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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

Page 2

by Burns, Rachel

  He pulled her away, and she had to run alongside of him to keep up. He didn't stop until he arrived at their ship. Jamko entered right after them. “I see you found something on this planet that interests you more than chocolate. Congratulations, you now own your first slave.” He patted his friend on the back and closed the door of the ship before a speechless Amber could protest.

  Amber's lips silently formed the word 'slave'.

  Chapter 2 Chocolates For Good Behavior

  Rokai's Spacecraft

  Amber raced to the window as soon as the Red Barbarian let go of her. She pounded on the window with her fists and called for help.

  The two huge men were ignoring her. They had taken seats and strapped themselves in with harnesses that moved into position on their own. They grabbed onto the harnesses, which was how they were navigating the ship.

  The ship was starting to shake and rumble.

  Amber looked around for something to hold on to. She saw the pallets full of chocolate boxes. There were plants everywhere. They were all the same plant, but at different stages of growth.

  None of these things were fastened down. Would she be safe, too?

  She returned to the window and saw black darkness filled with white dots.

  They were in outer space. Her jaw dropped.

  But that was impossible!

  She had to be in bed, still dreaming. He had just really upset her yesterday, and she still wasn't over that.

  Soon she would wake up, go clean up after him again, and then go out with her friends. Everything was going to be fine. A spaceship couldn't lift off that easily. This was all a bad dream.

  Perhaps it would be best to just sit down and wait to wake up.

  “Slave, are you alright?” Rokai unbuckled himself, giving the flying controls to Jamko.

  He went to his slave who was sitting on the floor by the window so calmly that he had to see what she was up to.

  He sat down next to her on the floor and took her hands in his. “It's alright. You are going to miss your mother and father for a while, but I will be there for you. With time you will get used to being with me. It's a sad thing that a woman has to leave her family to be with her master. I understand.”

  Amber was now certain that she was dreaming. There was no way that a man could act so differently from one moment to the next, as he was doing.

  “I'm fine. Don't worry about me.” She even took a moment to smile at him reassuringly before she turned back to the window to watch the stars go by. They looked magnificent.

  Rokai released her hands. She was being very well behaved. She deserved to be rewarded. He went to the chocolate supply and got her a piece. He unwrapped it and went back to her. She was still looking out of the window, serenely.

  “What's your name, slave?”

  “Amber. It's a precious stone on my planet, a jewel.” She pulled the necklace she was wearing out of the blouse of her maid's uniform and showed him the stone that she always wore around her neck.

  Rokai looked at the golden stone with black dots in it for a moment before he looked back in her eyes. She looked pleased with the boring stone. “It's lovely,” he lied, hoping to please her.

  “Yes, lovely.” Amber felt that the word lovely was more evidence that this was a dream. A man wouldn't say that, especially not an alien.

  Rokai shoved the chocolate into her mouth. At first she gasped for air, then she just enjoyed the chocolate. Next time, he would give her a smaller piece. Something like this needed practice.

  Amber was unsure at first, but then the familiar taste of chocolate melting in her mouth started to comfort her. She let it melt as she looked out of the window.

  Rokai peeked over his shoulder at Jamko who had been watching him closely.

  “It worked,” he bragged as he returned to his seat and took the controls.

  “I should have taken a woman, too. I'll regret that for a long time. Earthlings just seem to be so easy to manage.”

  Rokai nodded, as if he was an expert on Earthlings. He had a really good feeling about Amber.

  Amber had leaned against the wall of the ship to nap. She decided that if she fell asleep in her dream that she would probably wake up in reality.

  Now, she was awake even though her eyes were still closed. She could feel the ship vibrating around her.

  No, this couldn't be. She couldn't be here. It was just a bad dream, and those ended the second a person woke up! This one had to end! But it just wouldn't.

  She opened her eyes and saw that she was still on the ship. The two red colored Hulks were sitting in their chairs. They looked comfortable and here she was sleeping on the floor.

  “Take me back home.” Amber rose to her feet.

  Rokai looked over his shoulder at her. Her fists were clenched and she looked mad. He sighed loudly as he unfastened his harnesses. “I'm here, woman. You aren't alone.”

  “What a pity. If I were alone, then I would turn this ship around and go home.”

  “We are going home. We just have to stop off and report our findings to our king. After that, we will go to our home. Perhaps the king will reward us with a home on a nice planet where we can grow our plants.”

  What did she care about his farming ambitions?

  “What kind of plants are they, anyway?” If they were some sort of drugs, then she would see to it that they overdosed on them.

  “Why chocolate plants, of course.”

  “Cocoa plants? To make chocolate?”

  “Yes, would you like some more chocolate?” He was smiling eagerly at her.

  She could see that he wanted her to have some. But why, she asked herself. What did he hope to gain by giving her sweets? She worried that he thought that she was too thin. It was just that clothes looked best on thin bodies.

  Then it hit her. This wasn't a dream. This was permanent. She would never be going home, never see her parents and friends. She would never get to wear her new boots that she had been saving for a special occasion.

  If she had known she would have worn them to work today. All of her purses were gone. The dresses that she had hanging in her closet, which were sorted by length, color and season, in which they could be worn. She had bought them all for nothing. She had been working as a maid, cleaning up after strangers so she could afford them.

  She stepped closer to him. “You are going to turn this ship around this instant. Have I made myself clear?” She pointed her finger, holding it up to his face. He should know that she meant business.

  Rokai was surprised by her aggression. Slaves often cried and even tried to run away but they never scolded and demanded.

  “You are just a little upset, slave.” He wanted to remind her of her place. “Perhaps a taste of chocolate will settle your nerves?”

  “Perhaps it won't. Kidnapping is illegal.” But it wasn't called kidnapping when aliens did it. She was being abducted.

  Even though the ship was amazingly steady she was sure that they were traveling faster than the speed of light. “Take me back.” Tears were in her eyes. Her parents would soon notice that she was missing. They would be brokenhearted. “Please.”

  He looked worried and nervous since she had started to cry. “When a woman grows up, she gets claimed by a man. This is all perfectly normal. You don't need to be so upset.”

  There it was again. The word claimed. “But I am claimed. I have a husband. He expects me to be home soon. I have to go, immediately.”

  Rokai raised an eyebrow. Stealing a claimed woman was a great crime. He wasn't positive but he felt that she was lying to him. “Then I will test you.”

  “What?” Amber instinctively covered her left hand with her right, wanting to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a wedding ring.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “I beg your pardon.” She stepped back again. He couldn't mean a virginity test, could he?

  Rokai leaned his head a little to the side. What could she mean by pardon? His brain was going thr
ough the different meanings of the word. Did she want forgiveness from the obvious lie, or did she want to be released from a punishment.

  “Admit that you just lied to me,” he demanded.

  Amber felt her cheeks starting to burn. She was a bad liar. This was something that she should really have practiced. A good lie often helped a person in life, but she just didn't lie often enough to do it well.

  “I really want to go home. My parents are going to be worried.”

  “Many humans saw us leaving together. They will know where you are.”

  “You mean in a galaxy far, far away,” she sassed at him.

  Amber was staring him down, daring him to say the word claimed again. She was pressing her teeth together so forcibly that she worried that they might crack under the pressure.

  “Perhaps. That is for King Aideyoung to decide. I am sure that he will want to reward us greatly for bringing these treasures along.” He looked over at the chocolates and smiled.

  Amber was getting so frustrated with him. There was just no talking to him. “Just give me a piece of chocolate,” Amber demanded. In fact, he should give her a whole box. She needed something to calm her down.

  “First you have to earn it.”

  “What? You're nuts, aren't you?”

  “Some of the chocolates have nuts. Which kind do you prefer?”

  Amber felt that she had been taken completely off track. They seemed to be having two totally different conversations. There was no use in fighting him.

  Her father had often said that there was no point in talking to crazy people; never try to calm a crazy person down. It just makes them crazier, he would say. He usually meant their next-door neighbor when he said that. The two had an ongoing battle about the height of the hedges. The neighbor wanted them low so his plants weren't in the shade.

  Amber's father felt that he just wanted them low so he could better see what was going on at their house. They fought constantly, be it about hedges or where to set the garbage cans on pick up day, what times were acceptable for mowing the lawn and the biggest fight was about the brightness of Christmas lights.

  This could end up being a similar vicious circle. “The kind with peanut butter in it,” she answered, needing chocolate now.

  Rokai was pleased. He found the kind that she wanted and broke a tiny piece off and placed it in her mouth. He wanted to turn away from her and go back to his flying.

  “Wait. I want the whole thing.”

  “I'm sure you do. But you will have to earn it.”

  “Earn it?”

  “Through obedience.”

  “Then I'll never have chocolate again,” Amber answered him, stubbornly. She folded her arms and went back to the window to pout.

  Rokai was a little confused. He went back and sat down.

  Jamko couldn't resist a barb. “Maybe King Aideyoung will give me a woman. One that isn't so difficult.” He was grinning from ear to ear as he mentally patted himself on the back for not taking a crazy Earthling along home with him.

  Amber listened to them talking to each other. It was clear that they didn't see her as being equal to them.

  It was also clear that she couldn't sneak away when they parked to get gas.

  This was too much for her mind to understand. She had never believed in aliens. The thought of that had seemed so far-fetched. Now, she tried to remember everything that she knew about them.

  Weren't they supposed to be tiny and green?

  Instead they were reddish, like they were sunburned. She was remembering the one's naked backside. It had been red. His front side was too. She had only gotten a glimpse of his penis before she had turned her face away, but it had been reddish, too. Even his hair was red. His eyes were as black as coal. Surely, these men were devils. Red was the color of anger and frustration. He towered over her. His heart was right at her ear level.

  Perhaps if she laid her head on his chest she would be able to prove that he was a heartless monster.

  She had never seen a naked man before the red barbarian. The most she had seen of a man was their plumber when he bent under their sink working on the faucet and pipes down there.

  The plumber's bottom had practically been bare when he installed their new dishwasher last month. It had been disgusting. Were all plumbers a bit of exhibitionists?

  The red barbarian's backside had at least been nice to see, even if it had been the wrong color. He was well built, perfect even. She couldn't let herself get lost in such thoughts.

  Slavery was never a positive thing. She had to face reality; she wasn't going to escape. She would be his slave and have to clean up after him and bring him things. If he wasn't pleased with her, he could punish her.

  He was strong. If he wanted to, he could make her do what he wanted.

  Was he going to perform some sort of kinky alien sex tests with her?

  What did being probed mean?

  Would it hurt?

  Amber couldn't pretend to be brave anymore. She started to cry.

  Rokai jumped to his feet. Having a slave meant that he had a lot of responsibility. He had to see to her well-being. He knelt down in front of her and held her in his arms.

  At first she tried to push him away, but as the moment lingered, she lost her will to fight him. She needed to be comforted, and that was what he was doing.

  Rokai lifted her into his arms and walked towards a wall.

  Amber thought that he was going to walk right through it, but the wall opened up, revealing a separate room with a bed.

  She got the distinct feeling that she had just jumped out of the frying pan and right into the fire.

  Rokai laid her down on the bed. He sat down beside her, and ran his hand over her face, trying to calm her. She was attractive, despite being a little pale from fear. Her reddish hair was pulled back into a strict tight bun. He wondered if she had long hair. Few creatures did, but she must, or it wouldn't have to be pulled away from her face. He longed to untie her hair and admire its length, and to see it swinging freely as she made love to him.

  He pictured her on his lap moving her body over his. Soon they would be paired, and join as one. That was said to be the greatest pleasure that there was in the universe. He would look into her brown eyes and see her enjoying her pleasure. He would be the man to give her that pleasure, just him.

  Making love was an act so sacred that he longed to enjoy it, seeing others make love was a beautiful thing, but to be able to be the one doing it would be so much better.

  “Rest. We will soon be docking onto the King's ship. I want you to accompany me. You can tell him about the effects of chocolate on women.” He rose to his feet, regretting that he didn't have the time to join his body with hers. But they needed lots of time for that, he wanted to do right by her, not just taking his pleasure, but also giving her some. He wanted to remember his first time forever. Something like that couldn't be rushed.

  She would feel better about being with him after he had given her the greatest pleasure that a woman could have. He liked that he could do that for her. She would be doing it for him as well.

  He covered her up with his blankets. She had grabbed onto the pillow under her head and turned it so her arm was slung around it. This evening she could hold onto his arm like that as her head rested on his shoulder.

  He would never sleep alone again.

  The relationship between a man and his slave was a sacred thing, considered holy. They would forever be together. Once love set in it would be impossible for them to be apart for long periods of time.

  He was already finding it difficult to walk out and leave her alone in this room, regardless of the fact that he would just be on the other side of the door.

  He bent down and kissed her before he turned and left.

  Amber wanted to sleep again. The problem had to be that she was still dreaming because aliens didn't exist, especially not ones who went around shoving chocolate into people's mouths.

  Everything would be
all better when she woke up. She just had to sleep.

  The problem with having to sleep when she wasn't tired was she couldn't. A couple of hours later, she still just laid there waiting to be tired.

  Amber lay in the bed worrying and wondering. There was nothing in the boring room but a bed. The walls were all off-white and boring. The floor was a red brown. It looked like it was a rock. It had been the same floor as in the other room.

  Amber wanted to know what was going to happen to her. What would her future look like?

  She was picturing herself working in endless fields of cocoa plants, carrying heavy buckets of water to each plant. Her life wasn't going to be pleasant.

  Then she thought about him stroking her cheek. He had been gentle.

  When she had cried he had come running to comfort her. This was all so confusing.

  She grabbed onto her soft pillow. It was made out of the same cloth as his clothes, exactly as she had wished.

  This must be proof that this just was a dream.

  Chapter 3 Take Me To Your Leader

  His Majesty, King Aideyoung and Queen Melissa's Ship

  Amber woke because someone was gently moving her shoulder back and forth. “Mom?” she muttered.

  She sat up and rubbed her eyes, wanting to tell her mother about her strange dream. She also wanted to hear her mom say that it had been nonsense, and that they would never let her go.

  Amber opened her eyes and saw that the red barbarian was standing next to the bed.

  He smiled down at her. “We have landed. Please rise and come with me.”

  “Where to?” She felt tiny as she laid in the bed looking up at him. He was so large to begin with, but in this position he looked like a giant.

  “To the king. We have to report what we found. I also need to claim you, officially.”

  “Stop saying that!”


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