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Alluring Turmoil

Page 8

by Skye Turner

  Ten minutes later, Jude comes back out, hands me a bag that smells like grease and fries, and hops back on. He settles back against me, pulling my arms around him with the bag between us, and off we go back into the twilight.

  We ride for a bit more, before he slows down. I’ve been drifting in my mind, so I haven’t really been paying attention, but I realize that the area is familiar. Jude passes a track that leads back to a place I remember. I remember very well. My mind starts racing with questions as he turns into a gated driveway a bit farther down.

  Where are we? What is this?

  He stops at the gate and punches in a code, and then pulls into the property as the gate opens. The driveway winds a bit and then he stops in front of a gorgeous ‘plantation style’ home.

  There’s a wraparound porch on the ground level and huge, towering columns that go from the ground to the top of the two story house. The top floor has two matching French style balconies made of wrought iron, coming off of matching French doors to the left and right of the front door. Oak trees and Crepe Myrtle trees of pink, fuchsia, and purple surround the house. They’re casting lovely shadows from the old fashioned lantern style lights placed around the perimeter of the front of the property.

  You can tell the house is new, but it perfectly captures the look of Old Louisiana.

  I’m staring wide eyed, taking everything in. This house is beautiful. Completely gorgeous. It’s a dream house, but what are we doing here?

  Jude has been watching me take in the house. “Do you like it?”

  I turn my eyes from the house and look at him. “I love it. It’s breathtaking. But what is this? Why are we here? Who lives here?” Confusion is written all over my face.

  He smiles and shrugs before replying, “Well, no one lives here, yet. But this is my house. I bought it. I’ll live here.”

  I gasp and take in the house again, before whispering in disbelief, “You bought this house? You’re going to live here? So it is true.”

  My knees threaten to give out with all he’s saying, so I grab onto the bike seat to prevent myself from falling on my ass in front of this gorgeous house.

  Jude’s gorgeous house.

  “Well yes. I didn’t plan to buy something quite like this. But once I saw it today, I knew I had to have it. I wrote the check earlier. Lexi, are you ok? What’s true?” He’s rambling.

  He bought a house. Here, in Baton Rouge. He IS staying. This is great. This is terrible. This is scary and confusing. What does this mean? Why did he buy a house this big? Is he going to live here alone? Geez Lexi, stop… just stop already. Stop overanalyzing everything. Yes, I need to stop. Ok, I’m ok. Deep breaths and oh wait, he said something, didn’t he. I need to answer him. What was the question?

  I run through his rambling and attempt to formulate an answer.

  Jude is staring at me like he thinks I’m going to freak out at any minute. “Lex? Are you ok, Lex? Shit, this is not ok. I shouldn’t have showed you this. Not so soon. I’m sorry…”

  I cut him off with a lift of my hand. “No, don’t apologize. It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m the one who’s sorry. I was just caught off guard that you bought a house. That you bought this house. But I’d already heard you were house hunting. I’m just surprised you actually bought one I guess. And this… this is quite a house.”

  “Why wouldn’t I buy a house here, Lex? This is home. Yes this is quite a house, but it just spoke to me, so well… I bought it. Is this ok? I mean I bought a house, so obviously I’m going to be around a good bit, Lex. Is that ok?” His beautiful hazel eyes are glistening, I can see the emotion in them as he waits for my response. My opinion really does matter to him.

  Walking over to him, I take his hands and kiss his mouth. “Its fine, Jude. No, it’s good. Welcome home.”

  His face lights up and he wraps his fingers around mine, swoops down to grab the food that has been sitting in the dirt, where I dropped it, and pulls me to the front door with a look of absolute glee on his face.

  “Wait until you see the inside… and the backyard. Oh, and did I mention I also now own the two acres on each side?” He winks.

  Wait, two acres. On each side. That means… he owns the trail we just passed. He now owns our spot.


  She had a mini freak out, but it was ok. She’s good. And now she knows I’m staying. Is this too fast? No, I mean I didn’t ask her to move in with me. Neither of us is ready for that. But she loves the house. This is the kind of house we always said we’d have. Does she know I bought this house with the intention of her eventually living here with me? Shit, slow down. I have to slow down and chill out. I have to drop it down a few notches. What if she leaves me again? Now I have a house. Well I have a lot of houses, but I have a house HERE. I have a house near Lexi. What am I doing? Until yesterday I hated her and I thought she hated me too. Well, I didn’t hate her. I could never hate her, but I hated what she did. I still hate what she did. WHAT AM I DOING? Dear God, if you’re listening, can you please help me out? I need to get a grip. Everything will be fine. Yeah, everything will be fine.

  Lexi is looking around at the high ceilings and crown molding, taking it all in. Her eyes light up as she sees the crystal chandelier hanging in the living room. “Oh, Jude! Everything is so beautiful. It’s so perfect. Like something out of a movie.”

  I like watching her enjoy my house. But my inner dialogue is distracting and I’m hungry. “Let’s go out back. There’s a gazebo and I’m starving.”

  My stomach lets out a loud rumble as if in agreement. She laughs. “Oh forgive me. Let’s go feed the beast! Take me to the gazebo.”

  Grabbing two waters I’d put in the fridge earlier in the day, we head into the back yard.

  I laugh with her. This is so familiar. So comfortable. So… like home.

  We settle on the benches in the gazebo and Lexi opens the bag to see what I’ve gotten us for dinner. She pulls out two cheeseburgers and two fries. Handing me one of each and keeping one for herself. Her legs are tucked under her and her hair is a tangled mess of sexy red waves.

  She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  As hungry as I am, I can’t will my hands to pick up the burger. My brain is too focused on Lexi. I’m captivated. I watch as she takes a bite of her burger and my eyes follow her lips and tongue as she chews and licks a small crumb that’s stuck to the left side of her mouth.

  Shifting uncomfortably, she blurts out, “What? Why are you staring at me like that? Is there food on my face?”

  “Sorry, I just can’t help it.” I grin as she looks up. “What? I’m a man and you’re a gorgeous woman. Simply delectable. And I know for a fact, you are not wearing panties.”

  Her face turns bright crimson and she sputters out, “Well, whose fault is that? I was wearing panties until some brute decided to rip through them. In my kitchen.”

  I can’t control the laugh that comes out of my mouth. It’s deep and real. “Some brute, huh? Well, maybe you shouldn’t have looked at him and sent out vibes like you wanted to jump his bones in your kitchen.”

  “I did no such thing.” She giggles. “Ok, well maybe I did.” Then she starts laughing and once she starts she can’t stop.

  “Excuse me? What exactly is so funny, Miss Sloane?” I’m trying to control my smirk and feign indignation.

  She’s doubled over with mirth and trying to wipe the tears from her face. “Erik! Oh God. His face when he walked in and saw us! He looked like a fish out of water. Oh my God.”

  I can’t help it, I start to laugh too. Laughing with Lexi is almost like an out of body experience. It’s so freeing. “Yeah, that was funny. My ass all exposed. But he sure recovered fast. I thought he was going to kill me!”

  “I thought he was going to kill you too.” She’s almost cackling she’s laughing so hard by this point. “What color would you say his face was? Magenta? Cabernet? Merlot?”

  “How the hell do I know, wino? I wasn’t looking at his face. I
was trying to watch his hands and see if I had enough time to duck and run if he swung at me. Not to mention I was blocking his view of your perfect tits. But what about you? That human tree was about to break little old me and what did you do? Nothing. Thanks for protecting my virtue. What are you any good for?”

  “Human tree?!? What virtue? Rock stars have no virtue. You. Ripped. Through. My. Panties. You animal!” Her breathing is starting to change. “Speaking of which, where’s my present? You owe me a present!”

  My eyes crinkle with merriment at our ridiculous banter and I don’t care that I have a goofy ass smile on my face.

  “I didn’t forget. Wait here.”

  I walk out of the gazebo and leave her staring after me with a content smile on her face. Once I reach the inside of the house, I run out to my bike and lift her present from under my seat.

  I chuckle as I head back through the house with the small box in my hands. Schooling my features, I walk back out to Lexi and drop the box into her waiting lap, before sitting across from her on the bench.

  “There! Your present, my lady.”


  Jude drops the box into my lap and walks away. He sits a little across the way from me and just watches me.

  I just look at the box. I was joking; I didn’t expect him to really get me a present. Did he really buy me panties?

  He chuckles. “Are you going to open it or just stare at it? I swear nothing will jump out at you.”

  “I don’t know. I’m nervous. You really didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Come on, Lex, just open the box already,” he says with a hint of exasperation in his tone.

  It riles me up, so I pull off the top.

  Whatever’s in the box is nestled between black tissue paper. I carefully fold it back. I gasp as I see what’s in the box. As I lift the gift out, I start to laugh. I laugh so hard I have to hold my stomach and more tears stream from my eyes. I hold up my present towards him and see the revelry in Jude’s eyes.

  This asshole has given me a black lace thong with Bayou Stix embroidered on the crotch. I shoot him an irate look from under my lashes.

  Jude leans back, lacing his fingers behind his head, and stretches his long legs out, crossing them at the ankles while his eyes twinkle at me. “What, you don’t like them? They’re one of our best sellers.”

  Hmm. Ok then. So this is how we’re going to play it. Well, watch out Jude Delecroix. Game. On.

  “No, I love them. Should I try them on? I guess I need to make sure they fit.” I say, as I stand up, drop the panties to the bench, stretch, and reach for the zipper at the back of my skirt.

  Jude’s eyes go wide. I’ve taken him by surprise and I have the upper hand.

  His pupils dilate as he focuses on the movement of my hands as I delicately slide my now unfastened skirt down my hips and thighs, doing a little impromptu strip tease. Once it gets to my knees, I just let it fall. I stand there with only my shirt and bra on, then casually stretch again, letting him take in the view.

  Turning my back to him and bending down from the waist to pick up the panties, I keep my ass in the air and my legs straight, mere inches from his face. I hear his breathing hitch.

  Oh that’s right. You like that, do you? Let’s see just how much you can take…

  Taking my sweet time, I open my legs a little; giving him a nice view of my ass and the now glistening folds between my legs. I decide to tease him a little more and sway my hips very slowly from side to side. Left… right… left… right.

  I hear his groan, as I straighten back up. The panties are in my hand, so bending down I start to place my right leg into the leg opening.

  His hand on my back stops my movement, as his other hand grabs the thong from my hand, throwing it onto the floor. He pushes me forward with his hand above my waist and I lose my balance. I grab the bench to keep from falling. His hands are now locked on my thighs, holding me in place, and I can feel his warm breath on my sex.

  He spreads my legs open wider.

  “Oh, no. You don’t get to play games. I am the game master and I’m making new rules.” Suddenly he slaps my ass. I gasp, but more moisture flows to my pussy. He’s rubbing soothing circles on the cheek he just slapped. He slaps the other cheek, causing me to groan and tense. “Be still.”

  Grabbing the bench until my knuckles are white, I try to do as he says. He’s now regained all of the control and I am more than happy to give it to him.

  He blows on my sex as his hands grip my thighs from behind me. I can’t see anything but the bench cushion in front of me and I cannot move. I’m completely at his mercy.

  He inhales deeply, taking my essence into his nose, and groans. “God you smell good, Lex. So damn good. Now let’s see how you taste.”

  His tongue takes a deep, long lick. His hands move to my inner thighs and he pulls them open as wide as he can with me in this position.

  “HOLD ON!” He demands.

  He dives back in as I clutch the bench. He’s relentless. His tongue is licking me deep from the back, stimulating areas that have never been stimulated before. He’s alternating from fucking me with his tongue to long slow licks from my clit to my back entrance.

  He licks my asshole and I tense up. I’ve never experienced it before and it takes me by surprise. But he does it again, and I stop tensing.

  Oh, God! I like it?

  He’s rough. I’m bucking against his face and screaming as he tongue fucks my pussy, and I feel a slight pressure at my puckered hole.

  Oh God, what is he doing? No. No. No. Oh my God, YES!!!

  He inserts a finger into my asshole. Not deep, just the tip, but fuck it feels so good. He continues to tongue fuck me brutally. He doesn’t move his finger. He just leaves it there so I feel the pressure.

  I’m getting lightheaded from my head hanging upside down, but it’s only intensifying my pleasure. He’s groaning as he eats me and the vibrations run across my clit. He starts to move his finger, small thrusts into my ass as my pussy is being pounded by his tongue and my clit is vibrating from his moans.

  That’s it. I scream as I cum. “Fuck Jude. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. You’re amazing. Ahhhhhhh.” I’ve never had an orgasm that intense in my life. My legs are like Jello and unable to hold me up any longer. Jude’s arm around my waist is the only thing that keeps me from falling flat on my face.

  Turning me around, he lays me across the bench and sprawls out near me. As I lift my heavy eyelids, he gives me a self-satisfied smile and wipes all of my pussy juice off of his face with the bottom of his shirt. His scruff is almost glowing.

  He’s lying on the bench with me and since it’s not very wide, my head is near his lap. I glance over at the tent he’s sporting in his pants. “I guess you liked that too. And I take it back, you are a Sex God.”

  I stretch like a cat.

  “Ha! I never said I was a ‘Sex God’. I said I was a sexy rock God. But you can call me a ‘Sex God’ if you insist!”

  “Your ego is astounding. Do you have a permit for that thing?” I tease as I pull my way over to his lap. My hand travels up his thigh and across his hips, settling right near his very visible, rock solid member. I pop the snap of his jeans and the mushroom tip of his cock is there, standing at attention. Waiting for me. I push my hand inside his briefs and grab his dick, squeezing it.

  “Uh huh. Oh, Lex. Shit, Lex. Harder.” Jude throws his head back, moaning as I squeeze and release his cock in a concentrated rhythm. I remove my hand for a moment and he utters a protest. Once I spit into my palm, I return to his cock. One hand is working his cock as I try to get his briefs and jeans down with the other.

  “You know this would work out better if you laid back and lifted your hips to help me out.” I whisper as I lean in to lick the pearl off of the top.

  “Ohhhh. God Lex, take me in your mouth. Suck it. Suck my cock.”

  His jeans and briefs are pushed down and off. He’s looking at me with hooded eyes, and I lock eyes with him
as I part my lips and slowly take him into my mouth. I’ve forgotten how big he is.

  I’ve got most of him in my mouth, but I desperately want to get all of him, so relaxing my throat and laying my tongue flat, I slide farther down his member. I hold his gaze with my own as his cock disappears into my mouth.

  He groans but tries to remain still, like he knows what I’m attempting to do. Finally, I get all of him and I feel balls and prickly hair tickling my chin. I slide it out and start a slow rhythm.

  Up and down, my nails find the base of his balls and I start to gently massage them as I take him as deeply as I can. He’s moaning and writhing, but trying his best to stay still.

  Finally, he can’t remain still and he grabs my hair and starts thrusting into my mouth.

  I can’t take all of him this way, so I wrap my hands around the base of his cock and rotate my hand in circles up and down to mirror the thrust of his dick in my mouth.

  I lick and suck as I stroke him with my hands. His stomach muscles are clenching and his hands tighten in my hair.

  I want him to cum for me. In my mouth. I want to taste him and swallow every drop.

  I pick up the pace and bob my head as quickly as I can while I speed up the pumping of his shaft. I feel his cock swell in my mouth and know he’s about to blow.

  My other hand reaches around and I find the base of his balls. I scrape my nails against the skin as my other hand works his shaft and my mouth is devouring him. He’s hitting my throat with every downward thrust.

  He tries to pull my head up gently by my hair, but I don’t allow him to. I keep up the rhythm.

  “Lex. God, baby. I’m going to cum! If you don’t want me to cum in your mouth, you have to stop now!”

  I don’t stop. Instead I bob my head a bit faster. I’m gagging, but I’m not stopping. And then I feel it. His body tenses and warm, salty liquid shoots into my mouth. So much that even as I’m swallowing, some leaks out of the sides of my mouth.

  “F….U…C… K! Sweet mother of God, Lex! Oh my God!”

  I keep licking him until his cock is soft again and I’ve swallowed all of his fluids.


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