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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

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by Burns, Rachel

  Chocolate Rewards

  By: Rachel Burns

  Text Copyright © 2014 by Rachel Burns

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Other Books By Rachel Burns

  A Man To Guide Her

  Callie Part I & II

  Chocolate Rewards

  Christmas Captive

  Christmas Stories

  Daddy's Sweetheart Part I, II & III

  Have A Heart Part I, II & III

  Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted

  Island Men

  Man of the House

  Southern Discomfort

  Sugar Daddy

  Trust In Me

  Two Worlds Collide

  Becky's Birthday (a short story)

  Hold Still (a short story)

  The Dress Code (a short story)

  For Monique

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 You Can Learn a Thing or Two From an Earthling

  Chapter 2 Chocolates For Good Behavior

  Chapter 3 Take Me To Your Leader

  Chapter 4 A Whole New World

  Chapter 5 Home

  Chapter 6 Healing You

  Chapter 7 I'll Be Your Slave

  Chapter 8 Learning Whatever He Wants To Teach Her

  Chapter 9 I Want My Mom

  Chapter 10 Relocating

  Check Out Rachel Burns' Other Books and Short Stories

  Chapter 1 You Can Learn a Thing or Two From an Earthling

  Hilo, Hawaii

  Rokai and Jamko noticed three major differences from their home world the second they entered the streets of the town. The Earthlings had no protective shield over the town. Anyone or anything could fall out of the sky and land directly in the heart of their town square. The second thing they noticed was, they had tall plants and trees within the safety zone of the masses of houses. But the third thing was the one that surprised and disappointed them the most; the women were all dressed, meaning that they were taken.

  Jamko frowned at his partner. “Perhaps they have a system of arranged marriages that take place the moment a girl comes of age.” He shrugged his shoulders before he went back to work, doing what they were assigned to do.

  They spent a very boring day learning how the town dealt with getting water to their occupants and what they did with their waste. It became very clear that they couldn't learn anything new on this planet. The people weren't as advanced as they had hoped.

  Rokai suggested that they return to their ship. It was starting to get dark, and it would be easier to leave unnoticed that way.

  They would just be two visitors, who had quickly come and gone. People would remember them for their size. They were much larger than Earthlings but that was because they kept themselves perfectly, their diet was perfect and they got the perfect amount of movement. Thus they reached their maximum potentials in growth and strength.


  “Angela, please, open the door. Don't be mad at me anymore.”

  Jamko stopped Rokai and pointed to a man with some sort of plant in his hands. The man was clearly having problems with his woman.

  Both men stopped to watch the heartwarming scene. Neither one of them had a woman yet. That had been the sole reason for each of them to go on this journey. Both wanted to find a woman on this planet and take her back home with them.

  They were encouraged to bring specimens back with them. A woman was not only a thing of beauty but also a great prize. Only the most influential men had a woman to call their own.

  That was another interesting thing about this planet. The ratio of men and women was practically fifty-fifty. You couldn't find that anywhere else in the universe. The male population was dominant everywhere else. Survival of the fittest, and men were just more fit than women. Some believed that it was nature's way of instinctively cutting back the population.

  The woman on the other side of the door seemed to be fit, too. She was scolding the man to go away. What man would go away from his woman once he had one?

  The door finally opened. The men figured that the man would punish her for treating him the way she had, but he didn't. Instead he opened up a box and slipped a round brown object into her mouth.

  She beamed at the man as best she could with the object in her mouth. She was making hmm noises that made every man weak for a woman.

  Her mouth was then empty, and she kissed the man, throwing her arms around his neck. The couple disappeared into their dwelling.

  Rokai and Jamko stared at each other in disbelief.

  “What just happened there?” Rokai asked his friend in astonishment.

  Jamko shrugged. He could only guess. “He gave her a treat like he was training an animal.”

  “Women treats, to train them how to behave.” Rokai was amused.

  The idea did have its merits. The man was inside making love to his woman instead of punishing her for unacceptable behavior.

  “Perhaps, there is still something to be learned here.”

  The two men checked into a hotel for the evening.


  “Sir, wake up. It's morning. You have to check out now, or you will be charged for another evening. Sir, can you hear me?” Amber reached out and shook his shoulder a little. She quickly returned her hand back to her own body. The man was sleeping, completely naked on the made bed, not under the covers. Thankfully, he was sleeping face down.

  He was bigger than most men, and his skin color was a bit strange. He was very tanned, but he was more of a red than a brown, like his skin was slightly sunburned, but the color was everywhere, with no tan lines. She could see that quite clearly because her eyes drifted to his backside again and again. It was the first one she had ever been able to admire without getting caught staring.

  “Sir, either you pay for the room, or you leave, so I can clean it.”

  Rokai awoke with a start. He had been up late into the night trying to figure out what that brown ball might be. It was nothing like any substance he had ever heard of before. Had they discover something new? Something that could change daily life for men and women?

  He planted his hands to the left and right of him and pressed his body up. He sat back on his heels and then jumped out of the bed.

  “Oh, okay. You aren't the shy type.” Amber stepped away from him, shocked that he would show himself and move so quickly. She blushed red and looked away from him. “Sir, what is your decision about the room?”

  “I believe, I will be needing the room for another evening. I will discuss matters with your husband, woman.”

  “Woman?” Amber leaned away from him, raising an eyebrow.

  Rokai looked the red-headed pretty woman up and down. “That is clearly what you are.”

  “Well, yes but it isn't respectful for you to say that.” Was he a foreigner who didn't really understand that he had insulted her? But really, in what country was it normal to show your naked body to the maid?

  “I will give my apologies to your husband when I speak to him.”

  “I'm not married. You mean my boss. The owner of this hotel just happens to be a woman.”

  That got Rokai's attention. “You aren't married? No man has claimed you?”

  Amber felt her temper rising. “Claimed me? What are you an overgrown caveman?”

  “No. I don't live in a cave. Why are you dr
essed if a man hasn't claimed you? You will never find a man with clothes on.”

  Amber's mouth dropped open in shock. Before she could stop herself, her hand swung out and slapped him hard. He was surprised, but he didn't say anything. Somehow he must have offended her.

  She had to shake her hand to get the sting out of it. It figured, he would have a hard head. Her slap hadn't done the damage that she hoped it would.

  She stormed out of the room to complain to her boss.


  Rokai and Jamko decided the best thing to do would be to go back to the house and question the man. They left their hotel and walked the short distance over to the door where they had last seen the man with the women treats.

  “So we just knock and ask him about women treats?” Jamko looked at Rokai, thinking that if he had a secret that could get a woman to do what he wanted, then he would never share that secret.

  “Yes.” Rokai stepped past him and knocked on the door. They had to a wait awhile before the door opened.

  “Yes?” They were in luck. The man from last night opened the door, personally, and not his woman.

  “Mister, we saw you here last night. You fed your woman a ball and she let you in. What was the ball?”

  “What?” He shook his head confused.

  “We were standing on the opposite side of the road and heard what happened. You two argued and she wouldn't let you in.”

  “That is none of your business.” The man was about to close the door.

  “Of course, what you do with your woman is your business. We just want to know what you gave her to eat.”

  “What kind of stupid question is that? Flowers and chocolate. They always work with women.” The man closed the door.

  “Did you hear that? The things are even guaranteed.” Jamko couldn't believe the luck that they were having on this planet. They went back to their hotel still talking and discussing about their new find.

  At the reception desk, a very mad woman was waiting for them. “How dare you two show up here again?”

  They traded confused looks with one another. This same woman had very kindly showed them to their rooms last night.

  “Number 1, you own me money. Number 2, you scared and offended my maid. And Number 3, I'm calling the police because you felt the need to strut around naked in front of her.”

  “We will of course pay for our rooms immediately. Will twenty-thousand be enough?” Rokai pulled out the money and laid it on the counter of the reception. The computer on board the ship had made exact copies of the local currency.

  “I will talk to the unmarried woman. Don't worry about that. I will take care of her. In fact, I would like to give her some chocolate. Where can I find some?” Rokai hadn't been able to get her out of his head. His thoughts had drifted back to her again and again.

  The owner was speechless, looking at the money in front of her.

  When she got her wits about her she said. “We have a chocolate factory here in town. We are known for our chocolate. You could tour the factory and buy some there.” The woman was back to being nice to them. She didn't look at them as she counted the money laying on the counter in front of her. She quickly snatched it all up and put it in her pocket.

  “Thank you. We will do that right away.”

  Four hours later Rokai and Jamko were chocolate experts. They had purchased enough to fill their ship and they made plans to return to buy more. They also had the clever idea to take plants back with them. This was going to make them rich. Both were dreaming of laying a piece of chocolate into the eager mouth of a beautiful woman.

  It was dark by the time they had loaded all the chocolate into their ship. They had had to make several trips back and forth.

  Both men were dead tired when they arrived back at the hotel. They quickly fell asleep, too tired to dream about the women that they would soon be feeding.

  Amber couldn't believe it. He was lying in bed buck-naked again.

  She had been so mad that her boss hadn't kicked them out. Of course, her boss just didn't have the actual work of cleaning up after them, and seeing them naked. No, that lay on Amber's shoulders.

  She started picking up his clothes and throwing them on a pile. Then, she stuffed his things into his bag.

  His clothes and bag were incredibly soft. They were made of the thinnest leather she had ever seen. She wished she had a pillow cover made with the soft material.

  Rokai watched her cleaning up after him. She was mumbling to herself, and he couldn't understand her. The fact that she didn't have a man who owned her interested him. Did that mean that any man could claim her? Maybe he should? Of course it would be easier to decide if he could see her naked.

  “No, man has claimed you yet?” he asked her, while he watched her touching his things.

  “I know, it's hard to believe that no one has snatched me up yet.”

  She was being sarcastic because of the lazy way he was slowly getting up. She just wanted him out of here so she could clean and then go home.

  His late sleeping was ruining her day, again. She had plans to meet her friends at a café at three. She didn't want to be late. After they had something to drink they wanted to go shopping.

  Amber loved shopping. Her closet at home was full, and she had saved up to buy one of those old fashioned wardrobes, because her dad told her that if she couldn't put her things away nicely then she couldn't buy more. He didn't understand, but clothes were her life. Each morning she woke with a smile, already debating what she should wear that day.

  “So you are available to be claimed?”

  “I guess so. But what you should be thinking about is clearing out. You have already overstayed your welcome. Off you go. You can shower while I clean up in here and make the bed.” She was trying to shoo him like an annoying fly.

  “That's a good idea.” Rokai liked that she knew her place. He got up and walked into the shower.

  Amber blushed red at his openness again. Didn't that man have any sense of shame?

  She went to the bed. “You are checking out today, right?”

  “Yes, we are,” he called back.

  Amber ripped the sheets off of the bed and quickly remade it with the things from her cart. She had everything dusted and vacuumed before he came out. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but it kept slipping. It looked like he had no idea how to use one. He was standing with his back to her going through his bag.

  “The room looks very nice.” He imagined himself slipping a chocolate ball into her mouth to praise her.

  Rokai liked that idea. He would take her with him. After all, he was going to be a very rich man. Being his slave would be something positive for her. Every woman wanted to be owned by a well off man.

  But he didn't want to appear to her as a pushover. “But you need to learn to pack better.”

  She had just thrown his things in his bag, without folding anything. “Sure, whatever. Just get on with it. I still have to clean up in your friend's room.”

  “That won't be necessary anymore.”

  “Really? Is he staying?” If he said 'yes' that meant that she could go as soon as she finished cleaning up his bathroom. The other guy's room would only need a light cleaning. Because of their sleeping in, she would see to it that she finished within ten minutes.

  “No, we're leaving.”

  Her face dropped disappointed. Great then she would be late. Hopefully her friends would wait for her. If they didn't, then it would be hard to find them among the other shoppers and the tourists, who came here to visit the chocolate factory and lay on the sunny beaches.

  Rokai saw that she was disappointed. Was she already getting attached to him? He had heard that women did that very easily. She sighed and went into his bathroom and started to clean up after him.

  He was completely dressed when she came out with an arm full of the funny drying rags. She dumped then into her wagon.

  “I wish you a nice trip home.” This was what she alway
s said in such cases.

  “We will have a nice trip home together.” He grabbed onto her arm and yanked her along with him.

  Amber tried to get away from him, but he was able to hold her easily with one hand, and hold his soft grey bag comfortably in his other hand. He even laid the key to his room down at the front desk.

  “Help me,” Amber called out to her shocked boss. “He's kidnapping me.” She fought to free herself from his hold.

  Rokai looked down at her. He could see that she was confused so he explained. “No, not kidnapping. I am claiming you. Kidnapping would be if someone tried to take you away from me. Don't worry. I wouldn't let that happen. I'll hold onto you tightly.”

  “That's great. Thanks, I feel so safe now.” Amber rolled her eyes. She didn't think that he would get far. Someone would stop him.

  He marched her through the center of town. People saw them, they even stopped and stared, but no one stepped forward to help her.

  Amber was starting to really take this seriously. “Daddy!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping that someone would go and get him. Someone just had to recognize her.

  Rokai stopped. The poor thing was calling for her father. Something only a child would do. “How old are you?”

  “What does that matter?” He had stopped walking and she pumped her arm all around, trying to get him to let go of her.

  “It might matter a lot. Just answer me.”

  Amber could see a few men slowly moving closer behind his back. Help was on the way but she feared that he would be stronger than the men, even with their unified strength. His hold on her was just too tight. It was up to her to save herself.

  What age would make him let go of her?

  “I'm twenty.” She decided on the truth.

  Rokai took hold of her arm again. He noted several other men trying to close in on them.

  How typical, he thought. They saw that he wanted her, and now they wanted to claim her too, just like young children fighting over a toy. But he had seen her first.


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