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Remy and Rose': A Hood Love Story

Page 10

by Mz. Lady P

  Chapter 24- Remy

  After being gone for three months and not hearing my wife's voice, I was on the verge of breaking down and calling her phone. I could only hope that she and Heaven were okay. The entire time we had been in Rio we had been securing our new connect and stacking our bread. Peanut and Boo were thoroughbreds and I wanted them as business partners. With them becoming my partners, that would give me more time with my family when we made it back to Chicago.

  I have had nothing but time on my hands to reflect and think. My father's best friend, Dominic, was now living in Rio and he had put me up on so much shit in regards to all of my father's assets. In the amount of time I had been here, I found out that my name was on all of his policies. I was even richer than I was before I left the Chicago. I also found out that prior to my father's death, he had found out about my mother's affair with Hector Ortega. I'm still having the hardest time understanding why she would stoop so low.

  Boo and Peanut were ready to head back home, but I couldn't just yet. I had unfinished business in Mexico. I was about to do some shit that I really didn't want to, but sometimes people have to become a casualty of war.

  "I need to holla at ya'll for a minute," I said to Boo and Peanut, as they sat poolside chilling in the Villa that I now owned.

  "What's up boss?" Boo spoke with a serious face.

  "Stop it with that boss shit. We're now partners. I need ya'll to head back to the Chi. I have some unfinished business in Mexico that I must handle. Before you say anything, I have to do this shit alone." I knew they wanted to be right with me but this was my family bullshit. I had to deal with it on my own and in my own way.

  "What are we supposed to tell Rose'?

  "Tell her I love her and I'll be home real soon. Get packed, the jet is waiting for you. There's a duffle bag of money on board. Make sure she gets that, fam. I'll call ya'll if I have to. Other than that we won't be able to be in touch with one another. I can't have any distractions while I'm pulling off this shit. Handle shit accordingly back in the Chi." I got up and walked away before they had a chance to say anything else. I needed a clear head for what I was about to do.

  Once Peanut and Boo were on the flight back to Chicago, I boarded another flight home to Mexico. I made sure to call my mother and let her know I was on my way and I had a change of heart. Rose' was no longer the woman for me.

  When I made it to my mother's home, she and Ava were standing outside waiting for me. My stomach turned at the sight of both these bitches, but I had to play my part.

  "I'm so glad you've come to your senses, son. I'm glad I put her and her daughter out of your home."

  I almost knocked her ass out hearing her say she put them out. Yes her name was on the deed, but I paid for the fucking house in cash and furnished it. She had no right to put my wife out of the home I had given her. I had to call Peanut and Boo. It had been months since we left. Where the fuck was she staying at? I received my mother’s hug and hugged her back."

  "I was so worried about you. I'm so happy you're here. Is it true Remy? Are we going to be together now?" I hated to toy with Ava's feelings but she was weak for a nigga. What she didn't know was that she would play the biggest part in bringing her father down. From the twinkle in her eyes, I knew this shit was going to be like taking candy from a baby.

  "Yeah Ava, we're going to be together. I'm sorry for everything." I pulled her into my embrace and kissed her passionately. Ava was a bad bitch. She had a banging ass body so it was easy for me to play my role. I hated that eventually I would have to have sex with her. That meant that I would have to cheat on Rose'. That's the last thing I want to do in this world. This shit is business nothing personal.

  Chapter 25- Neicee

  "Please stop crying Lil Peanut." Madear had spoiled my baby rotten. Now all he wanted me to do was sit up and hold his ass all day long. He was driving me crazy with all this crying. I knew that he was also missing his Madear. With Rose, Peanut and Boo missing she just couldn't take it. All the worrying had caused her blood pressure to skyrocket which caused her to have a stroke. She's going to be okay. She just needs to go to a rehabilitation center.

  I'm so stressed out worried about Rose' and Heaven. I don't know if she just up and skipped town or if that crazy ass Ace has kidnapped her again. Dino has turned into a real alchy these days. I don't know what would happen if me and Honey hadn't been holding shit together. Remy's blocks had been completely taken over by Ace's crew. That nigga had been MIA.

  Shit was going smooth until all of our muscle had been killed. Basically with Remy, Peanut, and Boo being MIA, there was a hostile takeover and Ace was now that nigga, with his coward ass.

  Everyday I've hoped that they're okay. My son is now five months old and is the splitting image of Peanut. I get teary eyed sometimes looking at him. In my heart I know that I love that man. I regret being mad at Peanut for my entire pregnancy. I was just so mad at him for treating me like he was for that bitch Kim. Life is too short to walk around holding grudges.

  If I could just hear his voice or kiss his big ass lips one more time. I laugh to myself as I think about our arguments and fights. Tears were about to fall from my eyes when I heard my front door open and close. I grabbed my gun from my dresser and was ready to blow a motherfucker’s head off. All the bullshit that was going on had me paranoid as hell. I was shooting first and getting the fuck out of dodge.

  "Yo! Neicee are you in here."

  "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot your black ass right now." I had my gun aimed at Peanut's stupid ass.

  "Because I'm your baby daddy and you wouldn't be able to get no more of this dick." Peanut walked towards me and took the gun out of my hand. I cried so hard as we hugged in silence for what seemed like eternity. Reality set in and that's when I went from 0 to 100 real quick on his dumb ass.

  "You motherfucker! Do you have any idea what we've been going through here? How could you just up and leave us like that. Where the fuck have you been?"

  Peanut was trying his best to block the blows but I wasn't letting up. I wanted to kill his ass. The only thing that stopped me from hitting was my son crying. He brushed past me and walked to my bedroom. I went and sat on the couch. He needed time to bond with his son. I still can't believe he missed out on the first five months of his life.

  "What the hell have you been feeding my son?"

  My coochie got wet instantly looking at my baby daddy. I hadn't had any since the wedding dinner in Vegas. Wherever the fuck he was I could tell he had been getting money. This nigga was iced the fuck out wearing a Robin outfit. He even had the matching hat on.

  "I haven't been feeding him anything. Madear has been giving him greens and cornbread." The mention of her name brought our realities back to the present. I didn't know how I was going to tell him Rose' was missing and Madear was sick.

  "What did you name him?"

  "Parrish Demond Richards, Jr."

  "Thanks for giving me my junior. I know I fucked up but I'm here now and I want us to be together. Pack ya'll some clothes. Let's go see Madear. I know she been going crazy. First we need to go and see Rose' and Heaven.

  "Peanut, a lot of shit had went down since ya'll been gone. Rose' and Heaven are missing. They've been gone for almost three months. Madear was so worried about her grandkids being missing that she had a stroke. She's in the rehabilitation center. Dino, Honey and I have been running all the businesses. We tried to keep the blocks running but Ace and his crew took them all. They killed all the muscle we had including Horse. We need to find Rose' she's pregnant"

  "That nigga has her and Heaven. We need to get her back home before Remy finds out." Peanut was pacing back and forth in deep thought.

  "Where is Remy? We have to tell him."

  "Don't worry about all that and don't start asking questions, Neicee. Pack ya'll shit and let's go. I got things to do and niggas to murk."

  "What the fuck you mean don't worry about it? While you niggas been gone we been
out here going through it. I got mad respect for Remy but he needs to bring his ass home and find my friend. Peanut he has her. I know he does." I was now crying hysterically because I wanted my friend and my niece. I didn't have a friend before meeting Rose'. She has been through so much. She doesn't deserve this shit.

  "Stop crying, bae. Just pack and let's get out of here. When we get to our new crib and get settled in, I'll explain everything. I just need to go check on my Granny right now. You've been holding a nigga down for this long, I just need you ride for me just a little while longer. I promise you we're going to get Rose' and Heaven back." Peanut kissed my forehead and gestured for me to get our things together. I didn't know where we were going. The only thing I knew was that I never wanted me or my son to be away from him again.


  The next day I just rode around trying to clear my head. Peanut was making me mad because I knew he was hiding some shit from me. All this time he's been gone. I think I deserve more than all these short ass answers he's giving me. He pissed me off so bad, whispering all in the phone and shit. I grabbed my keys and left. He needed to spend time with his son anyway. I received a call from Honey so I went to pick her up. From the sound of her voice she was pissed at Boo as well.

  "What's up bitch?" I said as Honey got inside of my car.

  "I'm so happy you came and got me. If I would have stayed in that house one more minute with Boo I was going to kill his ass," she said as she flamed up a Kush blunt.

  "Tell me about it. Peanut acting all secretive and shit. I'm constantly asking where the fuck is Remy. All he does is change the conversation on my ass. Those niggas hiding some shit, I can feel it."

  "That nigga Boo made me so mad last night I pissed in his bath water."

  "You did what?" I was laughing so fucking hard at Honey’s ass. The look on her face let me know that she was dead ass serious.

  "He told me to run him a hot bath because he was exhausted. So, I pissed in his bath water because he pissed me off. My friend missing and these niggas playing in their motherfucking ass."

  "Your ass better hope Boo don't find out you did that nasty shit. He gone whoop your ass Honey."

  "That nigga ain't crazy. The last time he called himself putting his hands on me, I put matches in between his toes while he was asleep and lit those bitches. That nigga had blisters for days. I fights real dirty." Honey sat back and puffed on the blunt like it was nothing.

  "Pass me the blunt, bitch. Your ass is crazy."

  We continued to drive and ended up on Pulaski and Keeler at the light. We were both quiet because we were high as a kite. I looked to my right and I almost lost it. It was Ace and he was walking with some female I assumed to be his wife. She had some kids with her. I couldn't get a good look because a car was blocking the kids. I pulled over into a parking lot where a laundromat was at. They all had went into the barbershop across the street.

  "Did you see that nigga Ace?" I elbowed Honey trying to get her attention. Her ass was on Jupiter somewhere.

  "Hell naw. I'm over here in my zone. I wonder where Boo get that shit from…got me higher than giraffe’s pussy over here."

  "I need you to focus right now. I just saw Ace and a bitch with some kids go inside the barbershop. We're going to wait right here until they come out. I want to follow their ass. Hopefully they lead us to their home. In my heart I know that nigga has my friend somewhere."

  "Let's call Boo and Peanut and let them know what's up."

  "No, we can't do that. They will kill Ace as without a doubt. I need him alive for the time being. Plus, I'm not thinking about their asses. It's our turn to keep some shit from them. Now shake that high off bitch. I have a gut wrenching feeling shit is about to get real. I got my gun under my seat. Did you bring your heat with you?"

  "Don't insult me, Neicee. I never leave home without Clyde."

  Honey pulled her pearl handled Ruger from her purse and kissed it. When I first met Honey, I thought she was nothing but a basic stripper bitch. Lord was I wrong. This bitch is psycho, but I love it.

  About an hour later they all emerged from the Barbershop. Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw Heaven holding Ace's hand.

  "Oh my God! Heaven is with them." Tears were streaming down my face because if he had Heaven with him and his wife, where the fuck could Rose' be?"

  "Calm down Neicee. We're about to follow their asses. One thing for sure and two for certain, we're not going home without Heaven."

  We followed them all the way out to the fucking suburbs and parked up the street from the house they went in. We could see everything going on from where we were parked. Twenty minutes after parking, Ace came out and went down some stairs, staying in there for about an hour. Finally he emerged, hopped in his Range and left.

  "Let's go knock on the door, whoop that bitch and get Heaven out of there," Honey said zipping up her coat and putting her gun in the small of her back

  "Let's do this shit." We both were getting ready to emerge when Diamond bursts out of the front door and went down the same stairs Ace had went down. Something had to be down those stairs and we were about to find out what the fuck it was.

  Chapter 26- Diamond

  I guess the saying you get what you ask for is so true. The minute I found out Rose' was fucking Ace, I just had to have him. I always had a crush on him. To know that he was showing Rose' all the attention I wanted him to show me, had a bitch jealous. So, I vowed to take that nigga from her. Had I known what came with fucking this nigga, I would have let him and her ass ride off into the fucking sunset.

  Now I'm married with two kids by a nigga that don't give a fuck about me or my kids. The only thing he's worried about is the little bitch Heaven with her spoiled ass. I will be so glad when her momma comes and get her ass. What type of mother leaves her child for months and doesn't call or check on her? It's time for her ass to go. She's causing a problem for me in my household.

  Ace has been acting so ugly towards me since the bitch Rose' got out of jail. If I find out this nigga been cheating on me with that bitch, I'm killing him and her ass. I hate that bitch so much. It's sad because Rose' has never did anything to me. I hate her because he will never love me the way he loves her. You would think after being shot by her husband he would go sit his stupid ass down somewhere. I'm at my wits fucking end. I don't know how much more I can take being married to this nigga.


  "How much longer is she going to be here Ace?" We had just come back from the barbershop and he was getting ready to leave again. He's always gone. I was tired of him leaving his fucking daughter on me.

  "As long as I want her to be. Why do you keep asking me that?"

  "Because I want to know. Let me find out!"

  "Let you out find out what? Don't get fucked up."

  "You know what, I'm tired of this shit. I'm done. When you leave out that door, take your daughter with you. When you bring your black ass back don't expect for me to be here. Me and my sons will be gone. It's not like you give a fuck about us anyway." I ran upstairs and went straight to my bedroom and slammed the door. I sat on the bed and cried. I hated that I loved his ass but I knew I needed to leave him. As soon as I got up to grab my luggage, the bedroom door swung open and Ace was standing there with his thick ass belt in his hand.

  "I've been sparing your smart mouthed ass for a minute. You forgot who the fuck I am but let me remind you bitch."

  As soon as the words left his mouth, the first hit from the belt slapped me across the face. I was trying my best to stop the belt but nothing helped.

  "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as he ripped my dress off of me. At the same time he continued to whoop me with the belt. I could feel the welts all over my body. He dropped the belt and started punching me in face.

  "Please stop Ace. I'm sorry baby. I won't talk smart anymore." I was begging and pleading as I balled up in a tight ball.

  "Your mouth should only be made for one thing and that's sucking my dick. Now open your mouth so I c
an really shut you the fuck up. You bet not bite my shit."

  My nose and mouth was bleeding. He yanked me up by my hair and started slapping me all in my face with his dick. He basically pried my mouth open. I didn't want him to hit me anymore, so I sucked his dick like it was going out of style. As soon as he finished, he let loose all over my face. I cried as he zipped his pants up and walked out of the room.

  I ran in the bathroom and jumped in the shower, letting all the hot water run all over me. The pain from the welts was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. Everything I ever felt for Ace was gone in an instant. He doesn't love me anymore and that shit hurts.

  I'm cool with that because love doesn't hurt and that nigga has hurt me for the last time. As I sat on the side of my bed trying to figure out my next move, the bedroom door opened and it was Heaven. She was crying so bad I felt sorry for her. My sons were probably locked in their room. They’re used to these episodes between me and their father.

  "I want my Mommy. Can you please take me downstairs to her?" She wiped snot from her nose with her shirt.

  "I'm sorry Heaven. Your mommy isn't downstairs. When your Daddy comes back, he'll let you call her okay."

  "She's in the basement. That's where Daddy makes her stay." I was in utter disbelief at what this baby was telling me.

  "Stay here Heaven. I'm going to see if your mommy is downstairs."

  "Don't tell Daddy I told you. He said he would kill my mommy if I told."

  I pulled her in and hugged her tight. I couldn't believe this shit. No wonder Ace had been spending so much time down there. I had to see the shit with my own eyes. I didn't want to believe he had been holding this girl in our home where our children sleep.


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