Book Read Free

Lucky Streak

Page 4

by Romy Lockhart

  We make the rest of the journey in peaceful silence, Finn turning the radio on low.

  Sirius asked me in the hospital where we were going. I told him we were going home. I don’t think he realizes it yet, but I meant our home. Not just mine. I smile as I sit back in my seat, content for the first time in a long time. Eight more months and everything will be exactly as it should be.

  The next eight months fly by. Sirius is virtually a different person around me, though he’s still pretty guarded and we’ve begun the slowest-burning romance I’ve ever been a part of. I’m content with the way things have turned out. Nero eventually picked a new human form. One of a man I’d never seen before and one I’m unlikely to ever cross paths with considering he was only here on a trip. His new dark skin and eyes feel better suited to Nero’s personality so I like his new look a lot.

  Finn has pretty much moved in to the hotel with his daughter. She’s adorable, and she can’t wait for her little sisters to arrive. She’s insistent that I’m having girls.

  Dean and Damon are happy to have a helping hand with security measures from Nero and Sirius, though Dean makes it clear his trust only stretches so far. Damon finds his overly protective behavior amusing. He’s taken to teasing Sirius with filthy comments that make my new man blush. When Nero starts to chime in I whisk Sirius away from it. He’s a little more sensitive than the rest considering he’s still learning what it is to be human, and I’m more than a little protective of him myself.

  “Will Sirius be joining us?” Nero asks, as he helps me onto the bed.

  I’m feeling as big as a house right now, and it’s hard to get properly comfortable, but my men are used to doing whatever it takes to accommodate me these days. I lie down and lean against Nero as he strokes my thigh, causing my skirt to ride up.

  “No, he’s on security duty today and you know it,” I tell him, shooting him a warning glance.

  Finn appears at my other side and places a hand on my belly, just in time to feel a kick.

  “I tink we’ve got a soccer player in there,” he tells me. “Maybe two.”

  Nero snorts. “No child of mine is playing soccer.”

  “I’m so ready for these babies to be outside of me now,” I tell them, blowing out a breath.

  “Won’t be long,” Finn assures me.

  Won’t be long until I’m having a witch cast a spell to bind the powers of our demon child either. Nero doesn’t like it, but we don’t have any choice. Human children don’t upset the balance of the universe.

  “Do you want us to relax you?” Nero suggests, clearly already thinking with the brain in his pants.

  Well, I have heard that sex can help induce labor, but on the other hand… I smile at him. “I don’t think getting a demon penis locked inside me while I go into labor seems like the best idea, Nero.”

  Considering it takes a few lengthy sessions to get his swelling down enough to stop fucking, we haven’t been sleeping together much recently. He’s probably getting as desperate as I am for the pregnancy part to be over.

  “I could just watch,” Nero suggests, the outline of his erection in his pants completely blatant.

  “Don’t be a pervert,” Finn says, shaking his head. “The woman needs to relax, not to put on a show fer a big ejit.”

  “Actually, I need to go to the bathroom,” I tell them both, as Finn moves to help me up and off the bed. I’m not sure of my actual due date, but I know I’m over it. I don’t walk anymore, I waddle. And I’ve been staying in the suite because I’m pretty sure if I try to put on a pair of heels they’ll burst. My feet are so swollen it’s ridiculous. But the worst by far is how the babies have been using my bladder as a trampoline all day long.

  I go to the bathroom, and sigh as I wash my hands, knowing I’ll need to go again about five minutes after I sit back down. I start to waddle to the door, and my water breaks. I gasp loudly and the sound of two men falling over themselves to get to the door is followed by them both calling my name.

  “Maeve, are ye okay?”

  “Maeve! Open the door.”

  I unlock the door and open it, before I grab a towel to clean myself up. “This is not a drill. We’re having these babies now.”

  We never made it to a hospital. The girls were born in the bathroom of my suite at the casino, both of them arriving with fine blonde hair and bright green eyes. Dean called his witch friend and she helped bring them into the world. Apparently she has midwifery experience alongside untold years of experience with spells. I’m not going to complain. The potion she made me drink to take the pain away was still working hours later when I was set up in bed with my perfect little girls.

  “Do you have names?” Anna asks as she sets up for the spell that will bind the magical abilities of one of my babies. I don’t know how she’s going to be able to tell which one. To me they could be identical twins.

  Then it dawns on me. Of course. My demon child copied my human child’s form. They’re going to look like twins, even if that’s not strictly the truth, for their entire lives.

  “I haven’t thought of names,” I tell Anna, feeling oddly defensive over that fact. I’ve had a lot of other things on my mind. I can’t believe I didn’t figure this part out. It’s surreal that they’re finally here.

  “Fine. Demon baby here please,” she says, motioning to a blanket placed at the foot of the bed.

  I hesitate. “What does the spell entail?”

  “She’ll be fine,” Sirius tells me, his voice calming.

  “Is just incantation,” Anna tells me. “No blood, no fluids.”

  I’m not sure if I’m entirely put at ease by her words. Nero nods at me and I put the baby down, realizing the demon is the one currently in my arms since she’s the one Anna asks for. Nero’s holding the human child then. Finn’s baby. I feel bad that I can’t tell them apart. I have no other worldly sense for it. Once the spell is cast there won’t be anything to sense. I try to make myself feel better knowing this is true.

  I’ll get to know them quickly. They will have differences. I’ll figure them out.

  Anna casts the spell. It’s over in a flash and Sirius smiles once it’s done.

  I pick my baby back up and lay down with her in my arms. Everything we’ve gone through has been worth it to get to this point. Nero passes the human baby to Finn and we lie there together, until I tell them to make room for my vampires and Sirius.

  “We’re a family now,” I tell them, seeing Sirius look down as if he doesn’t think he’s a part of this. I reach out to touch his hand before I meet his gaze. “All of us.”

  The blonde hair turned out to be some strange fluke. Over a handful of months, the girls grew dark red curls like their big sister. Caitlyn was ecstatic. She immediately named the twins Ariel and Astrid and the names stuck. Considering I didn’t have a clue what to name them, beyond just thinking of them as the most wonderful creatures I’d ever laid eyes on, it seemed fitting to let their sweet older sister give them their names.

  “Any signs of magic so far?” Sirius asks me as we walk with the pram along the hotel corridor.

  It’s been a late night and he was outside the door when I came out to get them walked to sleep.

  I shake my head. “The spell seems to have worked.”

  He seems relieved. “All your worries are gone then. You made it.”

  “Made it?” I ask, as he nods.

  “You mated with a djinn outside of your class and you’re making everything work. It’s incredible. You realize you’re the first to ever do this?”

  “I’m also probably the first to wind up with her mate enslaved to her for eternity,” I tell him.

  “He would die for you. You would never treat him like a slave.”

  It’s true, but I still wish things could be a little less weird. Though not enough to say that out loud, ever. I make small wishes every day. Enough to keep Nero’s energy busy. I can’t mess around with the kinds of wishes that lead humans to their demise. It’s a
tricky situation.

  “So what about you Sirius?” I ask, feeling that much of who he is still remains a mystery to me. He’s so closed down. Getting him to open up hasn’t been easy.

  “What about me?”

  “How do you feel I’m treating you?”

  He seems surprised by the question, but it’s time it came out.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he murmurs, though his gaze drifts over my body.

  I’m back to slim, blonde and tanned now that the babies are here. There are still some perks to the whole being djinn package. This is my chosen form. I’ll always look this young and vibrant. He seems to appreciate it, but he’s been coy so far any time we’ve been alone together.

  “I know you understand love now, Sirius. You feel it for me, and I feel it for you. I don’t understand what’s holding you back.”

  “I just…” he trails off as we walk.

  I stop at the end of the hall. The babies are sleeping now.

  “I feel how attracted you are when we kiss, but we never move past that.”

  He nods, running a hand through his hair. “I want to. I just…”

  I wait, patiently, like I have been for months. He loves me, he’s attracted to me. He’s been broken and lost, and I understand how hard that is, but I don’t know what’s still holding him back.

  “Once I let go of everything I knew, that’s when this is real,” he tells me. “It’s still like some fantasy version of heaven to me, Maeve. This is the polar opposite of the life I had in hell. I’ve struggled to accept it.”

  “But it’s not because you don’t want it,” I say, seeing the confirmation in his eyes the moment I say it. He wants it so badly, he’s afraid to take it. He doesn’t completely believe he deserves a good life.

  “I want it,” he whispers, his gaze heavy.

  I push the pram, heading back to my room, where Nero is sleeping right now. He can look after the girls while I spend some time with Sirius. I’m afraid if I tell him to wait any longer the confession he just made might get buried. He finally opened up to me. I can’t lose this opportunity.

  “I’m sorry,” he tells me as we get back to walking.

  “Don’t be sorry,” I tell him. “Meet me in your room in ten minutes.”

  The shock in his gaze makes me smile.

  “My room?”

  “I don’t care how tidy it is,” I tell him, knowing the kind of mess men tend to make when there isn’t a woman around to keep the place presentable for. Considering our dates have been chaste and more about talking than anything else, I doubt he’s bothered to keep his suite overly neat.

  “I… Uh… See you in ten.” He leaves and I head into my suite.

  The lights are low, and Nero’s waiting for me by the bedroom door, naked and in demon form. The lust in his gaze almost pulls me in. Then I remember.

  “I need you to look after the babies for a while,” I tell him. “Don’t worry they’ll probably sleep now. If they don’t you can always take them for another walk.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me. “You’re serious?”

  I move forward to kiss him quickly. “Sorry, I made other plans.”

  “Well, you can tell me about it when you get back,” he bargains with me, keeping hold of my hands.

  “We’ll see,” I say, sure Sirius would be less than comfortable if he knew.

  He’s not a kiss and tell kind of guy. He’s barely even a kiss kind of guy.

  Tonight, that changes.

  His suite is directly under mine, and I make my way there to find Damon in the elevator.

  “Saw you on the cameras,” he tells me. “Thought you might like company.”

  I smile, shaking my head. “I’m going to Sirius’ room.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Tonight’s the night, is it?”

  “Maybe,” I say, enjoying the rough eyeballing he gives me in return.

  “In that dress, there’s no maybe involved.”

  I hope he’s right. I need this tonight. Everything’s been so incredible, but without Sirius all in like the rest of us, the balance is off. Once he lets go of his past fully, I’ll feel so much better.

  “Can I at least kiss you goodnight?” Damon asks, as the doors open on the right floor.

  He doesn’t wait for an answer, spinning me into his arms and kissing me like he means it. My body flushes at his cool caress, and I can barely think straight when he lets me go and escorts me out of the elevator.

  “Goodnight, Maeve,” he murmurs, winking at me as he steps back inside the elevator.

  The doors close, and I remember what I came down here for. I smooth out the skirt of my dress. I look good, and now I’m horny. I suppose at least I have other options tonight if Sirius isn’t in the mood. I head to his door and raise my hand to knock.

  He opens it before I get the chance, pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately, his hands moving to push my hair aside and unzip my dress. The door isn’t even closed behind us. I can barely believe the change in him. It’s like someone flipped a switch.

  I break the kiss, gasping. “Are you okay?”

  He smiles, that same shy smile he always gives me, before he kisses me again and moves slightly to knock the door closed behind us. I wriggle out of my dress when it starts to fall down my body. I’m naked underneath, and I only keep my heels on because he’s so tall.

  His hands grip my ass and press me into him. I feel how much he’s enjoying this before he breaks the kiss to lift me bride style and carry me into his bedroom.

  The bed is soft, and he presses my body into the mattress as he lays down on top of me, kissing me a little more while his breathing speeds up slightly.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” he tells me, his gaze on my now swollen, wet lips.

  “If it’s anywhere near as long as I have, we’re going to need to stay in this bed for a week.”

  His lips twitch, before he sits up, removing his shirt. His body is scarred from what his punishers did to him in hell. It looks painful. I wish I’d been able to hurt them for what they did.

  “I know my kisses haven’t been as satisfying as they should have been,” he tells me, removing the rest of his clothes.

  “I like the way you kiss,” I protest.

  He smiles. “You’ll like this way better.”

  He parts my thighs as he moves his head between my legs. I’m already wet from anticipation when he starts to lick me slowly, deliberately. His satisfied moans as he explores me with his mouth are enough to make my back arch. I love the way he kisses me, tasting my cunt’s slick opening with long flicks of his tongue and alternating those licks with sucking gently at my clit.

  I expected some fumbling, but he’s not as inexperienced as he claimed. There’s no way a virgin can make a woman’s toes curl this easily.

  I cry out as I come under his touch, stroking my hands through his light blond hair.

  He licks at his lips when he rises, his eyes dark. His pale irises barely exist now, and he looks at me with the hunger of a half-starved vampire.

  “You taste so good, Maeve.”

  “Where the hell did you learn that?” I manage to gasp out.

  He smiles. “I told you I watched you with your lovers. I’ve been watching things on the TV in here too. Learning.”

  “Learning?” I ask, wondering how the porn selection could have changed so much to teach him how to make a woman actually come in the time he’s been here. He must be a natural. That’s all there is to it.

  “How to make you desperate for my touch.”

  “I kind of already was, Sirius,” I tell him as he moves over me once more, this time letting me feel the hot length of his shaft against my thigh. “You held out on me long enough.”

  “That made you want me more?” he asks, sounding a little confused. “I thought you were getting irritable with me. Finding me infuriating.”

  “That too,” I agree, confusing him even more. “Just stop talking a
nd show me the things you’ve been learning.”

  He smiles and sits back up, giving me full view of his naked body. His cock is long and slightly curved. I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing it before, never mind in its full erect glory. I bite down on my lower lip as he begins to touch me with his hands. He works slowly, his full attention on what he’s doing between my legs.

  He starts off rubbing my clit with a thumb while he penetrates my opening with his fingers, curling them under in an attempt to find my g-spot. It feels good, but I should probably be honest with him. Fingers are never long enough to hit that spot. It takes a cock to make me come that way. Considering he’s also slowly stroking my clit, it doesn’t matter. So I just relax into what he’s doing, enjoying the feeling as he takes his time pleasuring me.

  “Oh, Sirius,” I breathe out as the first sparks of a climax push through my body. I arch my back and moan as his fingers make me come for the second time.

  He watches me, his free hand dropping to pump his shaft slowly. The tip of his cock looks wet and seeing him stroke himself makes me desperate to touch him.

  “Do we need protection?” he asks me, his breath coming a little fast

  I shake my head. “It would take another potion to get me pregnant and considering I’m immune to human disease and you’re, well, for all intents and purposes a virgin…”

  He moves on top of me and captures my mouth with his, putting it to better use than talking. I feel the slick tip of his cock as he brushes it against my slit. His desire is potent right now, like a living breathing entity in the room with us. He breaks the kiss as he enters me, his face flushed and his body tensed.

  “I love the sweet taste of your cunt,” he tells me, as he starts to move achingly slowly. “But it doesn’t compare to being inside you. Nothing has ever felt this right.”

  I wrap my legs around him, trying to take him deeper. He groans at the increased pressure.


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