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Remy and Rose': A Hood Love Story

Page 11

by Mz. Lady P

  I sprinted down the stairs and made my out of the door. I made sure to grab Ace's keys off the hook. He slipped and left the key to the basement. He never left that key and I was about to find out why. He forbade me from ever going inside the basement because it was his man cave. There was no entry on the inside of the house. I had to go outside to get in, that was the only way we could get inside the basement.

  I let out a deep breath before sticking the key in the lock. I went inside and I almost fainted. Rose' was tied to the bed. She looked so exhausted. My eyes bulged as I looked at her stomach; it was huge. I covered my mouth to stifle the scream that threatened to escape my mouth. Rose' was just staring at me with tears streaming down her face.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know you were down here." I was trying my best to untie her. I had to get her out of here before Ace came back.

  "It's okay Diamond. I know you didn't know. Are you okay?" I never even got a chance to respond because the door was being kicked in. I almost shitted in the floor thinking that it was Ace.

  "Back the fuck up Boo Boo Kitty before I put hole in your fucking head," a woman with long Honey Blonde hair said as she pointed her gun at me.

  "What the fuck have y’all been doing to her?" another woman said with her gun pointed at me as well. She rushed towards me and tackled me to the floor and we began to fight.

  "No! Neicee. Let her go. She didn't know he had me down here. Untie me right now. Honey go get my baby from upstairs!" Rose' said and her friend stopped whooping my ass. I jumped up off of the floor and we both started untying her.

  "Fuck her stupid ass. I know damn well she didn't believe you would just drop your daughter off to her and her psycho ass husband."

  I didn't even respond because my real stupid ass did think that.

  "Please get me and my daughter out of here before he comes back. Diamond, we have our differences but you need to pack your shit and get away from him. Ace is a monster. He should not be around children period."

  "I'm leaving but not before I fuck his life up."

  "Come on, let’s get the fuck out of here," the chick with the blonde hair said, holding Heaven.

  Rose' got up and rushed towards her daughter. They all left without a word. I remembered Ace kept kilos upstairs in the safe. I sprang into action. I went back upstairs to the house and started filling a duffle bag up with as much cash as I could. I didn't bother to grab any clothes. I could always get me and the boys’ new clothes when we made it to Dallas, Texas where my mother now lived. I hopped in my car, called the police and told them Ace's name and everything else I knew about his ass. I made sure to strategically place kilos throughout the house. He didn't deserve his freedom. He was about to go away for a long time.

  Chapter 27- Rose'

  The feeling of my baby moving around in my stomach was the only thing that was keeping me going. I was unsure of how long I had been down in the basement. From the looks of my stomach, it had to have been quite some time. I was so scared when Ace realized I was pregnant. I just knew he was going to beat the baby out of me, but he didn't; that only made him want to have sex with me more. He said that pregnant pussy was the best.

  I hated having sex with him. On the other hand I was glad he was gentle and not raping me. Over the course of the time I had been locked up in the basement, Ace had softened up. He still kept me tied up when he left. He spent more time with me than he did upstairs with his family. It was still so hard for me to believe Diamond didn't know that I was in her fucking basement.

  Every day I tried to figure out how the fuck I was going to get out of there. Every so often, Ace would bring Heaven downstairs to spend time with me and I was happy for that. In reality, it didn't matter that Ace was being nice to me. The fact remained the same: he was holding me against my will and using our daughter as leverage against me. All I wanted was for Remy to come rescue me, like he had done so many times before.

  I used to cry every day for him. Now I can't bring myself to cry because I was all cried out. Ace was trying to break me but I wasn't broken. Remy came in like a thief in the night and stole my heart only to disappear and leave me behind. Every day I wondered did Remy come back home and if he was out looking for me. That shit was just wishful thinking. If he was out looking for me, there is no way I would have still been in that basement all that time.

  Everything happened so fast. One minute I was tied up, the next minute I was in the hospital being looked at. Due to the excessive rough sex I had endured on a daily basis, I set up a really bad bacterial infection in my womb. If there was any chance to save the baby I would have to have a caesarean section immediately.

  I was so grateful to Honey and Neicee, but it was something they weren’t telling me. I could see it in their eyes. I was glad my father had made it to the hospital to hold my hand during the procedure. That night I gave birth to Remy Ramirez Jr. I didn’t get a chance to see him because he was rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit because he wasn’t breathing. I was so sad but glad I had my father there with me. He always knows just what to say to make me feel better.


  I was in the hospital for about a week before it was time to be released. The last thing I wanted to do was leave my son in the hospital, but I had no other choice. He was only one pound when he was born. He was so tiny he could fit in the palm of my hand. His lungs weren’t developing like they wanted them to. The doctor had told me to prepare myself in the event he didn’t make it, but I wasn’t claiming that.

  My son was a fighter just like his momma. He was the splitting image of Remy. He was going to be a heartbreaker just like his half-breed ass Daddy. Just looking at him makes me sad. I was starting to lose faith that he was still alive. Remy loves me and Heaven too much to stay away this long. Plus, he would never miss the birth of his born son.


  “I’m so happy you’re home. I missed you and my grandbaby so much,” my Daddy said to me as he drove me home from the hospital.

  “I’m glad to be home as well. I just wished the baby could have come home with me.”

  “It’s okay. He’ll be home as soon as he gets strong enough.”

  When we made it to Madear’s house, there were a lot of cars parked outside. Our whole family was there since Madear had finally been released from the rehabilitation hospital. I hated that she worried herself sick over her grandchildren. I walked inside the house and I was in shock, seeing Peanut and Boo sitting at the dining room table eating. Honey and Neicee were also sitting at the table. I found it funny that they wouldn’t make eye contact with me.

  Peanut and Boo got up and hugged me.

  “Where is Remy?” I looked around the room and everybody was quiet.

  “I know you motherfuckers hear me! Where the fuck is Remy at?”

  “We don’t know, cuz,” Peanut and Boo said in unison.

  “I don’t believe you motherfuckers. Ya’ll are lying to me. Do you have any idea what I’ve been through? Ace had me and our daughter in a fucking basement for months. He made me do all types of disgusting shit to him every day. I just gave birth to his son who might not make it. I thought ya’ll was my family. I’m so over this shit. Come on Heaven.”

  “Don’t you leave out of this house Rose’. I know you’re mad but that is not the way to do it. Go lie down in my bed and cool off. You just had a baby. Calm down before you have a setback,” Madear said as she took Heaven’s hand and led her to the table.

  I went to the back and slammed the door as hard as I could. I never wanted this life. A part of me wishes I would have done that last year in jail. Anything is better than getting raped, kidnapped, and abandoned by your fucking husband.

  “Can we please talk Rose’?” Peanut asked as he peeked his head in the door.

  “If you’re not coming in here to tell me where Remy is, don’t come in here at all.” He came in and Boo followed him.

  “He’s in Mexico.”

  “Is that where ya’ll have b
een all this time? Wait a minute. What the fuck is he doing in Mexico?”

  “Hell naw. We were in Rio. Some shit went down at the meeting we went to with the Ortega family. We had to take flight. I’m sorry we didn’t reach out to you but it was for the best.”

  “Who was it best for, huh? What ya’ll did was selfish as hell to me, Honey, Neicee, Madear, Heaven and Lil Peanut. Shit has been all fucked up here. I’m glad ya’ll are okay but I’m having a big problem with Remy being in Mexico and not here with his family. I advise ya’ll to call that motherfucker and tell him to bring his ass home to his family or when he does decide to grace us with his presence, he won’t have a family to come home to.”

  I left both of their asses standing there looking stupid. I meant every fucking word I said. Remy got me all the way fucked up. As the night went on, Peanut and Boo gave me a duffle bag with a million dollars in it. I just shook my head because Remy thought that money made every fucking thing okay. I took it though. I’m mad at his ass, but not mad enough not to spend his fucking money.

  Later that night I tossed and I turned. I couldn’t sleep for shit in the world. I just kept thinking what was so important for Remy to go to Mexico. I wasn’t insecure or anything, but the fact that Ava and his snake ass mother was in Mexico had me wondering what was going on out there. Right then and there I made the decision to go and get my fucking husband from Mexico. He was coming home if I had to drag his ass back by his dreads. I had this gut feeling something wasn’t right.

  I didn’t trust that bitch Ava or his mother. Her house was going to be the first stop I made. I never got a chance to put the old bitch in her place. Better let then never. The bitch didn’t have to like me but she was going to respect me. I got up and started making arrangements to fly out there in the next two days. I needed to make sure my son had around the clock care and Heaven was well protected. Ace was in jail but I was taking all precautions to make sure she was safe.

  I called Honey and Neicee and told them what my plan was. I made them bitches promise not to tell Boo and Peanut. If they knew what I was about to do, they would snap the fuck out. I can’t keep sitting around crying and feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to boss the fuck up and take action.

  The entire plane ride to Mexico had me nervous hell. I kept thinking what I would say or do once I saw Remy. I just really wanted to feel his strong arms wrapped around my body. I needed for him to tell me that everything was going to be okay. Since the day I met him, I always felt so secure. As long as I had Remy in my life I could conquer anything.

  It was amazing how we met and fell in love so fast. Even after I found out what he really did, I still wanted to be in his world. It didn’t matter to me. I had my reservations about moving too fast but he assured me that everything would be okay. Everything was okay, until he skipped town without as much as a phone call. I can’t believe I just hopped on a plane and left my babies, to find their father. Like I said before, love has a way of making you do some crazy shit.

  When the plane finally landed, I checked into a nearby hotel before taking the boat ride to his mother’s estate. I needed to look my best when I saw my husband. The baby had put some pounds on me in all of the right places. I decided to wear an all-black Christian Dior jumpsuit with a pair of peep-toe Red Bottoms. I flat ironed my hair bone straight. I love that I had length and I could rock my own hair.

  My eyelashes and eyebrows were on fleek. My hands and feet were done to perfection. I must say I was a bad bitch walking. Remy was definitely about to see what he was missing.

  I paid the owner of the boat to wait at the dock for me just in case I couldn’t find Remy and I had to go back to the hotel. There was no way in hell I could stay at his mother’s home. Once the boat docked, I couldn’t help but to notice the other boats that were docked. I observed numerous people in black tie attire. They were all so beautiful. I was glad I was dressed for the occasion so I blended right in.

  After walking a short distance, I realized all of the people were going to the Ramirez estate. The entire house was lit up with special lighting. There were balloons and banners that read “Congratulations” everywhere. I wondered what in the hell they were celebrating. There was security all around. As I made my way to the front of the house, there were several people walking inside. I walked in with them so that I wouldn’t be stopped and asked any questions. The sight of Remy standing next to Ava with his hands around her waist made me sick to my stomach.

  “I would like to propose a toast to my son and future daughter-in-law. Congratulations on your engagement,” his mother said as she held her champagne glass up high. The entire room held their glasses in the air and saluted them as well. I know damn well I must be deaf because I know I didn’t hear what the fuck I thought I did.

  As a waiter walked past, I grabbed two flutes of champagne and drank them straight down. I stayed back in the cut and watched as her and Remy exchanged kisses and smiley faces with one another. I chilled in the cut taking in everything. I was definitely about to crash this motherfucking celebration. Remy was dressed in a nice tux, and the bitch Ava had on some shit that looked like that robe Kim Kardashian wore to the Grammys. They looked like the happy fucking couple; too bad that shit wasn’t going to last long.

  “I would like to thank everybody for coming to celebrate my engagement to the love of my life. I’ve loved this man since we were kids and now we’re about to be one. I couldn’t ask for a better man to be my husband and the father of my children,” Ava said and she reached over and kissed Remy on the lips. When he kissed the bitch back, I knew that was my cue to turn the fuck up.

  I clapped as I walked through the crowd and stepped in front of them. To say Remy looked like a deer in headlights would be an understatement. The whole room was quiet wondering who in the hell was this bitch.

  “If had known this was an engagement party, I would have a brought a gift. Then again, I’m the gift that keeps on giving, ain’t that right Mr. Ramirez? Forgive me everybody. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Rose’ Ramirez, Remy’s wife and mother to his three-week-old son, Remy Ramirez, Jr.

  In case you don’t understand what I’m saying, he’s already married so there is no way these two are getting married. Last time I checked, I hadn’t received my divorce papers, so all this shit is a waste of time. ”

  “Rose’ baby, it’s not what it looks like.” He walked towards me and I took a couple of steps backwards. He was just all over that bitch. I didn’t want his slimy ass hands on me.

  “It’s exactly what it looks like, Remy. How could you do this to me? While you’re here living a double life, our son is back home fighting for his life.” I could tell the mention of us having a son shocked him.

  “Who the fuck let this bitch in here? She’s trespassing. I want her removed immediately,” his mother said and all the security walked towards me and started grabbing me.

  “Get your fucking hands off of my wife!” Remy said as he started pushing all of the security off of me and grabbing me at the same time.

  “What is going on Remy? You said things were over between you and her. All this time you’ve been here with me, I thought you loved me.” Ava was crying looking ugly as hell. I wanted to cry as well, but her or his mother wouldn’t get to see me hurt.

  “I knew you were up to no fucking good. I’m going to kill you for fucking over my daughter and my money.”

  I turned around and it was Hector Ortega with some of his men standing behind me. The sound of gunfire erupted and I saw a bullet hit Hector in the forehead.

  “Bitch ass nigga!” I heard Remy say. That let me know he was the one who shot Hector. The guests were running and screaming like crazy.

  “Ahhhh!” I screamed as I was pushed on the floor from behind. I was trying to get up but I couldn’t.

  “When I rise up, I want you to run out of here. I’ll cover you. Mr. Ramirez will get in contact with you as soon as he can. You’re even more beautiful than he said you were, Mrs. Ramirez. N
ow get out of here!” the unknown husky voice of a man whispered in my ear.

  Gunfire was still erupting all around me. I managed to look behind me and saw Remy and his men shooting at Hector’s men. I looked to my left and his mother was laid out on the floor with a gunshot wound to the head. I hurried up and ran out of the door, only to be snatched inside of a damn black Expedition. I fought and screamed trying to get away from whoever was holding me. I have the worst fucking luck ever. Who in the fuck gets kidnapped three times in a year? Me, that’s who.

  “Calm down, Mrs. Ramirez. We are under strict orders from your husband and our boss to take you somewhere safe.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what he told you to do. Let me out of here so I can go home. Fuck Remy!”

  “You’re far too beautiful to have such a potty mouth.”

  “Don’t fucking play with me right now. I’m not in the mood to be patronized. Let me the fuck out of this truck.” No matter how much I acted a fool, they ignored my ass. Shortly after, I was being led into a damn house and then locked inside of a room. I can’t believe Remy was holding me hostage now. I really need to reevaluate the men I fall in love with and have kids with.

  Chapter 28- Remy

  “Fuck! Can somebody please help me to understand how my fucking wife got pass security?

  “Sorry boss, I fucked up,” my head of security said.

  “You damn right you fucked up. Lucky for you my wife wasn’t harmed or you would be laid out with the rest of these motherfuckers. I want this bitch burned to the ground.” I looked around at the numerous bodies that were sprawled out all over the floor. The majority of the men were Hector’s men. I looked over at my mother’s body and asked the Lord for forgiveness.

  My mother had been against me and my father from the jump. She had been having an affair with Hector for many years. It was her who was always in my father’s ear about giving some of his territory to Hector. My father thought it was because she wanted him to be at home with us more, but in reality she was slowly and methodically helping the nigga take everything my father had worked for.


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