden elevator in the back of the house. As we step inside, my sweetheart opens her eyes slightly and slurs, “I’m sorry Charlie, so…so sorry”, then passes out again. Growling, I frown down at my beautiful angel and talk to myself, “what do you have to be sorry about baby girl?”.

  As the elevator comes to a firm stop, the doors open swiftly and quietly on a massive room with several corridors and doors on either side of it. I look over to the quiet doctor, for the direction he wants me to take and I find him staring at me curiously, so I growl at him to get his arse in gear and to save my woman, “fucking stop staring and get your arse moving and save my Harmony”.

  He swiftly shakes his head as if he was trying to clear it be
fore stepping into the room, “nothing son. You need to follow me as gently as you can, as her blood loss looks like it is getting worse”.

  I did as he said and began to follow him down a short corridor and into a fully equipped surgery. Looking around quickly, I could see that the place was decked out with all the bells and whistles, with every bit of equipment needed to do any kind of surgery.

  Jesus Christ for them to have all this, they must get in a lot of shit or shot to hell on a regular basis. The doctor indicates where he wants to put my precious bundle down and as I ease her into position, she groans again and opens her eyes slightly, “Charlie my knight in shining armor. I’m sorry I hurt one of your family”. Before I can ask her what she means by that, as all my brothers were just fine. The doctor comes up beside me and taps me on the shoulder, “I’m sorry son but you are going to have to stand outside for a while and if you will, could you go back upstairs and make sure I have no more patients”.

  I must have been looking at him, as if thought he was fucking nuts. There was no way in hell I was going to leave my hurt woman right now and with him alone. Growling down at him, “I am not leaving her side, so get on with it”.

  He sighs and shakes his head, “I hear you are her president partner and I also know she will want to make sure none of her family has been hurt. I think it would be best, if you do, as she would want and not waste my time, that could be spent on healing her”.

  To say I was shocked at this small old man’s slap down, would be putting it fucking mildly, but I did as he suggested and turned to leave. When I got to the door, I turned and looked over my shoulder at my quiet Harmony, before taking one last breath before stepping out the medical door.

  Chapter seven


  Two days after the shoot out, I began to wake up in small increments and every time I would open my heavy eyelids, I would come face to face with a set of beautiful but worried grey eyes, that belonged to my old man Storm. On the third day of my recovery, I could keep my eyes open long enough, to be able to look around my underground bedroom, and thankfully found no one waiting around this time. I sighed softly, as I looked up towards the ceiling and smiled at my reflection. I had mirrors set up there, for when I would entertain a lover and I could watch his arse move, as he pumped into my body. I haven’t been able to make love to Storm here yet but god willing, I will rectify that pretty, damn. soon. Looking around my room again, I smile at the small touches I made to the room, in the way of the colours and comfortable furniture.

  On the feature wall, I painted a mural of a rainforest, that I would always see in my dreams and hoped that one day, could see it for real again. A month after making it to Samuels island, I found I could paint realistic three dimensional paintings that were now dotted throughout the castles hallways. When I did this painting of the rainforest, I made it look like you could walk into the trees and disappear. It was a little bit of my forest home in my now underground home. So, until I could get home and wonder around again, I would sit in the big free standing hammock next to the painting and drift in my dreams of vengeance on my father and finding my true love. Looks like I got one of my dreams in Storm, that is if he can handle being around me after I tell him I had possibly killed one of his family members.

  I remember when I had a background check done on Storm and his band of merry men. Their president came back, as having an older brother that look identical to him and was not in Charlie’s life anymore. Sadly, I saw him in the group of men shooting at us through the fence line and I also, remember hitting him, taking him down before I myself blacked out. I hope in a small way, I didn’t kill him because I don’t want to lose the only man I have ever loved over a simple accident.

  As I sit up gingerly, I wiggle my arse backwards until I am up against the wooden headboard of my canopy bed and sighed tiredly with that effort alone.

  I wiggle to the edge of the bed, whispering to myself, “I can’t stay in bed all day and not know if my family is okay. Time to get up Harmony and get to work”.

  I looked down to the knitted blanket my mother made for me last Christmas and found it was covering my naked legs. Grabbing a handful, I flick it off swiftly and move as if I was going to get out of bed. Swinging my legs around to the edge of the bed slowly, to not to upset my stomach to much with my movements, I had to stop suddenly or chance vomiting on the carpet. Unfortunately for me, my body made me sit there until the slight dizziness from my moving, had a chance to settle. After a minute or two the nausea stops and I can stand up on my own without falling over. Yah…me….

  When I am upright I get a little curious about where I was shot, so I pull my night shirt up to find a clean bandage over my right breast, put there by my friend and brother Doc. Sighing, I let my shirt fall until it is covering my naked arse, before turning towards my bathroom, to clean myself up.

  Shaking my head at the wonder of being alive and mostly in one piece. I smile sadly, letting my head fall in remembrance of my past friends and club brothers, that didn’t make it out of past squirmishs. Sighing softly, I lift my head, I see that I am still alone in my room and now in an even greater need to use the bathroom before I wet myself. Turning around gingerly as to not stress my wound, I make my way slowly to the toilet, on unsteady and jelly like legs.

  Getting to the end of the bed, I must wait again for the dizziness to stop, and am stable before I move to the bathroom with shaky movements. I just make it to the bathroom door with a well-earned sigh, before I am suddenly picked up from behind with me squealing and a manly chuckle into my right ear, “what are you doing out of bed little one?”.

  I relax when I hear Storm’s husky voice in my ear and as I turn my head to the side to answer him, he grins down at me with concern and lust burning in his beautiful grey eyes. Crossing my arms like the stubborn brat that I am, I growl up to him, “I was busting to go to the toilet and I didn’t want anyone witnessing me doing it. So, if you don’t mind, can you put me down now, so I can take of business, please”.

  I was hoping he would put me down straight away and leave at my request, but it would seem he had other ideas as he squeezed me tighter to his hard chest, as he laughed at me, “nope. You are not getting rid of me that easy”. Then Storm in his usual gun ho fashion, took me into the bathroom and put me down on the toilet before turning his back to wait stoically for me, to take care of the business of peeing.

  Growling I stare at his back and think to myself, god this man is built like a fucking god, then the urge to pee hit me again and I snapped, throwing my arms up in the air, “for all that’s holy and sacred in this world Storm, get out, so I can pee in private”.

  He looks over his shoulder and smirks at me, “baby, I am not moving from this spot until you finish and can stand on your own two feet, without falling over and hurting yourself. Peeing in front of me is no different than you cuming in my mouth honey. Now you better hurry up, because the doc said he would be here to check on you in about say”, he looks at his watch and continues, “fifteen minutes. You don’t want me to kill the bastard after he sees you peeing, do you? I will you know, no one gets to see you like that other than me of course”.

  I let my shoulders slump and admit to myself he is right, so as quickly as I possible could, I went to the toilet, but when I went to pull my panties back up one handed I growled to myself, “damn undies, why won’t you come up…”.

  Before I could utter another word, Storm was kneeling in front of me and smiling sweetly, “need some help sweetheart”.

  Looking at him dejectedly, “I…. ah…I can’t pull my undies up with this bad shoulder, can you…ah…help me”. Storms eyes never move away from my own when he runs his large palm up my leg until it reaches my hip and he is helping me to stand. When I am standing steadily in front of him, he takes my panties in his big hands and rips them right off my body, “heh….”, I squealed with a girly laugh.

  “You don’t need to wear panties around me anymore. I need easy access to thi
s delectable pussy from now on, do understand me woman?”.

  I went to answer him, that I thought he must be off his nut if that was how things were going to be and he must have seen how I was going to react because the next second he had his head between my legs and his tongue on my wet pussy, sucking my clit into his hot mouth. Letting my head fall back on my shoulders at that first lick of his hot lips, groaning with the sharp intense pleasure shooting through my core, “god Storm right there, baby…...”.

  He chuckles into my throbbing centre but doesn’t stop what he was doing and that was his feast of my honey. I could feel I wasn’t going to last long with the way he was going to town on my pussy, and quite frankly I couldn’t care less, I was going to scream the house down. Storm runs his hands up my thighs and takes each one in a firm grip to pull them further apart. Then out of nowhere he pushes two of his large fingers in through my swollen folds and up into my channel, groaning, “god baby your always so tight for me, aren’t you…...”.

  Gasping as he starts moving those fingers quickly in and out, I begin to tense up from my impending climax. I reach down and grab two handfuls of his black hair, to push his lips in harder to my core, “please, don’t stop…I’m cuming Storm”. He hears my lust induced pleas and finger fucks me harder, never missing a beat.

  I was just within reach, of stepping off the cliff and into my climax when Storm suddenly stops and stands up in front of me. I make a grab for him to keep on going, when he lifts me up onto the sink counter behind me and pulls my legs further apart before slamming his ten-inch steel shaft deep with my body.


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