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Chocolate Rewards: The Sweetness of Two Worlds Colliding Together

Page 3

by Burns, Rachel

  He took a step back, surprised that she had gotten loud with him. “There are several ways that a man can claim a woman,” he threatened her with his fists clenched.

  “You aren't going to claim me.” Amber stood, wanting to get as far away from the bed as possible.

  Rokai had other ideas. His left arm wrapped around her, and pulled her close against his body. With his right hand he gave her several swats on her backside.

  Amber tried to cover up her bottom, but his thick left arm was holding her arms in place. She couldn't get her arms to move back and protect herself from his attack.

  His forehead was wrinkled up and his lips were pressed together. He was angry that he had to punish her. He had hoped that, with the help of the chocolate, he would never have to punish her.

  Amber stared up at him in shock. The first reason was because he was holding her so close, and he was so warm, as warm as his red skin would suggest. The second thing was that he had spanked her like a child.

  He was a devil.

  Rokai let go of her and looked at her. It was a shame that she wasn't naked. He would like to see her red bottom. He also wanted others to see it and know that she was with him.

  Amber hung her head. Her hands had moved back to cover her backside. It didn't hurt anymore but there was a slight burn.

  “This isn't the way to earn a piece of chocolate,” he scolded her before he forced one of her little hands away from her backside.

  Amber didn't understand what he wanted and tried to pull her hand away.

  He moved her hand around until they were holding hands, like a couple in love.

  Amber wasn't sure what to think, as he yanked her out of the door. He pulled her out of their spacecraft.

  Amber saw that they were in a hanger. All sorts of weird creatures were here. This was really happening. She couldn't lie to herself, saying that this was a joke or a dream anymore.

  This wasn't something that a person could just dream up. At least she couldn't. She usually dreamed about clothes, about herself walking along the beach in a beautiful designer dress with Versace shoes in her hands. Clothes were the only colorful things in her dreams, not monsters.

  She tried not to stare at a group of huge green aliens with pig faces, but her eyes refused to look away. That was until she spotted a purple woman with blue curly hair. The terrible use of those two colors wasn't the thing that caught her attention, it was the colorful wings that the woman had. She was like a bird-woman, a tropical one.

  A man came out of the spacecraft and stood next to the bird-woman. Amber couldn't understand what they were saying. The sounds coming out of them were completely unfamiliar to her. She couldn't even guess what they were saying.

  “This way, Amber.” The red barbarian took hold of her arm and pulled her along with him.

  Amber stumbled behind him, not concentrating on where she was going. There were just too many interesting things to look at, so many different people. Or, would creatures be a better word?

  She almost fell a couple of times, but the Red Barbarian kept her steady.

  Amber got the feeling that everyone was staring at her like she was the odd one. Some even stopped what they were doing to look at her. One, a man with a very flat head and four eyes stepped towards her. He was grunting and she guessed he was mad.

  “No, you can't have her. I already claimed her.” Rokai's hand moved to cover up her backside.

  Amber's jaw dropped. “Women can't just be claimed by any man who happens to see her.”

  His forehead wrinkled up as he looked at her. “The ideas on your planet are very backwards.”

  “Backwards? Us?” She pointed to herself in disbelief.

  “Come along. The King has a very tiny time frame for us.”

  “The King? You mean your leader?” Was he serious?

  “Yes, of course. It has to be made publicly know that you belong to me.” This was all so clear. Why didn't she understand that? He was doing this to protect her.

  “So you are taking me to your leader? Honestly?” This had to be a joke. Maybe she was still dreaming.

  “You have to be registered and mark as claimed.”

  “Marked?” She pictured him, branding her. “You want to burn me, or something like that?”

  That stopped him dead in his tracks. “No, never. I would never hurt you that way.” He reached out to touch her face, but she pulled away.

  “In what way would you hurt me?” She stared him down, without blinking.

  He smirked as he looked into her frightened face. “I'll show you as soon as I have officially claimed you.”

  Tears sprang into her eyes.

  Rokai cursed himself for scaring her. “Maybe after I have claimed you, you will start to like me.”

  “Sure maybe,” she sassed.

  Rokai reached into his bag before she knew it he had shoved another piece of chocolate in her mouth.

  She quickly swallowed it down. “And maybe not.”

  He shook his head at her and yanked her along. Every time Rokai thought that he was taking a step forward with her she proved him wrong.

  He brought her into the throne room. His eyes searched the line for Jamko. Rokai was pleased to see that he was the third in the line.

  Standing in line, waiting to talk to the king was something that could drag on for days, weeks and in some cases months, depending on the number of people waiting ahead of you in the long line.

  Rokai was eager to be given land on a nice planet and get started growing and cultivating the planets. He had decided on the path his life needed to take and now he wanted to start it. Now that he had Amber he wanted to settle down in one spot. He glanced her way for a moment. She was looking at the others in line and they were staring back at her.

  Rokai had to wonder what was going through their heads. She was a dressed woman, but her clothes weren't the right kind. In fact, they were the ugliest clothes he had seen on her planet. Perhaps it would have been better to visit the doctor first. They needed to be checked, to make sure that they weren't carrying any sickness along from the planet they had visited.

  “Amber.” He called out to her to get her attention. “When it is our turn, I want you to be quiet. You may not speak to the King and Queen.”

  Amber nodded at him, thinking that if he didn't want her to talk to them it could only be because he was doing something illegal.

  She would tattle. Perhaps they would bring her home. The feeling of hope started to build in her chest.

  It took over an hour for it to be their turn. Amber's legs were sore from standing so long. She was glad to step forward, away from the crowds of creatures surrounding her.

  These were the creatures that made up children's nightmares as they slept in their beds at night. If they hadn't been standing and waiting so peacefully she would have clung to the Red Barbarian, begging him to protect her.

  Rokai and Jamko stepped forward, both eager to tell the King about what they had discovered on the planet, Earth.

  They bowed down on one knee with their heads down. “Your Majesties, we are pleased to report that we were extremely successful on Earth. We discovered a drug to control women. It's called chocolate.”

  The crowd gasped surprised, but impressed with the finding. Only two women broke out laughing. One was Amber and the other was the Queen.

  Rokai peeked back at Amber, giving her a look of warning. He looked back at the Queen who was covering her mouth.

  Amber couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was such silly nonsense. Had that been why he was constantly shoving it into her mouth?

  Then she frowned. She didn't want to be controlled, or claimed. “I want to go home. I have been kidnapped from my home planet, against my will. These men have no right to have me here,” she called out clearly.

  Rokai stood up and grabbed onto her hand and jerked her down to the floor next to him. “As you can see your Majesty, I have found a woman while on the planet. I still need to claim her.�

  “Earthlings are a fierce lot. I wish you much luck with her.” The King told Rokai.

  “Hey, Earthlings are wonderful people. Your life is better for knowing one.” The Queen leaned over to the King and kissed him.

  Amber looked up at the King. She couldn't understand a thing he was saying but the Queen she understood perfectly.

  The Queen looked like a normal person, but the King was larger than she was. He was even larger than the men who had kidnapped her.

  The Queen was sitting on his lap as if she were a child. Several children were standing around the throne. The Queen was clearly very pregnant. Some of the children looked distinctly human while others were just too large to be. Mostly the boys looked like their father and the girls looked like their mother.

  The King mumbled something, making Rokai stand and approach the throne. He reached into his bag and offered the King some chocolate.

  Amber watched in shock as the King fed the Queen. Her hands didn't move to stop him, she wasn't afraid that he would put too much in, choking her. She was relaxed. This appeared to be her normal way of eating.

  Amber felt a bit disgusted. Why would a woman let a man treat her like a child? The sheer number of children that they had, made it clear that he thought of his wife as a childish baby making machine. Amber swore that she would never be like her.

  Everyone watched as the Queen closed her mouth around the brown substance. Her eyes closed and she leaned back into the King's chest, making a sound of pleasure.

  Everyone in the room started talking at once. They all sounded amazed with what they were seeing. The men were demanding chocolates for their women.

  “As you can see, Your Majesty, chocolate is going to be in high demand. Jamko and I have, not only, brought along finished chocolates, but we have also brought along the plants that make the beans, which are then turned into this wonder-drug. If it would please Your Majesty we would like a home with fertile land to grow these plants, so we can have a continuing supply.”

  “You studied these plants and you can guarantee that you can personally make the same quality as the chocolate which you have brought along.”

  “This plant needs lots of starlight and just the right soil to grow. We have to search the universe for just the right conditions, then we should be able to produce the chocolate that will make our women more manageable.”

  Amber rolled her eyes.

  “Aideyoung, could I have some more?” the Queen asked her husband. “Like lots more. I love chocolate.”

  Amber listened to the King go on and called other men to his side. They discussed this and that; she could only understand the two men who brought her here. They were discussing the perfect place to undertake such an important job. This was obviously being treated as a major discovery.

  “It's just chocolate, not a wonder-drug,” Amber declared when she just couldn't remain silent any more.

  “Forgive her, your Majesty. She has no idea what the rules here are. I will punish her, personally, for being so disrespectful to you, once I have claimed her.”

  “Punish me for what? I didn't do anything.”

  “Ask her where she is from.” The Queen asked the King.

  The King babbled something at her.

  Alright, I'll play along, pretending that I didn't understand her, Amber thought. “I'm from Hilo, Hawaii.”

  “You have a chocolate factory there?” the Queen asked her, like she was surprised.

  The King spoke before Amber could answer, giving her the feeling that the Queen wasn't allowed to speak directly with her.

  “After the planet got hit by a meteorite storm a few decades ago lots of factories came to Hawaii. My city got a chocolate factory. People come from all around the world to see how it is made.”

  “Ask her more about the storm.” The Queen was looking at the King, begging him.

  The King scolded his wife.

  “I learned about it at school. One day a meteorite shower pelted the earth, destroying everything in its path. The area is slowly regaining vegetation and animals are returning to the regions.”

  “Did anyone survive?” the Queen asked.

  “No, everyone died because the storm appeared out of nowhere. There was no warning or chance of evacuation.”

  The Queen looked very sickened, she even began to cry.

  The whole room was upset. Some of the creatures even started crying along with the Queen. Everyone looked ready to kill Amber.

  Rokai took hold of Amber, bending her over in the middle and wrapping his arm across her back so she couldn't get away. He gave her several stinging swats to her behind.

  “Stop him. It's not her fault,” the Queen demanded.

  “Rokai,” the King called out.

  Amber was left standing on her own. She sniffled and wondered what had gone wrong.

  “Thank her for telling me what happened to my family.” The Queen was looking right at Amber as she spoke this time. “Tell her that that was something that I have worried and wondered about for a very long time.” The Queen stood up and reached out to the tallest of the children standing behind the throne. “I'm not feeling very well. Please, finish your business with these men. I understand that the plants have to be returned to good soil as quickly as possible. Seeker, bring me to my room.”

  “Of course, mother,” the young man answered. He was about the same height as his father but he wasn't as bulky. Amber figured that he probably hadn't finished growing yet. The royal family was even larger than the men who had brought her here.

  The King also stood up. “Melsa.” He gave her a loving smile before she turned away. His face looked pained as the Queen left the room. He turned his attention back to Amber's captures. They quickly spoke of where the plants needed to go with help of an on board computer.

  When they were about to leave Amber looked at the Red Barbarian. “Tell him he should bring her chocolate. It helps when someone is sad. She looked like she will need lots.” She didn't want to talk to him but she had liked the queen.

  “Excuse me, Your Majesty. My slave just told me that chocolates are good to alleviate sadness. I will be leaving a supply here, for you, as a personal gift. Thank you so much for your kindness.” Rokai bowed down and backed out of the room, dragging Amber along with him.

  Once they had left the throne room Rokai grabbed onto Amber's forearms. “What did you think you were doing in there? You insulted them and because of you the beloved Queen left the room in tears.” He flipped her over his hip and spanked her several times before he lifted her back so he could look in her eyes, which were full of tears.

  “Do you have any idea what the King could have done to punish you for all that?”

  Amber sniffled and shook her head.

  “He could have had you killed. I warned you.” Once again he bent her over and went at her backside. Only this time he lifted up her skirt.

  All the while Amber was telling herself that she needed to adapt to her new surrounding. She was really a slave. Nobody was stepping forward to help her, no one looked like they even cared. A man beating his slave was obviously a normal happening here.

  Once again he was turning her upright to scold her. He was about to give her a good talking to when a man approached them. He said something that she couldn't understand.

  “We need to see the doctor. I'm warning you.” He took off walking, following the man.

  Amber whimpered as they walked. She rubbed her backside and wished that she could finally wake up. They arrived in a medical area. There were many bathtubs around the room.

  The other man, who had also been on the ship with them, was also there. He was lying naked in one of the bathtubs while a doctor looked over him.

  Amber looked away. She was still upset about what had happened in the throne room and just outside of it.

  The Red Barbarian was removing his clothes. She knew that he wasn't shy about his body, but still seeing him undressing in front of her, wasn't a cherishe
d moment.

  Amber turned away and closed her eyes. She didn't want to se him or anyone else. She wanted to be like Dorthy. If only she could click her ruby red shoes together and go home, waking up in her own bed to hear that this had all been a dream.

  “Amber, look at me.”

  She shook her head. She had already seen him naked and didn't care to do so again.


  She jumped, turning to look at him. She was afraid that he would hit her again if she didn't obey him. He was already in the bathtub, sitting up.

  “I need you to stay close to me. You didn't make many friends just now. This Queen is especially popular. Her people love her.”

  “Why?” Amber asked. The queen was human, just like she was. Would anyone ever love her?

  “Because it is so obvious that she loves the king. She has given him many children and much happiness. People love babies, especially princes and princesses. There will come a moment when you don't understand me. Don't be afraid. It will pass. Just stay by me.”

  The doctor came over to him and asked him a few questions.

  Again the word Rokai fell. Amber was guessing that it was his name. Rokai told him that his throat was bothering him. The doctor reached into his mouth with a tweezers and yanked out a devise.

  Amber's hand flew to her mouth. She felt that she might be sick. Rokai was making funny noises. It was clear that the removal had hurt him.

  She watched him lay down in the water while the doctor moved a laser along his body, starting at the tips of his toes and moving slowly to his head. When the doctor was finished Rokai jumped out of the water and stood in front of Amber.

  Amber watched the water being sucked down away from his body and being absorbed into the floor. Her eyes followed the path that the water took. She looked away as it flowed over his penis.

  When Rokai was completely dry he reached out and grabbed hold of her blouse. He ripped away her clothes, ruining them.

  Amber tried to hold the garment in place, but his hands had already moved down to her skirt. He ripped that away, too, leaving her in her underwear, socks and shoes.

  Rokai grabbed onto her bra next, easily pushing her hands out of the way. He yanked on her bra, but it pulled back to her body. He yanked a couple more times but her hands cupped her breasts also keeping it in place.


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